Learning the Most Pointless Life Lessons from Dhar Mann

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What a hater.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Feeling-Ad-6715 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Drew always delivers great videos

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Tallica47 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Then go to drew goodebs Reddit

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/pulpfuzz 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

who knew drew had a wifu

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/shanehughes26 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Please Drew, use your connection with Cody Ko to make a video with Dhar Mann. It would be hilarious. I feel like if Dhar Mann let Drew write a script, he could do it in a way that Dhar Mann can't tell he's mocking him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/this_ismyfuckingname 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Hey guys, welcome back to my second attempt at filming this intro. Because when I tried to do this yesterday, I forgot to focus the camera. Life can be pretty stressful sometimes. Even when you're not screwing up one of the easiest jobs in the world, you're often faced with important decisions and complex moral dilemmas. And it can be hard to know exactly what to do because things are almost never black and white, except in Dhar Mann videos. - This pizza's frozen cold. I'm not paying for this. - Maybe you should get a job delivering pizza. - [Narrator] Eric finally understands how difficult it is to have a job. I know how hard your job is. - The Dhar Mann cinematic universe has a beautifully simplistic view on life, where there's always a good guy and a bad guy. There's an obvious solution to every problem. And karma happens immediately. Teacher accuses student of doing drugs, instantly regrets it. Car mechanic tries to scam a woman, instantly regrets it. Customer shames fast food worker, instantly regrets it. Instantly- Instantly regret. And when the titles don't end with "instantly regrets it", it's "what happens next will shock you", which is funny because every single Dhar Mann video is exactly the same. So at this point, I am no longer shocked. - If you want this, you're gonna have to get it. From the trash. - Here, you can get it out of the trash. - No! - I know I'm a few years late to the Dhar Mann party, but I was in need of motivation and didn't know where else to turn. So today I'd like to watch a few of his videos with you and see if we get inspired, or if I instantly regret it. This first one's called student cheats on final exam. The important words are always capitalized for emphasis. And as you can see, little Michael over here is not paying attention to his classes. Instead, he's poisoning his brain with violent video games. (sighing) - He took my kill. - Shame on you, Michael. I get it though. Games are fun. But you're not going to be able to coast through life multitasking. When you're at work, you focus on your job. And you don't let anything distract you from your job. Damn you, Mr. Mosbey. To be fair though, he's obviously a gaming prodigy. Look at how he's able to move his character without even touching his keyboard. And apparently he's bilingual. So I actually think this kid's got a bright future ahead of him. Mr. Wilson's not happy with him though. You know how teachers can be. - Michael, it's showing me that you're on mute and your camera's off. - Oh, sorry. My computer was acting up. - Wow. A gamer and a liar? Now he's perfect for Faye's clan. - Can you get us the new PS5? - [Woman] How about if you both get A's on your math final- - Which is apparently your only class. - then I'll buy it for you. How does that sound? - Really? Okay. Well, you might as well buy it for us now. Cause I'm gonna ace that test. - Huh. He sure is confident for someone who hasn't been paying any attention. I just hope he's not doing anything nefarious. - Check this out. (dramatic music) Our math final. I found it online so now I have all the answers. - I spoke too soon. He is doing something nefarious. Wait, did I? No, you did not. - It's not cheating. It's called taking a shortcut. I mean, how else do you think people succeed in life? - By taking the long way. I got to say though, that was my favorite website growing up, MiddleSchoolMathAnswers.com. Of course the entire page was just this specific final exam. And I never had Mr. Wilson as a teacher. So maybe that's why I always failed math. - Studying is for losers. - Ain't that the truth. - [Narrator] Mikey compares the final exam to all the questions on the website. - Who is talking right now? - Is everything okay? - Yeah, I just came by to let you know that Jayden got a 100% on his math final. - Hell yeah, my boy, Jayden's getting a PS5, which means he can finally play... Well, it's still nice to have. This is great news. If Jayden passed, that means they both got an A, right? - 0%? This is an F. - Huh? - That's impossible. I cheated- I studied. - Well as I was saying, Michael got all of his answers correct. If those answers were from this website that I created. - That sneaky bastard. I knew MiddleSchoolMathAnswers.com was too good to be true. - You did? - [Teacher] I did. - [Drew] And let's use that same exact shot again. Perfect. - There are no shortcuts to success. You have to do things the right way. - That must be the lesson of the video, because they put it in the script twice. - There are no shortcuts to success. You have to do things the right way. - Oh, sorry. Three times actually. - That's so unfair! - Go to your room, now! (emotional music) Just wait till I tell your dad about this. - I'm sure he'll be back any day now. As time has gone on Dhar Mann has gotten more and more meta. He loves mentioning people who've made videos about him, like Cody Ko, who actually got to be in one of his videos. - Cody's the new cook here. - I'm so sorry, man. - And it was a very inspiring lesson about the importance of being patient. - Okay now I realize that success does require patience and great things really do take time. I quit. - Dhar also has characters mention himself a lot. - Today we will be watching