i finally made a viral tiktok sound (w/ kurtis conner)

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Hello everybody welcome back to the second Channel today I'm joined by Curtis hi how how am I joined by you yeah how are you doing this today I've cast a magical summoning spell on Curtis uh and that's how I am looking at him right now yeah I was taking a [ __ ] before and then I just sort of in my chair with headphones on talking to you so thanks for that yeah and thank you for that oh you don't have a sparkling water do you do you have one yeah you do yeah where is it uh I think it's downstairs well I have a mug maybe we could lie to the audience and say that there's sparkling water in there maybe it does have sparkling water in it and maybe maybe well maybe it does okay I'll do that so today um we've got kind of a special topic because we've both in a sense gone viral both have viral infections and it's it's not looking good yes I sort of have E coli and I have E coli a couple weeks ago I like streamed on Twitch and I guess somebody clipped a portion of the stream where Curtis joined in the chat and you said something I forget what I said actually but you know it was probably something probably funny all right well basically long story short you came into the chat I delivered this absolutely incredible delivery of a line that was so incredible that basically it had no choice but to go viral on Tick Tock okay so this has really gone to your head sort of incredible revolutionary um monologue of sorts that I delivered I wouldn't call it that sir I would not call it a monologue it was like maybe like 10 words and you didn't even post it someone else posted at The Tick Tock can we talk about that for a second how [ __ ] up is that I made a video like two years ago trying to go viral with a sound on Tick Tock I made a whole ass song I made a whole ass alter ego and you know how many people made a sound with my Tick Tock was it like 2000 or like 10 000 or something like that yeah I think it was like 2 000 people made it and that was probably mostly because I felt bad for me and then some schmuck Joe schmoe Greg good in town on Tick Tock there's stealing all your stuff they're stealing all my stuff they've got clips of you on here what the [ __ ] is going on here just act like we've never heard of fan accounts before they're stealing our [ __ ] I didn't post this it's not me yeah first off that this this Tick Tock of me with the original one with the sound has like five million views but yeah I think that's pretty [ __ ] up that I put in all that work and then I just offhandedly say something on stream one time and look at it now it's got 32 000 videos that's so many videos so I guess let's go ahead let's watch the first one Curtis is here Curtis get the [ __ ] out of here it's so crazy how can you just say one-off-handed thing and then Tick Tock like changes it into so many other things it's it's pretty impressive right yeah like I wasn't I wasn't delivering this thinking like oh [ __ ] this is gonna be the most versatile line ever it's even funnier considering the fact that I made that video those all those years ago because like I put in so much work and this is like on Twitch and I also like use this really shitty webcam that I have from like 2012 and so like and the audio is coming from there too so the audio like sounds really bad also it's like right it's right when you stop trying is when you pop off so we should give we should just give up yeah I think I'll just record the rest of my videos on like a flip phone camera from 2006 prop up an LG Chocolate or something and and just go to town yo LG Chocolate do you have one of those no oh I wished I had one of these yeah they were cool I also really wanted a Motorola pebble oh I forgot about the pebble yeah these shits were pretty slick my aunt had one of these yeah I was mad jealous yeah I'm jealous of your aunt's phone and I still am to this day dude she's got the coolest [ __ ] phones it's still the Motorola Pebble Curtis is here Curtis get the [ __ ] on I was hoping we'd see the dot yeah that does seem like uh an important detail it's like I want to see this dog with human eyes yeah I'm dying to see that actually yeah this person said dog reveal and it's like one of the most liked comments uh-huh let's see the dog's like trying to scratch its eyes out why have I been cursed with these yeah you know how human eyes are like dark Beady black stairs it would have been funnier if it was like human hands and then we go to the other video and the dog just has legit I'm trying to think of what what the creepiest human body part for a dog to have would be I mean like Teeth would be really weird like a butt yeah that'd be pretty weird balls I mean like dogs have balls no no it's pretty weird if they had balls they do have balls Curtis is here Curtis um can relate yeah facts is 411 like a great height I've never been like oh I wish I had a 411 naturally pretty Flirty Girl Who doubles as an hourglass flipper upside down and a bunch of sand falls out of her yeah this is a problem that a lot of people have even whenever I was like just talking to you and we were hanging out recently when I'm trying to talk to like a guy and then just like this little short hourglass girl shows up and it's like can you just get the I'm trying to talk to my buddy you know yeah and she's like transparent you can see sand flowing through her body your time is almost up get the [ __ ] out of here a ton of talk to this guy Curtis is here Curtis get the [ __ ] out of here does that happen I would imagine so I feel like I had instances like this because you know how it shows when someone else is in the Google Docs I was like never in school and Google Docs were like a thing I guess I never use them in school so this is I don't even know what the [ __ ] is going on right now and I'm sort of freaking out about it yeah it seems like you're really having some sort of like mid-life crisis or something I get my data should never [ __ ] fly yeah teachers would never watch you do your work we'd be at school and they would blindfold themselves every time we we got to work yeah well I would blindfold that'd be so boring you gotta have nothing else going on to be a teacher and like spy on your kids doing the work and I know how much teachers don't like grading homework because I'm friends with people who are teachers and they're like that shit's the worst so to be like before I