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hello and welcome to our ultimate cheesecake battle this week the rules are slightly different three guys have each given James curry our development chef's a brief for a cheesecake he has conjured up amazing recipes for them all but today they will cook them for the first time and when I say three guys we've subbed out our weakest member for somebody better let's meet the contestants we have fairy group we have Jamie I am working on daily by is the hello that was dear now you haven't got long so this is going to be speed Oh what all too often cheesecakes will be far too rich and sweet so I'm going through something a little bit fresher this is a peppermint of white chocolate cheesecake and it starts by candying my mint now why Brisa James with a chocolate marshmallows cheesecake with Oreo base a hazelnut crumbs and a blowtorch at the end of finish off he cannot lose it start my fatal not crumb as an athlete if not all that often that I get to eat sweet treats but when I do cheesecake is one of my favorite things and my brief was a Benassi cheesecake getting everything in it you know it's 185 a day in here too so first of all I am going to start off with the base are going to start with a hazelnut okay so I have to melt the butter first and then lift up the digestive biscuits right I've got a candle and mincer yeah you have no camera basically I first to find a really pretty looking mint leaf and then I'm going to brush them and egg white and I'm going to bit that and sugar how do I again my hazelnut crumb is kind of sophisticated layer my voice otherwise a indulgence slightly sloppy cheesecake I've gotta get my hazelnut brown sugar flour so it's a biscuit into blender blend up and then I've got to mix in my butter on with my fingers and then get that into a freezer because apparently you have to freeze this so when you cook it it cooks before it melts cents for the base I'm selecting up biscuits are melting butter staring into mattre into the butter stirring all together and then pressing it in two pretty little glasses these going into a fridge to chill out why are your blood puffing line up but now I'm a bit like me knows you know yeah a little bit and also like it's a competition you want to make it look like you like know what you're going to win have you intimately cooking competitions before no I've gotta say this is my first cooking competition she's got an idea whether you going to sink or swim Ballack awful so whichever watching would you do when I come release bravery Facebook I would love to do that which I I'm a real keen Baker this one of us it's one of the things that I'd first learn how to cook actually was at my grandma's house Lisa just ate cake when ever since I've kind of had the obsession with kind of a she's inspired away I suppose the thing is Tom this is like the final of the diving cottage we're already into the middle stage it gladly suppose you're also used to picking up roms is today gonna be any different oh no it's nice today today you are getting the bronze medal in fact if there was such thing as getting fourth with three people then you get so so so far I have chopped up the bananas toss them in the brown sugar and then put them in with the melted butter and now it's time to add some rum and then we might have a little magic trick on our hands in a little bit whoa did your recipe have a little bit of plum bang and it's like dodgy goes all shy don't think so all show no substance yeah we'll see about that so I'm sundae your peppermint Lee they are they fun little crisp little nuggets of burnt mint leaves yeah yeah you keep an eye on you belong oh yeah always on my arm on banana look at that let's go criticism so I've just made my first space which is crushed up Oreos and melted butter and then spread into four ramekins my second they just come out the freezer this has go into the oven for 15 minutes and open up every five and move it around so it goes nice and golden all over get a little bit of them in there time to mix in it's going to select a I feel like I'm going to be finished way before the other thing like it not an eating the ingredients yeah you know you have to like take this seriously or you know that's a forfeit right the loser loser jumps off ten meter oh that's a great idea something is very touching really scared of both Heights and water is like is worst fear better put the Oreo styling Ken this is how the how are you ten meters it's a high of two double-decker buses in the car all on piled on top of each other Wow so quite high I want to be involved I'm going to bubble away this cream for two minutes and then they'll it cooled down the 15 minutes was the mint flavors infuse and create deliciousness something neither of these guys know anything about [Music] at the same time I'm going to melt together some butter some white chocolate and peppermint extract and then stir that all in with cream cheese castor sugar and my cream that's going to create my shopping strokes filling stroke whatever is on my cheesecake that clean your face I need to pipe my topping strokes filling into my glasses we've gone for