a Dhar Mann video. - Yes! I love Dhar Mann. (scoffing) - Yeah. There's no surprise there. Only nerds and dorks watch Dhar Mann. - I like how on one hand you have the self-deprecation of someone being like "Dhar Mann's for nerds", but then you also have these other characters defend and compliment him. - All his videos are dumb. - They're not dumb. Billy. They teach important life lessons. - Are you watching Drew Gooden videos? Yeah. That guy is a loser. All he does is film himself pooping and farting all day long, edit it into a little compilation, and then upload it to his Only Fans. And I happen to like that. I think Drew Gooden is a very cool guy who seems handsome as well and is smart guy. You're right. He is much awesome. And I couldn't agree more on the handsome part. It actually goes even further than that. You see in this sketch, Dhar Mann is written to be the ultimate celebrity. He is idolized by every single child in this school, except for the bully. - Because only losers with no friends watch his videos. - That's not true. I watch Dhar Mann, I love all his videos. - [Drew] Noah even spends his lunch break watching him on YouTube. Side note I love that instead of just playing a video on the phone, they made the editor mask it onto the phone frame by frame. As a former video editor myself, I can relate to that all too well. Don't you think we should pull up the video? Eh, worry about it. We'll fix it in post. What do you mean, we? What'd you say? Nothing. Sorry. Take that paper off. You got it boss. And when Noah's mom comes to pick him up after a long day of ruthless bullying, - Dork! Ha ha. - Psych! - [Drew] she knows just how to make them feel better. - Dhar Mann t-shit. So you see? - Whoa, really? Wow. Thanks mom. I love it. - That's right, honey. I got you merch. Are you happy now? Yeah! Merch make me happy. That's right. Merch can cheer anyone up. Even the saddest loneliest boy. you just have to buy a shirt like me and then you'll be happy. Link in description. - Loser! - Tell me what's going on. - I don't have any friends. And today, I was the laughing stock of the school. You see? My glasses. My glasses. I can't see. - There you go. - Oh. Thanks. - Are you okay? - That's Dhar Mann! - Some kid at school's been really mean to me. Now look, again. I'm really sorry. (stuttering) Dhar Mann? I can't believe it's really you. I'm like your number one fan. I can't believe it. This is the best day of my life. Wait, why are you standing outside of a middle school? That's kind of weird. - You know, back when I was in school, I didn't even have any friends. - Wait, what? You didn't? - That can't be true. You're Dhar Mann. You're the coolest guy ever. We worship you. - What's so funny? - Dhar Mann? - In this universe, you are literally our God. You gave birth to us. - Thanks Noah, I really appreciate that. And you know what? I think you're so cool. I even made you your own limited edition merch. - Holy shit. It's a real shirt. I can really buy it. - I can't believe this. I'm gonna go put this on right now. (clapping) - I guess my work here is done. If you guys need me, I will be standing in the parking lot. Just kind of lurking there. (electronic music) It's funny when you start to notice how formulaic every video is to a T. There's always a scene near the beginning where the adult finds a reason to leave the room, so the kids can be mean to each other in peace. - I have to get this, I'll be back. Just give me one minute. (phone vibrating) - I got to take this. Next, we're gonna hear from... Sorry guys. I do have to take this. - No one is calling me. I just have to take my phone outside. And while they're gone, one of the kids will throw out the most basic uncreative insult at the nerd and everyone else will laugh hysterically. - You don't have any friends. (laughing) (stuttering) - Stop it, Paula. It's not nice to be- - How are you going to beat me when you can't even say a simple word, stuttering Steven? (laughing) - I do have to say the set pieces in these videos are immaculate. Even though this classroom sort of looks like your brain's vague interpretation of one while in a dream, it almost seems real with such details as the name of the school on the whiteboard. My teachers would always do that too. Just in case we forgot where we were. In this one, Steven and Paula are going head to head in the race for class president. - Because I'm popular and I'm pretty. (clapping) - It's a real David versus Goliath story. I love their campaign slogans. Vote for Steven to end bullying, or vote for princess Paula because I'm the most popular, her famous quote. - So that's why I think you should vote for me. I'm popular. I'm pretty. Plus I'll make sure we have less homework and more movies. - These kids have really lofty goals as class president. Steve wants to arrest all the bullies and Paula's gonna ban homework. Do middle school class presidents actually do anything? Cause I feel like this plot is sort of built on the notion that whoever wins is going to be sitting behind a desk all day passing executive orders. Oh no, no. I said pizza for lunch every day. I guess now that I think about it, the title could be interpreted pretty ominously. Kids make fun of boy and live to regret it? Sounds like he might hire the middle-school secret service to take care of anyone who called him stuttering Steven. Which by the way is a top tier nickname. And one that's definitely worthy of the laughter that ensues each time it's said. - [All] Stuttering Steven. Stuttering Steven. Stuttering Steven. (laughing) - This is another one of my favorite Dhar Mann tropes. In the last video, Noah was a nerd. So the bully called him- - Noah the nerd. (laughing) - And then there was one with a poor kid named Gordon who bought his clothes from Goodwill. - See you later, Goodwill Gordon. - Ha, Goodwill Gordon. And then there's another bullying video about a girl in a wheelchair named Wendy. And this one's kind of tough. So I'm going to give you a few minutes to think about it. What do you think her nickname is? - Wheelchair Wendy. (laughing) - I don't know how he comes up with this stuff. - Homeless Heather. (laughing) Jordan, the janitor. (laughing) - This time it's Wendy who's getting made fun of, because