Grilled Mexican Style Street Corn (Elote) | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Great vid, but I hope /u/samthecookingguy and Max realize the yellow liquid is the butter fat, and the white foam on top is the milk protein. Clarified butter is the liquid butterfat without the milk protein.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MuffinPuff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had no idea you could put plastic wrap in the microwave. I don’t know how I feel about that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/msteelers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sam's obsession with mayo keeps me up at night

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/King_Groovy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love Sam. But Jesus, did this need to be 30 minutes? Seems like some serious editing is needed. Even with the swearing bit, which I loved, this should have been about half as long.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ignatiusbreilly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

brb stealing some kids to make them watch this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thebusinessgoat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

After watching this, went to Trader Joe's and lo and behold, what were they sampling?? Mexican corn in a bag! Yes it's frozen, but it has all the right ingredients and was only $3! Much cheaper than buying the ingredients separately, which I will do when I'm not trying to pay rent, lol. I'm still wondering how I can incorporate my Kewpie mayo into it when it's off the

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rbslilpanda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
the weather's getting better and that means it's time for maybe my most favorite outdoor barbecuing grilling side dish ever we're grilling corn and all these chips can only mean one thing we're either doing something very interesting with the corn or we're curing the biggest case of the munchies ever but more about that in a minute let's start with the corn look I love to do this this is a great thing to do outdoor grilling summer it just there's not a main grilling barbecuing summer dish that you can think of that doesn't go with grilled corn name one chicken corn steaks corn burgers corn perfectly cooked pork like the video we did corn hot dogs oh um corn it doesn't matter baked beans not a main dish and we'll cover those because we got a great freakin recipe for those too but this best thing ever I'm gonna show you a little tip to the fast-track it to get it on the grill because we like short cuts right yeah we do my first tip I like to buy this corn already partially Dee husked and I'll tell you why it's because if you've ever bought an ear of corn before that when you opened it up all the way it was like jacked up and gray and brown like that pisses me off so I'm ok with this yes it's a little bit more but it's corn it's not that expensive oh and by the way you get the benefit of them telling you produce is great on the grill some yes and peel for grilling information so here it tells you what to do try these on the grill fruit apples apricots bananas oh they can suck my I am NOT putting apricots or bananas on the grill I'm sorry peaches pears pineapple yes watermelon no I'm not there mmm and now I need to apologize I know it was bleeped I have people that say they love to watch with their kids and and they always follow it up by saying you know we censor some of the and we try to cover most of the bad words right max yes every so often somebody who go wow it's amazing because you bleep - Shh but you left in if did you just bleep those yes and so what I just said I know is not right and I'm trying not to censor myself too much I'm trying not to swear too much there's a tug of war going on in my brain folks and so but what makes me happy is that people are watching with kids and if you don't have kids cool or borrow some because somebody else's kids are probably not watching me and they need to know what's up in the food world look our responsibility is to raise these little human beings so they get big and can go out in the world by themselves that's the job they're self-sufficient proper people that know how to go about their daily business and be part of the world and fending for themselves in the food world is part of it you can't live on fast food or microwave food or frozen food you can't and our job here we feel is giving you the skills to handle that better and of course that translates down to the little ones it rolls downhill good it also rolls downhill and we believe we're good you know if I didn't do this honestly I thought I could become a rabbi a preacher a minister or whatever there'd be swearing but I think people would get me you know what I'm saying okay look you could take these ears of corn individually pull off all the husk and the silk and like that and just throw on the grill and you would get where you needed to be in about a half an hour or do what I'm gonna show you now and you'll be there in about five minutes 15 just follow along you'll get it okay so we open these guys up and out they come I'll do one and then you'll get it from here look it's peeled of course you still have the husks and then the silk that's behind it and the silk is really the pain-in-the-ass part and I want you to notice something this in my hand is silk this in the husk is silk but the benefit but one of the benefits of buying it like this is when you pull that off you have almost no silk for some reason it just works so beautifully when you buy them whole with the husk all the way around you're peeling peeling peeling in fact they make special little brushes for that we don't want to deal with that that's just a waste of time so now I cut this end off we don't need this we're not gonna use this as a handle we're gonna get another handle so this comes off right push all