Family Guy Creepypastas Changed My Life...

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I would love for him to do more of these. Him reading creepypastas, good or shit, is the chillest most cozy and funny thing ever to me as someone who fell asleep watching them for many a night of my teen years. If he reads more shitpastas like this every so often I'd be really hype

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gustawind 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh peter why do you have another family guy video within a week what's going on are you sipping for the good old peter griffin you might be wondering yes yes i am actually because i've been watching all of family guy for the last couple weeks while i was editing and i gotta say i finished the whole series and man everything after season four kind of made me cry a little bit i ain't gonna lie but uh you know what family guy is also known for are creepypastas yes indeed as its cartoon brother and american dad is known for the best speed runs family guy is known for some pretty primo creepypastas and who would know more about creepypastas than yours truly i used to read them every week way back in the day and back then i was a lot nicer and i had a lot better i had a lot lower standards back in the day i was like jeff the killer was actually scary guys over dead space 2 footage and i must say i was wrong now here we're going to sit back and we're going to read some family guy lost episodes and just rekindle that love for creepypastas sort of relax sort of let things you know sort of ease in spend a nice listen no one's gonna be going out this halloween okay we in the middle of a pandemic boys and girls so we might as well sit the [ __ ] back inside and enjoy enjoy the spooks and the specs all the way from home now if you want to know about good creepypastas okay there's the reddit board no sleep which is way better than anything i've seen okay i mean if you wanted to be a creepypasta narrator there there are some quality things right over here like my university wants me dead we're already getting off to a strong start here jesus but let's go to the family guy wiki okay now before we begin i gotta tell you i probably will put some family guy gaming footage on top of this like the old days of haunted gaming but also that we're about to read may not exactly be of the highest quality so sit back relax and please be nice to the authors we're just here to have a good time honestly we're here to laugh okay all right if you get scared by any of these well that is an unintended effect so let's get into uh let's get into family guy lost episode in uganda fox brought back family guy after it was a dead meme seth wanted to bring the show back right and he felt like the show needed a religious tone one that the fans would understand so for season 69 lord help me i need whiskey he wanted to make a fresh start as if to start the series over again but for this to work he had to make an episode that could start the series back over again for years he never aired it because of time he later forgot about it and the original tape went to heaven then went to hell because god hates family guy and with the amount of times god has been ripped on in family guy that is a true statement it was quite a dead meme fan myself so when an unknown tape was for sale online oh we know how it begins don't we boot man bill fans i ordered it and it got in the mail six days later it was 69 minutes and 420 seconds long oh it began with a darker version of the intro it was a bit more red pitched and when it went to the logo there were flashes of color like the gay flag [Laughter] oh man this was written in 2008 it began with a gay version of the house everything seemed silent but when it cut to the interior brian was yelling at the family about something odd from what i could interpret peter then made a cutaway gags not gag gags but you could only see a little bit of it it took place in a store but for the last couple of seconds the screen was just lol [Laughter] oh really okay and the audio was very messed up it sounded like someone speaking but i couldn't discern what they were saying the camera then focused on stewie who was saying something but the audio quality was too messed up to understand it cut to a crudely drawn meme on the table with a white hand reaching for it the scene cut to a unicorn screen where the knife was slow falling in slow motion with brian catching it a very odd blood explosion was seen with screaming in the background peter was coming out of a broken wall but something pulled him back in through it cut back to the house with the red sky halfway through the sky turned black and there was an explosion from some parts of the house it cuts to another second of peter with a slight explosion behind him then to stewie with red eyes and a slight wound on his forehead as the camera was going out of focus for a second it then cut to some low pitch singing with a dark background and for a few seconds you could see some woman dancing a little family guy tiktok if you will it had an odd tune it cut to an inverted background with peter still alive something behind him attacked him there were waves making it hard to see who attacked him in the first place but it then shown a swirling picture it was hard to tell what though the house had some odd colors thrown on it and there was a bit of static that could be seen after a couple of seconds the colors started to get truly messed up and it stayed that way for a while i would have expected something scary but a hand came out and brian just stabbed through it there was a blood stain on the arm it unexpectedly came back to the family on the couch there was a doorbell ring brian opened it but it was unknown who it was because of the mirror brian welcomed whoever it was and the family stood up it cut back to stewie for a couple seconds and then the house again for a couple seconds i hate it when these stories by the way these lost episodes they they follow this ring mentality if you ever watch the movie the ring it's just they have a tape in it the cursed tape that has like seven second like cuts of like random