I Got Poor Shamed By a Mac User...

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*Muta got poor shamed by a mac user

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Owlet66 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Guess the mac user likes to run out on the streets naked while fucking yelling at cars

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/URSomeRandomUsername 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
today's video is brought to you by an argument an argument I had with a certain individual who said that I wasn't doing my job right which for those of you don't know I'm video editor you know that's how that's how I pay for the strip club in the home and apparently I didn't do my job right because I ain't invested my money in no chat ass Macintosh's now normally I wouldn't really make a video about it if you use a Macintosh go for it if you use a PC go for it I don't care it's a [ __ ] plastic box at the end of the day but what muda hates is brand loyalty and and trying to defend the fact that you paid a 50% tax on your computer because somebody took a bite out of a [ __ ] Apple and sold it to you now brands like supreme you know really really high-end brands where you're paying $1,000 for a sweatshirt that's probably made for like six bucks and a [ __ ] sweatshop overseas often baffles me ok because everytime I come across these breed of individuals you know who you are you know who they are I always get [ __ ] poor shame oh why does it say Twitter for Android because at the end of the day my [ __ ] there's some cheap-ass Android phones and there's some [ __ ] pricing [ __ ] out there and guess what you know it's not it's not your concern what daddy gets now at the end of the day alright ai-ai-ai-aight I'm sick and tired of getting [ __ ] poor shame for this [ __ ] ok so I'm a stand-up to all the Twitter for Android people I'm gonna stand up for all the PC neckbeards out there I'm gonna stand up for every console pleb that you can see out on the market because you know what it's time to stand up to this breed of cancer now before we begin I didn't [ __ ] buy a Mac ok i think i think it's very evident that i that i wouldn't buy it I wouldn't go to Apple and do it but oh muda how how do you running that Macintosh well there there's a there's a reality to it see I'm running it under a virtual machine using Linux alright what I'm basically doing is emulating a Mac and while we get to it this Mac is probably Mac is better than most of the [ __ ] that you can buy from Apple anyways but that's really the step see the build that I'm using here I like to call it bisexual Billy the reason I call it that is is Billy the PC here you usually listen to that a heteronormative [ __ ] [ __ ] that that you that you see nowadays Billy here decides to run Linux decides to run Windows run Macintosh if Billy wants to run around on the street naked [ __ ] screaming at cars that's that's what Billy does that's the Billy PC build and you know what there's a beauty to it because Billy can do it all at the same time now Billy is what I like to call a workstation rig right basically I paid just under some of the highest end max that you can get well the Mac well not the $8,000 Mac Pro let's be [ __ ] real but it's a pretty pricey bill that's a workstation oriented and you know so far and so forth it's performing a little better than an off-the-shelf Mac that I could get an apple see one of the things you gotta you gotta learn here is if we can if we can go on a [ __ ] Safari boys and girls all right I mean from the Macintosh might as well use their [ __ ] lineup right now as you can see all right they're trying to sell me an iPhone 11 I'm okay with the iPhone 11 hell I bought a couple in my life I even bought an iPad it's the Mac category that I care a lot about and when you go to the Mac category whoo what is this MacBook Pro the best for the brightest let's buy it we'll see how bright we are let's go let's go into that 16 inch or 13 inch I knew me Umrah think about it I mean bigger the better right let's go for it 2.3 gigahertz 8 core processor I'm not [ __ ] on no AMD fellers out there but let's be real here even AMD guys know that that's not the car do you want for a [ __ ] 2.7 K laptop let's be sure but mood it's got an Intel I 92.3 gigahertz processor turbos up to 4.8 radio can't get over it 16 gigs of RAM and a terabyte storage and you've got a Retina display and touch ID well goddamn buckaroos you're really you're really stepping in that [ __ ] market category aren't you but you know what else I want to go to that Pro side real quick so let's fire that back up real quick you can either get the rack or the pro the rack isn't available so let's go see the pro 4 6 [ __ ] grand alright they give you a 3.5 gigahertz eight core Intel Xeon w processor can I just remind the audience real quick that that processor isn't exactly the most impressive [ __ ] out there see at the end of the day that processor that you can get there are desktop processors are out there that give you more bang for your buck this is like a little old in my don't let the name fool you or anything just benchmarking the society may be specialized workflows would would be better but for the most part and off the shelf you know processor you're