Try to fall asleep - Night 1

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morning ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back I guess to try to fall asleep do you remember I played a little demo of this in a three scary games video long time ago and I quite liked it I thought it was really cool but now the full game is out on Steam and so many people have asked me to play it so many people in fact that even Matt Pat in a video was talking about it who spoke very highly of it and said that I needed to play called me up by name so you win this one Malthus / true so let's play the game I guess from what I remember I'm someone trying to fall asleep and it's five nights at Freddy's like in terms of nights and Jesus Christ done I fell asleep I died who's getting ejected from a burning building they'll happened oh hello got it oh hello there hi john heron right well nice to meet you mr. heron I guess my name is a bee I'm a medical assistant robot my core function is to give guidance to my patients and provide a supportive presence in case of an emergency mental breakdowns psychotic disruption and so on I was created by your treatment supervisor dr. Rick Norbert himself so mr. herring I'd like to congratulate you on successfully recovering from your physical damages thank you how about that what can I say physical damages we can start to work on your brain damage you have memory losses as well as brain damages that might cause you to hallucinate sure well luckily for you all those damages can be easily cured in order to heal your brain damage you'll just have to sleep and rest sleeping is the best medicine for your brain as it is a good state for the brain to naturally heal itself so that's good just fall asleep okay yep well unfortunately your brain damage might cause you to hallucinate and that could be a huge problem potentially if you won't stay calm your stress will increase and a huge stress will give you a cardiac arrest I see the heart if that occurs we might not be able to arrive in time to save you from death so you'll need to deal with your stress as best as you can done all right let's walk you through the basics real quick oh god if ice at the bottom left corner is okay then Oh oh wait I'm so sorry I was trying to cheat the system [ __ ] okay that's good oh no oh I ruined it Oh God there's dogs barking outside oh no you're making me even more scared just just fall asleep so I turn off the light to scare away things right oh god oh [ __ ] oh no okay you broke my window [ __ ] the worst thing you could have done killing me no no that's that's easy oh Jesus Christ hi can you go away could you leave could you not be here time to be nice oh I can't leave the light on for long Oh No just blink blink amigo go away bye-bye oh no he was about to tell me how to play the game and I saw that my sleep was rising so I thought Oh awesome I can just do that I can just keep my sleep rising as he talks because it's not gonna throw anything at me too soon just skipped all his dialogue okay we're more than halfway to sleep I wish I could have a thing like this at nighttime so I'd know how much sleep I'm about to get or know how close I am to oh god I saw teeth mine your stress is too high keep your eyes open and turn on a light Oh gotcha gotcha Thank You mr. Robo man Thank You mr. smiley face hey my lake got fixed nice that's also a clever mechanic that the light would break if I leave it on too long okay so close to sleep just close your eyes and think about nothing am i okay oh Jesus Christ get off my windows monkey man freak me think this is a [ __ ] McDonald's play place for boys ah alright night one should be easy should be simple enough for almost to sleep dreamy sleepy 90 snoozy snooze just drift away I saw teeth again look knock hello I'm hearing something but I'm not seeing anything that's even worse okay okay you're fine everything's fine everything is so fine this is not how you try and fall asleep by the way am I seeing in my sleep so my stress goes up if I keep my eyes closed for too long as well as I start dreaming about the accident oh I thought I saw a face that's my face okay almost there almost there just drift away stood asleep and good night I saw a hand oh Lord the walls are melted am i asleep dreaming oh we did it I fell asleep it's the hardest I've ever tried to fall asleep in my life okay Kate I just got into the lab all right got it where will you be at sounds good if there's something wrong with the generator I'll try to fix it the best I can Oh God I forgot that there's these like mid-level dream sequences or different levels whatever they're called hello welcome to one of the most advanced laboratories in the revival company you've been brought here thanks to your skills and hard work results during your career and our company please note that all work and information here new or old must be kept secret as a strictly confidential and sensitive ooh no problem I know that the information is sensitive about its fat ankles eggs is the main lab building and locates power generator okay oh oh hi what do you want then nothing that's white yeah come at me don't though okay I can find the power generator I'm assuming these giant bright