Inside the Real Dutton Ranch 👀 Yellowstone | Paramount Network

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- Action! - The most surreal thing in the world, and the most humbling thing in the world, is when you're sitting in your own living room, watching a show that's filmed in your house. - You can sit in my living room, or you can leave it. - If you think about it too much, it's just (imitating explosion). (upbeat country music) I'm Shane Libel, and my family and I own Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby, Montana. I mean, we have hundreds of people that come by and take photos of the Dutton Ranch sign, often times through the gates. But we leave them up all year round. We run the ranch as a guest ranch from June through August, and we have horses and cows, and we sell hay, and we do all the things that a ranch does. There's always a balance between what do we preserve historically and what do we make functional for a modern family? - You ever wonder what this place looked like before any of us were here? - When we moved here, we redid the kitchen, we redid the mudroom, we redid the great room. I can make a list a mile long of things we've improved, but we have a responsibility. I mean, we live here, we own this, but we really don't own it, because we're just here until the next person that we hand it off to. - This is the real deal. This is what makes this show sing, is that this lodge has actually become a character in our show. Hello, I am Carla Curry. I am the set decorator on Yellowstone. So our job is to make these environments look real. This lodge was built from 1914 to 1917. All of the original logs and stones that are used in this property are from the property itself. The main timber that is up in the roof is 153 feet long, and it is actually one single tree. They were so protective of the logs that when they harvested the logs, they actually wrapped them in burlap until they were ready to put them in place, just so that they would keep them from getting nicked and damaged. And I think they did a marvelous job, because it's a beautiful place. The lighting in here is original Tiffany, and I don't know if you can see the faces on this, but this is original to the lodge. Tiffany was a really popular designer back in the early 1900s and 1800s. These are things that are intrinsically correct for this period of time, and we're just thrilled to death to have in our realm of Dutton world. It just couldn't be more spot-on. - It's a gift that keeps on giving. - This is the feel that we wanted for the Dutton family. The lodge has certainly been here for generations, and we wanted it to feel like it had evolved over these generations. So there's a few new things. The sofas are new. The drapery's obviously new. Some of the chairs are newer. But we also mixed it in with family heirloom antiques so that it does feel like you've had generations that have brought their style and their different aesthetic to this lodge. We leave it here all year round, and encourage the family that lives here to come in and enjoy their family in it. - Thank you. - For what? - For protecting what's ours. - This is not a set. This is not on stage. This is a private home that we are lucky enough to be in. And not only is it a private home, but it is historically a unbelievably irreplaceable home. So we're proud of it, we want to keep the integrity of it, and we wanna honor our additional cast member here, because it truly has become kind of a character of its own. (upbeat country music)
Channel: Paramount Network
Views: 291,924
Rating: 4.9308791 out of 5
Keywords: Dutton Ranch, real Dutton Ranch, Yellowstone ranch, BTS ranch, BTS Dutton Ranch, BTS Yellowstone, Chief Joseph Ranch, Darby, Montana, Shane Libel, Carla Curry, set director, ranch set director, Yellowstone set director, Ranch owner Yellowstone, behind the scenes, behind the scenes Yellowstone, behind the scenes Dutton Ranch, kevin costner, dutton family, duton, yellowstone, yellowstone paramount network, paramount, paramount tv show, national park, cowboy, yellowstone tv show
Id: EAo9e0fXyow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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