Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey | Starring Katie Douglas | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[boat horn] LISA: Alrighty, you have a nice day, now. Hi, what can I get you today, sir? MAN: Hi, um... Chocolate glazed, please. LISA: Alright, coming right up. Is that, um-- is that for here, or is that to go? MAN: Ooh, I'm gonna have that one right now! LISA: Donuts, huh? Best thing in the world. MAN: Pretty rough on the old middle, though. LISA: Oh, haven't you heard? These are... diet donuts. MAN: Diet donuts, huh? LISA: That's right, so next time you're gonna wanna order twice as many. MAN: Good plan. Twice as many. LISA: You have a nice day, now. ED: Hey, Lisa. LISA: Mm-hm? ED: Would you mind working a double tomorrow night? LISA: Yeah, sure thing, Ed. ED: Perfect. LISA: Goodnight, Ed. [squeaking door] [bike lock clicking] [siren in distance] [door shuts] [phone ringing] WOMAN: Hello? Lisa? Lisa? LISA: Yes, Grandma? DIANE: Your sister's on the phone. LISA: Hey, Lorrie. LORRIE: Hey, sis. Whatcha doin'? LISA: Just getting ready for work. LORRIE: On a Saturday? That sucks. LISA: Ah, I like my job. LORRIE: You're weird. LISA: Takes one to know one. LORRIE: I miss you. LISA: I miss you, too. LORRIE: I wanna come visit. LISA: Lorrie, you know that you can't do that. LORRIE: You should come up to Allentown. LISA: I wish I could. LORRIE: I mean, for good. LISA: Really? Okay, well, what did Mom say? Did Mom say anything about it? LORRIE: Hey, Mom! C'mere! BETTY: What? LORRIE: Lisa's on the phone. We both think she should move up here with us. BETTY: Is that so? LISA: Hi, Mom, I was-- I was just talking to-- BETTY: Now, now. The whole reason why you moved in with Grandma was to help her. She's countin' on ya. You don't want to let her down now, do you? LISA: No, but... Mom, I-- BETTY: You be good now. LORRIE: I'll work on her. LISA: It's okay. LORRIE: Don't give up, okay? [slams phone onto receiver] MORRIS: What time's your shift over? LISA: Two. MORRIS: It's payday, right? LISA: Yes. MORRIS: Yes, what? LISA: Yes, sir. MORRIS: You better bring your paycheck right home tonight, ya hear? LISA: Yep. MORRIS: Good girl. LISA: Alrighty. And thank you, Pastor Jim. You have a good night. IMPATIENT MAN: Finally! LISA: I'm sorry, sir. MAN: You should have more people working! LISA: Yeah, I know. We're under-staffed, but that's no excuse. So please tell me what you'd like, and I'll serve you up right quick. MAN: It's too late for that. I've been waiting forever! LISA: No, you're right, sir. No one should ever have to wait that long for a donut. It's downright un-American. MAN: Alright, could I get a, um, apple fritter, please, and a tuna salad? LISA: You got it! ED: Hey, Lis! You don't wanna forget this. LISA: Oh, thanks. Hey, um... thanks for taking a chance on me, moving me up to the front counter. ED: You kidding? Customers love ya. Even the cranky ones. LISA: Means a lot that you believed in me. ED: Sure. I'll see you on Monday! MORRIS [in dream]: Good girl... [car horn] [bicycle wheels turning] [car engine] [engine accelerates] LISA: [screaming] What are you doing?! What are you doing?! BOBBY JOE: Don't make a sound! LISA: Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything, but please don't hurt me! BOBBY JOE: Shut up! LISA: Okay... BOBBY JOE: Face the window! LISA: [screams] Close your eyes and keep them closed. Alright? You look at me and you're dead. Now show me a good time or I'll kill you. LISA: [whimpering] [crying] LISA: [coughing] BOBBY JOE: Get dressed. Whoever taught you was real good. You must have a boyfriend. LISA: You said if I-- but you said if I do-- What are you doing? Why are you doing this? BOBBY JOE: Shut up! I'm not done with you. BOBBY JOE: I'm taking you somewhere more comfortable. Alright? And you're gonna do everything I tell you to do. [car door shuts] BOBBY JOE: Are you trying to cause trouble? Pick up the pace! LISA: Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! [crying] BOBBY JOE: Up, up, come on. BOBBY JOE: Nobody's gonna bother us here. LISA: [whimpering] BOBBY JOE: Take your clothes off. That's right, nice and slow. Let me look at you. [water running] BOBBY JOE: Keep your eyes shut. LISA: Okay. BOBBY JOE: Your skin's so soft. BOBBY JOE: Get down on the ground. Face down! LISA: [crying] Please... Don't hurt me... BOBBY JOE: Bitch! BOBBY JOE: Just so you don't forget. YOUNG LORRIE: Lisa, Lisa! [waves] [laughing] YOUNG LISA: Uncle Jim... Aunt Carol... Aunt Carol? Lorrie? BOBBY JOE: What's your name? LISA: Carol. What's yours? BOBBY JOE: I can't tell you that, babe. How old are you? LISA: I'm 20. BOBBY JOE: That's good. That's real good. 