How To Cook The BEST New York Strip Steak | Step By Step | Cooking Is Easy

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what's going on yeah let's try that again what's going on guys today we're gonna be cooking up this beautiful prime New York strip steak as you can see it's a pretty fatty steak and fat is not bad fat is flavor a little less fatty than a ribeye but the New York Strip has great intermuscular fat so it's gonna be a great cook for us today so what I like to do I like to Pat it dry you got to get all that moisture off this steak that way you can get a nice golden crispy sear make sure you pat it off get all that extra liquid off it's not what you want you don't want to steam the steak you want a nice sear on your steak so be sure to Pat it completely dry paper towel works perfectly fine that's what I'll use be sure to get the fat all there on the steak so now we're gonna season it with some salt coarse kosher salt is what I use just a pinch or so be liberal though you want to cover the steak generously with salt throw in some pepper cover it well and garlic powder that's the trio that works best for me now what you're gonna do you're gonna Pat it in rub it in make sure it soaks into the steak you want your steak to be pretty flavorful and of course you want to season the other side always season both sides of your meat salt again kosher salt pepper again garlic powder as well and now what you do you're gonna take your steak in your to mop up all those seasonings on your cutting board rub it in pack it in cover every side of your steak now let's move on to the grill we're gonna be using cast iron today allow your cast iron to heat up over medium to high heat throw in some olive oil you can use olive oil avocado oil a neutral I like to use olive oil swirl it around the pan make sure it's evenly coated and now what we're gonna do is sear this fat cap will you go fat side down take it a nice golden brown sear and render all that good fat because if you just throw it on the side the normal side of the steak it won't render that fat but if you put it fat side down we get a nice golden juicy rendered fat capped which is what you want cuz when you render that fat it's great flavor so let's let that chill out for a little bit now let's see how that fat looks nice and golden brown exactly what we're looking for now throw it on that side don't use your hand I recommend not using your hands because you'll burn yourself just like I did but now we want to lay it flat make sure you pat it down at a nice even hard sear so we can get a nice golden brown steak cut it down make sure it's not steaming you want that nice contact I like to swirl the fat and all the oil around the pan make sure it's covering all sides of the steak now let's see what we're looking at should be golden brown look at that bubbly yummy delicious steak flip it around Pat it down it's got a sear on that other side [Music] let's check for temperature we're looking for about 125 internal temp as you can see we still got a little ways to go so we'll just let that chill out and cook a little longer now we're back we're coming close to temp we're at 116 we got about 5 degrees more to go let's throw in a tablespoon of butter and now we're gonna base this sucker let that butter swirl around the pan let it brown brown butter is better butter you ever heard the saying brown food is better food that applies in this case so now tilt your pan let the butter fall to one side and gently start spooning it over your steak getting all that fatty goody yummy butter all over your brown steak this is gonna be delicious guys I promise get it all over look at that look at that [Music] keep based and keep base and do it about 510 times let it sit again then come back and do it one more time now you can see how golden brown remember it's not burning you don't want your heat to hide you don't wanna burn that butter but it's nice golden brown now let's see what our steak looks like look at that beautiful seared prime New York Strip this is looking good but I like to do is I like take a little bit of that butter out of the bottom of the pan spoon it over just to get some extra juices that is looking good I have to cover it with tinfoil let it rest for about 10 minutes this is the most important part you have to let your meat rest once it's rested for about 10 minutes it's ready to slice let's see what we're looking at you're looking for about a nice pink middle medium-rare is what we're going for it's hot as hell probably burning my fingers as I'm slicing there's probably should've let it rest a little longer but we're hungry look at that beautiful medium-rare juices all over the place yummy deliciousness let's take a closer look look at act up don't drop it yeah beautiful medium-rare New York strip steak if you guys want to see more videos like this subscribe to my channel we'll be cooking up some good stuff all the time look at that beautiful medium-rare inner strip steak be sure to like this video and subscribe enjoy guys enjoy my fat finger
Channel: Cooking Is Easy
Views: 1,400,100
Rating: 4.7277622 out of 5
Keywords: new york strip, new york strip steak, steak, cooking, cooking is easy, easy cooking, step by step, cast iron, best steak, good food, great steak, juciy steak, tasty, guga foods, sam the cooking guy, food wishes, ribeye steak, skirt steak
Id: q-g4IXyVGV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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