flashing lights are gonna be in or death either are pretty cool the fuses are gone no I have to fight fight fuses they could be anywhere this is all starting to really click with me again I completely forgot about all of this Jesus Christ oh and I forgot about this something chases you and I'm like it I don't like it I don't think it lose the exit go go go [ __ ] you're not gonna make me do that for every fuse are you oh I can't handle this I'm gonna start hallucinating after this hello oh it looks very pretty it looks a lot better than when I played it last time so good job and dad I'm also a lot more scared so good jumping back hello mr. fuse a he refuses to come out thank you I'll be [ __ ] my pants all night ah God I'm doing Chris plate door the only thing I want to get crushed between is Tom nooks thick thighs okay close the doors okay okay okay okay okay close it close it keep the demons away keep the demons away no not all demon thoughts God he's getting closer Oh Lord no hey actually don't always put the knees too close it's i'm spamming everything okay okay okay sound design is your friend there you go go again stop what thought is that at least make a fuss and you get out I welcome thee come on oh there's nothing behind it out that's good oh behind that one I don't want anything getting out of my mind palace [ __ ] oh yes I know my turn into a monkey there for a second but yes got it okay that was interesting I'm glad it's not the same thing over and over again okay back to where I was before I was locked you're not uh hello looks like Daisy was writing a draft for a letter it reads I don't know if I can do it dad I appreciate that you gave me this opportunity to prove myself but it's a huge responsibility I only went because you convinced me I'll only be a helping hand I don't want to be involved in anything major if you truly believe that it's really good then I support it otherwise it's all on you Daisy Daisy what it's Edwards diary the latest entry in the diary reads it doesn't feel right although I'm happy for this opportunity to work on this project dangerous substance research is kind of not my thing it's kind of not really what I'm into I just don't vibe with that I mean I'm not bad at it or unqualified under-qualified it's just that I specialize in other science work you know trying to like reanimate dead bodies and trying to see how far I could shove my fist in my mouth paycheck for this project was good too good to turn down though compared to what I've worked out before this project is nothing I've been through things that other people wouldn't believe it kept me awake at night terrified of thinking how bad things could have turned out but it didn't and the results the result brought me and the revival company a fortune it's genuinely horrifying where this company is capable of maybe people should finally know maybe that's what happened to me maybe I went in and I puff puff puff puff puff on all the chemicals and then I came out with two heads and now I can't figure out which one I want to use hey whoever's here stop running around okay I got a job to do take all this weed and go place your masks here huh okay some really cool environmental storytelling going on I like that Jesus I never thought I'd get so scared by steam in my life know the interest of the greenhouse not a good idea to go inside oh me oh [ __ ] hell not a good idea to scare the poopy yo to my booty this is pay per se current times we sure do live in them someone killed my goldfish it's a fake fish bowl filled with clear jello for water simulation a plastic fish is stuck in the middle ironically the fish is turned upside down ah don't lean oh who kills you who took the light from your eyes I need to know I'll make them pay goalie don't you worry it's Lockard give me some fuses god damnit giant forks for the giant food I ordered earlier looking in the microscope I can see dust particles you don't need a microscope to see those I can see them a lot of times I've carpeted floors how could you possibly come up with this in a dream because it's not a dream you're not dreaming these are past memories come in well good man but don't be [ __ ] around this is probably one of the most modern tech in the facility these plasma screens are much nicer than those old CRT monitors okay why is there a icon on that one well let's have some coffee right now too bad the power is out you and me both look an Invisalign means that I have to take it out every time I want to drink coffee drink coffee not to power your date I know I already had some but I want more they can only keep these out for a certain length of time a day it's very very hard my life is very complicated right now I know there's a pandemic going on but I can't drink coffee project Mertz was a biological experiment that was created to help the farmers eliminate rodents and other animals that were damaging the crops the creature was stronger more intelligent and more violent than the traditional guard dogs like the Doberman due to a mishandling of the creature it turned against its masters and escaped the lab facility the creature was successfully terminated but during its escape it took five scientists lives whose identities