'Cause I'm no pervert, you know? LISA: Why are you doing this? BOBBY JOE: 'Cause you have it all coming. You're all bitches. LISA: [sputtering] LOPEZ: How old is your granddaughter? DIANE: Seventeen. LOPEZ: And what time was she supposed to be home? DIANE: She worked an extra shift until 2, so we thought to see her by 2:30, maybe 3 at the very latest. LOPEZ: Is that 3 am? DIANE: Yes, sir. LOPEZ: Has Lisa ever run away? DIANE: Never. LOPEZ: Any reason she might want to run away now? Problems at school? Trouble at home? DIANE: No. Not at all. But I can't think what's happened. We're worried sick. [knocking] LORRIE: Mom? BETTY: What's the matter? GIBBONS: Good morning, ma'am. I'm Officer Gibbons. Seems your daughter Lisa's been reported missing down in Tampa. BETTY: Well, she hasn't turned up around here. GIBBONS: Have you heard from her? LORRIE: Yes, I-- I talked to her yesterday. She was getting ready for work. GIBBONS: No word from her since then? BETTY: She's fine. She's probably just run off. GIBBONS: If Lisa calls or comes by you'll let us know. BETTY: She has a nice home. She's ungrateful. GIBBONS: We'll keep you posted. LORRIE: Officer? Lisa wouldn't just run off and not tell me. Something's happened to her. LISA: [laughing] DIANE: How do you like your room? LISA: Are you kidding me, Grandma, it's perfect! It's perfect. I love it. DIANE: Aw! Such a pretty girl! It can be hard keeping such a nice home, you know? LISA: I know, Grandma. I'm gonna be a big help to you guys. DIANE: I know you will. Sometimes, there are things you have to do to keep on living in such a nice home. It's all right, honey. You're gonna learn how to treat a man. LISA: I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. BOBBY JOE: Sorry for what? LISA: That women haven't been very nice to you. BOBBY JOE: That's enough, babe. LISA: I can tell you're very handsome. LISA: [gasps] LISA: Um, I'm kind of thirsty, um... [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] ED: Two sugars, and one cream, right? MAN: Yeah. [indistinct chatter] ED: Just like you wanted, my friend. How long are you on the road this time? ED: Afternoon. What can I do for Tampa's finest? LOPEZ: I'd like to ask you a few questions about Lisa McVey. LOPEZ: She worked here last night? ED: Yes. LOPEZ: What time did she leave? ED: It was a little after 2 in the morning. LOPEZ: And do you know if she was headed straight home? ED: I just assumed she was. It was so late. LOPEZ: She never made it. There's no indication of foul play. It's possible she's just run away. ED: Just doesn't seem like her. She's a responsible girl. Hard worker. She's a great employee. LOPEZ: Did anything happen during her shift? Something that might have upset her? ED: Not that I can think of. She was just her regular self, until... LOPEZ: What? ED: At the very end, when she was taking off... she seemed so, um, sad all of a sudden. I told her I'd see her on Monday and she didn't answer. She thanked me for promoting her. I promoted her months ago. Oh, my God. LOPEZ: Do you think Lisa might have harmed herself? TV REPORTER: This just in, a special report. Last night in the suburban Tampa neighbourhood, a teenager... BOBBY JOE: I made you a sandwich. Eat it. Take it. Take it, and eat it, huh? TV REPORTER 2: I'm in the neighbourhood where police are investigating a disappearance. The teen was reported missing this morning when she failed to come home from a late night shift at a local donut shop. The teenager's bike was found at a nearby parking lot. Police are so far not releasing any more details, but... BOBBY JOE: Are they talking about you? Are they talking about you? Are you a teenager? Are you a kid? LISA: No! BOBBY JOE: They better not be talking about you. LISA: I'm 19, but they just got that because my birthday's next week. I'm 20, I'm almost 20. BOBBY JOE: Liar! Do you think I'm stupid? LISA: I don't! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please, please! Oh, please, oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! LORRIE [in dream]: Lisa! Lisa! LORRIE: So you don't forget me. LISA: [crying] LORRIE: Don't give up, okay? LISA: I have to go to the bathroom. I don't want to pee on your bed. LISA: Okay... Well, I can't go with you watching. BOBBY JOE: I'm looking away. LISA: Please could you just wait outside? I'm not, I'm just... I just want some privacy. BOBBY JOE: Be quick. BOBBY JOE: Hurry up in there. LISA: Don't give up. BOBBY JOE: Hurry up! LISA: I know, I'm just peeing. BOBBY JOE: I'm coming in. [lock clicks] BOBBY JOE: Did you lock the door? You locked the door, you little-- Open the door! Open the door! BOBBY JOE: What are you doing in here, huh? You think you're so smart. LISA: No, I'm just washing my hands. BOBBY JOE: Think you're so smart. You stupid little girl. Uh, you want me to kill you right here? I'll kill you right here. LISA: No, don't. I shouldn't have-- BOBBY JOE: That's right. LISA: God, it's hot