Why Don't You Talk To Your Best Friend Anymore? (r/AskReddit)

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why don't you talk to your once best friends anymore drifted away through the years and now they are both too changed to relate to each other this happened to me and my friend I miss her but are so different now it wouldn't be the same there's a multitude of reasons but I think it boils down to we were proximity friends we were friends all through middle and high school but then College came and we both just went our separate ways it's not that we didn't try to keep it going we are still friends and still occasionally get together for lunch a movie or just to go for a walk but I don't think we will ever be best friends again I don't think that's a bad thing she's in a great relationship with a wonderful guy and has finally taken back control of her life from overbearing mother I've moved from the college portion of my life to my professional path I think that our paths were just destined to split he got in a relationship with a girl that was perfect for him but once he got in that relationship he abandoned all his friends and only talks to her and her friends this is exactly what I was gonna post really sucks how him finding someone who made him so happy could seemingly erase all those years of this being Meg's we grew up together all the way to our 30s I got married and had a child he got married we were each other's best man in our wedding I got divorced he cut off all the communication with me immediately right after I asked his wife what his frickin deal is and she told me he couldn't deal with seeing me at such a low for real I was going through the hardest time of my life friends are supposed to help each other out right for no reason right because that is what friends do a 30-year friendship gone I slowly realized that she just wasn't a nice person it was such a relief when I finally admitted to myself that I didn't need to waste any of my time around someone who barely thought of anyone but herself he got sober and kind off guested me I was still drinking at a time so I get why he wouldn't want to hang out he just stopped answering my calls we started to drift apart after school ended he went for life of academia and I went for life for an alcoholic I was emotionally somewhat abusive and toxic he did the right thing for himself and I respect him for it found out he had been groping his sister for an extended period of time kind of a deal-breaker for me we tried to make it a romantic relationship us too we ruined a perfect friendship for a terribly insecure relationship if I regret anything it's saying yes over the years he has become just in butt hole that's it the crappy part is that as I got older and hung out with him less and less I realized that he was always in gut hole it made him hilarious and edgy when we were in college but we're heading into middle-age and both have kids now he's just an butthole with kids convinced me to lie for him to cover his tracks when he cheated on his GF I only agreed because he has a young daughter and I didn't want her to grow up without a dad after the fact I realized he always took advantage of my kind heart of nature and was never really my friend I was just enabling him to be a crappy bottom-feeder I'm much happier now with him out of my life it was all for the best he tried to suck my dong on a fishing boat when we bunked together I said no he got offended we drifted apart his girlfriend was also a close friend of mine when I caught him cheating on her they were engaged he pleaded with me not to tell her even though he kept it up we both started a relationship around the same time and both kind of chose the guy over each other which I regret went a message her on Facebook the other day and she had deleted me welp that makes me angry for you it's just an imaginary construct of people on a social media site but it hurts when you realize you were deleted she started using our friendship as a convenience to use me for favors yeah beanthere dropped her pretty quickly when I took a step back and looked at her motivations for coming over stop doing those things and after two times coming over and being denied she dropped off the face of the planet and hasn't talked to me in a year now sad how little people actually appreciate your help stole from me it seems funny to me that someone will throw years of friendship and memories out the window for a little over $100 all he wants to do is play video games when I try to make plans to do something like hiking all go to the beach he backs out last second he has a bad weight problem and has asked me to help but he'll only follow my advice for two weeks before giving up I told him to cut soda out of his dart and a week later he sent me a snapchat off in buying a 24 pack of coke he got a subscription to the same gym as me and has only shown up once whenever he invites me over it ends up with me being bored while he plays games on his phone or plays League of Legends with his clan I feel like a bad friend for not wanting to hang out with hymns anymore but I feel like I lose a day of my life whenever we hang out tell him how you really feel about the situation and if there's no change then you can't move on but if there is change you get your best friend back she got a boyfriend and started prioritizing him over everything she would cancel our plans because he was bored I have a friend who's like this he expects me to cancel anything and everything when he's bored and everything he wants to do bores me to no end banged my wife sounds like you lost two best friends they may have Fricke each other but they can go freak themselves she was in a Frick tupper relationship with a much older guy I could be here all day if I gave details but basically he was very emotionally and I also suspect physically and sexually abusive I eventually convinced her to leave him which she did after multiple attempts he harassed her for a while after they broke up