How I beat Super Mario Odyssey WITHOUT JUMPING

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how's everybody doing today what's up I'm back we're doing jumplist I'd have never done jump lists before I've never tried it is there anything I need to know don't spin pound yes that's a good tip you go to wall jump you're gonna hop up a tree vaults don't count his jumps right okay cool when you're jumping and captures it doesn't count as a jump no it doesn't okay you can jump out of water by throwing capi and swimming into him okay also when you're talking to NPCs if you just press a it counts as a jump so you have to go in the first-person mode and jumping from quicksand does not count even if you're jumping out of the quicksand okay so it's gonna be interesting I don't know to expect I think at the beginning of every Kingdom we're going to save and I believe you can do that weird this is really weird all right here we go attempt number two good run good run so this doesn't count as a jump then is what you guys have told me which is fantastic nope hey come back here mister there he is all right we're gonna do this at the beginning of every Kingdom all right all right I gotta I almost imal to the back look there it's so weird a wall jump doesn't count they're gonna be weird getting used to like vaulting into everything how long does this run usually take I have no idea that's the first time I've done it you guys said jumping from quicksand does not count as jumps I'm trusting you guys we're probably gonna end up at the end and have like two trunks out of nowhere down starting to get into the rhythm of this I think I jumped I jump to pick up the moon no starting to get the rhythm of this alright it's just a warm-up this is the warm-ups and I mean having Chad here to yell at me if I jump is actually kind of nice cuz I would have not noticed that I jumped there yeah there we go no jumps what am i doing I can't sings clip oh I talked to him that was a jump that counts as a jump by talking NPCs that is the stupidest mechanic that does not make any sense delete hata see No almost jumped geez that is this is so difficult I almost been founded there my thumb started rotating it was it wanted it I'm scared to like it do anything whoa I don't know what happened I just was so scared of the goombas I couldn't stop I guess we're fighting Arango without oh this is gonna suck alright casual strats not a jump I walk into it how how I can't put go away he's too fast I jumped I jumped ah my hand it can't help it but I'm fighting Rango we're not fighting Rango I'm not doing it I can't do it oh this guy's first person to so uh bunk on a wall that was fine oh yeah back you a damn rabbit your mind buddy you're mine how are you you're just floating there I don't understand you know how to do jump let's moon cave skip oh I do not we're gonna figure that out though capture the bro ooh that is the big prince rad isn't it yep this is actually so nice I can just like put around in these little dudes probably should have went through the maze we're fine yeah this is this is hell I'm a genius I'm a I'm a genius I am so smart looks like we're gonna have to vote on him there he is I did a nut boy for crumbling tower no I don't I don't get a nut boy for crumbling tower who do you think I am check this out a nut boy for grumbling tower look at this man thinks I'm some casual some people have skill huh any two more but I was fine it's the best cycle oh good yeah so apparently this kingdom is really difficult I don't know why but we'll give it a try nice all right so check this out check check this sick strat out strap that I'm gonna come up with on the fly and that's how it's done boys I just need to figure out how the hell to get off this is a tiny little platform Oh that'll work so that was sick I almost wall started while jumping they're like starting to jump the wall jump yeah I'm good you see that vault it was close I almost did it so close to a spin down there and to get back up we're gonna do some big brain strikes check it check it check it look ready oh the genius role barking into it how does he come up with these strats shut up bamm-bamm yeah I've done rock FMS jump lists before oh no no what have I done oh I'm out okay how are we gonna do this I want to make this jump jump list nope I guess we're not no no no we're going back we're doing this jump list I don't care we're doing it we just barely make that nope nope we're falling we're going all the way down I just jumped oh I jumped a vault I jumped a vault into it oh no down throw like diagonally and then ground pound into it just just absolute insanity if you ask me now um is jumping on this count jumping on this does not count we're doing jump rope in a jump let's run the scooter is moving over slightly every time we're just gonna do one hey let's go jumping in a jump this run feels good man we're not doing it to a hundred that's too much time lots I can't do it I mean like I know I could make it to 100 obviously I made it to 100 blindfolded we can make it we cannot make it area now we can vector it a little bit now it's so much easier but now what oh I made a terrible mistake and they even pick it up yes I can check this so come on let me speak to you how do I even talk to him I can't I can't ground found in this spot you just bunk there we go Oh get in there I need to do another bounce they're not jumps they're bounces I work that well tactical bonks we can make that I know you can make this Mario you can't be careful me here's a little dip my PB and 80% 105 43 oh yeah I got that in like March of last year what meme runs I want to do the hands list we did most of the blindfolded things which was cool how can I do hands list I don't know excuse me shake there you go I remember some people used to think that you had to kill all of these little seaweed dudes come booze whenever I'd like verify a run