in here. Jesus. You must be so uncomfortable. Can I get you a glass of water? Do you... BOBBY JOE: Wanna get me a glass of water? Uh, that's what you want? LISA: Can I do that for you? [water splashes] LISA: Is that better? BOBBY JOE: Don't ever do that again, do you hear me? [dialling phone] LISA: [screaming] BOBBY JOE: Sneaky little bitch. LISA: No, please, no! BOBBY JOE: Sneaky little bitch! Are you trying to cause trouble? LISA: No, I wasn't, I wasn't! I promise, I promise. BOBBY JOE: Trying to cause trouble? LISA: No! BETTY [in dream]: Are you<i> trying</i> to make trouble? LISA: I just want to come home! BETTY: Out of the question! LISA: You don't know what Grandma's making me do! BETTY: It could be a lot worse. LISA: How can you just do that? How can you just let her do that to me? BETTY: Do you think you're special? Huh? Be grateful for what you've got! There's no better life waiting for you! LISA: What is wrong with you? I can have a good life! I can, and I will! I'm gonna have a family that actually cares about me. And I'm gonna care about them, too. I swear I'll care about them till the day I die. I'm gonna be a much better mother than you! LISA: Please! I was trying to call my father! I was just trying to call-- BOBBY JOE: Don't lie to me! LISA: I'm not lying to you! I just wanted to let him know that I'm okay and that everything is fine, everything's fine. BOBBY JOE: You think I'm stupid? LISA: I don't think you're stupid, no! BOBBY JOE: Huh? You think I'm stupid? LISA: I don't, I promise you, just-- I'm really worried about him. He's been so sick recently and I'm the one who takes care of him. Listen, I'm everything-- I'm all he's got in this entire world. Please, please, please... You know... You know what, you remind me of him a little bit. You do, you do. A good man... who's under-appreciated. BOBBY JOE: Yeah? LISA: Yeah, yeah. And he's so sweet and he's so kind. And he just loves me so much and he's always taken such good care of me. But then he got sick. And now I have to take care of him. And I bring him medicine every day, and I make him soup. Because I just want him to get better so that we can have a good... life together. [dishes clatter] LISA [in dream]: You're finally here! LORRIE: And Mom says I can stay the weekend! [giggling] MORRIS: [whistling] LISA: I know we didn't meet under the best circumstances. But... I could still be your girlfriend. But you gotta let me go home, okay? So I can take care of my father. Hm? He needs me. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I know that you're a nice person, I can tell. Just let me go home. BOBBY JOE: I like talking to you, babe. LISA: Me too. BOBBY JOE: Can't someone else take care of your father? Don't you have a sister? LISA: No. LISA: [laughing] Okay, stop. Give me that. LORRIE: What are you doing with that? LISA: If he touches you, I will kill him. LORRIE: Lisa! LISA: I will do it. LORRIE: You'll go to jail! LISA: I don't care. He'll be dead. And this'll be over. And you'll be safe. REPORTER: The hunt continues for the killer who has terrorized Tampa for the past 6 months. The latest victim remains unidentified, but police are working overtime, hoping for a break in the case. REPORTER 2: So far police are not releasing any more details, but we will continue to update you on any further-- [radio shuts off] BOBBY JOE: What am I gonna do with you? LISA: We can just start over. We can just start over, I mean-- BOBBY JOE: Shut up and let me think! LISA: You could take me back to my father. So I can take care of him. I don't want to be any trouble. BOBBY JOE: I gotta get rid of you. Put these on. LISA: Okay. LISA: You don't want to do this, you don't have to do this. BOBBY JOE: Shut up! LISA: I'm not gonna tell anyone, I swear, I-- BOBBY JOE: Shut your mouth! LISA: Please don't do this! You don't have to do this. No, no, please, please, please! Please, please, my dad-- my dad's gonna-- BOBBY JOE: Get up! LISA: [incoherent yelling] I'm not gonna tell! BOBBY JOE: Get up! LISA: I swear, I swear! I'm not gonna tell! BOBBY JOE: You want me to kill you right here? You want me to kill you right here? LISA: [crying] BOBBY JOE: Then walk. LISA: [screaming & crying] [struggling] BOBBY JOE: Never should have kept you this long. LISA: [crying] AUNT CAROL [in dream]: Make a wish, make a wish! [singing Happy Birthday] AUNT CAROL: We love it when you come visit. You're such a special girl and so smart. [car door shuts] BOBBY JOE: You think you're so smart, huh? You try that again, and I'll kill you right here, you understand me? You understand me? LISA: Yeah. LISA: [crying] No, no! [groaning] Aah! Please! Please! Please! Please don't kill me! I'll take care of you. I'm your girl! I'm your girl! I'm yours! Please. I don't want to die. [crying] [crying] BOBBY JOE: If you