The NSA Threw Microsoft Under The Bus...

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today's video is brought to you by the National Security Agency the one federal agency of the United States that constantly spies on its fellow citizens for the sake of national security now you know what ladies and gentlemen say what you will about the NSA say what you want say whatever it is but if I was an American I would be wholly against an organization that was constantly looking through the private lives of its citizens for the sake of national security man isn't that a [ __ ] guys and a half now believe it or not the NSA decided to disclose the security vulnerability that could in fact make the title of this video virus investigations Windows 10 now okay I'm gonna have a lot of rants about the NSA but I'm gonna save that I'm gonna save that for later now let me just tell you what's going on the NSA is Twitter page who the intern put this one out NSA has discovered a critical vulnerability cv 20 2006 so one it's just a code they use affecting Microsoft Windows cryptographic functionality the certificate validation vulnerability allows an attacker to undermine how Windows server Phi's cryptographic trust and can enable remote code execution this affects Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 to 2019 as well as applications that rely on Windows 4 trust functionality exploitation of the vulnerability allows attackers to defeat trusted network connections and deliver executable code while appearing as legitimately trusted entities so let me just put this in perspective real quick basically the certificates that we use on the Internet to verify if a server is legitimate or not legitimate have actually been compromised and this allows hackers to actually use this exploit to basically sign software as malicious software as totally legitimate software so if Windows 10 decides to wonder hey is this okay or not it's given a certificate that basically is spoofed to resemble an actual legitimate certificate and Windows 10 says you know what I can't tell the [ __ ] difference I guess I can run malware or you know the data stealer dot exe and call it a day so you know what I think the most fair analogy I can kind of give over here that's kind of a crappy analogy but I think it's the closest one that I can give to the audience without getting too technical into things so effectively if you look at US currency right the u.s. dollar bill the one dollar bill in this case or any dollar bill will actually have tell us to signify that it's not you know counterfeit currency the way they get the way that it felt the way that you can look through it in light and see different things and even chemically it's actually a hard bill to replicate but you can replicate this bill you know if you put enough time and money and effort to it but one thing that can't be replicated is an active serial number that's on the bill see every US dollar bill has a different card different serial number to it you know I can I can list you how many bills right here and it's different currency no matter what different serial numbers so imagine for a second imagine if this serial number let's assume that this was an application right let's assume this is a real application this is a fake one the fact that the serial number on this one is real and the fact that this one if somebody found a way to make this serial number legitimate if I handed this bill over right if I ran these two programs they would look exactly the same they nobody would be able to tell the difference trusts wouldn't be trust would be an issue you know one is legitimate one isn't but as far as Windows is considered all these are fine okay that's that's roughly the analogy I can give you it's not the best it's not the super most in-depth analogy but I hope it makes some sense into what's going on basically government agencies military agencies that rely on Windows 10 this trust mechanism are actually under a huge huge shitstorm if this was to be abused but there is there is a weird side to that as well one of this one of the things that I found on this exploit was is it publicly available no all right privately available yes the NSA or any other a large scale organization if there were abuses has a private version of this exploit add them has it ever been exploited in the wild I don't know you know a lot of people I see are actually throwing the I don't know in the wild exploitation which if this is a heavily critical issue that the NSA has brought up I have not seen it used in any case scenario out in the wild see if you don't really know the NSA is actually going for the sort of transparent look where they're like oh we're not really spying on you but we are and they're trying to make it look like that they're out there to focus on the best interest of the public now before we continue let me out [ __ ] rant about the National Security Agency okay before the goddamn [ __ ] you before everything goes dark and I get sent to like this weird black box of an island the NSA is an organization that once had the prism program and protocol running on their networks running inside their system this is a prism organization what does that mean what that means is these guys have back doors back channels into most major American operating systems and technological pieces of tech out there meaning that if you had an iPhone if you had an Android the way if you had whatever running American tech on it these guys had some form of a back door or some way to exploit your device and this system was used to gather mass surveillance on United States citizens and maybe people abroad the NSA may actually be guilty of committing espionage in multiple other countries in fact I would actually wager that if somebody looked that into the prism program which wouldn't come to light if one of their contractors didn't actually leak that information yes Edward Snowden is in fact an American Hero for letting their people know that they're being spied on by a tyrannical [ __ ] government alright alright okay relax you know what the NSA actually did their job