Discord is For Computer Hackers...

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shit guess im a hacker

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/K0_LI 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

The invite to the official SomeOrdinaryGamers server https://discord.gg/HbeTYY8

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Owlet66 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

The ultimate revenge would be to say landline phones and toolkits are also dangerous.

Because lets be honest they are the physical counterparts to Virtual machines and "hacking tools" and D I S C O R D.

God how dumb does one have to be to think discord is a hacking tool.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Teaboy301 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Even the digital gangster discord is more memes than hacking...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PurifyingTotalDark 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me muda hara and today's video is brought to you by the united kingdom oh how do you think an entire country sponsored me well let me get right to the brass tacks today's video is brought more specifically by the National Crime Agency UK police and what now now ladies and gentlemen alright I I have this I have this spontaneous allergic reaction to [ __ ] and I've been throwing up the entire time now the UK police even though they don't want to admit it effectively released a poster for what is on a child's computer when you get those kids involved you know shits about to go down now it came with a bunch of software that if you have this software on your computer you might be one of those dirty filthy not true and honest computer hackers now you know we cover malware all the time but I'm actually a defender of penetration testing and computer hacking I believe that it's a great skill set to have specially in today's world and I and I take and I and my ass gets a little chap you know I get a little bit of that stretch goat see this in my in my butthole when I see complete BS offered on top of on top of something that I am passionate about so ladies and gentlemen let's look at the software that's bad alright if this is our if this is on a little Billy's computer might be need a little spankin browser used to access the dark web tour oh ho that your access in the dark web bro you must be buying stuff off the Silk Road oh you must be hiring agent 47 to take care of somebody you know ladies and gentlemen I've spent a fair bit of time on the dark web you know uh maybe not recently but we'll get back to it but one of the things that I've always sort of found weird is when everyone always talks about the dark web like it's super evil I've seen worse stuff on the clear web Facebook Twitter dude did we not just talk about mega links a couple days ago yeah that was on the clear web the dark web don't get me wrong it has it's bad stuff on it too like who the places where you can buy dope but ladies and gentlemen let's just be honest about it half the stuff that you've seen on deep web browsing has been funny and harmless how many actual hitman websites have we found on the dark web I can count it on a one zero zero not zero oh that's a bad symbol dude I'm gonna get demonetized for that [ __ ] that's for damn sure but there's been nothing on the dark web you know really that I found to be worse in fact I think probably the worst thing I found is a mirror of bloke Flygirl which I don't don't just look that up especially if you're eating up you know I wouldn't say it's the worst thing on little Billy's computer because it's a browser that's used to help anonymity especially in today's surveillance state you know the tor browser has many good uses like journalists and very risque parts of the world trying to post the truth especially when they know their lives are on the line or people who just don't want to be watched by the creepy due to the NSA you know there's a lot of benefits to it and I think for the UK to be slamming it like this a little sad Virtual Machines can hide operating systems not normally found on the computer like Kali Linux which we'll get to in a bit you know virtual machines are not an inherently evil tool you know as the Sun comes up Buddha must remind you virtual machines are used by a lot of enterprises you know Google Stadium you know that dumpster fire yeah that's virtual machines right there who is it evil no no no you know a lot of web services like Amazon Cloud Microsoft as you were yeah they work off VMs like crazy you know I actually support virtual machines because if you're doing some sensitive stuff on your computer or you're trying out that shady program having a sandboxed isolated part of your computer is a lot safer than letting it run natively virtual machines you know VirtualBox isn't bad okay it's an Oracle made product just like VMware isn't bad KVM ain't bad you know these are just tools that we use to better secure our computers there's a little outlandish that you're using it to say we're hiding operating systems you know yeah you're running OSS on it you don't necessarily have to have them hidden but VMs are a great way for you to you know host files host programs that you may not want to run on your system and just encrypt them and hide them somewhere else simple as that there's nothing shady or disgusting about it you shouldn't feel like a bad person for virtualizing stuff on your computer everyone should do it Kali Linux isn't operating system often used for hacking on this [ __ ] poster now I love the term hacking being used over here because it's not wrong but you can see how it sounds a little inflammatory maybe the word penetrations testing should be used Kali Linux for those of you don't know is a Linux distribution that you run off of a USB you could install to your computer and I mean the world is your oyster and it comes with a whole suite of tools that can be used to hack computers or again penetrations testing a lot of actual penetration testers in the world have a USB of Kali Linux sitting them with them right there so they can have a whole suite of tools used to penetrate and test networks for their security it used to be called backtrack back in the day if you looked a little cooler - you know that little black and red interface but that's a whole video for another time Kali Linux is not terrible can it be used for nefarious purposes yes it can but what is it at the end of the day a [ __ ] toolkit used to test networks you know that's really all it is you know I'd rather have Little Billy [ __ ] around with Kali Linux than something actually terrible Wi-Fi pineapple is a bit of kit that can be used to capture sensitive data okay so this is [ __ ] okay first of all Wi-Fi pineapple is like 200 bucks