go to the cops, tell them I'm black, short, and muscular. LISA: Okay. BOBBY JOE: You stay here for five minutes. And you don't take your blindfold off before then. LISA: Okay. [car door shuts & engine starts] LISA: [crying in disbelief] [car pulls away] [crying] [crying] [breathing quickly] [car tires screeching] [car horn] [sprinkler] [breathing heavily] [police radio] DIANE: Where the hell have you been? MORRIS: You been out with a boy? LISA: I was kidnapped! MORRIS: Bullshit! LISA: I'm telling the truth! MORRIS: Liar! LISA: It's the truth, it's the truth! DIANE: Morris! Stop! Stop, stop! Stop, stop... MORRIS: Liar! DIANE: Stop, stop, stop. There. Yeah. LISA: [crying] DIANE: Better call the cops and let 'em know you're home. Tell us what happened. LISA: I was kidnapped! DIANE: The truth! LISA: I was raped! DIANE: Sick lies. LISA: I have been through hell... DIANE: How can you even look me in the eye? LISA: Why won't you believe me? [crying] Why won't you believe me?! DIANE: Officer Lopez, please. It's Diane Martin. I'm calling about my granddaughter, Lisa McVey. LOPEZ: Lopez. DIANE: Oh, hi, Officer Lopez. I just wanted you to know that Lisa finally showed up. LOPEZ: Is she okay? DIANE: Oh, she's fine. It was nothing! LOPEZ: Glad to hear she made it home okay. DIANE: She told us some crazy story about being kidnapped. LOPEZ: She was kidnapped? DIANE: Well, she made it up. I don't know what gets into her head. LOPEZ: Well... I'm gonna need to talk to her, then. DIANE: What? LOPEZ: She's a minor, claiming to be the victim of a crime. We have to follow up. It's standard procedure. I'll pick her up, take her back to the station for an interview. DIANE: Well... if that's what you've gotta do, alright, then. Goodbye. DIANE: They're coming over to take you in for questioning. MORRIS: The cops are coming here? DIANE: Don't worry about it. Lisa isn't gonna cause any more trouble. Don't you make a fool of us now. Not a word about our lives here. Understand? LOPEZ: And you say this man raped you? LISA: Repeatedly. Yeah. Uh, the entire time I was there. LOPEZ: That's a vicious and prolonged assault. LISA: It was. LOPEZ: You don't have any bruises or marks on you. LISA: He threatened to kill me, so I... I didn't fight him. I wanted to survive. LOPEZ: Did you ever scream for help? LISA: No, no. I knew that that would-- that would make him pretty mad. [knock on door] WOLF: Oh, didn't mean to interrupt. LOPEZ: No problem. What's up? WOLF: Task force meeting got moved up an hour. LOPEZ: Ah. Okay. I should be able to wrap things up here pretty quick. Uh... [tapping pen] So... you said he untied you at one point. LISA: Yeah. LOPEZ: Why didn't you try to run away? LISA: He threatened to kill me, and I planned on making it out of there alive. I-- I cooperated. Except for one time. He made me a sandwich and was yelling at me to eat it. And I just-- the smell of it-- LOPEZ: He made you lunch? [chuckles] Okay, your grandma says you're making this all up. Is this just some story to get attention? LISA: No. No! I... LOPEZ: Okay. Uh, excuse me a moment. [phone ringing in other room] LISA: What are... RUSSELL: Hi. I am so sorry to keep you waiting. Things are just a little bit crazy around here. Now, I am Detective Russell. This is my partner, Detective Castle. Officer Lopez has brought us up to speed. Okay, so you say your assailant brought to an apartment? Was that a ground floor, or...? LISA: No, that was-- it was a second storey because we went up some steps. RUSSELL: Maybe it was a stoop...? LISA: No, no. We, um... I counted 22 steps before we got to the top of the staircase. RUSSELL: You noticed that, with everything going on? LISA: Yeah, yeah, well, I made it a point to take in my surroundings so that I could, um, store it in my brain for the police. CASTLE: Uh, Lisa, what we mean is that it's hard to notice anything during such a violent ordeal. And yet it's a very unusual thing for you to remember. LISA: Well, a very unusual thing happened to me. And I knew that I had to gather evidence, so... I did. CASTLE: "Gather evidence." LISA: Yes, ma'am. Yeah. CASTLE: Like a cop. LISA: Yeah, to catch the bad guy. RUSSELL: So he blindfolded you and took you to an apartment building-- LISA: Oh, well, I'm not really sure it was an apartment building. It kind of felt like it was more of an apartment that was above an office building. I mean, I was there all Sunday and I was listening for noises, any kind of activity, and I didn't-- I didn't-- I mean, there was no sound of people coming and going. There was no neighbour sounds or anything. CASTLE: Lisa, do you watch a lot of TV? LISA: Yeah, I guess. Why? CASTLE: Cop shows? LISA: Sure, I guess. I don't really understand why you're asking me this, though. RUSSELL: We're just trying to get to the bottom of what really