What Messed Up Things Did Someone Do In Your House?

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what's the most fricked up thing a guest did in your house happened to a friend when we were younger this kid came over to his house and took a crap and didn't flush or use toilet paper then a few weeks later when my friend went over to his house he was going to return the favor but lo and behold there was already a turd waiting for him the turd bandit strikes again we have a backup key hidden somewhere outside the house once my sister locked herself out while with some friends so she got the backup key and so her friends knew where the key was hidden flash forward some time and we are coming home after going on vacation and we find our house was broken into nothing was stolen but all the furniture was flipped upside down turns out my sister's friends did it as a prank in retrospect it is fairly funny but my parents flipped crap over it friend living in Europe came to us to visit family her husband was here for a couple of weeks but went back to Europe for work while she stayed with us for the summer unbeknownst to us she had stopped taking her medications and started racking up long-distance phone calls to Europe in the middle of the night early morning to talk to her husband but if she called his office and he wasn't there she would just ask to be put on hold until he returned to the office received a $3,000 phone bill and realized what had happened thankfully our phone company at the time listened to my story and agreed not only to set us up with an international plan to call Europe cheaply but they made it retroactive to when she started staying with us $3,000 became less than $200 this was at my grandmother's funeral she was a well-known lady so many people came to her funeral what happened while we were all grieving was a bunch of people decided to steal a whole bunch of random crap all our plates cups cooking utensils bags of rice medicine etc all gone after my mum passed away her elderly friend came to visit she asked me for wine she pounded back for glasses then she whipped out a handful of sleeping pills and down those I freaked out she said she did it all the time she then proceeded to fall off the chair she tried going upstairs and started to fall I caught her and half carried her to bed I heard her fall hard on the floor she was laughing in delirious she was 74 I wanted to call an ambulance but she flat-out refused I put her back in bed rinse and repeat three times the next morning I asked if she had other friends she could stay with I drove her to them when I was in high school I was having a party at my parents house when they were out of town my buddy Derek was not feeling well and really needed to take a dump apparently all of the bathrooms were occupied at the time of the emergency so he ran into the garage pulled his pants down and our head all over the garage floor Hey good on him for at least getting out of the main part of the house better him poop on concrete than hardwood or a rug I was at a party and I hear the host yellow mg who threw up on my dog doug was a shepherd mix a bit stout so he was walking around with a puddle of puke on his back like it was a saddle I am just imaging the aftermath of the dog shaking and sending bits of vomit everywhere heck I had a friend that spent the night over at my house when I was 9 she accidentally crap her pants overnight but instead of going to the bathroom she just took her underwear off and threw it under my bed after she left my mom told me my room smelled terrible and she couldn't figure out where it was coming from eventually we found her dirty poopy pants under my bed after that she was no longer allowed to stay over eventually she invited me to her place for a sleepover since she only had one bed we had to share it I woke up in the middle of the night soaking wet and freezing cold because she had wet the bed and me I had to lay in that bed all night just hoping that morning would come soon so I could get up and take a bath my parents bought a full-size terracotta soldier that they had shipped home when they were visiting China about a year later when my parents weren't home my grandpa painted it solid gray because he though it looked worn and dated and that's when grandpa was sent to the retirement home when I was young I was in Cub Scouts and we decided to build all our playing with derby cars at my house one year sir my whole little crew comes over including this kind of weird who named Ricky after about an hour of building Ricky goes into the bathroom for like an hour and then leaves the bathroom says goodbye without slowing down and walks out the front door and gets picked up by his dad outside my dad was kinda like WTF so he goes and looks at the bathroom and god dang there was tiny little crappy fingerprints on literally every surface of our bathroom like seat handle toilet paper walls sink handles soap bar God dang everything and yes we had to clean all that crap up but Ricky ended up with the nickname dick he shat props so jokes on him I guess there was this kid who lived around the block that would come over sometimes well one day he found some lemonade mix and decided the best thing to do with it was to dump it all on the ground use the sink nozzle to get the floor wet and turn the kitchen into a skating rink why the lemonade mix was necessary I have no idea but that was a really fun day until my parents came home I did a very similar thing at a friend's house when we were kids the difference being that it was baby oil on the bathroom floor to make the skating rink I convinced my friend that it was a good idea on two separate occasions let a guy I knew from college stay in my house for a few months because he kept bitching about how his parents don't let him do anything and I figured one more person paying rent wouldn't hurt when he moved out with about a weeks notice I was forced to clean eight months of just stains from the wall where his desk used to be get a box dude I had a girl who was six or seven pee in my boots had a party with eight friends after they left how I went to the whole bath and noticed the hand towel missing I looked on the floor and noticed crap smeared into the ground then I looked at the toilet and realized crap was smeared and swirls all over the side of the toilet