Waiters Share Worst Experiences With Rude and Angry Customers (r/AskReddit)

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waiters and waitresses have read it what is the most horrible experience you have had with a customer once when I was working at this insanely popular breakfast joint my first table of the morning was a seemingly adorable old couple after going through our specials at their request she ordered the duck hash special and he ordered two boring poached eggs on toast all good I bring them their food and the guy starts freaking out you see I didn't bring him a table spoon for his eggs granted he didn't ask for one but according to him everyone knows that poached eggs are supposed to be served with a tablespoon I've been a waitress for nearly a decade and I've served a lot of poached eggs and I've never heard this rule nonetheless I apologize profusely and tell him I'll go grab him a spoon no he yells my breakfast is ruined now and then this grown-ass adults through his plate of food at me and storms out his wife gives me a sympathetic smile as she slinks out behind him and I work the next eight hours with egg yolk stains all over me so I never waited tables but I was a busboy the entire time I was in high school we had this family that would come in dude and his wife their two small kids they seemed like the most ordinary family but they will like fish new the Destroyers of tables they always left a ducking disaster fries everywhere [ __ ] all over the floor i sat and watched as one of the kids put the salt and pepper shakers into a glass of milk and then watched the dad be like hey can junior have a new milk he had a little accident they were both submerged in milk fries everywhere crumbs everywhere 1% of the food had been consumed they screamed the entire time to zero reaction from the parents it was chaos for the entire hour they were there every time I had to clean this up probably a dozen times before the hostess asked them not to come back yeah they threw a ducking fit didn't come back Doh nightmare worst is a big group coming in on a Sunday ordered endless cheap appetizer waters all around asked for extra lemons you can see where this is going stayed for a few hours total bill like six dollars got tipped fifty cents for having to wait around on them for literally my entire shift then the whole I am sensitive to gluten spill that people have then they order a beer i point that beer has gluten in it and they say oh well that doesn't bother me it is just gluten and food that bothers me whatever I've posted this before but I had been working at this type place in my town for about eight months and for the last four months I'd seen the same teenaged couple come in every Sunday and leave 0% regardless of service one day my boss decided enough was enough to annoy she all but yelled to me that's my Thai nickname it's an endearing name generally given to chubby children that loosely translates to little something I don't care whose turn it is you take them next week and you make sure you earn that zero percent I do a bit of a double take she can't possibly mean what I think she means you mean she nods and gives me this smile that is equal parts devious and smug a week later they come in five minutes into my shift she seats them in my section smiles at me and tells me to do my worst here is a fairly detailed account of the wonderful 45 minutes that followed I wait a good five minutes before going to greet them and bring waters they're ready to order I don't have a pen I'll be right back I promise I go out back pass smoke a cigarette takes me about 90 seconds before I return they are my only table and I'm not handling food yet so I don't wash my hands I reek of smoke I take her order pad thai mo bean sprouts like always as he opens his mouth to tell me he'll have the same I give him the just a minute finger and pull out my phone i text my fiance and ask if he wants to get dinner from my place or his tonight I take his order I somehow misunderstand and write down extra bean sprouts their food comes up while I'm telling my boss and the other waitress a story about my cat I finished telling the story before I get their food I bring it out and walk away as they're starting to complain about the sprouts about five minutes after they get the food I get a second table one is a customer from a former job of mine and we spend a few minutes catching up when I go to greet them the zero-percent try to signal me as I leave the table but I stare straight ahead I come back for my new tables order and see that their glasses are missing roughly four sips of water this simply won't do I hang their ticket and come back to fill their glasses I look at 0% SEM T glasses look the guy straight in the eye smile and walk away he stops me as I'm walking over with apps for my new table and asks for boxes I tell him I'll grab them right after I drop off this food I play a game of 2048 all the way up to 1024 before bringing them one small box they ask for two bigger boxes in the check I promise I'll be right back and then ask my boss to keep an eye on the table I like while I go smoke again obviously I don't usually take this many smoke breaks especially not this early into a shift I come back and my boss tells me they came to her for boxes him to pay and told her they are never coming back she voids their check gives me the twenty some dollars and tells me I earned it TLE our boss gave me twenty dollars to give over the top bad service to awful regulars not a waitress but worked in a healthy Q SR and not most horrible experience but memorable there was some sort of convention near my store location I live in Ottawa a short hop skip and a jungle from Quebec the city is pretty bilingual but not everyone is like me anyway this woman is trying to order but is speaking French I can get the gist of things if I hear certain words but she was speaking rather fast after a couple minutes of back-and-forth trying to answer her questions I turned a co-worker who is bilingual and asked him to help as her and I seemed to have a language barrier as I finish my request to said co-worker she says in totally perfect English with probably as much disdain as she could muster and I quote this is Canada we speak French and English my mouth drops not only because of the comment but because she understood me the whole time and didn't try to help I couldn't wrap my mind around why someone would do that come on not everyone is taught French in school I grew up in the west coast prayer is where French is not a mandatory subject all I could do was stare at her for a few seconds and walk away this happened a long time ago I used to work out TGIF