happened. LISA: Yeah, I've been trying to tell you that since I got here. I've been-- RUSSELL: Well, were you blindfolded the whole time? LISA: Uh-huh, yeah, almost the entire time. RUSSELL: Well, did you get a good look at the man's face? LISA: No, but I could describe it to you. CASTLE: How? LISA: He let me touch it. CASTLE: So you're saying you "saw" his face but with your hands? LISA: I "saw" a lot. RUSSELL: Look, Lisa... We are all girls here. You can talk to us. We... we get it. You know, maybe you met up with some friends after work, you partied a little, you stayed out a little too late to go home without a good excuse. We get it! LISA: You don't get it. CASTLE: Come on, Lisa. LISA: You don't get it. CASTLE: Just tell us the truth. LISA: I was kidnapped! I was raped! Why does nobody believe me? RUSSELL: Lisa? Lisa? DUTTON: We keep hitting the same wall with our killer. As you can see from the photos, he has got no clear physical type. The victims have been prostitutes, dancers, a factory worker. We had three homicides the first three months of this case. We've had three in the last month, two of them in just the last few weeks. He is escalating. There's one thing in common: all of the victims were found bound. Mostly using rope. One was found with a noose still around her neck. There's no other clear M.O. He's consistently brutal but he's got no favoured method of killing. Some have been raped and strangled, one was shot in the back of the head. Another had her throat slashed. All the victims have been found far from where they were last seen, which means he is likely transporting them in a car. But he is dumping the bodies in different locations each time. An orange grove, a wooded area just off the interstate. The outskirts of a cattle ranch. He's all over the map. Yeah, Serge? PINKERTON: Next, listen up. This guy knows what he's doing. These women were all taken late at night, when they were alone. No witnesses. Which strongly suggests he's stalking his victims. Now, he picks women who are vulnerable. He studies them, he waits until they're isolated... and then he strikes. This community needs to feel safe again. These women deserve justice. So, let's remember, they could be your neighbour. Your sister. Your daughter. DUTTON: Anyone else? Alright, let's get back to work, everyone. And check your shift assignments, please. RUSSELL: Hey, Larry, have you got a sec? PINKERTON: Yeah, what's up? RUSSELL: I got a girl who has totally shut down on us. Could you take a crack at her? PINKERTON: Sure. RUSSELL: Thanks. PINKERTON: Why don't you believe her? RUSSELL: Well, the details are a bit unbelievable. And she's just too detached. PINKERTON: She might be in shock. RUSSELL: Well, we're all focused on a much bigger case. I mean... and she probably didn't get a fair shake. But... you know 99 times out of a 100 the runaway just turns out to be a kid who stayed out all night. PINKERTON: Maybe she's the one in a hundred, huh? My God, she's just a child! PINKERTON: Hi, Lisa. I'm Detective Larry Pinkerton. I'm head of the sex crimes unit here. You think you can tell me what happened to you? That's a picture of my daughter, Sarah. I'd go to any length to protect her. And I'll go to any length to protect you. Tell me everything. I believe you. LISA: Um... LISA: The car was black... with two doors and red carpet and red bucket seats. There was, um... there was the word "Magnum" on the dashboard. There was green carpet on the stairs. I counted 22 steps to the top of the second floor. Um... He was white, and he was left-handed. There was sneakers in the bathroom, with these kangaroos on them. And his face, he had a thin moustache, uh, stubble on his cheeks. Um, his hair fell down in front of his forehead, and his eyes were kind of close together. He had a waterbed. PINKERTON: She didn't make this up. Her level of detail was extraordinary. Now, you're gonna need to get her a change of clothes. After the exam, I want what she's wearing bagged for evidence. RUSSELL: Okay. PINKERTON: Now I'm gonna call the parents, get consent for hypnosis in case she's blocking anything crucial, a street address. RUSSELL: That sounds good. LORRIE: Yes, this is Lorrie McVey. I've been on hold forever. What happened to my sister? She did? Oh, thank God! What? Oh, my God. Okay. Yeah, thanks. Goodbye. LORRIE: Mom? BETTY: Mm-hm? LORRIE: Cops said Lisa came back. They said she'd been kidnapped and raped. BETTY: Well, that's some story. LORRIE: She'd never make up something like that! BETTY: Told you she'd turn up all right. PINKERTON: Our psychiatrist is highly skilled at hypnosis. Lisa won't be in danger at any time. MORRIS: I'm not paying for that. PINKERTON: Of course not! He's on staff here with the police department. MORRIS: Sounds strange. I don't want her doing