How to Grill the Perfect Steak - Easy Tips for a Juicy Tender Steak

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"He done died once we ain't gon' kill'em twa-ce."

My new motto.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hockey_metal_signal 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

I will always upvote Kent Rollins. He's the best!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/carterirons 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

If /u/Chuckwagonman really is Kent Rollins, spread the love in /r/castiron too!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bbbryson 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

His videos are very helpful, and I love his humor.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/marcus27 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ozzvaldo 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great video. I love the delivery.

No matter how many times I have tried, though, I cannot get the trick to work where I put my ring-finger and thumb together to determine medium rare. I hate to stick the steak with my meat thermometer, but I just can't figure it out.

Anyone tried the lime juice?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PayMeNoAttention 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

When I started watching, my first reaction was "oh hell yes, it's the cast iron hash browns guy!"

And now I really, really want a steak.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
say folks in this video I am fixing to show you how to grill the perfect steak you heard me right the perfect steak I'm going to show you how to buy it what to look for how to prep it to get it where we want it and how to cook it to the exact doneness that you want so stick around you're going to enjoy this one [Music] [Music] it is a beautiful day I mean there ain't even no wind blowing in southwest and the good Lord blessed us cuz we got nine tenths of an inch of rain on Saturday the first we've had since October so thank you Lord but today we're going to talk about grilling that perfect steak now where does that start that starts with you buying the perfect steak that you want to cook there are three choices that you have to make select choice and prime what are we talking about the USDA puts a grade on meat from the standards in which it has to meet now each one of them is going to cost a different price as you climb up that ladder of more marbling more tenderness more juiciness now select it is the cheapest steak you can buy you walk into a grocery store and you look at it a lot of stuff is select then there is choice which is right below prime but quite a bit ahead of the Select people and he is gonna have more marbling and we're gonna get into that and show you what we're talking about here in a minute and he's gonna have better flavor and it's gonna be tender now you get up to prime it's like driving what you call a beat-up old banger forward pickup truck or Chevrolet er dodges made in 1960 had three hundred ninety thousand miles and the fenders fell off of it to going up to the Cadillac Escalade which is prime now I'm not telling you what to buy but I would buy choice or prime that's where you're gonna get the most of what you pay for and you're gonna realize it when you eat it I have went to the store and bought a piece of select just to know ribeye they're laying there and I have a piece of Certified Angus beef that is choice now they grade on the high-end of choice this is not marbling this is a line of gristle that is not clean a piece of tissue in there that really is going to make steak tougher you see very little what I could call marbling in here marbling is what I call beef butter now you're going to see it in a steak but the longer the steak sets out it's going to disappear because it melts as it's getting closer to room temperature but it's little white flecks of a little fatty tissue that make it so good I mean make it tender can used to be this way when she first come along she was looking for the Peace of cleanest red-meat she can find folks that ain't what we're after I'm after them little white flecks that all run down through here that is gonna make this a great marbled steak to cook it's going to be more tender and it's gonna have more flavor there are more numerous the little white flecks in here they're not big long stringy things that are gonna be like hard to cut and hard to chew and if you going up and you get a piece of prime and you lay out there that thing is covered with snow flake marbling we have two rib eyes laid out here but the perfect steak to grill for the most tenderest cut of meat you can have what is that a full light next I would probably say it's going to be the ribeye or the chuck I very good on marbling whoo and it's so good now we do a lot of New York strips or Kansas City strips they're gonna have a little more wine on one side and be cleaner on the other there's still that tenderness there's still that flavor if you're looking for a choice piece of meat that is still got some marbling but a little cheaper down the scale there get you a piece of sirloin now a sirloin is a good cut of meat it is now it's not gonna have the tenderness maybe so that the ribeye or the strip has but you can make that steak tender too and you're still going to get that taste now there's all kinds of things you can put on a steak out there and I'm not trying to mask the flavor of any steak I cook I'm trying to enhance that flavor number one thing lime juice now lime juice is not going to cover up in mass flavor what is it a natural tenderizer that breaks down connective tissue in meat so it's gonna get in there and absorb and it's gonna let that meat just sort of soak up in that goodness and it's gonna make it the best most tenderest thing you can find just put you a little on there or you can use a real lime rub it in really really well be sure you get it on both sides so folks say you've got a tougher cut of meat or maybe you've got a select cut of meat now I'm talking like a sirloin or a flank steak or maybe a skirt steak something that we need to get a little more tender use a tenderizer on it now you need to be sure when you buy a tenderizer first of all no MSG no monosodium glutamate fellers in there but all so it can't be seasoned now I'm not going to use it on a piece of CA B that is a strip a fillet a ribeye and sure I'm never a piece of prime but if you've got an old piece of meat that is a little tougher cut this will help you put it right on after that lime juice both sides rub it in well and you'll be good to go now the next step I'm going to tell you to use when you do this is you should have some of this original seasoning by now where can you get it time for a commercial thank you folks for dropping by you need to go to this website Kent Rollins comm and get you some of this original but make sure you've got some seasoning that you really like and I would prefer you had this we're gonna generously season this little feller then we're gonna rub it in really good on top of that lime juice turn him over same thing on the other side folks these are about it 12 to 14 ounce piece of