that adds someone doing that I would like like you know you don't need to kill the kombu it's just ground pound it or just spin oh really thank you so much problem dude PSM Oh with my nose that would be eat I don't know that's like too much of a meme run it's too it's too much I just look ridiculous for like three hours it look like I'm making out with my controller doesn't make any sense only three hours yeah it would only take three hours I'm not good from Metroid slayer is the run like that you've done is it the same route as any percent or do you do a different route route sorry some people call route some people call it a route it depends on where you're from you clearly are from the wrong part of the world Europe is a good part of the world it's debatable please let me reset uh a muscle memory they get to a spot where I have muscle memory and it just fights me the whole time and salted a whole country applying s mo old continent is Europa not a continent yeah we're a hundred percent gonna die on this fight just to be clear I have one HP what it didn't let me jump on Cathy revenge is mine excuse me do you guys see that literally ground pounders through his body six red oak has a sixth rat I like that one so I made it up myself let's just save three minutes off world record let's go check this out check this out there's gonna be cool excuse me I can't I can't cap jump come on yeah yeah walk up on some kind of a ledge yeah there's got to be a ledge around here somewhere oh wait here's the strat who's a strat try it again oh it's so close come on Oh throw it on the white veggie yeah yeah oh let's trap let's go hmm so it's a bit of a conundrum isn't it okay okay haha Papapa he's a mere Oh No Oh No there's my first time fighting without jumping okay bullet fears oh shut up we are not putting this in the highlight no one will see this I really AM piers the fire no I'm not I didn't do that okay maybe I did do that on purpose to be more like him all right maybe I did is that such a bad thing it's borrowing to be such a successful and charismatic content creator please please oh honey I like this I don't like this [Music] you've done it very nice very nice first try alright so that went poorly if you'd up throat um can someone tell me what's blocking Mario from doing an up throw right now that would be like like actually though no I was right in front of you dude it's actually kind of tough [Music] sanctions easy to help so I'm gonna die to topper almost guaranteed we're dying to topper like once we can make it I jumped I my brain was like jump away jump away [Music] muscle memory is killing me don't you dare move woman doll you dare move I'm crazy ex Ryan I'll take it as a compliment I'm trying to hit you without jumping stop moving no that's right boss fight over no jumps easy-peasy let's go you know what we're gonna do I'm a little baby we're just gonna capture this guy and bring them all the way through that way I can't accidentally jump ever because it's literally impossible for me to jump follow me I dare you I mean I dare them to I can't be mad you won't make it he won't make it I played chicken with a giant robotic mech hello the danger noodles get away get away danger noodles face first blue let's go jumping Bowser's intended strat steals good one Kingdom left now I get to learn how to do moon skip jump lists alright so I imagine it's basically exactly the same as regular moon skip you just like well I guess I could just do this nope I guess I can't do that I guess I could just jump yeah just jump and that's all you gotta do on a jump list run trying to avoid jumping why don't I just jump oh hey that's how it's done easy if time Bowser I'm beating you on another weird way today roll just what we're alright this is like the hardest part of the run isn't it someone said this is really hard because of this someone said that was really hard oh oh no no I understand I understand why this is so hard I guess he's like roll away because what we can do is this they're all over the last one there you go so now we go into two-player mode because if you jump here it counts as a jump I can't pause what I can't I can't pause and whoa let me pause how do you you're supposed to do it before why didn't anyone tell me this we literally have to close the game reopen it I need to fight Bowser again not yet why not yet runs invalid and you guys literally just told me going to two-player before they Bend a bouncer just after killing him like during the peach cutscene go on a two-player mode don't go into two-player mode what are you guys doing you did this this is your guy's fault it's not me I I would I take no responsibility we're starting again I'm doing another run I made all of the mistakes that run now I know what mistakes not to make on this run easy world record guys I probably should have read the rules before the beginning of the run that may have helps not reading rules before the run starts hey I thought you just not supposed to jump I didn't realize oh you got a little two-player mode halfway through the game all this trash do you do snow jammer jump lists it does you have to ground pound [Music] get to watch a 40-second long cutscene and now we get to sit here and watch it again if you tell you to jump off a bridge what I do it no I wouldn't because it involves a jump if you told me to go into two-player mode off of a bridge I would trusted you chat you betrayed me I no more jumps that's the only first that's the only one everything else gonna be flawless I'm not letting that go I am NOT it's all chance fault I am a perfect individual I never make any mistakes it couldn't have been my fault I didn't ask for clarification and so now it's chats fault exactly that yeah that one was just a practice though so like we're gonna fight Rango this time I feel confident that I can do it mm it's okay it's okay mister how'd the jump happened