Story Time YouTube Has Gone Too Far...

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hello there my name is amber and i'm 19 years old i want to talk about how my cat ended up causing me to get pregnant [Laughter] dude what all right ladies and gentlemen i'm just gonna get right into it okay how you all doing how it's a it's a nice dandy good morning for all of us now this is the story channel this is specifically share your story now if you haven't been following story time animated channels or channels that have been around for a fair bit they probably are the most based channels in existence and they're very active this is a 2020 video by the way of the cat getting her pregnant i'm going to tell you right now these aren't exactly real stories and we'll get to that in a bit ladies and gentlemen if you don't know what it's all about this is effectively a content farm if you don't know what content farms are these are effectively channels that push out like we're talking about multiple pieces of content per day animated stories in this case which which are what share your story is about if you go to their about section uh they provide people with the opportunity to share their most interesting and life-changing stories with the world send us your stories if you think it's worth sharing and we'll turn it into an animated video that describes it perfectly now if you go to the videos tab real quick you can see that they have totally legitimately provided stories not not bs at all uh one is uh my stepfather my dad kidnapped me and did it with me five times now they received the story a week ago right in fact they also received i guess the same [ __ ] story which was uh my dad kidnapped me and did it five times now of course these are very serious topics um they actually uh they actually use the word pregnant a lot like for instance you can see i got my stepmom pregnant my twin sisters got me pregnant my t my this is the one that's not pregnant uh i wish my daughter was pregnant instead of what i knew i came back to get revenge on my mom there's a lot of pregnancy that's involved in these story lines uh i think that's a that's a very running theme maybe it's popular i'm not sure but uh we'll go we'll go down the content rabbit farm a little bit more that cat pregnant story is not the only one that's a little too spicy for regular viewing my dead husband got my sister pregnant while i was in coma now if you think that moody you haven't made a deep web video in a while you're right but what if i told you that the clear web was just way more weirder and darker now this is some metal gear solid 5 phantom pain levels of pregnancies where uh we'll get into it this is an 11 minute long video and i can't confirm that this actually has ads or not because i have like a i have brave browser which is like ad block up the ass and i'm not turning it off uh for any reason oh [ __ ] it does have ads holy crap cats cats getting human beings pregnant that's fine that's gucci wait does the does the kidnap does wait i just want to see does the kidnapping video have advertisements please god my stepfather dude the kidnapping story got [ __ ] ads oh my god dude forget about it youtube gives out strikes for no reason literally places an ad on the story of a kidnapper my god they don't care dude they don't care they have no [ __ ] given there's no care and but before i got the chance to get back up he handcuffed me i started screaming for help dad handcuffed oh no grammarly ad what i i was i was in a very serious situation i was hearing a story about how her dad handcuffed the girl and now i'm getting a grammarly ad i don't give a [ __ ] about my grammar i want to get i want to know about this kidnapping skip it oh it's poorly animated who gives a [ __ ] now it even gets further down the rabbit hole you know you can even find out my bear got me pregnant my story actually happened yeah i'm sure it did i'm sure you got prego by the bear now i don't know what they're talking about bear at this point it could be very dark in nature i mean you know the fact they don't have pedo bear in there makes makes me it gives me a bit of relief i'm not sure i would say [ __ ] it let's open it up maybe it's not as bad hi my name is britta and i'd like to tell you how my big teddy bear got ah that's a totally real story i'm gonna fall for that [ __ ] god damn he even saw john propose to me and oh boy he wasn't pleased about it so he snuck into my dorm again the very next night and actually got inside the big teddy bear he had given me can you believe it wasn't really a gift but part of an elaborate plan back when we were dating he had bought it to scare me the teddy bear was girl you better [ __ ] run that man is off his rocker what the hell is this [ __ ] dude holy crap you should not be smiling this is a very very scary potentially very dangerous scenario run big enough for him to fit inside it and the idea was that he'd slip into it one night and wake me up making growling sounds and flapping the teddy's arms around but instead since i had dumped him he decided to sneak into the toy bear after we broke up i love to sleep cuddling the toy and he knew it so one night before i got into my room he snuck into the teddy and waited for me to come home and fall asleep he got me pregnant what the [ __ ] what holy [ __ ] dude this got way too dark holy crap that's a part one of the story dude what the hell there's no i can't even find a part two they literally titillated me with this like [ __ ] criminal story and now i can't even get a second [ __ ] part jesus christ dude what is this imagine like i i just want to imagine there's got to be like some like [ __ ] young sibling that anyone has or like someone's daughter who they just give like an ipad to it's like whatever don't annoy me for the next 15 minutes 20 hour and then they're watching these [ __ ] stories and you peek over to the tablet like oh it looks like some animated nonsense well little do you know little suzy little billy's learning about the bear weirdo the bear boyfriend that's committing [ __ ] literal crimes what the hell dude i feel dirty watching it oh my grandpa got me pregnant oh hell yeah dude let's go let's get down into it [ __ ] you here's another one from story time animated i drank a bunch of baby milk and now i'm pregnant oh [ __ ] dude i love it hashtag real stories um yeah hashtag real stories and this synopsis i do not buy it hi my name is vanessa and i got pregnant from drinking baby formula ever since i was young i've should have didn't [ __ ] mix semen with the baby formula