this away and now rather than just throwing it on the grill we're gonna wrap this in in saran or cling film so we go like this put a piece of it down we cut we wrap this kit up we do the other three where you've got them all done we take and we put them in the microwave I'm gonna give them about five six minutes when you feel them look I say that because different microwaves have different wattages of power so my microwave might be less wattage than yours more wattage than yours so here's the thing I'll put it in five or six minutes from my microwave and when you can really like stick your finger and it's really softened up that's when we take them out cool cool and while they're cooking I just want to say I'm gonna I'm keep the husks before presentation purposes because they're damn pretty I'm gonna get rid of the silk because that's just a pain in the ass nobody wants that you want a mouthful of this oh great corn that it's really delicious what do I do that but we'll save these the other thing you need to know is while the corn is in the crow my brother used to say that for microwave well the corn is in the crow we're gonna start melting some butter so I'll just put the thing about it's this cold what is this cold stick of butter q a stick of butter in here and we'll get it melting gently on the Evo jelly okay so to our melting butter that will go on everything we're gonna add some garlic and by the way part in the blue thumb I'll explain it in a bit I got this so a couple big cloves to the stick of butter ah it's ah God holy Sh what the hell just happened there that splattered all over see this is why I like this garlic press talked about it all the time but unfortunately they don't make this one anymore they make a different version going okay and this and then kosher salt always kosher salt and we mix by the way I love saying that and see the white the white is the fat and by the way I want to take a look at my shirt max oh yeah fat means flavor you've heard of clarified butter here check in here clarified butter is when this white part comes off and you're left with just a beautiful clear underneath well yes it's prettier because it's not all clumpy white but it doesn't have the fat not the same thing that's the thing that lobster aficionados like to dip in and I'm like hey stupid you're using the wrong you don't have any fat in that come on you just got like grease which is nice but go for the fat come on if you're dipping in this let it be the best dipping in this that you can have and leave it whole okay that's just gonna sit nicely by itself for now and now we can get our corn and here we are corn is ready oh let me try that again won't it look good and so here we are corn is ready damn it's just leave it's here's our corner I tried to make a cool spin it didn't work and look if I peel one your steam of course but you can tell you honestly this was six minutes I give it six uh you could eat this now and you'd be fine but what's gonna happen when we throw these guys on the grill is gonna be so much better so let's do that and we go one two three okay so here's our goal clearly is we want some color on these and if you look at the first one just a little bit right but I'm telling you the fact that we microwave these for five minutes is gonna make a world of difference but I haven't told you what we're doing really this butter garlic salt nonsense is unbelievable I could put my entire face in that and just like suck in yes I'd burn myself but a little part of my brain goes dude seriously it'd be like but I haven't explained what we're doing so I have four ears of corn on here it's grilled corn day yes but one will be Mexican grilled corn one will be what I call Italian Street corn which by the way Jilly does not believe has ever existed or will ever exist and doesn't make any sense in this world that we live in so I'm dealing with that privately inside one will be standby grilled corn with flaming a hot Damone Cheetos crashed around the outside and one will be a special one we'll save that but the point is that they all start the same way they all get wrapped they go in the microwave they start to get color out here we now will start as soon as I'm done talking basting them with this butter garlic look you should probably use tongs for this because it's gonna be hot they've been on about three minutes you can see they're getting very little color very little it takes a while to develop color what helps is basing them with any kind of fat you could use oil you could use bacon grease but we're gonna use this butter garlic beautifulness and that will enhance so they're all gonna get that and then how we end them all will change a bit but you're gonna love this so let's start basting come on we had one little problem today you've noticed that I've used before a clear handled blue silicon-silicon did we have this conversation the cone silicone a paintbrush that's really good that's really good I hated it when I first got it and now he loved it cuz it cleans up really easy it's blue basically this color I couldn't find it I have no frickin idea where it is and this is paintbrush worthy for all this so I went looking for something you knew what I found I found an actual latex paint brush it's gonna work we've got a few things to brush on the first of which is this garlic butter so let's go kids let's go so we give it a little mix and then we slather oh boy and get the guy all the way around oh my god honest then when this garlic butter hits the heat just changes in the most delightful olfactory way possible I actually finished college is at the right term old factories are those not your leered nasal senses or is it all your senses I don't know I think it's right so what you're saying is you went to college I barely went to college and yet I have more knowledge than you is that what's going on here all right so lovely right so now over the next you know 10 ish minutes we're gonna get color we're