just fine you know the National Security Agency stepped in to assist most people using Windows 10 of the national security issue that would have affected American citizens oh god bless them now you know what I could sit here and tell you the ulterior motives that the NSA has and honestly I'm actually gonna stick to my [ __ ] guns okay let me tell you the most likely what happened was there was some other agency probably the Russians probably Chinese I'm not sure their agencies figured out this exploit too and the NSA probably said you know what we can't abuse it anymore on our own so let's just make it public and look like we're the [ __ ] good guys and you know what at that point maybe that's a cool conspiracy theory but at the end of the day what's good is that a security issue has been patched but like I said earlier this is the same agency that had a lot and I mean a lot of information a lot of exploits to basically abuse and if it wasn't leaked they'd probably still have those running I mean eternal blue wasn't a [ __ ] joke let me put that one out there now I could just end the video off and say hey guys and gals update the Windows 10 security patch issue number five five five five or four thirty three thirty two but you know what you probably already updated to it okay probably in the background now ladies and gentlemen I've been uploading some Linux content lately you know I showed you guys me ripping on Macintoshes while running a Mac under Linux flawlessly I've shown you me running Windows 10 as a gaming rig on an actual VM and you know I've been I've been a Linux guy okay for a while I've been using Windows 10 and recently I've actually switched off it made my entire like Linux build ran my VMs under it and I couldn't be happier from it it's a very unconventional build but the reason I'm using it is you have to ask yourself the question do you trust a multiple publicly traded billion dollar mega Corp out there with your computer and all your data while Microsoft's Windows 10 doesn't actively really spy on you I believe there's no exact concrete proof the thing that always freaks me out about Windows 10 is Diagnostics data well you can view Diagnostics data and some of their telemetry that's really only what Windows 10 is telling you about god knows what they actually have running in the background that I I don't know I don't know there's a lot of weird things about Windows 10 that I just don't trust and it goes for Apple it goes for any major tech come any out there I'm not pushing free and opensource for no reason I use Linux primarily because while it is another operating system it's not the best you know there's a lot of use case scenarios where it's a [ __ ] to work with the best part about Linux is that it's actively moderated by a bunch of well talented individuals security researchers people that are looking through the code every single day of every hour you know every hour of every single day I'm sort of tripping up everywhere but that being said because that happens it is probably one of the most secure operating systems you can use and one that you can kind of ensure isn't spying on you to begin with now in recent years Linux has gotten a lot easier for your day-to-day tasks but even for things like video gaming Linux is actually kind of excelling at to begin with but that's just one more case scenario becoming a stronger fix on Linux Linux is still not perfect but that VM build I showed you pretty much makes for the perfect PC in my opinion you know if you want the magic of Windows 10 consider going out of your way to build a PCI pass-through device or go to Linux entirely just so you can virtualize your Windows installation when you really need it because at the end of the day I will only run Microsoft OS I will only run Apple operating system for my specific case use needs I don't need these companies to have constant access to my files my important you know things you know family contact information all that kind of stuff because honestly I don't trust these companies worthless [ __ ] to do this I certainly don't trust the National Security Agency and I certainly don't trust Microsoft Windows after seeing multiple exploits not just this but multiple exploits that they've suffered through in the past regarding Windows 10 I certainly don't trust Apple and you know regardless of that it makes me sound paranoid but at the end of the day given the fact that data is the biggest tool that we have in the biggest asset by a large margin in today's world I would wager and say that you should start taking care of it a little bit better there's a lot of YouTube channels getting hijacked there's a lot of accounts being compromised and there's a lot of people's data that's being stolen the whole point of virus investigations is to sort of bring awareness to protecting yourself online especially protecting the data that is honestly really key and near dr2 a lot of you so ladies and gentlemen I'll probably make a video later about my whole Linux build and how I should care myself but you know until then I just want you to sort of process in your head the importance of of probably switching to something that won't exactly necessarily spy on you to the extent that most of these big corporations already do to an extent the harvesting of user data and selling it to third parties is very [ __ ] up and I hope people start waking up to it more and more as the years go by maybe 20 20 is that year the Linux desktop but what I do know is just starting this year off Windows 10 and looking ain't lookin quite Gucci as the kids these days say that being said if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it be just like I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 394,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national security agency, edward snowden, the, nsa, threw, microsoft, under, bus, sog, some ordinary gamers, windows 10 security flaw, windows 10 update, nsa windows 10, nsa windows, virus investigations, malware
Id: hvmN5bjcp2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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