we've been transported into the Dhar Mann universe where everyone is a bully except for the nerds and people with disabilities. - Would one of you mind helping me reach that? - Just because your legs don't work doesn't mean your arms don't work. - [Drew] She just keeps on roasting Wendy for absolutely no reason and expects Noah, that's right. Got another Noah. - There's Noah. He's so hot. - She expects him to laugh along because he's the football quarterback guy and that's what football quarterback guys do. But he doesn't. So she's confused until she learns. - Why do you keep sticking up for her? - Because I know what it feels like to be in her shoes. A few years ago, I took a really bad hit. The doctor told me that I wouldn't be able to walk for a really long time. But do you know what hurt even more? How other people would treat me. They'd stop and stare. - Really? He's like, did you hear about Noah? He suffered a major spinal injury that could leave him paralyzed for the rest of his life. Oh my God. That is very funny to me as well. I am laughing at that. - I know what it feels like to be in a wheelchair and Wendy doesn't deserve to be treated that way. - So is the point that if he hadn't experienced that, then the bullying would be okay? Is the lesson that you can only be nice to someone if you can relate to them? Cause it almost sounds like Noah would be laughing at Wendy if he hadn't personally been in a wheelchair himself, which I think is kind of flawed logic. You could be nice to someone just because. That's kind of how all of these videos go. Another one of my favorites is the trope of the rich kid making fun of the poor kid. And then the parents of the rich kid are like, Hey, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. And then they do. And they're like, wow. I never knew it was so hard to be poor. I was spoiled. - [Narrator] Joey takes out an old tablet since his mom took away his new one. everyone laughs and makes him feel really bad. - I like how in this one it's established that the Minecraft shirts are new and cool, but the animal crossing is so last year. - No way. - Look at what you're wearing. Is that last year's animal crossing T-shirt? - Yeah. Why? (laughing) - No one plays that anymore. We all play Minecraft. - Minecraft's been around since like 2012. Those could be very old shirts. It is hard to completely make fun of these videos. They can be pretty cringey and the music is always comically intense. (laughing) (dramatic music) You have seven followers on Instagram! And you wanna be a YouTuber? - But the intentions are good, so I can't be mad about that. I'm sure there were at least a couple of kids who watched one of these and came away more empathetic towards someone than they were before. And that's great. They're also weirdly addicting to watch because even though you know what's going to happen at the end of all of them, they always write the bully to be so unlikable that you kind of want to stick around for their inevitable comeuppance. - Never judge a book by its cover. (laughing) - Ooh, would you look at that? A woman who knows nothing about cars. As a woman, you may not be able to understand all this. She's a woman for crying out loud. I know as a woman, you probably don't know much about cars. I actually know a lot about cars. - You're fired. - I guess what I'm trying to say is Dhar Mann, keep up the good work. YouTube just wouldn't be the same without you. And also please cast me in one of your videos. I could pretend to be a cook. I could not go for an egg. Just give me a shot. Small disclaimer, I do live in Florida. You're going to have to fly out to me. I will not come to you. That's non-negotiable, those are my terms. Needless to say, this has been a very inspiring afternoon. I think I'm finally feeling like myself again. And if there's one thing I know myself would do, it would be a brand deal. You know how when people can't dance, they say they have two left feet? Well, when it comes to cooking, I have two left hands. But with today's sponsor, Hello Fresh, I get three delicious meals delivered to my door every week with fresh pre-portioned ingredients and step-by-step instruction cards that I can stare at for as long as it takes to figure it out. My wife and I have been subscribing to them for a couple of years now, long before they even started sponsoring my channel, which is one of the reasons I was so excited to work with them because it's a product I've actually used and believe in. The food is great. And I love that three meals are already taken care of every week, which saves me a trip to the store. I like trying new recipes I find online, but I can't tell you how much time I've wasted walking down like six different aisles, trying to find one specific ingredient, only to realize they don't even sell it here because I accidentally went to Home Depot. There are a ton of customization options with Hello Fresh, whether you're a vegetarian or a pescatarian or you're looking for low carb meals, they've got you covered. I love going on the app and seeing what we're gonna get, swapping meals out if I want to try something new, or adding a batch of garlic bread because it literally goes with everything. So if you want to try it out for yourself and see why they're America's number one meal kit, go to HelloGresh.com and use my promo code ImALittleStinker14 for 14 free meals, including free shipping. Again, That's ImALittleStinker14. An easy way to remember that is that it was my MySpace bio in 2007. Thanks so much to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video instead of baking me into a cake. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you liked it, please don't say anything cause it's going to go straight to my head. And if you didn't like it, please also don't say anything. Cause it's going to go straight to my heart. Be sure to tune in first thing tomorrow morning for a brand new video where I take all of my other videos and put a laugh track over them.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 4,569,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, dhar mann, cody ko
Id: uxo8kHgqYYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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