getting usually the highest end is a little bit better than this [ __ ] don't let them fool you open mood a few if you pay seven grand extra they give you the twenty eight core Intel Xeon they make rise and thread rippers that put this [ __ ] to shame boys and girls and remember that for less price and there are rising builds I can get you that cost as much as the [ __ ] upgrade that are stellar oh but you want 1.5 terabytes of memory that might be the best price thing they have 25 grand believe it or not but still when you add everything up not really owe to Radian Pro Vegas basically if you go this option 10 grand you're getting four GPUs because this is a dual GPU wafer still for ten grand let's see a used car or [ __ ] four GPUs I don't know man I'm gonna think about it you know Nvidia is outclassing any of these GPUs anyway so why the [ __ ] am I going this way I don't know eight terabytes of storage for $2,600 you can go [ __ ] yourself Oh an afterburner card for those pro rest codecs just use just use a babbitt's codec sorry please please don't don't fool yourself ah but you want the stainless steel frame with the wheels for 400 yeah I'm absolutely dice love burning money and at least give the software for free to make it look like some [ __ ] good deal but you know what for six grand is that Mac worth it whoo well the answer is a surprising note now I've been I've been spending some time at the [ __ ] glory hole lately you know giving given given a given head for nickels and [ __ ] and I managed to get me one of these little crappy Mac minis that you kind of need a real Mac to build the Mac VM you don't really I mean it's piracy at that point but I have to get a real Mac to make a little bootable Drive but but this pile of [ __ ] that can go [ __ ] itself and I mean that's really what it is this is this Mac runs better it's got sixteen [ __ ] course to it about 24 gigs of ram and and at a very decent AMD Radeon graphics card powering it I mean it's better than what you're getting off the shelf for literally 50% less what I would pay for an actual Mac now Mac users always like to tell me o moody you ain't doing your job right you gotta use a [ __ ] Mac device to actually edit your videos well let me guide you through I've been using some of Premiere Pro but and you know what everyone tells me to use this Final Cut nonsense and I'll just fire it up real quick for all the audience here why not let's let's go look around as much as we can here we go here we go here we go now you know what I'm not saying this is a terrible you know editing setup I get if you were you know editing your vacation videos maybe your brother cheaped out on his wedding and told you you know what you edit the [ __ ] wedding video and and maybe you might pull a half-decent job out of here but but in the big-boy world of video editing no one uses this Final Cut Pro 10 garbage day you should like creative cloud or they use avid media composer to analyse that are available on Windows anyway so no you don't need a [ __ ] Mac anymore and Final Cut let me give you a blanket review of it if I wanted to smash my head against the wall I would use Final Cut if I want it to have the most unintuitive way of editing I would use Final Cut Pro and if honestly if I just want it to not do my job properly and go homeless I would use Final Cut Pro that's my glaring reviews that you're getting okay and you know what i'ma tell it like it is so now that we've got productivity out of the [ __ ] way what else can you browse the web what yes we just did that can you write word documents if you're spending over a thousand two thousand dollars on a product like this are you best [ __ ] bet you can write a fancy-ass word document don't get me wrong are you still intelligent after that debatable you know I still consider that to be troglodyte status but hey what am i but but but about a [ __ ] poor ass editor editing on a shitty PC right all right so gaming on a Mac is is entirely possible boys and girls in fact earlier I was playing some some fortnight's oh yeah you got some fortnight you got some minecraft you got some roblox everything a [ __ ] growing boy he means in fact I even fired up steam to play to play my one of my favorite games Splinter Cell Conviction and their need to bid applications ain't supported it's almost like backwards-compatibility you know that's just that's just that's just a feature you know Mac is watching out for you who wants to use older programs am i right move on with the times kiddos now even more so than that yes I know steam exists but Apple themselves have a really amazing library of video games that one can actually get their hands on if you go to the Apple arcade they have some fancy fancy new new games for you to get into I mean you can you can play amazing games like Shadow the Tomb Raider which is great by the way amazing but given what Mac sells you as hardware I doubt you could even max this game out properly we know without PC hardware kind of [ __ ] powering it oh hell yeah jelly juice sign me up dude I was gonna play a sweet juicy match three game mmm at least the download speeds are [ __ ] decent ii think ii think there's somebody who actually actively plays this game really hurts me deep inside on an actual level i'm not gonna kid with you