closest to the wall I don't know what happened and never did find the hand towel gross years ago my old housemates mum came to visit I just done a 14-hour shift and the pub I was working in at the time I came home to find her in the kitchen off her face in her tights surrounded by broken glass on the floor and eating my cereal from the bag but she'd smashed all the wine glasses she was a counselor for the Tory party two housemate had passed out so had to deal with this wreck of a woman who I'd never met before he was sleeping over and in the middle of the night I see this dude punishing the crap out of his meat I swear this dude sent it to the frickin Shadow Realm I had a friend who would visit occasionally when I lived in an apartment with my wife he would always leave early in the morning on Sunday before either I or my wife was awake and he would plug the toilet and just leave it every frickin time years ago I lived in a mobile home me and my so2 helped with bills and rent we took in a guy as a roommate short term was supposed to be a week was my neighbours father I should have figured out right though when he didn't let his dad stay with him day one set up a computer in his room that's cool play Wow whatever you do nope he was watching cam girls at a high volume day too I come home to my door locked my key isn't working this dude had the audacity to change my locks while I'm at work he said he didn't feel safe day three I had friends over for a BB q we all worked at the same fast-food restaurant that may or may not serve tacos the store manager closed on Tuesdays we were off as a group every Tuesday we need drink etc he brings some chick home without giving us a heads up and they're freaking in his room with the bedroom door open I am walking my buddy's 3-year old son to the bathroom as he didn't wanna alone that is when we saw him seriously now I don't even invite people to my house meet me somewhere nobody is coming over almost every time my mom came to my house she did something flicked up she would break things or decide something needed fixing and call up whatever repair or service person was and then just present me with the bill when I came home from work she flooded my kitchen once which leaked out all over my living room and warped my hardwood floors I came home once and she had repainted my kitchen but the worst was when she left candles burning and we woke up to my living room in flames almost killed us both I live in Asia now in a small studio apartment so even when she comes to Asia which has only happened once so far she can't stay in my home your martial test software making things break is required in that occupation a girl came over during a party she'd obviously had a few drinks first she tried making out with me which I'm generally in favor of but she was trashed and could hardly walk so we set her on a couch she didn't stay there though she took one of the hockey sweaters I hang on the wall put it on and sat on the floor banging her hands and singing to whatever song was on it was obnoxious it's harmless and thankfully she stopped because a few minutes later she pukes all over my sweater herself and the floor not great we get her to the bathroom where she promptly passes out which is generally a good spot to do so except when it's 10 p.m. and people are still coming over and there's one bathroom in the place we eventually just unlock the door find her sleeping naked at the bathtub in her own puke happy as Frick thanking us for inviting her etc we left her there drew the shower curtain and she either passed out or got to hear everyone pee for the night she woke up at around 4 a.m. and climbed into my bed where I was blissfully sleeping keyword was had to call her a cab and pay him up front because shockingly she lost everything she owns in someone's car then I got to throw my sheets and blankets and the laundry and sleep on the couch we are still friends she's apologized plenty but that wasn't a good night for her she has interesting courtship rituals my gf sold friend was in town Stowe he stayed with us I already didn't trust him because he was a terrible alcoholic and was known to steal things he stayed in her room and she slept in mine woke up at about 8:30 and he was gone he peed the bed stole the vinyl of elvis presley's moody blue album from her wall she had a limited edition black pressing and we never heard from him again he died a couple of months ago from H overdose I had a house party in college that was broken up by the cops when the red and blue lights started flashing into the windows of my bedroom where myself and probably five or six other folks who are partaking in illicit drug use this chick whom I do not know just dashes out of my room in a panic she returns in an instant with a jar of my peanut butter and begins mashing her goddamned fingers into it and shoveling huge globs down her gullet at this point high on illicit drugs I vividly remember yelling in a manner that reminds me of Jesse from BB what the frig yo she can barely open her mouth or use her tongue because her crap is so covered in my frickin food if she explains to the whole crowd that eating peanut butter will be to briefly as a test before tearing out back into the night I've never seen her again the cops are super nice just ask everyone to leave and I wake up the next morning which is when I see it this peanut butter be cleaned her grody little claws all over my frickin walls on her way out the house there were streaks of peanut butter down the hall down the stairwell and all over my gadding coached by the front door where my pillage jar of peanut butter lay like a cowering victim by the welcome mat I am still betrayed I was the guest at my sister's house we were getting really drunk with her her husband and her husband's friend I needed to pee and her husband told me to go pee in the bush behind his garage so I stumbled over there and whips out my junk and began to take the longest pee of my life about four seconds in I heard a sound coming towards me it was my sister's big dumb beautiful golden retriever Esper the dog is a real attention w apparently he wanted to get my attention while I was peeing so he ran under the stream and tried to roll around in it I pinched off the stream at great personal peril and spun around 180 degrees and led the stream go Jasper