even get to grading it I'm gonna like watch my student do their homework live grading let's see what the kids are saying about this because maybe we'll learn a little something about today's youth one time I typed hi ma'am and she left God damn I never saw her again one time I typed a high ma'am and she skipped town he had a substitute teacher the next day and for the rest of the year yeah the skull emoji implies that she like died or something she left this plane of existence I typed High ma'am and unfortunately she did pass away she did not make it and when they start correcting your work that's when you start running all right oh [ __ ] this perfect content warning for shadow figures what the [ __ ] what are shadow figures do you want to skip this one out no I wanna I wanna find out what shadow figures are 12 year old me having a sleep paralysis Curtis is here Curtis damn it was a Dapper dude right there yeah my shadow figure he's a barista from 2011. Curtis is here my lady I feel like it doesn't quite fit the trend because it has to be like at first you're like Curtis like you're happy to see them and then you're like get the [ __ ] out of here maybe you are happy at first oh hat man is this like a reoccurring character in people's like sleep paralysis oh yeah the top comment is he kind of fresh I ain't gonna lie I was trying to see if there's any other comments that are like oh yeah my dreams look at look at the second one why is this the second video in a row of him I forgot about him and I'm scared to go asleep now me and the hand man tight dog sometimes I'd be taking 32 Benadryl just to talk to him I've never seen a hat man who the [ __ ] happened people know this guy you know that song the Scatman maybe it's sort of like a reimagining of that um the Hat Man you wake up to just thank you yeah I'd be pretty upset too whoa this person's getting gender Envy from hat man yeah honestly I get it I searched Hat Man and he's on the villains Wiki oh yeah I see I see the villains Wiki he's an evil doer what if that's all it said on the wiki Batman is an evil doer oh no I guess he just does evil why is Peter oh I was popular pages I thought it was related ones it was Peter Griffin also an evil doer Peter Griffin yeah you know there's a hat man Family Guy origin folklore occupation should say Barista or something probably maybe tattoo artist or something like that hobby tormenting people Jesus Christ I like that it has like goals and aspirations his victims oh my god dude yeah where do you see yourself in five years I'm probably scaring my victims to death probably the same [ __ ] I'm doing right now honestly scared my victims today crime's stalking and attempted murder well I mean he never he never has gotten away with it I guess that's kind of nice to know it's like the worst still there was just try to kill you you'll never go through though he doesn't have the balls I like that it says crimes I don't know this makes it seem like he's been prosecuted before you know how they uh sometimes they have like behind you stand behind a glass and there's like all the people you like and you try to pick the guy who did it um yeah I think it was the one shadow figure in here I think it was him okay well this is almost more interesting than the tick tocks dude yeah you can talk about hat man for the rest of the day I think I've heard about like an old hag that people see when they have sleep paralysis have you heard about that you've heard about an old hag that's like another thing people see when they have sleep paralysis I haven't heard of that I've heard talks of an old hat heard murmurs of this sort of old hag I was unaware that there was like reoccurring characters that people share about Old Hag Syndrome uh yeah I think you should ask your mom about this she's got old head egg syndrome you [ __ ] that was so mean yeah she does how did you know that oh okay yeah I've seen that painting this once yeah because they like sit on your chest ah Jesus I thought it was the same type of thing where they stand in the corner of your room I didn't realize it was this kind of freaking why is she wearing some like fashion Nova [ __ ] like one piece thing absolutely gorgeous leotard what is she doing right here too she's calling to her homie you're a hat man get over here dude you know there's tons of space on this chick okay some of these do not look like old hags I gotta say especially this one you woke up in the middle of the night and this thing was on your chest would you be like oh no it's an old hat yeah what kind of grand grandmother do you have looks just like my old lady this old hag has the same mustache as me yeah they should rename this this uh evil demon to the old curtain a little Curt syndrome dude when you're trying to sleep but a 411 girl comes get the [ __ ] out of here okay well that was an odd departure from the tick tocks but let's get back to the tick tocks Curtis is here Curtis get the [ __ ] out of here damn that one was kind of different I had a story line to it so they're saying that when they say hello to guests they don't respond and that makes them sad also is this guy okay does he have like a gash in his eye or something oh yeah it's probably from that fall do you think it was from him falling at the end of The Tick Tock yeah maybe he filmed that part first and he's like oh yeah I ever got to film the other parts he's all bruised in bloody he hit his head so hard that he forgot he already filmed the first part so he's like I gotta do that part again hey look oh I know I have a picture with you do you remember meeting them I do yeah they were really nice I remember they they walked up to the meet and greet and they were like yes Curtis you are seeing double and it was really funny I love that they had it all planned out and I don't know why I look like that in the picture I look like an old head yeah you've sort of got Old Hag Syndrome in this photo this is their sleep paralysis dude well let's see what they have to say about you being there I'm sure it's probably nice Curtis get the [ __ ] out of here hey what the heck I didn't know they were gonna say that you know what I want to talk about I want to talk about your Tick Tock now listen before I even got a chance to make a tick tock with my own freaking viral sound I see that you what I had hunted it you head hunted my sound that's what I was going to say exactly and you made a tick tock with it so now I'm going to review it right