it. PINKERTON: If you'd just let us try-- MORRIS: When is she coming home? She's got chores to do! PINKERTON: Alright, then. [phone ringing] LISA: Yeah. Maybe... I kind of feel like he would have more, um... visible stubble on his face. PINKERTON: Excuse me. Can you give us a minute? [phone rings in other room] PINKERTON: I just got off the phone with your father. He said no to hypnosis. He wants to know when you're coming home. Lisa, is there something happening there? You can tell me, I'll believe you. LISA: He's not my father. PINKERTON: What's happening? [slamming sound] MORRIS: Get off of me! PINKERTON: Morris Elwood, you are under arrest for the sexual assault of a minor. MORRIS: That's bullshit! PINKERTON: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law-- MORRIS: The bitch is a liar! PINKERTON: You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. MORRIS: Bullshit. PINKERTON: Do you understand these rights that have been read to you? [police radio chatter] [zipper] LISA: Why didn't you protect me? PINKERTON: Well, this is it. It's where you'll be staying 'til we can find you something, you know, a little more permanent. Are you sure you don't have any relatives in the Tampa area, huh? LISA: I mean, I got an Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim. But they live out east in Titusville. PINKERTON: I'll reach out to them. MCKINLEY: Hi, Larry. PINKERTON: Hey. Lisa, this is Sergeant McKinley. MCKINLEY: Call me Hannah. I'm happy to meet you, Lisa. LISA: Yeah, well, thank you for letting me stay here. MCKINLEY: You can use my daughter's room. She just left for college. The house feels pretty empty! You're gonna be dealing with that soon enough. PINKERTON: Yeah. Don't remind me. MCKINLEY: It'll be good to have company again. Want to come in for coffee? PINKERTON: Can't. Got a task force meeting. You're in good hands. We'll talk soon. LISA: Alright. PINKERTON: Okay? LISA: Yep. MCKINLEY: Alright, let's get you settled. Then we'll figure out dinner. I kind of got a craving for pizza! [phone ringing] DUTTON: These red fibres were found on the latest victim. They're the same red trilobal nylon carpet fibres that have been found on all the victims. WOLF: Any leads on a manufacturer? DUTTON: Not yet. We're hoping at some point that this guy talks to someone: a neighbour, co-worker, disgruntled ex-girlfriend. Or maybe someone sees one of these women getting into his car. We need a witness. Without that? [crickets] [crickets] [crickets] [crickets] LISA: [screaming] MCKINLEY: What is it?! LISA: No, no! LISA: It's him! [crying] No, no, no! MCKINLEY: It's okay, Lisa. You're safe here. LISA: No! [crying] MCKINLEY: Have you been able to sleep at all? LISA: I haven't slept since it happened. [crying] MICKINLEY: Okay. I'm gonna set you up with our staff psychiatrist. He can prescribe something that'll help with that, okay? PINKERTON: Where'd you leave your fingerprints? LISA: In the washroom, there, uh... on the mirror, then, uh... on the towel rack, and then under the toilet seat. PINKERTON: You leave anything else? LISA: Yep, um, there was a hair pin with strands of my hair under the bed. I left some blood in the car. I bit my finger, wiped it on the front of the seat so he didn't see it. I don't know, I just... even if he killed me, I wanted him to get caught. No one else should have to go through this. LISA: We stopped at a gas station. PINKERTON: This is great, Lisa. Really helpful. So that would have been, what... 3, 4 in the morning? LISA: We left his apartment at 3:13, so yeah, it would have been about 20 minutes after that. PINKERTON: What do you recall about him? LISA: He said he wanted to get back at women. Said we're all bitches. And he was clean. He was really clean. He smelled clean. His bathroom was clean, um... and he washed me in the shower. And he... [shower sound] PINKERTON: Listen, we don't have to continue if you want to stop. LISA: It's okay. He was really thorough and he seemed to mean a lot to him that I was clean. LISA: I think I saw his car before. PINKERTON: That night? LISA: Before that. PINKERTON: What if Lisa McVey's rapist is our serial killer? Hear me out, Lieutenant. She was taken at night when she was alone. He stalked her. He tied her up. He took her away in his car. DUTTON: That's not enough. PINKERTON: He told her that he wanted to get back at women. He fits the profile. DUTTON: Yeah, but our guy doesn't let his victims go. PINKERTON: This kid is brilliant! She's brave as hell. She's survived abusive situations her whole life. She's got skills like no one else! Now, what if she did what no one else could? Got him to let her go. DUTTON: I just don't see it. PINKERTON: I want to send her clothes to the FBI lab for processing. DUTTON: Our resources are stretched thin enough as it is. I can't