and then one day he just stopped he never attempted to contact her again she completely fell apart even though she knew he was a bad guy she desperately wanted him to love her she had been abused by a family member when she was younger and I think she associated abuse with love so when he stopped abusing her in her mind he had stopped loving her she blamed me and cut me out of her life she told me on my 20th birthday that she would get back together with him and there was nothing I could do to stop her and that's the last time we spoke they never got back together as far as I know I hope she managed to get help with her issues and never ends up in a relationship like that again I truly miss her and wish we were still friends because we went through so much together I love her like a sister and I hope that one day she realizes that everything I did was because I couldn't stand to see her hurt he married a woman I didn't like and she slowly turned him into a guy I didn't like he married Asus oolitic horses dong of a woman and she turned him into a hollowed-out shell of a man like the cancerous prolapsed anus shears let it out let's see first she started dating a guy we had already told her was bad news and we all had run-ins with him mine being stalker why incidents then she got pregnant with his child half way through our senior year she gave birth that October after graduation they didn't end up working out and I'm not sure how it all happened exactly but she ended up with minority custody and he got majority I got a call around Thanksgiving my freshman year of college her parents had kicked her out for more unknown reasons and was going to have to sleep in her car in the cold I called my mom and made arrangements for her to stay there until she got back on her feet the agreement was she could stay as long as she needed as long as she helped my handicapped mom clean around the house and help pitch in money food big mistake she was messy refused to help around the house would feign sleep to ignore my mom let tubs and boxes of her crap take over weird places of the house and took my emergency iphone cords when she finally left she had cops called at our house because she apparently threatened to hurt herself or something and she was in jail over Christmas because she hit her baby daddy at their son's doctor's appointment which he wasn't supposed to attend due to the father being present in them having no contact order we also caught her Lang about going to strange guys homes that she met online to watch Netflix more and more risky behavior that the courts will held over her sometime in January she gots an apartment with another childhood friend and it took weeks off bugging her before she would take her stuff she had stored at our house after a couple months she tried to tell me our rather friend was hosting weird parties and developing a drinking habit and when I tried to get to the bottom of it everything came out she was bringing random creeps to the apartment then later started hooking up with the baby daddy again despite than Co still being an effect she wasn't putting in her share of housework and she had the cops called on her at a Buffalo Wild Wings or something like that for freaking out the other friend told their landlord and the crazy friend was forced to move to the opposite end of the complex they were separated by the time summer started it's been over a year-and-a-half since the end of that and I'm pretty sure my mom still gets core stuff for her in the mail she flicked my ex boyfriend he wasn't yet my ex boyfriend at the time I have known him for eight years and over the last three he has become a hopeless alcoholic he drinks on average five fifths a week and I almost never see him sober also yes his friends including me have intervened to no avail and his family including his sister who flew up from Chile have intervened again to no avail man he is going to be dead soon at that rate she cheated on her boyfriend who was also one of my closest friends and then tried to tell everyone at the guy she cheated with our pet her once she worried that people would find out then she tried to freak my cousin he was my best friend ever she was the only person I ever felt real friend love with like the kind of love you feel for a partner but platonic we met working in Wendy's as teams and dabbled in marijuana and such together I graduated a year before her and the summer after my graduation she just spiraled out of control all of a sudden she was snorting ground-up caffeine pills and then age where the Frick did she get aged she had gotten deeper into a crowd of bad kids we hung out with while I had real they were crap and trash and had pulled back somehow by the end of the summer she was so mentally fritz and these people has poisoned her mind against me so badly that she threw a brick through the rear view window of my car within days of leaving for college broke my freaking heart right along with the window and cost me a fortune I didn't have wiping through my savings right before I went to school she went on to spiral deeper into drugs now has three kids by two men and is with neither and lives in relative poverty still working cashier kind of jobs far as I can tell from Facebook once on a live a journal entry she had written about me as teens saying she hated me for a million reasons but thought I'd go further in life than her she had already quit then it broke my heart and still does we were both kids from disadvantaged families and somehow I got out and she didn't his girlfriend didn't like the fact that his best friend was a girl so she made him block delete me from everything she passed away unexpectedly in January she was my best friend for 22 years my best friend passed away three years ago sometimes I just pretend he is at home and I just haven't seen him because I'm busy one died one rated my partner's panty drawer one became a crazy alcoholic one got married and I moved not because he got married now I have acquaintances