before your eyes Curtis is here Curtis get the [ __ ] out of here did you get it did I get it yeah yeah I think I got it because Curtis was here and then he was getting the [ __ ] out of here I mean honestly I guess you know it works and then uh somewhere is in here is mine I think oh yeah Curtis get the [ __ ] are you I was seeing some comments that were like is it just me or did Danny's face get red at the end because I use like a filter that makes my face get really big and red but like only a few people noticed for some reason people thought you just did that naturally yeah like my head grew to twice its normal size and I became plump and red as a tomato like a cartoon there's smoke coming out of your ears too why did he turn red I don't know LOL I don't know man I'm just happy to be here I love when people comment I don't know on on like Tick Tock hey I just thought I'd chime in here for a second and say I have no [ __ ] clue could have just not said anything but I know it'll be really helpful for you to know that I also don't know but I think the best comment on this post is Danny has always reminded me of Lily yeah me too and whoever they tagged it like really agrees with that also who the [ __ ] is Lily dude now I gotta know he seem really mad all right well let's go let's go and watch the our grand finale Tick Tock that we made which I don't know about you but this is like probably the most liked Tick Tock I've ever made I think it's funny because you said the thing and the sound went viral and then we filmed this together and we sort of edit together but you physically did the editing but it's on my account still it's like I'm reaping all the benefits of this sound but you know what we had a compromise where we were like I mean we should both post a tick tock so like let's just make another one and they'll probably get like around the same amount of likes right so then it'll be even so then we made this Tick Tock and uh your Tick Tock has 1.3 million likes and mine has 380 000 likes yeah so pretty close let me just ask you for a sec does that seem fair to you you hear me out for a second you posted this and what I got 1.2 million views yeah and what mine got 1.3 million likes that's the same number so what's the issue same likes same number of views okay yeah no yeah you're right I mean I didn't think about it that way I'm sorry buddy thank you thanks for thinking of it that way and you know what I also did say I don't care who posts this because we both made it together yeah I wouldn't have I wouldn't have cared either all right well let's go ahead and watch this [ __ ] because this [ __ ] is honestly probably the funniest Tick Tock we've both ever made yeah we're not gonna beat it ever I think Curtis is here [Music] so I don't know about you but my favorite part of this Tick Tock well we've talked about this a lot but is when I lift you off the ground and your toes like curl up a little it's such an unnatural thing for a leg to do for something to be lifted up by the neck with such force that their legs break and there's like a bone cracking sound while it happens I was looking looking at the footage from this and we did this like leg pull twice and the first one was actually more intense and I didn't use it for some reason oh really yeah like your feet also like slammed back on the door Jesus Christ yeah we should have used that one it's like a director's commentary but the ones that the first shot we did of you pushing my head against the door I like smacked my head off the door hinge and it hurts so bad oh my face yeah I just sort of sort of bashed your head on this hinge yeah there's also one other little behind the scenes tidbit in case you guys are wondering how we did Curtis's feet lifting off the ground I came up with sort of the ingenious idea of this yeah you just gotta you put your hands in my jeans can I put my hands in your jeans yeah got it and it worked it it worked pretty well I know I didn't see many people being like why are because the thing I was worried about is your jeans look so baggy all of a sudden but I didn't see any comments about that I did see comments being like why is Curtis wearing shoes all of a sudden because in the video where you're walking you're not oh really someone was like Danny scared Curtis so hard that he put his shoes on or something but yeah I don't know why this part makes you look like you're like three feet tall or something because your jeans are so baggy yeah I'm the 411 friend that they warn you about and that's why I had to do what I did to you in this Tick Tock yeah that's a good that's a good ass take talk and uh so I guess everything kind of worked out in the end and we were able to reap the cloud from this viral Tick Tock sound but I do have to tell you something that might blow your mind okay what if I told you that I did do this all along and this and that I actually did orchestrate this because this is my account I wouldn't believe it and so my lifelong dream of getting a viral Tick Tock sound is finally complete I don't believe you but I if you're if you're telling the truth that's honestly very impressive that's not true I thought about it afterwards and I was like oh that would have been a sick idea I should have done that damn you just Gaslight everyone into thinking that this was you right no the foresight to know that this was going to be a viral Tick Tock sound would have been insane if I somehow was able to do that too yeah that would have been some diabolical ass stuff right there yeah that would have been some Hat Man type [ __ ] you know I woke up on them I'm on my hat man [ __ ] today I woke up in hat mode alrighty well I I feel like that's pretty much pretty much good thank you for helping me review these tick tocks Curtis no problem Danny thanks for having me on and I think it's safe to say no one can ever use this sound ever again it's been viral and it's done now all right well everybody make sure you go follow Curtis yeah I I um promise I am not an old hag and I will not sit on your chest in a beautiful one piece and that's a promise that not a lot of YouTubers can give you so go ahead and on over to Curtis's Channel and he will not sit on you in the middle of the night okay bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 3,383,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: BfXrBPU48ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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