authorize that. PINKERTON: Take it out of my budget, then. DUTTON: Hey, Serge. If it is the same guy, then he knows that she's alive, then he's got a loose end. [screeching tire] [knocking on door] LISA: Hey. PINKERTON: Hey. LISA: What's wrong? PINKERTON: Nothing. Nothing. I, uh... Just here to move you to the new place. We gotta go. LISA: Okay. PINKERTON: So, this is it. It's a safe house for minors in the justice system. I'll take that. You'll be okay here. Might even find some kids your age to talk to. Lisa... I'm gonna need you to lay low for a little while, okay? That means no going to the usual haunts. No shifts at the donut shop. Just be for a little while, okay? LISA: Okay. PINKERTON: It's just up here. [thunder] [rain falling] PINKERTON: Lisa, this is my daughter, Sarah. SARAH: Nice to meet you, Lisa. LISA: Hi, yeah, nice to meet you, too. SARAH: Keys? PINKERTON: [sighs] Speed limit. SARAH: Sure thing. PINKERTON: Buckle up. LISA: Okay. PINKERTON: You got it, okay? And you keep speeding up and slowing down and speeding up. You got a lead foot. SARAH: Look who's talking, Dale Earnhardt. PINKERTON: I'm a professional police officer. I drive for a living. Keys. [indistinct chatter] SARAH: A donut shop? How cool. LISA: Oh... Yeah. No, it's a great job. And my boss is really cool too, so... SARAH: I would be so fat if I worked there! LISA: [laughs] Yeah, I was worried about that, but... SARAH: But you're so thin. LISA: Well, that's because I only eat the donut holes. So doesn't really count. PINKERTON: Sarah's got a part-time job at Waldenbooks. SARAH: Yeah, I just love being surrounded by books. LISA: Oh, cool, nice. That sounds like a great job. PINKERTON: Her boss says that she is his best employee. Just never take her driving. PINKERTON: Now, these tread marks are consistent with every one of the crime scenes. We need to check it against the tire to determine the make. Talk to me. DUTTON: The lab found red fibres on Lisa's clothes. They match the red carpet fibres we found on all our vics. PINKERTON: We have another victim. And she's alive. We have a witness. Let me tell you about a strong, brave, brilliant young girl: Lisa McVey... And our serial killer. PINKERTON: Lisa... I want to take you back to the place where you were abducted. Retrace your steps from there. LISA: What, you mean go back on the car ride? PINKERTON: Look... I think your amazing recall may be the key to finding out where your attacker lives. LISA: Has something changed? PINKERTON: The man who hurt you is responsible for hurting a lot of other people as well. LISA: He's the killer that everyone's looking for, isn't he? PINKERTON: We think so. You know what, maybe this is a bad idea. LISA: I'll do it. WOLF: So after he took you to his car, any chance you remember which direction you went? LISA: I think... oh, I think... [crying] I don't remember. PINKERTON: Hey, hey... LISA: I don't... PINKERTON: Lisa, if you're not up for this, you don't have to do it, okay? LISA: No, I am. I want to nail the guy! I want to catch him. I just... PINKERTON: Alright. Look, look, listen to me. Calm down, okay? Close your eyes. Clear your head. And go back to that day. Take your time. What do you see? LISA: The car was facing north... and he took off down Rome. And then he, uh, took a right on Sligh. LISA: You're gonna want to wait for three traffic lights, three traffic lights. And thank you. Turn left. Turn left. LISA: There should be an interstate right here. LISA: You're gonna want to be facing east. PINKERTON: You're doing great. WOLF: Hey... WOLF & PINKERTON: Where's she going? PINKERTON: Hey! Hey! [car door shuts] PINKERTON: Lisa! Hey! LISA: The second I took off my blindfold, I saw this tree. And I knew... that I was gonna live. I was gonna live. PINKERTON: She's given us a two-mile radius. Let's put the word out and coordinate with patrol. We're close. LOPEZ: Listen up, people. We have a suspect. PINKERTON: Hey. From the vending machine. LISA: Oh... Thanks. PINKERTON: Listen, I'd feel a whole lot better if you'd stick around here at least until we get this guy. LISA: Well... you keep bringin' me gourmet meals like this... DISPATCHER: Detective Wolf, this is command post. What's your 20? WOLF: Barker Boulevard, red light district. Taking one last sweep before heading back. DISPATCHER: Copy that. WOLF: [sighs] WOLF: Holy shit. MAN IN CAR: You gonna be my lucky girl tonight. WOLF: Good evening, sir. Sorry to bother you. I'm Detective Charlie Wolf. BOBBY JOE: Is there a problem, officer? WOLF: Yeah, you know, I just got a call on an armed robbery out on the west end of town, and, uh... made off with a lot of jewelry. Description of the car matches yours. BOBBY JOE: Yeah, well, it wasn't me. I haven't been on the west side all week, so... WOLF: Yeah. Look, I'm real sorry