gonna get flavor the whole thing is gonna get amazing and then gets real so your goal is simple it's basting it's turning it's basting it's moving it around a little bit you don't want to be directly on top of a flame because that will make it black but look you just want to take your time this is the perfect opportunity for you to be at one with your butter your garlic your corn and a cocktail by the way relax folks this is grilling this is meant to be pleasurable and relaxing and slow while that happens we're gonna prepare a few things this is optional look I think setting them down in a corn husk is a beautiful thing but giving them a little color is great so while they finish I'm just gonna take a little bit of this butter not for flavor but just to help the burn in and put these guys if I can ah mother it's so hot here face down on the grill let's go to just like this I think I put a weight on top look I don't expect everybody has one of those but if you have something this is all about presentation ladies and gentlemen nothing more it's completely unnecessary step but one that I like basting brush and basting brushing burning coloring everything look even color is where we're going right like this beautiful beautiful beautiful this kid got a little a little bit at the end but I'm telling you it'll make a beautiful picture so just go for it and by the way what you know what's happening while this is cooking is it's getting even softer and more luscious err and more beautiful Lauren it's gonna be fantastic and our husks look like dot on the back see that that's all I want that's all I'm asking Wow it makes such a pretty presentation just set them off the side and do the rest which I won't show you cuz I'm too hot right now definitely pull it off the flames if they start going that way when the flames come up because you brush the movement to a not-so flamey part of the grill wait till last subsides move them back move them around brush them it's a dance it's a grilled corn tango that you need to be intimately involved with and while they're finishing let's prep some of the nonsense and when the corn looks like this gorgeous this beautiful color in here because that's what you want because these little burned Brown black spots are flavor folks this is the gold that you're looking for this is the magic you're looking for when they look like this now we get the stuff ready that goes on top the first one we're making will be what I call Mexican Street corn or what a lot of people call Mexican Street corn and the cheese were using is cotija cheese it's um it's Parmesan ish like if you didn't have this you could definitely substitute that but what I like about it is the crumbly nests because that's what I'm going for and they're little sharp the sharp flavor of it so we'll cut it open and you can see it's it's it's red oh so let's put some in a bowl watch this the way I like to do this like to take a piece and bust it up yeah look you can't do this with too many cheeses feta you could Parmesan you could this is I like the sharpness of this for exactly that reason okay we get this ready my blue thumb then we take our ear of corn and look we're gonna need to hold it some way and of course you could use those little baby ear corn holder things that are ridiculous or you could use a chopstick so look just pull it in half and then that's hot so maybe just take a towel and shove the chopstick right up into the kid look now that's a freaking handle and we want to put cheese on it but we want the cheese to stick okay so now here's what we do we take kosher salt and we just give it a little bit of this because corn is kind of sweet and definitely needs it now we want the cheese to stick so here's we're gonna do we're gonna take our brush that had the butter on it and put a little mayo on this yes Japanese Mayo wow this is gonna be crazy good where do you see this wait till you see this don't be too shy I mean come on if you've had this you know how good if you have it why are you in for a treat now we take our bowl of this cotija cheese that's all crumbly and now this goes on top that's why you do it over a bowl don't go too crazy I mean you don't want to cover it but you want it definitely looking beautiful like that and when it's at this point gets another thing or two you can use chili powder but I like Chipotle chili powder so a little sprinkle oh my goodness nice and even I'm in just a tiny little bit of cilantro look how pretty that is right and then we played it and the plating is simple and goes like this could you just hold that don't eat it I know you have any trouble with the kind of corn that we're making that's okay but so we played it like this we'll put down something pretty you get one of our beautiful corn husks set it down the corn and the only other thing you need to serve it with is a little baby wedge of lime and when I say baby I mean like the tiniest ladies and gentlemen that's gonna be sick number two we're calling Italian Street corn it just dripped on me of course we start with a little kosher salt and this one does not get mayo but it gets pesto oh yes it does and it goes on like this oh boy and when the pesto hits the hot corn the luxuriousness and the flavor fest begins just in your nose but you know what's coming because you know you're gonna eat this just do a nice job nice even spreading again like the Mayo you don't need too much but you do want to delicious amount next for a little spice we give just a hint of crushed red pepper flakes I hint don't go crazy cuz you'll make people insane but the heat that this adds to the sweet corn is really great and finally cheese in the form of parmesan or if you want to go all Giada De Laurentiis on it you could definitely go get some part of me China or that Chan no but the point is whichever one of these hard parmesan type cheese's you use you're gonna be golden and then we plate look of course this is XS you don't have to do it but