Chris Hansen Made Me Mad...

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The whole onion boy cult following is pretty stupid. I kinda have to agree with Hansen on one thing is no one is willing to bring any actual weight into the onion boy’s “illegal” activity and the only incentive they get from keeping onision relevant is youtube ad revenue. Hansen is pretty hypocritical boomer that just used everyone’s collective thought against onision and profited more off of other people’s “hard work”. Commentary community revolving around onision is pretty garbage, someone like Krimson Rogue even though a book/movie channel and only made a few videos about onision’s book is far more entertaining. My shit take is Chris should stay the hell away from youtube if, he isn’t doing anything new and just regurgitating what people already know.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Klutz-Specter 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar and i'm a little peeved off today ladies and gents if i'm gonna be real with you because i spent money that i honestly feel like i really shouldn't have i vpn myself to good old discovery plus and i realized that boy oh boy that onision documentary oh it's a pile of garbage all right now ladies and gentlemen onision is a very controversial figure on youtube before i start this video i want to be very upfront and say that i don't defend onision i find that guy to be very weird i find you know his entire past to be incredibly shaky and i find his actions on youtube to be very much on the side of i don't like it i don't want to be near that i if you told me to hang out with onision i would tell you i could probably think of a hundred other ways to stick things down my urethra that would overall be more enjoyable than hanging out or even associating with onision but onision has basically enshrouded himself in this entire youtube industry of holy crap when is this person gonna get busted by the fbi and the answer is probably never okay there's a big long history now if we get started with this chris hanson basically joined the circuit a couple years ago okay chris hansen is inside the youtube game at this point basically when chris hansen joined youtube with the express purpose of hunting down onision or washington psycho brat as he likes to call him everyone thought he was gonna get things done this was gonna be the greatest anime battle arc of all time but it didn't really happen ladies and gentlemen because chris hansen came out of the youtube scene and did even less than anyone could have [ __ ] expected now to understand chris hansen i want to just say for the record he is a very very popular you know uh in a tv personality back in the days of to catch a predator what people need to realize when i say that is chris hansen had a very good team all right he had teams of individuals that would find predators online he worked with law enforcement teams he had teams to help him out with a lot of things and chris hansen was basically just a tv personality that would interview these people these predators get them arrested and whatnot and so forth now i'm not going to cover the controversy because there's a lot of stuff to talk about with those videos with that entire series in general but i'm going to say it right now chris hansen succeeded because he was looking good next to people that were diddlers and predators if you're gonna look bad next to those people you probably shouldn't be on tv to begin with but chris hansen comes onto the youtube scene and basically chases down onision now initially everyone thought oh [ __ ] this is gonna be this is gonna get done chris hanson's gonna get [ __ ] done but there were a lot of things that basically happened very very critical errors in this entire investigation that have effectively caused that entire onision situation to happen a lot of people to this day still think is onision going to get busted by the fbi for all these allegations and all these crimes that he's apparently been alleged of and the reality of it is probably not and the sole reason for that is the few pieces of evidence that could have been damning in this case for instance there was a laptop owned by a victim that was allegedly sent to the fbi not really by one of the people chris used to work with right this person basically didn't really even submit this laptop to the fbi for months on end it was just sitting in a it was sitting at a desk somewhere gathering [ __ ] dust long story short when that happens it's called breaking the chain of custody okay it's basically a very bad thing to do with evidence because any defense lawyer when that p when that laptop is brought up can easily say wow it could be tampered with wow why didn't the feds have a look at this as soon as they can that's that's that's very damning okay this is a make or break piece of evidence that could have absolutely been bad for onision chris hansen and his team screwed it up but hey chris said whatever we're sorry [ __ ] i guess i won't work with him [ __ ] man i don't know what to do now chris even since then i said listen if chris is gonna do something right he has to make sure that he works with the right people now because chris is not he's not a famous you know [ __ ] tv star anymore okay chris isn't big [ __ ] time chris is a youtuber like anybody else he's rolling around with the [ __ ] filth that he considers right like the the bottom of the barrel the drama channel community on the internet yeah he's with that community at this point okay you don't [ __ ] believe me all right this is a comprehensive look at his channel real quick okay this is chris hanson with 340 000 subscribers chris hanson is uploading videos now where i guess sometimes he catches predators in the act but a lot of this is just him sitting on the internet streaming these interviews with people which ultimately don't really go anywhere okay they're just over there they're being streamed chris also isn't pulling a [ __ ] on a [ __ ] viewership either too so he's not the big famous star that's gonna change anything anyways or really bring tangible [ __ ] attention to a lot of stuff all right if i sound like i'm being harsh it's because i [ __ ] am now all harshness aside this month a documentary got released onision in real life which is a three-parter cataloging this history of onision uh all this internet stuff this this youtube game if you will this youtube like sort of uh hub of onision researching if you will discovery plus the hell of streaming services picked it up and uh yeah they're releasing this whole thing out now initially we had this whole article from like mel magazine that talked the whole [ __ ] lot about it they claimed that chris had you know sold rights or something to the story which is [ __ ] absurd later they said no no no he didn't buy the rice's story more precisely chris hansen signed a deal with investigation discovery to do a tv series on the onision story so you know he signed a deal uh there wasn't no selling [ __ ] rights or anything he said he signed a deal whatever the [ __ ] that means i don't know but if you go look into this whole situation this entire this entire documentary uh doesn't really add anything to the onision case that nobody ever knows if you've been following channels like repzilla like repsion like a lot of these channels that catalog the [ __ ] out of onision's actions and all that stuff there is nothing added to this documentary that changes anything there is nothing new you hear everything that this documentary contains is a shitty condensed version of whatever the [ __ ] is out there on youtube anyways and what burns me okay is that this documentary isn't going to change the [ __ ] situation at all all that happened was this entire time people had thrown chris hansen as the savior of the zonision story let this dude incubate some [ __ ] thing on the internet okay rehash the same [ __ ] story and pass it off to a network that hardly gives a [ __ ] to begin with okay now what also [ __ ] burns me is a bit of the [ __ ] reaction from this documentary the the demonization of the whole youtube side of things too let's get down to it real quickly all right now i'm gonna read something from mashable okay because as much as i would like to show this whole thing all right to anybody i am not risking showing any seconds because i don't want discovery plus [ __ ] sticking a finger up my [ __ ] with dmcas and i don't want to risk anything with chris hansen because dmcas are something that i i think if you look at mr gg and channels like big salmon they've had plenty of their [ __ ] [ __ ] licked i don't want to have mine licked okay that's not something i really [ __ ] consent to at this moment in time in a zoom call with mashable he described the backlash of the documentary as a clash of cultures between traditional and digital media okay it's the survivor's right hanson set to not have to rehash their traumatic experiences by appearing in a documentary but anson still believes that the story bringing the story regardless of whether or not the survivors want it told to a larger audience was inevitable i'm going to stop you right there there's plenty of tweets from people involved in this whole situation for example billy here was like essentially because these two uh are now either forced to do the show or just have them the production company you know which would be in you know investigative discovery run our stories however they'd like and we'll use any footage they want they already used a video with my face in it while recording with regina they left us with no say now unfortunately these people do not want their story told publicly it's not like they have a choice with it they most likely signed a [ __ ] contract and as much as shitty as you think it is it's par for the course with chris hanson and how he views [ __ ] ethics recently i would say right there has been no justice cri hansen says so why not do this why not pursue it at the next level oh i'm going to get to that [ __ ] in a [ __ ] second don't you worry boys and girls it's a [ __ ] juicy video he added the allegations against deniseon haven't been taken as seriously as they should have over the last 10 years because they were dismissed as youtube drama instead of potentially criminal abusive behavior he also blamed youtubers for keeping onision relevant by continuing to take his bait and making more content about him and pointed out that their criticism seems hollow as many still post monetized videos about the onision case oh yeah chris how about your [ __ ] youtube channel