as a busboy and there was this huge group of about 20 people at the end of their meal they received the bill everyone put in money for what they ordered they sat there for a while doing the math and finally figured it out they call their waitress over and say we ain't or no gratuity show me gratuity on this table they continued to try and argue and made the waitress cry manager had to be called in to explain what gratuity was well they were right about one thing no gratuity at that table a lady and her husband came in and before sitting down told us that she was deathly allergic to white wine saying verbatim if you feed me white wine I will die so I run around double and triple-checking recipes and ingredients and making sure the kitchen is ready so when she orders I know her food will be safe her husband orders the special and I make sure to tell her not to eat any of his meal as it is dressed with a beurre blanc made with white wine and I'd like her to survive her dining experience well I bring out their food and the first thing she does is scoop a big old fork full of huskies special and I cry out in dismay as she shoves in her dumb ducking mouth and says while chewing oh one bite won't hurt she also single-handedly weeded every server on the floor by forcing them into a name inappropriate conversations while they were trying to take care of their busy sections and cornered another guest in the tiny corridor leading to the bathrooms to tell him aggressively he was being too loud TL DR I'm deathly allergic to X equals I don't really like X in elvish and busy servers don't give a [ __ ] about your week I wait tables in a country-club had a couple come in once and as they were sitting down before I had even introduced myself the woman was already complaining since they had to wait five minutes while we Reese at their table she started off by telling me every time she gets the filet mignon it's awful and cooked wrong I suggested she tried something else nope goes for the same thing again I gave the kitchen heads-up and make sure it was perfect and save us all a headache steak comes up seems fine I drop her plate in front of her and I can already see that [ __ ] smirk people get when on to mused she grabs her butt a knife and lidget slaps the top of the steak with a flat of it three times and goes this is disgusting hasn't even cut into it or tasted it has me take it back and bring her a new one so of course we do it she gets a new one eats half of it and takes the rest home wants to talk to manager Bish's up a storm gets a whole meal free and dessert leave me a Garbo tip even if you don't include the free steak and dessert even left me a comment card just saying steak sucks and one-star for service a family of six dined and dashed on Thanksgiving it was already a rough thing to be working a family holiday knowing my tribe was at home enjoying themselves but to have to miss out on what should have been a good tip it was just salt in the wound at the end of the night I just cried all of the server's rallied around me and tried to offer me a portion of their tips to make up for a loss I couldn't accept it so they got me drunk and drove me home instead they are awesome people worked as a barback I accidentally dropped a fork on a very drunk dudes foot who got angry and shook his head and grumble about it shocking I know bits of food fell on the ground as well so I grabbed a towel to clean it up I look the man in the eye to let him know I'm on the floor cleaning next to him he then proceeds to stand up and step on my hand as he walks to the bathroom it hurt like a [ __ ] and I yelled out in pain he didn't acknowledge it at all but chuckled as he walked away sadly there wasn't much I could do I just got angry and walked to the back to calm down edit this is just the tip of the iceberg I have many more horror stories from the year I worked there bartender here about a month ago a white man walked up to a group of Hispanic men playing pool and announced this is a trump bar whites only I'd never seen him before he was promptly kicked out I haven't seen the guys who were playing pool back in since that night which is the worst part had a group of girls speak to my manager and call me a stupid hoe over 13 cents basically they ordered a side of fries and one maybe got a lemonade anyway give them their bill and they gave me just enough to cover it since we ran to the nearest dollar instead of dealing with coins girls flip out over 13 cents so I go in my back to scrounge it up they speak to my manager who refunded them everything stupid and they proceeded to call me names as they leave their table I was having a bad day so it made me upset at the time now I find the whole thing laughable not a waitress but previously a lady bartender at a theater on an incredibly busy night where we are well understaffed an old guy ordered a Jack Daniels then proceeded to blank my next three questions of would you like ice with that whilst chatting with his mates other customers are desperately clamoring for my attention after some thought I put the ice in as it's the more popular option he then turns back looks at his drink cold and disgusted says what the hell is this I don't want ice flustered I fix his drink apologizing profusely he still continues to look at me like dirt pays scuffs and walks off it sounds like a little thing I know but I was only 18 and was so shook off by it I'm gonna mix things up and tell ya all about a time that I was the idiot when I was a server these three black women came into the restaurant with their four little kids and I led them to their table welcome them yada-yada by the time I was asking what they wanted to drink the kids were already bored and had started climbing on the tables and chairs I honestly thought it was cute so I said without thinking ah you have a little family of monkeys immediately I realized my mistake my eyes widened in horror as theirs widened in surprise I hope they would ignore it but one of the women turned to the two and loudly asked did this fish really just and I ran away I served them their food and spent an entire hour avoiding eye contact as I didn't know what I could say that wouldn't make things worse when they left and I went to collect the bill one of the women actually left me a really good tip and a note that just said it's okay with a smiley face I hoped her life is full of sunshine and happiness and goodness
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 63,143
Rating: 4.8499126 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments
Id: JmeYRLtg7_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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