were hard to determine since the corpses were heavily shredded by the creature oh dude you got shredded deed so is this what actually happened and I'm living it out again seal all the necessary chemical gases and compounds needed for the experiments testing and experiments will begin soon first as far as successfully completed the guys TK 900 has proven to be destructive and highly lethal for greenhouses ecosystem God experiment great experiment even one about the greenhouse all right so you guys are messing around with gases project copper was a biological experiment that was conducted on a human test subject the intent was to research the limit of cybernetics the test subject says subjects right hand left leg and most of the organs it's Edward Elric except the brain got replaced by the cybernetic counterparts the name copper was chosen by the sheer amount of electronics in the body and how the skin had rotten similar to the color of copper oxidation at the start at SART the test subject was cooperative and communicative but later the test subjects stopped communicating it didn't show any emotions reactions to pain or mental stimuli the test subject eventually committed suicide by ripping an arterial blood vessel nasty way to go I wanna meet this creature I want to see what this creature is all about okay okay this is where I've been already all right I want to go up the stairs they haven't found an old fuse out in a long time it's been a white pretty heightened them already in your Balmer day cuz i can go in there if I have to look what was that oh my god that scared the [ __ ] out of me okay time to turn the volume down a tad those so loud oh I feel like that was in the room all right game you got a few tricks up your sleeve this equipment is so old I guess it gets the job done so I say about my Dirk it's giving us old I guess the same ooh spooky with the light off let's not do that that's a bad idea okay don't make the loud bangies again though legitimately scared the absolute crap out of me well we're like in the middle of nowhere dude meanwhile in the middle of nowhere who coffee Oh give me some oh I need a fresh pot I need some fresh beans give me that good old dirty bean water took it to my veins hook me up Johnny I'm ready to go to the land of ever present like that Lou slip loose lips spit secrets what a poser from the 70s surprisingly its meaning still holds up it's spelled wrong it's secret something else that I don't know secret documents or secret Doku mints like count Count Dooku I haven't found a fuse in what feels like 14 years I didn't microscope I'm not sure what I'm seeing you know microscope is a dead book look a new microscope I can see more plant cells right so you're experimenting on something gases plants animals bugs creatures okay at this point every day like microscopes we're trying to look into the single microscope it fills you with determination that's a fun reference undertale gang unite sound off in the comments if you [ __ ] love undertale I do looking in this microscope I see that someone put together a smile with the dust particles sounds like somebody didn't take the job seriously maybe that's why their dad abandoned the doors opening or scaring anymore only happy thoughts guys only super happy thoughts while you're pooping that's all you need I'm always happy when I'm pooping I just love pooping hey a fuse alright oh let's get ready we're gonna have to do something follow the light oh [ __ ] you're gonna go off aren't you okay okay okay get there Johnny boy I forget what your name actually is oh it's gonna show something in the [ __ ] light at some point though I know it I know what you're gonna [ __ ] me over oh god I feel everything tensing up I feel things getting worse go go go go go go it's easy pull the light the light the secret the solution is ours yeah yeah I just I'm not feeling that well yes no no I think we'll be fine but the generator is missing a few fuses trying to find the rest of them now it's just weird that they're all over the place sounds good that's a little strange the fuses should all be in the fuse cabinet why are they all over the place I don't [ __ ] know Jennifer why are they all over the place well you don't you get off your ass and try crystal clear picture take a look at the new crystal TV line no thanks I'd rather just get the hell out of here hello hello demons it's me your boy don't I didn't ask for a sign it's fine though Oh coffee sweet beans nectar of all gods titty milk please give it to me I need it I'll do anything I like the demons come and tickle my ass for a tiny bit if you let me just have just a really like coffee who's a hmm coffee all right welcome everybody here we're going to talk about why all our microphones looked like tiny penises oh [ __ ] I can't talk about us top secret oh we see it okay can-do willdo go to you oh god be tightened that's okay I had the fastest legs at the west they don't call me Johnny fast legs for nothing go Johnny boy I know a space to jump [ __ ] yeah spider-man whoo what okay sorry spider-man and I mean to make fun of you what god I'm actually going too fast now what okay okay okay where am i this is all collapsed is this part of where we were