minimum for you to go get it's basically an actual like Wi-Fi like router type deal that you carry around and it comes with a whole suite of tools that can be used to capture sensitive information of course over wireless networks it's actually used to test wireless networks are actually test for vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi which is a big deal might I add you know ladies and gentlemen Wi-Fi pineapples you can get like a Raspberry Pi and DIY one of these things yourself together because at the end of the day whatever is on kali linux like aircrack-ng is what Wi-Fi pineapples doing anyways you don't need a two hundred dollar kit to do it you can do it with software yourself which is probably what you should do if you're learning it and then buy this because it's just a convenient tool and I doubt little Billy is gonna have the cash flow you know to scrape around and get a Wi-Fi pineapple and even if they get a Wi-Fi pineapple they're still going to need the intellect to use that appropriately you know this is an actual tool that is used in penetrations testing can it be used to capture sensitive data over the Internet which is kind of [ __ ] I mean it's oh it's it's for local unsecured public Wi-Fi networks not necessarily the big bad evil internet but hey chalk it up to the UK police were [ __ ] throwing foot fork for curve balls right at us this scored is a popular I can't do it I can't do it right now this is funny to me because discord I probably seen more memes and like [ __ ] on discord than I've seen actual hacking tips being tossed around I'm sure you go to like a hacking discord you'll get more of that flare to yeah but uh I can't take it seriously ladies and gentlemen discord is a social media tool you know if you're gonna toss discord under the bus you might as well toss Skype the [ __ ] twitch curse messenger teamspeak maybe a little bit of that boomer book Facebook Twitter whatever you want to call it guys what are we doing here have we have we hit rock bottom alright it's a [ __ ] communication tool alright it's not just used to share those hacking tips Metasploit is penetration software that makes hacking simple [ __ ] now Metasploit for those of you don't know is a framework that basically catalogs known vulnerabilities hundreds of them against Windows Mac OS X Linux and it's basically used by again penetration testers to basically test a network to see how many open vulnerabilities that they have does it make hacking simple I guess yeah it should kind of make hacking somewhat simple but I think they're kind of bullshitting it up a little bit because you still need a level of intellect to use Metasploit to its full potential and ladies and gentlemen may I remind you again that its penetration testing software if you're using Metasploit you're basically testing your network to see if there's any open gaps you know and if there aren't any open gaps and you're pretty airtight that's just what it comes down to unless you got some zero days to deal with which everyone has to deal with those Metasploit is used to test networks and test computer systems to make sure that you know you keep them as airtight as possible not to make hacking code on quote simple ok this isn't this isn't a video game for people ok you don't just type in hack IP address no no no it's not as simple as that you know cyber police but I appreciate the [ __ ] being tossed around you know ladies and gentlemen I just want to say before I it before I in this video off this is kind of like a Glock you know I could I could load up a Glock right now you know the [ __ ] slide it back make sure it one is in the chamber and I can put it down on the desk right here and that Glock ain't gonna do jack [ __ ] to anybody but if a bad person gets involved in the situation guess what that Glock can be used to hurt individuals computer hacking is it's like a Glock it's a set of tools it's it's a tool it's it's an object it's an idea and it takes a bad person to use the idea to nefarious purposes but it can also take a good person to use that idea to protect others you know little Billy could be doing way worse than learning computer hacking you know the scary part about this is is that we're slowly headed towards this dystopian like cyberpunk [ __ ] future and I know I sound like a conspiracy not when I say it but I'm not kidding ladies and gentlemen we live in a world were slowly headed to it where people are gonna run surveillance on us every day and they're scared that people are slowly learning how to defend themselves and make sure that they can run things on themselves they can secure themselves with and they can they can utilize software that'll prevent these agencies from constantly spying on every single thing that you're doing you know the NSA is is nice and all and they'll always tell you to use something that they always have a backdoor in but then they'll conveniently use all the software in the world to protect anybody from backdooring into them which is why I say this in today's day and age use the tools that these agency use to protect yourself from these people out there now I'm gonna say this right out there just to I'm on a personal standpoint over here computer hacking is okay it's ethical you know learning it is fine the tools that bad people use the tools that bad people exist you know computer hacking can be used for bad purposes I'm not denying that but to outright and demonize it and make people scared of it like this is just offensive you know whoever wrote this you just [ __ ] go back to handing out parking infractions and Piccadilly Circus and call it a day because at the end of the day I'm totally okay with the future generation learning all these tools and and and not just learning these tools but almost mastering them because we live in a day data is so easily stolen by anybody out there by knowing very simple tricks you can make yourself safe and save yourself a whole headache of pain going forward in your life so you know what rise up you know learn how to protect yourself learn how you could possibly hack the Gibson and call it a day okay don't fall for this nonsense out here dude and honestly whoever in the UK Metropolitan Police or whatever service they have out there you did this should probably take a long look at themselves and say wow I just did a big dumb now that being said ladies and gentlemen this is me a mood of horror now that I finally [ __ ] goatse the UK police hard enough this is me mu tou har and if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 940,200
Rating: 4.9600425 out of 5
Keywords: Discord, is, for, computer, hackers, sog, some ordinary gamers, malware, viruses
Id: RnqMwoE16qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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