thought this was a new game he ran around me and started playing in the stream again in my drunken state I started to aim off to the sides but yes but was not as drunk as I was he reacted to my evasive maneuvers much quicker than I expected he bit at the stream and frolicked in it until my bladder was empty then with a big dumb grin on his face Jasper ran back to my sister I had to follow him and tell everyone not to touch the dog because he had just been playing watersports my brother-in-law's friend laughed so hard he nearly fell into the fire pit the dog got bathed and couldn't have been happier my sister was mortified her husband thought it was hilarious drunk friends puked on my couch and Flor made a half-assed attempt to clean it with some paper towels then just left without saying anything while I was asleep in my room woke up to find puke everywhere we had a guest do something similar he threw up on the floor and instead of cleaning it up he covered it with my husband's new sweater and went back to sleep ok so this one time I had my best buddy from elementary and middle school down to visit me from out of state awesome dude loved having him around whenever I can we went to visit my brother at his college dorm foursome parties friend and I are both 21-22 at this point brother and his friends are 18-19 we hit the bars downtown Get Rid roared and proceeded to walk back to the dorms to crash on various couches so I stayed up till about 5:00 a.m. hanging out with one of the run mates because we'd had vodka redbull and sleep wasn't going to be possible for a bit at right around 4:45 we hear running water from the kitchen and both wondered who was up as we walk out into the kitchen we see out-of-state friend sleepily standing in front of the open refrigerator taking a pee all over everything in there I'm saying all over abre full spray brothers run mate and I both simultaneously asked but why out-of-state friend says one a socket and then goes unconscious by far the worst thing done to anybody's place that I've seen personally in his defense out-of-state friend replaced everything in the fridge and cleaned it out to the extreme before everyone else woke up the next day probably ended up cleaner than it had been in years all of Bros friends say it's one of their fat stories from college when I was a kid me and my friends were over at a birthday party we were playing hide-and-seek and one of the kids peed in the kitchen sink because he had to go but didn't want to reveal his location none of us knew about it at a time but later my parents got a phone call asking if I did it my dad sat me down and asked me straight up I looked at him like he had three heads and said no I'm not five then he laughed his butt off at the idea of some middle school are peeing in someone's kitchen sink had a houseguest who was fairly tall turned the shower head around to bounce the water off the drywall and ceiling to get the water to fall on his head he has not been invited back I'm 6 feet 7 inches and pretty much all shower heads hit my chest so I just bend over for my head what the Frick was that dude thinking surfed pee on my PC and got it infected with malware I have to assume he also jerked off at my desk I stopped hanging out with him when he decided to casually shoplift some stupid thing when we were at the mall we no way am I going to get caught up in any legal BS because of his dumb but my parents have satellite internet and are on a data plan they had a guest over that spent all night on a cam girl site and used up all their monthly data it was the third day of that month a former friend stayed the weekend with her kids she left a potty chair filled with pee in the room where they were staying flashed her boobs at my husband didn't feed her children breakfast and the worst she grabbed my cat's tail and pulled her across the floor glad she's a former friend she got up at 3 a.m. on a freakin Wednesday and proceeded to make special stew special stew was literally every single meat from our freezer water and ketchup oh and not to mention she sobbed loudly while doing this also broke three knives trying to chop a frozen ham trip julienne foo I have a story my little brother is autistic naturally when there was another kid with autism who came into the neighborhood for a block party we invited him over they had fun seemed like a cool kid he asked to use our bathroom and we said sure of course he was in there for about a half hour and then he suddenly scurried out of the house and ran off somewhere when my mother went in next she found the walls covered in finger-painted fesses all our white towels were covered in brownish green streaks and there was brown stains all over the sink top and the rug on the floor but the rug was upside down flip over the rug it was even more covered in fecal matter it was incredible bleach bombed the place with my mom never saw the kid again Dickey shaft prints strikes again let their kid crap on my deck and then not use bleach to clean it and then argued with me when I used bleach to clean it and then got offended that I argued with em about the cleanliness of their kids crap their anti-vaccination stance should have tipped me off row they literally thought their kids crap don't stank take a picture of my B V it's like a yeast infection there with bacteria and it's not arrestee D medicine and posted it on Twitter my brother-in-law came to stay at my flat and bought his friend who didn't like dogs and was allergic to them no problem I told him that this was the dog's home and he'd have to live with it but I'd try and keep the dog away from him as much as I could I was in the kitchen and I heard him saying freak off no go away so I guess the dog was doing that thing that dogs do when faced with someone who doesn't like dogs not leave them alone I started to go into the front room to grab the dog and I heard a heavy thunk sound and my dog yelps and scooted past me the sucker had kicked my dog I grabbed him by the front of his shirt dragged him to the front or threw him out and told him that he wasn't welcome in my home you did the right thing cousin of an ex got drunken pill doubt then diarrhea shat herself all over my couch after we all had gone to sleep tried to clean herself by going to the bathroom then the bathroom was too contaminated with crap all over the