because it's easier to get over it old childhood friend she always complained that we never hung out every time we hung out she complained to my family when she saw them when she was working as a cashier but he didn't respond to my texts and eventually she unfriended me on Facebook I reached out to her one more time and she didn't respond it baffles me but I'm okay with it we used to go to the same church she decided to stay in our hometown get married young have a lot of kids and stay in the same church I decided to go to a Christian college which she thought was okay as long as it meant that I was going to marry a pastor or something like that but then she was upset when I later transferred to a secular University and even more upset when I decided not to stay within our Christian denomination we're actually still friends on Facebook but she never responds to any messages I sent her I think the only reason she hasn't deleted me is because she wants to spy on me which is okay with me I've got nothing to hide truthfully I hope that she has a long and happy life where she years but if it ends up that she doesn't and her husband goes crazy or something and she reached out to me for help it would be a full day's drive but I'd go get her and her kids pedal to the metal the whole way and bring them up to my place I've got new friends now and I wouldn't throw any of them under the bus just to help an old friend be her and I went through some craziness together and sometimes I wish we still talked you're good person when his girlfriend broke up with him he began sending subtle hints that he wanted us to be friends with benefits but that a relationship would never be in the cards when I didn't agree to it it became obvious that our whole friendship had been about the excitement of what if once that question was answered in real life the friendship was basically on life support the nail in the coffin was when he showed up super late to hang out with me leaving me sitting alone at a restaurant for over 30 minutes then spun it so I was the villain for being upset that he had been late that was the last time I saw him I went to visit him at his college about 2500 miles away and ended up looking up a few times with a girl in his circle of friends the next time he came home he didn't call me or anything and I ended up seeing him out one night with his new girlfriend from college the girl I had hooked up with a few months before I thought it was petty of him to no longer speak to me about it since he was pretty much the one who set me up with her when I visited the odd thing is I lost touch with him after we all moved on and about six years later he called me out of nowhere and asked me to be in his wedding different girl we sort of patched things up but it was never the same I haven't seen or talked to him in about 10 years now I hung around with the same three or four guys from the end of grade school all the way through college and then some pretty much all of them were my best friend at one point or another but as to why things fizzled out well that's simple we got elder and as we got older our relationships changed part of that had to do with girlfriends each time one was added and removed from the group it inevitably altered the dynamics of our friendships there was cheating some people couldn't get along with others and sooner or later everyone was fighting but it's not fair to just blame relationships education played a part too some of us went to college and others didn't that led to new friends and new social circles ad careers to the mix and marriages and children and divorces and funerals and before you know it you haven't spoken to your friends and the better part of the decade and when you do finally get together again you realize that nothing is the same anymore not even you your friendship exists only as a memory she got cool she plays bass in a successful rock band as a bunch of piercings and tattoos works at Rolling Stone and hangs out with her musician and hipster friends now I'm still a nerd D&D is the highlight of my week I'm a filthy weeaboo who watches more crunchyroll and Netflix the most expensive thing that I own is a snazzy dining-room table that has a board gaming surface underneath basically we grew apart we are friends on Facebook but we have so little in common now that we really only have the past to talk about D&D is cool don't let people tell you otherwise rolling dice is always the highlight of my week met online when we were 13 strokes 14 friends for almost 10 years video games kept us close as we were worlds apart met a few times IRL and she was pretty chill we texted one another more than I care to actually admit that were best of friends even during all of our relationships didn't really care for romantic relationship until our mid-20s join the new guild and eventually she found someone who piqued her interest still did incur I enjoyed the friendship ton of common interests they spend pretty much every second with one another was completely cut out when I wasn't able to be online at specific times when he wasn't online I was the bad guy that didn't want to be friends anymore 10-year friendship down the drain not being able to login at 3:00 a.m. to play games been a few years now but I do miss her but not going to become the third wheel to her relationship sucks and I feel like I wasted a lot of time hitting played proves it but that's life still don't have a best friend I can really talk to feel like I'm past that age now but it is what it is he asked my girlfriend for nudes pretty good reason mo you've been visited by the toothpaste man for good teeth and fresh breath comment Oh fresh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 19,652
Rating: 4.9010987 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, best friends, friend stories, friends stories, people of reddit, ex friends
Id: KOI8jAY_404
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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