you sure that you also didn't stick it up your vag too what the [ __ ] ever since i was young i've loved the taste of baby milk i knew it was weird for me to continue drinking it since i was no longer a baby or even a toddler but i couldn't give it up i don't think i don't think that's weird i i just i just don't see you getting [ __ ] pregnant from it i had someone in my life that loved and supported me and didn't think that my baby milk addiction was weird at all so he began buying me my favorite brand and bringing it home for me i was sure he was the right guy for me and that we'd eventually get married so he's marriage material because he buys you [ __ ] because he buys you your favorite brand of baby milk ladies you heard it right here boys the marriage built to last he knows the proper baby milk for his gal i mean god damn guys come on is it so easy is it so difficult to be this [ __ ] based come on now he made me my bottle and when i began drinking it the taste seemed off it didn't taste bad it was just different i asked if he bought a different brand and he told me he hadn't maybe they had simply changed the ingredients slightly he reasoned i shrugged it off and drank the rest of my bottle i didn't think anything of it until a few weeks later when things began to change i got sick every single morning and felt odd i didn't get my period that month and so i decided to go see a doctor in order to figure out what was wrong with me much to my surprise my doctor told me that i was pregnant i told him that was impossible since i was still a virgin even if i did have a you do realize you can't get pregnant from consuming things through your mouth right like holy [ __ ] dude who the [ __ ] fell for this god damn but she is a virgin apparently and so now you heard the magical virginity story like the virgin conception or whatever the [ __ ] it is through a youtube video congratulations it finally happened again after thousands of [ __ ] years god bless this is a i like i like the comment she wasn't pregnant by milk i think her boyfriend put something in there listen even if he jerked off into her milky okay guess what she still drank it through the mouth do you guys have any idea how sex said uh whatever they're all like nine years old in the comment section what the [ __ ] am i even talking to i ate baby soup in china actually happened story now if you think that you know god wasn't [ __ ] judging you enough give me give me a second now the thumbnail for this and i'm going to blur it out but youtube youtube has a thumbnail up it's actually a a baby that's uh not chopped up like a whole like baby ins in a soup all right like i'm not [ __ ] kidding with you it's kind of [ __ ] it's very disgusting and let's let's go into the video okay let's watch a little bit of this story hello everyone i'm james i'm 31 years old and this story is still one that i think about quite often i mean if if i ate baby soup i'd i think about that story till the day i'm [ __ ] dead but okay james after exploring a bit more we decided to finally allow my friend to escort me to where this magical treatment apparently was he took me down to this wuhan market and it was probably one of the shadiest places i've ever seen look at the title again actually happen story coronaviruses let's go we immediately stormed out of the establishment and i questioned him i felt mortified when he told me it translated to baby soup and it was exactly what it said oh wait they're not going to do this they're not going to [ __ ] do this parents can sell their infants that die naturally right before birth for a couple thousand dollars and aborted fetuses and placenta can also be sold for no no [ __ ] off no they didn't do it they have no [ __ ] soul don't tell me does this actually do this get ads please tell me god did this get ads i swear to god if it got adds i'm gonna sell my [ __ ] fur i'm i'm going to it got [ __ ] um no i can't i [ __ ] can't grammarly you are terrible i i can't i'm done i'm done tap it out it's all over [ __ ] i'm done i've watched too much pregnancies i call it at the bat soup baby soup story i am done oh my god that is terrible all right now if you don't know what they're going with they actually uh they're actually playing off like what happened like years ago uh in china this is something that i remember from uh from the days of encyclopedia dramatica if you don't know what that is it's a satirical wiki that's like really [ __ ] far off in terms of uh in terms of offensive content but they actually talked about something called child cannibalism real quick let's just cover it real quick i am going to get [ __ ] i'm probably going to get strike for it these guys get ads i have to walk on [ __ ] eggshells but controversy this is relating to china when performance artist zoo you claimed that he prepared cooked and ate real human bodies including fetuses and an artistic performance the performance was called eating people he claimed it was to protest against cannibalism it was intended as shock art the chinese ministry of culture cited a menace to social order and the spiritual health of the chinese people banned exhibitions involving cultures animal abuse corpses over violence and sexuality zhu yuu was prosecuted for his deeds snopes and other urban legend sites said that the fetus that he used was constructed from a duck's body and a doll's head holy [ __ ] so they're basically like [ __ ] play again remember this video was released at the height of the [ __ ] coven 19 like a pandemic that we're going through right now and it plays so well into the theories of the wuhan market the wet's markets and the [ __ ] fact that bat soup was sort of the original point the ground zero for this [ __ ] pandemic that we're stuck in now i don't know what the center of it is i don't follow a whole lot of the conspiracy theories honestly i'm waiting until independent researchers come out with their findings but holy [ __ ] you know what i can probably tolerate the cat pregnancy stories i could tolerate a lot of the other [ __ ] but when you get [ __ ] green lit for ads on baby soup videos the [ __ ] cutesy animation i call it dude i am done ladies and gentlemen this is me mood hard if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is me muda and i am probably gonna play some swat fours let me know if you want that sunday ladies and gentlemen i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 545,113
Rating: 4.974966 out of 5
Id: -_5AkvAPnng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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