where you also ran monetized videos regarding the onision [ __ ] regarding any [ __ ] subject under the sun you're gonna [ __ ] demonize the other youtubers that [ __ ] covered it but you're any [ __ ] better yeah let's not forget these super chats by the way too it's not like you know in the middle of an interview you're not just monetizing it as well let's be real there's no donation link either so this is just straight to the chris hanson channel [ __ ] there is a goddamn mirror in your house somewhere and i hope you [ __ ] look at it because holy god damn [ __ ] that was the biggest line of hypocritical [ __ ] i've ever [ __ ] seen keeping onision relevant i'm sorry if you want to bring the story to light right you want to go to a [ __ ] network like investigator discovery and release this [ __ ] pile of a documentary congratulations you're keeping him just as relevant as the youtubers you just [ __ ] demonize too so that whole line can go eat my ass part of the reason that some are not taken seriously is because they engage in this drama channel culture which by the way i love how like a lot of these channels will use that like title drama channel culture to like demonize that whole side of things chris you're no [ __ ] better your entire channel is drama channel stuff anyways it's not like you're [ __ ] making gaming content this is literally drama channel culture [ __ ] as well where it'll do anything and see anything and drag someone's name to get clicks and clout hanson continued so by attacking the messenger in this case they can garner clicks and clout which means money so anyone who's being critical because we're generating some sort of profit from this some sort of profit you're generating [ __ ] profit let's be real is guilty of doing it what they're doing is guilty of what all right listen it wasn't about the [ __ ] money to begin with none of this was about the [ __ ] money to begin with i'll get to that in just a second hanson and discovery plus however do have the added backing and financial security of the television network behind them youtubers independently source record edit as secure advertising cool whatever yada yada that's how the internet [ __ ] side works now i want to just start out by saying that the idea of bringing the story to television is somehow magically going to make onision just drawn onto the lights by everyone around the world is total [ __ ] [ __ ] anyways this is the thing that burns me a lot there have been plenty of cases just last year alone that youtubers have done a lot to [ __ ] you know absolutely bring light to terrible situations out there you know just in my case all right we covered videos regarding the tick tock cat killer that got over two million [ __ ] views this video honestly did nothing but raise awareness to the issue where you had discord investigators you had people putting their heart and soul i was involved for a day or two of my time 20 48 hours straight doing what i can to help law enforcement lawyers in this case out to find somebody who's harming cats which quite later on the fbi found throughout all this investigation not just by me but by tons of these communities that were raised through awareness on discord reddit whatever you want to call it the fbi was involved and busted this person and that person is now facing some serious [ __ ] charges you know there was another video made by a youtuber known as kavos who made a video about a club penguin server he got a lot of views on i believe he got over 1 million views on that video and then i made a video following up and i think my video did 1 million maybe 2 million views as well the reality of it it wasn't the views it was the awareness that was raised those videos were most likely to get demonetized anyways because of the actual you know situation so we walked into it expecting [ __ ] no dimes raised no nothing wasn't that big of an issue as long as the awareness was raised which it was because since those videos came out the feds weren't involved no the the uk police where that situation is is involved as they always have been but disney got involved to the point where they started shutting down servers that were letting this kind of bs grooming bs blackmailing [ __ ] go on so this whole idea that investigative discovery and this tv network [ __ ] is going to raise attention that youtube can't is [ __ ] youtubers have already done more than chris hansen and television themselves you're telling me anxiety war i hope i did not get his name wrong right now because i am losing it is it has done more than chris hansen and all this [ __ ] to begin with on youtube okay that's just a stark reality of it the other [ __ ] argument that i can't get and nobody has ever solved this out for me is if you were going to raise awareness right because remember this documentary isn't like don't kill with cat don't [ __ ] with cats or whatever right on netflix or any of those like investigative journalists like documentaries on netflix because most of the times on netflix or any like premium service there are stories that already have a beginning middle and an end they are done with years over and you know they get talked about you know you can sell them behind a paywall and it's not like that investigation is gonna change uh anything in