🔥 HOW to GRILL a STEAK by Master Chef Robert Del Grande 🔥

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how do you grill a good steak I get this question all the time it's really just a simple 1 2 3 step process so well let's make a 4 step process the first one is buy a good steak here I have a nice little 14 ounce ribeye you can see that's a beautiful steak a little bit of rich cat B on the outside that loin meat on the inside really good-looking with the mistake so then right before you you grill it usually good let it come to room temperature we can put sometimes not too much it's a little bit of olive oil on it this will help it so it doesn't stick you just kind of rub it with olive oil olive oil of beef then not ahead of time but right before you grill it then rub a little salt and it's tiny bit of pepper into it the reason why I say not too far ahead is that salt will try to draw some liquid to the surface of the meat and it won't Brown as well so here's again the key to grilled a good steak here's our wood fire I can take a look at this this is where you get a lot of heat you got those oak wood logs burning you get way up there 6 7 8 9 very very hot and we build the fire towards the back so that the hottest part is at the back wall of the fire and the front is not nearly as hot so when you light a good fire then you don't people sometimes talk about a very even D it's better to have an uneven heat sort of very hot at the back of the cooler towards the front have to start it out hot so I will go to that back part of the fire or it's the hottest you can usually hear it when it when it goes on the grill and what that's doing is just driving the heat in the and the juices towards the center of the state and in this stage one of the hot fire you always have to keep your eye on don't run back in the house and come back at it could be it could be overdone this is probably a thousand degrees right now got to be patient we've got a little good mark on it kind of cross it so that we kind of just distribute the bar marks on it but you can see how hot it is that hole outside the stage is to give it a taste and heat so that the juices are going in he used to say sear the steak to seal in the juices you not see them in you driving them away from the surface I think we're getting a good sear on it you can see I'll pull it back for a second how beautiful that is the VAR mark you just toasted almost going to crunchy the way the meat and the fat is sincere very certainly outside and there's no sign of juice everything was driven into the meat the thing to remember is that water like juices will always move away from as the heat up they expands they move away from where the heat source heat sources so you have to think about that's going towards the center but if we let it go too long in that high you will overheat the juices and they'll actually sort of turn into boarding with overcook for me on the inside we really this is just like life turned green to step on the gas and it's just to get it kind of going getting that momentum momentum working people like to base their stakes and I do too it could be quite nice I usually avoided this part because the fire is so hot anything that drips into the fire will catch fire and flame up once you start getting a flame up it will pull more of the fat out of the meat and get more flame up you get a very sort of charred burned oil taste to it so I think now we've seared this see both sides look how beautifully seared that is mistake is still very rare almost raw it's only been on there a couple then what we do is the way you think about is we're going to pull it at this point back to a coolest part of the fire you can almost see how much smoke is there just be full full back we have much less as much go to the front at this point if you'd like this is a little bit of butter you can vase the stake at this point because when it drips in the fire it won't get far in the back we'll have a lot of so when you're cooking steaks whether you like it rare meeting room you want to think about that the same way as a rare steak is generally cooked very very hot because it doesn't have to go in very far when you cook it medium-rare takes a little more time so you got to slow it down needing more slowly if you like a well-done steak that's been really pull it back and let it just cook a long time slow if it'll be juicier and much more tender it's a little counterintuitive some people think oh well done should be hotter and longer you'll just be dry you sear like a rare steak and pull it to the edge of the fire and it was like slowly finish out you tell if the steak begins to cook more it has more resistance to when it's raw so as you touch them you'll feel that that steak starts to tighten up at this point now I'm kind of looking for medium rare I'll float way to the edge of the fire so underneath the meat there's no wood burning at all so we can go very very slowly you see how golden brown rusty Brown is inside I'll still be really really really and now it's just like I saw the stop sign coming up so I took my foot off the gas way at it I'm going to let the stakes of this cruise until it's just done where those juices kind of come to the middle but slow down just enough so they just meet at the center it's rosy pink and we would still be juicy and not tough let's cook hot too long we've been very very tough I think this steak because medium rare I'll tell you one of the little trick that usually even a medium rare has no juice on top once it gets to medium because the juices have gone all the way through it will start to beat up some juice on the surface so you'll actually see them it sort of tells you that the steak just get it all the way through then those juices will begin to drop in the fire you'll hear them sizzle and so we have the saying that you can usually hear a steak that's overcooked get the juices dropping in the so you listen sometimes when you hear that those things dropping you can call that distance sound it's medium or more so you can see how the beautiful steak there and that comes from that pot would fire five thousand degrees hot burning oak we have that beautiful perfume in the wood the salt and pepper sort of crusted in the meat and an inside will be just really tasty so you've got to remember to when that steak comes up they're really really hot fire those juices are still hot inside and they're sort of moving around so it's good to give the steak you know 5 or 10 minutes just to cool down let those juices settles will be really tender otherwise if you were to cut it the juice will run out all over the plate where do you want the juice in the first place inside the meat so I've let this one cool down a little bit and we should see if we carve it it should be beautifully rosy pink on the inside look at that Oh perfect and that's a ribeye just so you can see how kind of tender and creamy it looks those pieces see how even it is all the way through because that's how gently how gently it cooked I don't I would definitely not be unhappy with this it is just gorgeous and even at home sometimes I cook a big thick one and cut it into multiple pieces and you get a great look that so seared on the outside and pink all the way through that's the best of three points superhot just to sear it then lower the heat load go partially through and then very soft at the end so it finishes rosy pink let it relax affirm this before you cut into it to those juices those juices from settling steak is a nice really nice medium-rare you can see by the red rosiness all we have to do for medium is leave it at the edge of the fire for another 3 4 minutes and it'll slowly go to medium you leave for another four to eight minutes it'll be medium well under slow heat another 5 to 10 minutes very slowly it'll be well well done all the pink will be gone but it'll still be juicy because we finished up slow let it come to a nice-nice stop we didn't drive the juices right out of it I'm a big ribeye fan we buy great beef at our DG and this ribeye steaks on the menu for the last last 20 years is one of my favorites we have it every night and cut big and thick and we're like this really really good we also have great New York stew and great filets - overall I like beef I like cooking over that big wood fire really tasty this is very very good
Channel: OPTFOOD
Views: 6,910,497
Rating: 4.7566309 out of 5
Keywords: Steak, grill, Taste, How to, How to cook, ribeye steak grill, How to make, Cooking show, grilling ribeye steaks, chef, how to grill a ribeye steak, cook, recipes, bbq, cooking, meat, OPTFOOD, Recipe, Tasty, Best food, Master chef, Restaurant, grilling, ribeye, rib eye, how to grill, steak recipe, how to cook steak, how to grill steak, grilling steak, how to grill a steak, rib eye steak, tenderloin, food, beef, ribeye steak, dinner, barbecue, how to cook a steak, kitchen, gordon ramsay, sear
Id: rq-nNfUrgNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2011
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