about this. My boss is gonna kill me if I come up empty. You mind if I search your vehicle, just to rule you out? BOBBY JOE: Yeah, no. WOLF: Okay. Well, hey, how about I just, uh, snap a quick picture, then? A photo of you and the car, so the victim can tell us, you know, it wasn't you? BOBBY JOE: Yeah, okay. WOLF: Thanks. I'll be right back. WOLF: Thanks. I appreciate that. BOBBY JOE: Anything I can do to help, officer. WOLF: Have a good night. WOLF: Command post, this is Detective Wolf. I have a suspect within the two-mile radius. [knocking] LISA: Hello? BOBBY JOE: You liar! LISA: [screams] [choking] PINKERTON: Hey! Lisa! Hey, hey, hey. Wake up. Wake up. You're having a bad dream. Wake up. It's okay. The entire task force is out there looking for this guy. We're gonna get him, okay? It's okay. He can't get you here. WOLF: Command post, this is Detective Wolf. DISPATCHER: Detective Wolf, this is command post. Go ahead. WOLF: I need you to run a tag for a black Dodge Magnum. Florida plates. Juliet Whiskey Hotel 4-8-0. DISPATCHER: Black Dodge Magnum. Juliet Whiskey Hotel 4-8-0. WOLF: Pull everything connected to those plates. DISPATCHER: Standby. PINKERTON: Take as much time as you need. Take a good look. LISA: That's him. PINKERTON: You sure? LISA: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. That's him. That's him. [police siren] DUTTON: Don't move! Freeze! Down on your knees! WOLF: Hands above your head! Hands behind your head! OFFICER: Bobby Joe Long, you are under arrest. PINKERTON: Green carpet and 22 stairs. Just like she said. [police radio chatter] WOLF: Thank you. [police radio chatter] WOLF: That's a good one. DUTTON: You're gonna fry for this. BOBBY JOE: There's something wrong with me, I know that. The only reason you caught me is because I let her go. DUTTON: Is that what you think? BOBBY JOE: She was different from the others, you know? Yeah. BOBBY JOE: She was something special. PINKERTON: Lisa? Hey. We got him. LISA: What? PINKERTON: We got him. Your attacker. Our serial killer. LISA: Why did I live? PINKERTON: Hey... LISA: I shouldn't have lived. PINKERTON: Lisa, do you not realize what you've done? You stopped a killer. You managed to do in 12 days what we couldn't accomplish in six months! You have saved so many lives. It's all over. You're a hero, kid. It's okay. [clapping] LORRIE: Hello? LISA: Hey, Lorrie. LORRIE: Where have you been? I've been so worried, and I was calling Grandma... LISA: I know, I know. I know, sis. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. BETTY: Who is it? LORRIE: It's Lisa. BETTY: What does<i> she</i> want? LORRIE: So, where were you? What happened? LISA: Um... Listen, um, I forgot that I have to go back down to the police station to talk to the detective. Sorry. LORRIE: No, not until you tell me. LISA: I know, I will, okay? I'll call you later. Okay? I promise. LORRIE: Oh, you better! LISA: Hey, Lorrie? Thank you for caring so much. I mean, it really means a lot to me. PINKERTON: You know I said you were one in a hundred? You're one in a million. I want you to go have that life you fought so hard for. You know I've been thinking about maybe having you come live with my family. LISA: Thank you. But... I mean, you've gotta keep this stuff separate, right? Work's work. Home's home. You'd never get a break from what happens on the job. It would just swallow you up. [car horn] LISA: Hi. AUNT CAROL: Hi, sweetie. Let me look at you. We had no idea what was going on at your grandmother's house. Please forgive us. LISA: It's okay. UNCLE JIM: We're gonna take good care of you. We promise! LISA: I know. I know. PINKERTON: Larry Pinkerton. UNCLE JIM: Jim. Thank you. AUNT CAROL: Carol. LISA: Thank you for believing me. PINKERTON: Hey, we owe you everything. AUNT CAROL: Come on, let's go. LISA: You haven't seen the last of me. PINKERTON: I hope not! LISA:<i> Dear Mom,</i> <i> you once told me that I'd never have a better life.</i> <i> You were wrong.</i> <i> Good-bye.</i> <i> Lisa.</i> [cheering]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 7,380,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, Katie Douglas, Ginny & Georgia, Lisa McVey, true crime, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, dance moms, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, lifetime original movies, new lifetime movies, lifetime movies, lifetime movie promos, lifetime movie trailers, new movies, watch lifetime movies, full lifetime movies, Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey, Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey streaming, The Abduction of Lisa McVey, movies
Id: 3W2V2wtrrkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 57sec (5277 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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