the scenario right it very rarely would happen right those are already said and done stories this is an active story okay so now you made the story about onision which is just a rehash of [ __ ] youtube stuff you are now you you you have signed a deal with a network right and now that network has made a tv series and they've released it and your intention is to get that viewed by as many people as you can well first off it's not going to happen because you have put it behind a paywall on a service that is exclusive to the united states anyways which i guess doesn't matter in the grand scheme since this is an american story anyways but you have paywalled the story all right which is [ __ ] [ __ ] because that that means you are deliberately stopping eyes from being raised you think people are gonna are gonna pay to watch the onision story there would have been more eyes raised had you had the [ __ ] balls to release this for free on youtube for people to watch but i assumed there was some [ __ ] you know financial [ __ ] behind the scenes there was some deal that was signed where they had to pay while this exclusive [ __ ] story or something behind the scenes for discovery so the whole idea again of raising eyeballs onto this whole situation is [ __ ] because you [ __ ] pay wall this nonsense content to [ __ ] begin with i don't understand it that being said the documentary will not be the end of the onision saga i would argue the initial saga is already pretty [ __ ] over onision is an irrelevant [ __ ] individual at this point he barely draws any [ __ ] attention unless he's throwing kombucha all over himself this is a non this this is a person that has lost most of his internet relevancy and probably will never get it back the reception of this documentary shouldn't overshadow the push for those platforms to take accountability for enabling him hansen told mashable that any criminal investigation into onision will likely take months more especially as a covet 19 pandemic derails normal procedures you know there's part of that that i find a bit believable because you know i've seen how police you know procedure does work from behind the scenes but i'm going to be [ __ ] upfront and real with you how realistic do you think the federal bureau of investigation or even the local state police departments for onision take this [ __ ] as seriously as they can as i said at the beginning towards the earlier half of this video onision is more in trouble i think with the irs and like the whole wetlands dispute that he has than the [ __ ] feds over this whole thing because had there been a massive issue and the feds were investigating this as they have been i feel like onision would have had some [ __ ] knocks on his door there might have been some cuffs involved the fact that i think even jackson isn't taking this seriously even though nisian hasn't taken the [ __ ] that seriously as far as i'm seeing shows me that maybe he might just not be arrested for the stuff to begin with and you know what do i want to see onision if onision is guilty of any crimes because again all of this stuff is alleged i want to see him tasked for this stuff but because of how terribly these investigations have been handled onision is going to have a very [ __ ] he's getting an easier time by the day to build up a solid defense in courts against anything going forward honestly with all of this bumbling around you've made the job easier for onision to protect himself going forward this is the [ __ ] reality of the situation as much as you want to deny it or or whatever now i'm going to just say this for the record okay i'm very heated i'm very all over the place i think closing thoughts for this video are is this i was once a person that really respected chris hanson i was like i understand it i get it chris hansen is one of those people that has inspired me to make certain content on youtube okay content regarding keeping children safe from you know weird people online but very quickly i have realized at least in my perception that chris hansen is a person that should not be trusted chris and his actions have shown me that i cannot trust him with my time i cannot trust him with my money i cannot trust him with taking care of these investigations in a proper manner there are plenty of problematic predators on youtube as we have seen just in the last month and a half alone okay people who have had some serious allegations people who are now going to be under investigation if chris really [ __ ] cared about cleaning up youtube and de-platforming predators he wouldn't just exclusively chase after [ __ ] onision he would probably try to chase after people who have actually self-admitted to committing criminal actions on their platforms as well but i don't know is chris gonna do that who knows who really [ __ ] knows but all i do know is this onision documentary was the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] pile i have ever seen in my life and the way that people have been treated in this documentary the entire flow of this documentary has showed me that none of this was taken seriously from the [ __ ] start ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 816,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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