before doing experiments okay eighty seconds left what happens if I fall do I just have to start it again don't fall that's the answer but should I have died oh if I failed to get one stress I've three attempts oh I like that but I [ __ ] that one up sorry Johnny as I was getting out of it he kept getting caught in stuff so the platforming wasn't great for now though dudes I see yeah all right what's this one gonna be free to the exit again oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you can keep runnin but you can't get away from your problems Johnny boy this pleases my squad was that I saw a creature of the night when remembering it all dicks but he's coming from my ass he wants impose Jesus rusty there eh I got all the fuses and a heart attack to go along with it can I get out of here also this it immediately reminded me the guy talking to the girl on the radio reminded me a fire watch and now you have the thing in the distance where she probably is on the lookout watching you so heavily inspired by fire watch I imagine was that about I think is where watch is great [Music] hey the power back on thanks Kate looks like the missing fuses with the only problem after all it doesn't seem right though feels like these fuses were put all over the place right somebody okay I go up get out of here and then we can talk about it okay I'll wait for you in the main lobby all right okay weird [ __ ] Doppler effect going on without a generator Kate hey I'm coming baby what did you get killed by Oh Kate no I think it's just throws wherever I landed the camera take got killed by a baboon's arse god damn it mornings here the mornings here sunshine is clear nice we made it through night one folks [Music] or did I what okay I did who skip the first night a half of a completed night skip the first half of a completed night No so if we go back you can just skip to the next section okay well I'm going to leave this episode here that was an exhilarating thrill right this is actually really fun I like the twist that's taken it because it's kind of fight nights at freddys it's kind of Slenderman it's gonna all of these indie game elements brought together and it's actually really well done I like I like that when you finish a night it's not just sitting in your bed doing stuff I like that there's an extra element outside of that that's telling a story I really feel like this is what five nights at freddy should have gone for after a while they're just sitting in the security booths and everything it was fine the first two games worked really well but I feel like after that he needed to evolve it and develop it further and can you imagine if you actually got to walk around the thing rather than being at the security booth and seeing the animatronics back in their place and walking around and having stuff kind of like move and freak out behind you and it would build upon this story then you got to be like the purple guy or whatever I don't know the lore of five nights at Freddy's but if you got to play out some of the sequences from the stories like that they did it in the old timey CRT scanline kind of minigames in infant a foot I feel like something like this would have would have really propelled that series further and evolved it really well so that's why I like it in this I like that there's something else to it you go around you get environmental storytelling you get stuff that's going on either this happens before and that's why I'm [ __ ] up or this is I'm getting elements of reading newspapers after all of that's gonna come to fruition the more you play the game and figure out the story as you go along but I like that sitting in the bed clicking the lamp and all that is not the main thing of the game it's really well done I like it a lot so far and I'm excited to play and if you're excited to see more of it you better be [ __ ] destroying that light but I want to see you push the like button up in the ass scare it frighten it bite off its toes or you can just click the like button it's whatever also don't forget to subscribe because a lot of people who watch these videos are partly not subscribe to the channel just like 40% and I don't know why YouTube recommends channels differently all the time so if you are not subscribed and you find this channel then feel free to subscribe if you want I'm gonna play more of this game so if you want to see more of it click the bell you'll be updated whenever the APUs ODEs come out and I'll see all of you then [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,500,059
Rating: 4.9784603 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try to fall asleep, try to fall asleep game, try to fall asleep jacksepticeye, try to fall asleep gameplay, horror game, scary game, try to fall asleep walkthrough, jumpscare, jumpscare reaction, jacksepticeye horror, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye jumpscare, jumpscare funny, try to fall asleep jumpscares, try to fall asleep ending, creepypasta, insomnia, nightmares, nightmare death, sleep deprivation, sleep science, try to fall asleep explained, dream
Id: 53yll3EoC6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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