on that this is there's actually [ __ ] depressing alright let's just let's just let's just wipe that [ __ ] out of the [ __ ] inventory real quick of course i want to delete that garbage now something that always cups my butt cheeks about macintosh devices is I like to consider them the Fisher Price of computing you know Mac's are designed I think I think Apple considers the basic audience for this to be [ __ ] fetuses because there's like 17 different windows a person has to go through to do something on a Mac that you could do in a command-line on Linux or like one window on Windows ironically but ladies and gentlemen the thing that I cannot stand with this device is how much it treats me like a [ __ ] child look Apple if I want to buy a product for 2 grand yes I've done it but if I want to change a basic setting I shouldn't have to click the padlock enter the password change a bunch of settings around close the padlock close ya understand already we've went through like 17 steps that we didn't [ __ ] need but here we went through it alright and that's just what it comes down to see I like to consider the entire system for babies any time you want to do power user activities you're probably gonna have to go through like 20 setup phases to actually do it on an Apple product compared to other products out there listen Apple I'm a big boy now trust me I know you're watching up for me I get it but I think I think I know how to a [ __ ] computer these days don't worry about it and you know it's okay if they design that [ __ ] for grandmothers but just give me an option when I start the computer asking me do I know about computers or do I don't do I not know about computers okay if I answer that I know don't [ __ ] stop me every step of the way now everyone always tells me all muda but Macs are slow yeah this VM ain slow but you try picking up some off-the-shelf garbage from them like the lowest end max who you're gonna get some slow systems the other thing that people tell me is max don't get viruses you're wrong okay max do get viruses in fact I made a video all about it at one point you see ladies and gentlemen just because you're 5% of the market doesn't mean you're impervious to viruses I used Linux which means I'm like 1% of the [ __ ] computing race that uses that [ __ ] on a daily basis but I could still get a nasty package or a virus see the easiest way to get a virus is to do dumb stuff if you're downloading stupid crap like oh here's minecraft for free you're probably gonna get a malware on your computer and that could happen to anybody okay see the best events the best defense against a computer virus is to not be a [ __ ] troglodyte and you know what if you are whatever you're using you're still gonna get malware so next time if you tell me that and you're downloading your Mac cleaner virus and and if suddenly steals your files don't be telling me that twice alright because um I'm just telling you as it is homeboys just just for just for argument's sake I'm gonna like a neo fetch this [ __ ] real quick so everyone thinks that I'm not a not a [ __ ] liar this is in fact a Macintosh I did run final cut for you that is real it is 100% real don't let this doubt you now ladies and gentlemen all things considered I don't despise Macintosh devices i heavily despise them actually that's that's one of those things I think these are sort of the supreme of computing you know there's not really much gain to have from a Mac anymore you know I get people who are gonna say ah but I like the software I really like it that's cool that's fine but at least for the love of God admit that you're buying a product for brand rights instead of the actual quality of the product at this point because honestly at this point Apple fleeces the [ __ ] out of the computer so hard that you're paying almost I would say 50% even more in some cases for the tax on their hardware just because it's branded Apple their operating system is okay but honestly everyone's already caught up in doing [ __ ] better than Apple anyways at this point this company used to kind of innovate now they sort of ride the coattails and I get it Mac's aren't as popular as the iPhones and iPads of these days but that still doesn't give them a right to pricey sinks so far up they're trying to cater to markets that have already dropped them far behind like I said this video was bred from an argument and it's an argument that I want it to shut down but ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you had a laugh I mean you know if I offended Apple people out there I get it if you like Apple hey by all means go for it it's your right but if you're a [ __ ] vegan about this [ __ ] telling me that it's God's grace to the world well I'm gonna shut that [ __ ] harder down than anything else ladies and gentlemen this is me and Muthu Horan if you like what you saw please like comment subscribe dislike if you disliked it I have to sneeze so I am out Oh oh [ __ ] I think I came oh Jesus Christ
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,924,114
Rating: 4.9496803 out of 5
Keywords: got, poor, shamed, by, mac, user, macintosh, macos, sog, some ordinary gamers, mac os
Id: 8iUWWdo8O4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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