two glasses because we want to get right up to the top of that filling okay so so far in this cream cheese mixture we have put in the cream cheese we have put in icing sugar maple syrup chocolate chip and vanilla so it is going to be a nice little sweet treat and I'll be the other guy right here I have my beautiful cheesecake mixture it's dark chocolate melted in with butter and then mix up some cream cheese and double Karina's of sugar in another bowl and slowly combine the two until you have this amazing soft beautiful in gold remove so much like don't eat it now don't even know okay I find this a bit weird because these are all my recipes so to talk about them it's really easy but all praise they're all going to be so good so it's really going to be about how the guys got on with them and actually we live with them will they follow those to the sea and makes them look good and more importantly when they present them where they come out of their molds or tins or Jamie's will it look neat in the glass um I've gotta say I'm excited about Barry's presentation because let me tell you is they're going to look great because the blowtorch finish that Tom's already had the flambe and I has to say Tom is running circles around these two because he is methodical he's tidy he's clean he's organized and he's already finished while these two still yes printers may be fun and cleared down and you and they're making the same mistake always two different circles coming the bantha while we're sitting and these guys have to stop to think about the dancer so that's that's too much he may be true but it still hurt okay okay so while my chief cakes are in the fridge if you are trying to make a quick rub meringue which is egg white cost sugar a receipt proof falls we start over until the sugar is on then get it instead to whisk it up adding a little bit of into that as well once I've done I can lift my ramekins layer it on top of the cheesecake and give it a final blow tools that extra little special effect [Music] oh gosh we did it three cheesecake's very different I noticed a bogey from two layers I only have three layers and four layers so it's all about corpses over into when have you ever done wrong no it felt wrong to me okay I'm going to start here so we got matches shortbread white chocolate and peppermint there Leandra there's a reason you have a chocolate mean at the end of a meal because it's like and it's super freshing hmm let's tone it's a very nice though it's like nervion chocolate you brush your teeth and then either chuckler it weren't is delicious I'm not of filling to bake but you know what the match is short red really nice and I like the little crystallized mint on top yeah now for the banoffee well that's good and the right amount of banana and caramel and one of the lightest vanilla reach Opera tickets on talking now that's greedy a cheesecake with four layers that has all the texture the meringue is sweet you've got the crunch and it has almost like Nutella because my Haven up the roasted hazelnut and chocolate like an appellate small cheesecake that's on what we have is a brownie leader board throughout the week anything that is exceptional above average and incredible gets awarded a brownie points across the whole series the winner with the most for any points to get food heaven a loser food hell so where do the brownie points go today 10 some get one we can join the leaderboard I mean here's going to be right at the bottom hit the figure to brownie point he'll be nearly brings you I reckon they are already lined up in the order oh well Barry gets one for four layers of delicious chocolatey crunch Tom gets one for the most efficient tasty cheesecake with a flambe and Jamie down this end I think you're gonna foreclose ten meters away get your collages on delicious but it's not the same as easy they are both phenomenal if you want the recipe you can get them in the links down says so I it's good at you're going to get a host site like this is kind of a little time we put a shower it's a sourdough one me the first time on it well there you go a trio of delicious cheesecake so you can give them a go by getting the link down there what a legend tom is we did a whole nother recipe over on his channel go and check it out and while you're there give them some love with a like and a subscribe but for now that's that's done you can join it again now I didn't mean it earlier on I'm still getting over topic click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our faces [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,196,718
Rating: 4.9552188 out of 5
Keywords: cheesecake, how to make cheesecake, cheesecake recipes, oreo cheesecake, cheesecake recipe, cheesecake challenge, oreo marshmallow cheesecake, matcha mint cheesecake, mint cheesecake, banana cheesecake, coffee cheesecake, banoffee cheesecake, Ultimate Battle Sortedfood, Ultimate Cheesecake Battle, Tom Daley, classic cheesecake, classic cheesecake recipe, cheesecake recipe laura vitale, tom daley cheesecake, tom daley baking
Id: iCgD-xA3DDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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