I was on a falling crumbling platform and my autopilot turned on I got a do klepto skip again I just kind of flipped out on that clip that was good last time I don't know how I did it it's easy never mind yeah any % um so like I don't know what to do load the file good idea it's almost impossible to copy jump lists fair enough so possible very hard yeah very IRA good well yes we got to do it I'm not resetting this is a no we're gonna do it I don't care how long it takes I don't have a time to reset we're not doing another run we're doing this jump lists if we can get up on the tree that we can get to the tree from there we can get to there to there we can ground-pounding that we can get up by wall jumping oh no oh how do you ground pound that you can't even ground pound that then wait a minute oh no this invisible blocks so I got a jump how do you bonk into them got a wall jump to get them well that worked well oh god this is a 15 minute lost kingdom this is a mess No why are you not - dude come on he didn't dive I must be going too high that's the only explanation I was going too high that was it there we go now what are we doing I got a wall jump on to it this is gonna take a bit come on get on the block we've done it we've done it now what now what the blocks above do it again oh my god oh that's easy let me die don't you die don't you no no no this is just turned into a challenge stream get Cappy back I'll do it we'll do it live on camera there's one there's one here we go no that won't make it don't kill me we will do it right we're dead lost our one coin how'd you do this the first time I didn't get activated I didn't activate klepto the first time that is so high how do you make that I think it's possible I think I can still do it ok do I just need to do one more is that it one more oh we've done it ok now what Oh No yes yes ha ha how do we ground pound ground pound the root walk up it oh I see I see I see yes we did it jump lists gapless who's the best I'm the best let's go took Dan the man a friggin week to do that and we took like the half an hour tops yes you've made chatt you've redeemed yourself I'll give you that then put a pump on a pump and pump it up and it's it's just time say for the next run we're gonna do the impossible jump jump list it's gonna be sick tell your friends though yeah impossible jump jump list I'm just that good well get away from me you monster you freak it just it it's going against everything you've learned I can't not do it we got to do it again we'll try one more time it loses like a minute but at this point is it really a speedrun is it really a speedrun at this point that's not gonna work boys saved it though Oh God just hide hide it's not a speedrun it's more of a jog it's a limp it's a speed limp for speed limping through the game guys can we have all the mean runs on speed link ah that was cool you see that I was preparing for a backflip there oh that was a close one biron said he's gonna bomb Union captures tomorrow Thursday you know we're doing tomorrow we're doing minimum captures tomorrow we're gonna improve my BB will do it okay we're just pulling the rug out from underneath Pierson fire feels good I bet I can get under two hours bought the Bopper before the Bop exactly DC I I currently have the minimum captures world-record but I want to improve it so fearsome fire can't take it from meat on Thursday timpani is gonna attempt it soon he'd said by his 1.0 switch that's why it's gonna be cool just Chuck's them off the edge I've never noticed that before just throws the spine ease off of the edge you can't see how you play this game and not be bored without chat demon turtle you really you play it for long enough you realize how deep the movement is just through the disrespect it'll be funny I don't need to see I've done that jump blind you think I need to see to be able to do that jump game know what started the rivalry I don't know it's just I don't even think anything started it it's just I wanted to try it after I saw him streaming it cuz I figured it'd be easy and so I tried it and I didn't beat him and then I was like you know what I gotta beat him so then I beat him and now it's a bit of a rivalry but tympani is gonna come and Timmy's gonna try it get like first try and nut jumps on his very first attempt and just destroy us both I I can see it thirty captors blind and deaf no tip but don't talk is that the strat you just don't talk during the run that would probably help you focus a little bit for sure but I can't help it I'm just so used to talking almost guaranteed we're gonna get to the end of the run and realize that I did something wrong Gabby come back I need you wait I could probably bunk here then I can cap jump now cuz I'm in the air and we can die wait I can I can get out of here let's go so in my last run I died on the ruin fight like three times that's not gonna happen together come on No ah okay maybe I will die three times it's just I feel so crippled not being able to jump over the simplest of things this has to be it I'm at 69 coins I'm learning I'm learning I haven't gotten hit yet it's starting to believe oh my god let's skull world record for this category is an hour 13 minutes so this is gonna be around twice like double the amount of time the world record took but I am doing this less as a speedrun and more is just a challenge run I just felt like doing it hopefully we go through the rest of this without an issue I haven't really had any accidental jumps in a while so hopefully I didn't just jinx it there but I feel like I've been pretty pretty focused it wet not tired no wrong well we need to like fall down and hit them down yo that's not a jump yet nice we're actually doing fast strats jump lists nice save did five stop moving I need to jump to ground-pounder thank you oh here we go rap I have to roll over all of these no I needed that help oh nice