jargon and [ __ ] and apparently you get freaked out and cursed at the end you know what made that whole tape scary was that whole [ __ ] that whole section of the story had a meaning to it that whole tape did have a meaning to it you know this you know you know all these all these cuts have no meaning i bet you by the end when we get to it there will be no meaning discovered i 100 bet you it then showed a gun i had no idea why the gun was there then it cut to the house moving around it seemed that behind the background was footage of nasty soldiers why that's something i see family guy doing actually it went on for a while and for the last couple of seconds you could barely see that it was a house the picture moved out of the screen for a second then came back for the last seconds of the episode you could see someone moving curtains around during some peaceful music there was no credits it just cut to black i was upset i looked for the man who sold me the tape he had several accounts and then he refused to take it back for any amount of money why would you pay someone to take back a [ __ ] tape like that i would just i would just scam someone else after that god damn normal i know that's a terrible thing to say but cut your losses burn the tape and call it a day or just sell it online as a lost episode don't don't you dare file a refund don't you dare do that i met seth later at a fan convention and asked him about it he told me there was no way the tape was his he yelled at me for a while until i just quit talking about it later i showed the episode to my friends because i kept the tape we finished watching it and i went to get some beer and when i came back they were all gone i found them all lying in the bathtub dan what i think i think he must have shown his friends the blackmail tape he had on him or something with the words spelled out in blood we don't need this man imagine the [ __ ] imagine the episode being that bad i was truly upset and i need to get to the bottom it was not it was not worth it i you owe me money i you lost the bet this was not worth anything okay let me tell you right now okay this was the worst plot that i've read it went nowhere i wasted my time and i will never get that time back you'll never get that time back we should be kind of a little enraged about it all right let's get out of it so overall i gotta say the story i'm gonna give it a one out of ten okay while it definitely lost on pacing on on the fact that there was no scares uh the fact that it was written with cliches i'm gonna give it a one out of ten because you did more effort than i did writing a creepypasta in that they actually wrote the story now unfortunately there's no author over here in fact if anything okay this story is available under cc by sa unless otherwise noted so before anybody copy strikes the video understand under licensing this contribution i can use freely for any purpose including commercial in accordance with the cc by sa license i will give you attribution i will give you all the links to this crazy story in the comment section below if this isn't a troll pasta i'm [ __ ] yes you are for years he never aired it because my ass time that made no sense yeah they definitely edited the story really you could edit out the the punctuation errors but not the whole story come on now worst wow people are so mean worst [ __ ] pasta ever oh my god that's so rude and then look at this one this is [ __ ] fake and sk really oh really really we're gonna say it's fake really this sucks hard oh my god everyone's so mean oh peter this episode isn't too long muda what are you gonna do what am i gonna do well of course we're gonna read one more careful this site might be harmful oh i'm on a virtual machine take me to the cringe stewie.exe hi my name is matt today oh by the way this is cc by essay don't copy strike it i swear to god my name is matt today i found a lost episode vhs what i watched the horrible thing ever happened when i watched family guy stewie attacked everyone there was blood everywhere peter went outside and the sky was bloody on the floor and he got scared and saw stewie who had on himself stewie killed peter peter and blood went everywhere i think there was like a file attached to it like an actual like piece of media which would have been crazy i knew all this here that family guy was a scary show then when stewie saw the blood he ran away because stewie was a psycho oh no oh peter get you scary stowy that's at least a nine out of ten man i'm gonna be real with you i was sufficiently scared on that i edited ooh it was awful so i fixed it i fix it as a very i think using that word way too liberally come on now this one was so bad by the way when i it was removed because of bad grammar oh my god [ __ ] wow i think at the beginning before i recorded and sipped some whiskey i promised you all that i was going to give you a double feature and i did i gave you guys family guy lost episode and stewie.exe now i gotta say these were incredibly hilarious creepypastas to read through if you want to go with the creepypasta narration they were most likely just troll pastas they were troll pastas and i had a good time reading them i haven't read a creepypasta in [ __ ] years so it actually felt really good to read one of these after forever but what's more important is if you're one of the authors behind these stories if you want to get credit to your thing like your name or your facebook or you know your twitter or any like social media reach out to me with like obvious proof that you wrote these and we'll talk or something that being said though i am protected by by the creative common [ __ ] so please please i don't want to deal with any of this copyright stuff when i give these things ratings i will say i stand by my 1 out of 10 rating and i stand by my 9 out of 10 rating for obvious [ __ ] reasons that being said though ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is me mudahar and i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 358,407
Rating: 4.9645281 out of 5
Id: QPAmAdv6TvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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