How to Cook the Best Ribeye Steak | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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it's a big day I'm making Kelly's favorite steak of all time the one she asked for big dicks I'm making the steak Kelly asks for it's a big it's a big day because I'm making the steak Kelly asks for all the time and I don't make it for her all the time look if you've been married as long as I have you know one thing you can't give in always the whole back some stuff make them wanted make them work for it and I'm very comfortable saying that because she's not here right now I'd get my ass kicked but here's where we're starting big ass ribeye that's what oh look it stays by itself one big-ass ribeye this rib eye is 1 and 1/4 pounds we're cooking this baby but here's how this goes down we cook a steak it comes out at rests while it rests we make the most amazing simple little delicious mustard cream sauce for it that you're gonna love Max is gonna hate it because it's beige and it's gonna photograph really okay we have to season your steak so we'll start like this here's what I like to do I like a little oil first a little bit cool both sides and I'm using the avocado oil it smokes at a higher smoke point smokes at the highest smoke point and that's what you want we're not going for flavor when it comes to the oil for our steak it's about lubrication 1 and and how high the smoke point is and we're gonna cook this thing in a hot cast-iron pan we don't want the burning because if it burns it gives off a nasty flavor and you don't want that now we season kosher salt and fresh ground pepper only look you want to put some garlic in do it and by the way this might look like a lot but look how thick this steak is and you have to remember when you go to eat this it's not being cut this way it's been cut this way so you're only getting a little bit of the seasoning that's right on the top and then as we turn we like to season the edges because it's so thick if it was thin I wouldn't worry about that so look what you thought I was gonna cook on the grill well I am technically but I'm using a cast-iron pan because that's what I want for this I don't want the stripes I want like a crust all the way the bottom side all the way the top side so we grab our steak let's take advantage of the seasoning that's still in the plate and we'll just do this try and get the last bits of it and that by the way this is a 1 and 1/4 pound prime ribeye that's a beautiful steak is that a beautiful steak or what oh yeah could eat it just like that and before we throw it in my grandmother's cast-iron pan by the way she died 20 years ago I'd say that's a that pans probably almost 100 years old let's check the temperature the two ways the first is with our little infrared thing and that's almost 675 degrees in the center and it's burning my hand right here the other way to check if your pans ready is the water test the water test looks like this we just take a little handful of water we splash it in and it looks like that and you see well I'll do it again stay right there max look at the little beating when it beads up like that when it beats up like that and runs off you're ready and now in goes the steak we've talked about it before that ladies and gentlemen is the sound you want if your steak is not making that sound you don't have nearly enough heat going on in your pan and the smell from right here is steakhouse unbelievable but here's the thing because it's so thick we're gonna do something we're gonna cook it on both sides a little bit then we're gonna move it to a side without any heat close the lid and kind of use it like an oven but right now it gets all the benefit of all the heat and after a minute ish minute and a half beautiful we turn look how pretty same thing on this side don't touch it don't move it just let it do its thing you're building up this gorgeous crust and that's what you want okay so here we are we're about a minute and a half or so on each side here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna move it over to this side I'm gonna turn off the heat underneath this side will stay on and now we close the lid and now that works like an oven right it's the ambient heat on one side that's gonna keep a cooking on the other side but without direct heat underneath so it won't burn the bottom of that steak anymore it'll just cook it lovingly and we're gonna know when it's ready because we have a good instant-read thermometer you should get yourself one ladies and gentlemen these are a very important piece of equipment for all your cooking not just that's outside and by the way what I'm doing here on my grill should show you two things one you can use your grill for not just like meat and fish and stuff like that you can put a a pan or a pot on it but what I'm doing here you could easily do in your house it's no question you would cook the steak on each side and then put it into your oven I'm just using the grill as my oven people forget you can do that and now we're gonna check because I don't want it to go over about a hundred and twenty eight or nine or thirty there's really nothing to do until then okay look 123 I think I'm here so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take them off put them on a clean plate and then cover them up with foil he's just gonna rest about ten minutes while we make our sauce let's go we starts in the pan with some butter and some oil and if you haven't heard me say it before I like this combination because the butter gives flavor of the oil keeps the butter from burning really an ingredient number three is diced shallots and if you didn't have shallots you could definitely use yellow onion red onion whatever and by the way I've turned the temperature down to low we don't want to burn these onions or our next ingredient coming in which is a clove of garlic smell is insane by the way this garlic press is a Zyliss here's the name Silas I think they're from Switzerland I don't necessarily know for sure but here's the deal you put a clove of garlic in you notice how it's all come out you put a clove of you put damn you you put a clove of garlic in unpeeled and it's such a great little press that it squeezes the pulp out leaves the paper behind which is very nice this particular one I probably had for 20 years 1718 I don't know 20 or something like that it's it's a great one we'll put a link down in the in the was a call there no description right okay let's keep going we've got butter we've got oil we've got shallots could be any onion we've got the garlic and now we're gonna add what's gonna make this a sauce some regular everyday whipping cream and as it cooks and bubbles and simmers and evaporates it starts to thicken and as it does we add the last few things we'll start with some Dijon mustard about a tablespoon a little worse destler's Wurster with the whatever the worst err Shire and some salt and pepper and then we mix okay it's pretty watery right now but in a couple minutes it's gonna be beautiful I can't even do that man it's so high and look what happens after a couple of minutes it gets all badass looking look at now look how thick it is right and I don't want it thick like like a hollandaise I just want at night so I'm gonna turn it off we're gonna let it stay warm I'm gonna slice the steak and we're ready here's what we're doing we're taking our our gorgeous take off from resting max just hit the light put it here so we can cut it okay so we'll take this little this little fat guy off the side but by the way check out and we want to cut against the grain and just let me show you this the grain runs this way when you cut against the grain you shorten up those fibers and make your food much more tender so we'll just go like this oh hello perfect I love you I can read the comments now it's raw and trust me I cook this a lot further along than many people I know that our huge steak people okay so for presentation purposes let's move everything over to this black slate board if I can do this properly I'll put this kid right here let's spread it out so it all looks nice oh boy look here's one of the reasons you know that expression that I use all the time fats flavor welllook ribeye definitely has more fat but it also has more flavor so we put the steak here Wow and here's our sauce hate to repeat myself but oh come on now the last thing we give it is a little fresh ground pepper and some parsley I have a fork I want to use my fingers but max said no use a fork look it look it perfectly cooked steak this delicious little rich sauce oh my god no I'm not kidding oh my god this is just kind of insane and you have to make it so it's Kelly's favorite and I absolutely love it I don't know why I fight her so much no I don't want to make it again I make it again and then I'm like I'm crazy for it so here's where we've ended up who cooked the steak we made a sauce we put it on we've eaten it and that's what you have to do I got nothing else thanks for hanging out with us I always say means a lot and for the shirts that I've been wearing lately they make America cook again culinary statement not a political statement you can go to make America cook again calm it's all right there with new designs actually there's some cool there all right thanks for being with us go eat something good yeah
Views: 2,169,298
Rating: 4.8731537 out of 5
Keywords: how to cook the best ribeye steak, best ribeye steak, ribeye steak, ribeye, steak, best steak, best ribeye, cook the best steak, best way to cook ribeye, best way to cook boneless ribeye, pan fried boneless ribeye, best pan fried ribeye, how to cook boneless ribeye, how to pan fry ribeye, ribeye steak recipe, pan fried rib eye recipe, best ribeye recipe, best boneless ribeye recipe, sam the cooking guy, cooking steak, cooking ribeye, cooking boneless ribeye, cast iron steak
Id: cmbMIIgpFwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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