toilet and all in the sink almost to the point of being clogged then she went to my other bathroom to clean herself off crap was everywhere walls shower curtains sinks and door handles she woke me up and said there was an emergency I got up and drove her to her car before I discovered anything from the little crap storm that was the crappiest day of my life sucker stole my oven door we had a houseguest staying for a week while he interviewed for jobs in our area he was told that there was just one major house rule do not let our cat outside he's an indoor cat only and has never been outdoors on his own well we came home from work one day that we confound that he had left the sliding glass floor and screened to the deck open while he went for a walk but the cat was gone nowhere to be seen we searched the neighborhood and enlisted our friends to help our beloved pet was missing and the house guests couldn't understand why it was such a big deal at that point I told him that our cat meant more to us by far than his so-called friendship and out he went not to return miraculously long after we had given up hope one day mr. cat he returned sitting on the deck meowing through the screen door I have this one friend who ends up doing something flicked up every time he stays over one time he crap himself not even drunk this man is in his late 20s so I figured he would be all set to take a shower to clean himself up he was in there for over a half an hour before the showers shut off meanwhile the rest of us are drinking and chatting in the kitchen after 10 minutes of audible clanking and thumping with him moving crap around in my bathroom the shower turns back on it is literally another half an hour before he finally comes out of the bathroom and everything in the room is moved the counter and walls appear to have been washed all the little bathroom rugs are in different spots and various cleaning products from beside toilets are against the opposite wall to this day I am not sure what happened in that room while he was in there but I haven't felt completely comfortable in my own bathroom since this butthole kept the faucet running overnight and a plugged up drain drain was plugged because it had been cleaned by the owner earlier in the day and woke up to see water pouring through the light fixtures in the basement the owners were my parents and the guest was me found the wet bandit back in high school I was throwing a party at my house now during the night this couple came up and asked me if they could use my guest room to fool around I said to go ahead that's what that room is for well about five minutes after that exchange this neck but with a hard-on for the chick who just went up with her boyfriend went upstairs and started banging on the door they locked it he tried to just walk in I hear the noise so I go to the entrance and look upstairs like the guest room door to which at that point I see this neck but do this SWAT team kick and break open my door I asked him WTF and he says it's rude for people to lock your doors in your own house I just kicked his butt out this was only one of many creepy bus things he did - and thought about how I was going to explain a door to my mom my two bonehead friends were at a party at my house this past Halloween this was a brand-new house with all new crap in it I noticed them go missing for a while and went to go check to make sure they were okay I go to the room while we were keeping all the jackets and I noticed the door is locked I hear two people giggling so normally I would think someone was hooking up or something that all the women were accounted for so I get the keys out to open the door and the Giblin get snout around the second I unlock the door it quickly locks again then it happened the ground starts rumbling and I hear fourthly Shari kaboom these two suckas idiots break down my door in my brand-new house and I'm on the other side I got freaking crushed I was also holding a beer which got smashed these guys are going to be in my wedding party this year the bought me a new door and trim and installed it all my fiancee did and talked to them for weeks and she was mad at me two freakin guys my father and his girlfriend visit from out of town and rearrange my kitchen every time they loved to cook for me but apparently I keep everything in the wrong place I spend the following week after they leave slowly relocating cookware and utensils putting it back where it belongs my girlfriend rearranged my kitchen without asking and I can't even get mad because it is a lot better tried to invite a couple Hells Angels to a house party they didn't take too kindly to being turned away at the door but didn't do anything else you missed an opportunity to make lifelong friends there through a bowling ball through the wall above the stairs which went into our basement stove the whole entire back wooden steps off the side of our house that went to our kitchen door walked directly into the sliding balcony door kickin it in putting a big crack in it with the tip of their shoe but threw snowballs through a broken window upstairs climbed up onto our roof high on ecstasy I should also mention we all lived in a really notorious party house back in the day we used to throw big parties you know it's a good party when you lose a set of steps I had a nice house in upstate NY and my parents came to visit after not seeing them for six years we had a toilet paper basket with a cover in the bathroom that held spare rolls after they left my wife discovered that my mother had left a few of her adult diapers in the container god rest her soul a guy who came over to party puked all over my bathroom and ended and clean it just went to sleep in my bed I got him back though I married him a couple years later and gave him two kids and he has had to clean soirée more puke since then running the long con I see you've been stopped by the bread cat liked this video too he'll eat all your bread if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 17,723
Rating: 4.8613863 out of 5
Keywords: guest, worst gues, worst guests, house guest, worst house guest, house guests, guest house, sleepover, party at my place, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: KchLG9VI5k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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