meat and I'm like to cook a steak that is at least an inch and a quarter the bigger the piece of meat the more seasoning you have to be on it don't be afraid to think that you might over season because you're not on a big old thick cut of beef I promise you there are two common mistakes I think that people do when they are fixing to cook a steak one under season to overcook what would we do with this feller now that we've got season I put him in a ziplock bag a good trash bag depending on how many I'm doing and I would let him set in Nice box for four hours that lime juice and that seasoning will get in there and things are going to become even more tender and a great flavor enhancement is fixing to take place the next step is we're fixing to go to the fire folks I can almost feel the excitement in beagle and Frank I can you can tell that they are so excited that it is steak day first of all you need a good clean hot grill I'm using a hardwood lump mesquite today and I would recommend that you use a lump if you don't have hardwood available if you are using a gas grill be sure and check our video Shawn will have a link above them how to get the most flavor out of that gas grill can I put my hand there and hold it for more than five seconds no I it is hard enough to go it is cleaned it is old lower up or down so this is good and hot probably I'd say five and a half to six inches away from them cold the first contestant is this beautiful River hear that sound I like that soon his brother here we're shutting the lid it is the same with that gas grill I want to keep that instant heat in there that I was so hot we'll open it there at the last but we're gonna let it open right now because that smoke is circulating here and coming out here I'm about a fourth open on the vent here and all the way open on the side I'm probably gonna go in the range of three to four minutes along in there we'll look at this then we'll turn it now there's people out there gonna holler you can't flip it but once who said I cooked over 600 steaks in the last week I turned some of them four or five times before I got them like they want it especially if it is a big old thick cut of meat and you're having trouble with flare-ups or having to regulate your fire now you want you to flip it every 30 seconds the biggest mistake you can Ken when you're flipping is flipping it down there where the beagle can you get a hold of it not one of them grills has got one of them temperature gauges on there you can see I'm running 370 along in there that's sort of where I like to be but I've had it as hot as 450 don't get carried away with that thing I cooked most of my life and ain't never had no temperature gauge so let's take a little gander look there this is probably the hot side now I can see how things have changed and this old steaks begin to sweat a little so I'm gonna tell you right now I'm fitting to turn that rascal because he is getting close to that point this one here he's a little behind that one but not bad due to his thickness there's a little changing of color here but also folks I'm going by this touch what touch is it everybody do this everybody got that don't squeeze it just hold it there really simple take this hand fill of that muscle here's what we're doing you see me touch it I gotta turn it that feller is ready to be turned Oh what are we talking about when I'm touching a steak we're talking about this method here that is what a steak feels like when we're touching it that is rare now change positions put this finger on there touch you have toughen this up just a little bit this is medium-rare now folks that would be a medium and that would be a medium well but if you're having to do that cut them two fingers off like I've told you so many times heat him died once we gonna kill him twice that he is pretty close to what I would call medium-rare so I'm gonna set him up here while his kinfolk is getting ready to be there so I have cooked a lot of meat with a big ol long spatula where I could turn it over never am I gonna use one of them meat hooks to where I reach in here grab that rascal pierce it what happened when you pierced it you're letting some of that juice out he's a little on the rare side that's what I'm after a rare and a medium rare we got to let it rest about five minutes before we ever serve it that way when you slice that piece of meat we have done created that thing to where it's holding the flavor in if you go to cut a steak you're in a steakhouse or something like that and you cut it and everything is running off of it they didn't hold that meat when you cut that steak and you're going to serve it always remember you don't have to worry about it so much those ribeyes strips like that but a piece of flank skirt brisket something like that always cut against the grain of that meat now that is what I would call about medium-rare so were we looking at here what I would call about rare that is what I'm asking I wish you were here I do but since you're not here's what we're going to do I'm going to give your bot Nigel I know you're out there watching my friend come down there and down under in Australia the Beagle just got Nigel's bite Frankie stay in her Sandman tooth I know you're out there my friend it's a little shout-out to two people who are always coming and don't forget to come in on our videos because I try to answer it for one of them now folks you didn't see a bunch of juice run out of here but it's channel zoom in here you can see that juice is all still in there so folks I hope you learned something today I hope you did how to grill the perfect steak number one don't be intimidated to put that steak on the grill you can cook one just as good as I do remember the only time you should fear a piece of beef is when it is still on the hoof alive snorting in your back pocket that is the only time you should fear one thank you so much for stopping by me and Shannon the pups we don't take it for granted that you watch our videos be sure and tell your friends we need to share the love god bless you each and every one we'll see you down the trail and reach down there and hit that subscribe button thank you so folks glad you dropped by today it is a big day it is does this need to be the short one the long so sorry hey folks yeah in this video I'm gonna show you how to grill the perfect steak okay we're gonna buy it how to press it and then how to grill it to get that perfect doneness that you're looking for stick around you said that's so easy why don't you do it I'm not
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,601,766
Rating: 4.9492068 out of 5
Keywords: grilling steak, grilled steak, how to grill a medium rare steak, how to grill a rare steak, how to grill a medium well steak, cowboy cooking, campfire cooking, beef, grilling tips, how to grill a steak, kent rollins, rib eye steak, secret to grilling the perfect steak, best grilled steak, grilled ribeye, steak grilling videos, best steak ever, how to cook the perfect steak, how to cook the perfect steak at home, grilling the perfect steak, perfect steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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