you're gonna have them anyways or whether you buy them whole with full husks how nice that is okay for this next one I need to bring out the heavy guns because max has requested is it hot cheeto corn hot cheeto grilled corn hot cheeto grilled Street corn we'll call it so I went out on a limb I didn't get regular hot cheetos I got flaming hot cheetos lee-moan pardon the noise pardon this noise or the gardener noise we got gardeners and i know it affects us more than you but so who doesn't like flaming hot cheetos and the the lime version way better than regular but we need these to be like dust so put them in the bullet close her up and let her rip [Music] let me start for a moment and say in defense of the Army in defense of the bullet people I can't find the one with the actual blade a couple I can't find the one with actual blade what I've got is this this thing what is that because it's not frickin doing what I want I think it's operator error I can't find it somebody threw it out and it's probably with my proper silicone brush but I still have to do [Music] it's such a good idea while ago oh look that is not enough to do with good look at there's like whole half sucking pieces in there you can't put you can't put this thing on the outside of a piece of corn man now I gotta go manual on this so now we take a piece of corn give it some salt because it needs it then we mayo eyes it again and don't forget it's been living in garlic butter which is gonna take the flavor over the top and then here we go put our Cheetos our flamin hot Damone crunchy Cheetos in the bowl and apply to the top I'm just getting bombarded here ahh okay how's it look looks stupid doing anything else on here yes and we're ready to plate this nonsense this and for our final one because we live in the United States of America this one will be in omage to the American flag using red white and blue crunchy things so of course we'll start with the salt and then we'll Mayo in sections so that looks about right when the males on let our red which of course of the flamin hot crunchy LeMond Cheetos next is white and I really wanted to use Funyuns because I love them but compared to a potato chip it would be more like the red yellow and blue so we're going with potato chips so we Mayo and then we chip why didn't I think of this July 4th weekend or Memorial Day will let everybody know for our final section we'll be using blue corn tortilla chips and on they go this is definitely an art project man and is not my world I'm appreciating it though look at that it's pretty good so not only what I like is the fact that you get the three colors but you get three different tastes spicy not spicy and corny I don't know have that distinctive corn the chip taste it's pretty cool huh so let's review before we eat we've done the Mexican Street corn it has the Mayo it has the chipotle chili powder and it has the finally crumbled cotija cheese and a little cilantro on the top we've done the Italian Street corn no mayo but we use the pesto red pepper flakes and then Parmesan cheese we did the flamin hot cheetos Limone and then the final version is this beautiful red white and blue homage to the United States the only thing left is to have a few bites so the only thing left to do is taste and I just noticed this I mentioned this this is not a cut this is a what do you what does it call when you have something it happens all the time recurring there's like a medical word for that it's a chronic dry separation of skin and tissue at the end of my thumb which sounds gross it's like because I'm my hands are always in water from doing dishes and whatever that dries out I don't put cream on my hands and it's awful it's like Shh time to eat some corn the Mexican Street corn thank you chipotle chili powder comes through beautifully that cotija cheese you want to get it yes Parma or oh my god the spice hold on but wait the the Italian version it's just mental it's just that little red pepper flake wakes everything up the pesto which I'm a huge fan of sorry I got corn come out of my mouth oh my gosh this nonsense but yet quite a believer max wanted this max got it let's find out hmm I'll be honest with you max it's pretty damn good yeah Wow and then the extra crunch from the outside I gotta have one more ok that's silly but this okay I know the red tastes like the white salty I have everything all over my face you're good now in the blue I was definitely corn chips Wow okay I'm gonna put them in this order one two three and four four options what's the lesson ladies and gentlemen the lesson is grill some frickin corn because it's damn good the garlic butter on the thing look all you have to do is the garlic butter salt at the end you'd be fine what you won't go a little further huh all right you got options we're about that what a ridiculous day it was here but what a delicious day thank you for hanging out thank you for watching subscribing in to luck if-- we are so fortunate that you guys are there I'm meeting now a ton of you at not not tacos here in San Diego and we hope some of you are watching from Tokyo and you will meet us when we're there the end of July and then we got more fun stuff coming up and by the way road to hash tag road to a million we're gonna do something fine you want to be part of it we want you to be part of it so
Views: 1,432,193
Rating: 4.8012867 out of 5
Keywords: street corn, Mexican street corn, Mexican corn, corn, corn recipes, grilled corn, grilled street corn, elote, sam the cooking guy, grilled elote, grilled corn on the cob, best grilled corn, Mexican grilled corn, hot cheeto grilled corn, mexican street corn, mexican street corn recipe, mexican style corn, mexican elote, mexican elote recipe, elote with hot cheetos, hot cheetos corn, hot cheetos elote, grilled corn recipe, grilled corn on the cob recipe, mexican grilled corn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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