didn't day damage on that one thank goodness I'm gonna take damage here deliberately and then we can walk back up to him good smack okay so I absolutely need HP from one of these this would be close got to play really well here deliberately take damage on this ah the muscle memory is too strong worst day ever I can't even beat the game without jumping I'm so bad I didn't die to Bowser I jumped to Bowser because my muscle memory took over this means I absolutely have to avoid damage boost damage boost I need to avoid this one here we go okay so now here is where we activate two-player mode you walk up we do this and now we do this to jump up I think and now you turn it off okay all right Oh a jumped now its sign it's the capture we are here end of a long day and we're doing to Dias yet we're doing XD skip we're doing all of the skips we didn't save any time when we did it skip that could kill us XD but anyways here we go but the worst jump let's run anyone will ever see most likely to 3536 and they don't ever yet because we may have accidentally jumped and I didn't notice let's go well the truth toe jumps what - where where did Hedgehog toy no I don't know where I got two jumps from I didn't notice them Thursday we're doing jump lists again I'm going to get zero jumps I've never done a jump let's run I tried yesterday and I got two jumps yesterday yeah I think it's because the bonk method doesn't work because we had two jumps and we talked twice while we bumped so I'm gonna guess that's what it was SM oh joy cons that's true so here we go doing jump lists we shouldn't have as much of a hard time today cuz I spent like six hours yesterday trying this but yeah the goal today isn't to go fast it's just to do it once it's that one done no mistakes yet feeling good I'm surprised that did that I think we're like 93 coins no all right it's okay it's okay you know we can do well load this file it will load that one and then we'll be good you don't really think of talking to someone is jumping but it counts it's getting to the point where I'm not like feeling that need to jump anymore I'm gonna be really careful here cuz I really don't feel like getting collected so we are gonna be a little bit ahead of my PB a little bit a few minutes just a tiny little bit ahead of my PB nothing huge nothing like really all that much I mean never mind we're like 30 minutes ahead of my TV starting to get more adjusted to this though the constant bolts have I ever done coin this I have never done coinless no never tried it that's that I should try soon what am i doing tomorrow if I win this run uh tomorrow we'll be doing no hands I believe we can still talk to toad if we're in a very precise spot when we're in first person so we're gonna do that you can see the camera like locks you need to prevent that I don't know where you need to stand to get this come on let me in first person all right talk to him now I just want to talk to him I just want to go in the first person please no all right screw this we're done this room is really nice because they just lift you up you don't even have to jump they lift you up and do the jumping for you let me up daddy this moon and then get the heck out of here about talking anybody we're on good solid pace right now all the dragonball you see the dragon ball behind the seaweed if you ever were to ask me a question what is the nerdiest thing you've her own I'm pretty sure I have an answer for that for like a few months I ended up just binge watching dragon ball like the whole thing but I actually own like a set I know they're like acrylic dragon balls just keep that in mind whenever you guys come into my chat and start like screwing with me because I could just wish you away out of existence dragon ball isn't nerdy it's incredibly mainstream the thing is there's mainstream nerdy things it's in mainstream but who owns a set of dragon balls you actually own one - wait so you're saying one of ours is fake excuse me cuz I ripped off let's actually try and do faster at this back oh I actually go there I thought I was gonna miss this boss fight is the worst I think every single time I've tried this I've died so we're gonna try and not do that ooh so that's just a small time save we're gonna be another 15 minutes ahead probably a glory hole as well just for the the good stuff I mean that's what it's called that's that moon is if it's the official name by Nintendo glory hole not bamboozling you that's the official Nintendo name is glory hole check it change it to English and find it buttery shark will confirm it it's called glory hole right yeah but are you sure yeah of course we're done easy all right I gotta do moon ski up now so yeah jumplist moon skip is fun sarcasm no no it's easy first right every time now we need to roll away from each of these fires of perfect timing and I cannot do that Oh apparently again what I've done it haha now we jump with two player so that way well now we turn to player off mm I am satisfied with this at this is jumplist we'll see here we go okay 136 18 but the run isn't over until we see that we have zero jumps here it is which moon is it again 103 zero jumps come on zero jumps zero jumps come on 103 zero jumps I did it haha yes yes zero jumps a jobless run feels good did Jump List let's celebrate guys there's our celebration we jumped but isn't that a good screenshot though Mario's happy to--that's happy it's a good day
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,607,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, mario, mario speedrun, Super mario speedrun, speedrun mario, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, mario odyssey all bosses, mario no jump, super mario odyssey jumpless, jumpless moons, no jump mario odyssey, smo speedrun, smo glitches
Id: elIB0RqOjxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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