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is roti john the only authentic most Singaporean food than in Malaysia isnt it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mortichro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

i think this is supposed to be their own version inspired by singapore's dishes, not an actual recreation of singapore's dishes, right? looks tasty enough though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wasteofrice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

the satay isnt satay man (though I understand its probably difficult to cook it over charcoal at the studio)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kopipeng πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly, I think they tried their best considering that none of them are Singaporeans. The roti john does look the most decent imo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ponnifer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh wow now this really is a mystery box you're all kind of right fancy laser but more specifically Singapore at the end of the week you guys are going to be battling out in a similar for battle and you're going to be judged on your cultural knowledge as well as your dishes hello and welcome to our weekly climax it's an ultimate battle this week the boys are going head to head head to create a delicious Singaporean dish and as ever the surrounding points up for grabs not just the delicious food but also for knowledge and authenticity let's do this that let's go let's do this let's do this it's no secret that I absolutely love a sandwich and I can be more proud to be standing here today representing Singapore with the roti John it starts with dicing up onion garlic chilli and pepper and frying it off in a pan with oil [Music] I'm making a Singapore classic in a chicken and prawn like that I'm doing it Ferenc style I'm going to start by specifying my chicken and marinating that in soy sauce honey and some Dharamsala when you guys suggested I come as the Merline this is obviously what you're thinking right so the hold of you bub we makin chicken satay all of that before you sell guys I'm good site already I have the advantage because I have two hands two eyes whereas you have what happens no life is right now no eyes right least I have my dignity brownie points for authenticity this is palm sugar v you guys told me was essential that I used not only in my marinade but also my satay sauce because it's I don't know it tastes like it tastes like really dark like a really dark brown sugar I have cubes up my chicken and in here now I'm marinating it with a marinade that I made out of lemongrass kaffir lime leaves soy sauce water sit upon sugar and some turmeric and I'm going to leave this for two hours to marinate properly Oh No did you realize that here sling is still wet look I gotta I can turn it around as well why would you - right you're at 8:00 reroute that get it raffle ticket yeah raffles Hotel raffles Hotel it doesn't def double meaning corporate do this yeah yeah that's the best one for this whole video so doesn't really mess it for my pace these are the most important part this is where all the flavor comes from it's really reasonable okay we're gonna start off with some sure loss with a from lemongrass and ginger and very spicy chili can chili paste and curry powder and this magical ingredient here these are candlenut a thorough medical I've never tried this before but apparently they're very authentic to Singapore a [Music] finger like so I'm macadamia nut when I say they are authentic to Singapore that shouldn't be changing later which is kind of what this dish is the famous in Singapore for being amazing in Malaysia everyone loved it la la la la da da da da da da da da da da da da would you think I'm the girl the lime who has everything quite quite kind of weirdly beautiful octillion subscribe my veggies are lovely and soft so I'm going to put that in a bowl and let it rest and I'm going to wipe out my time put in my mint things and we'll let that cook for 15 minutes so it goes nice and [Applause] don't touch it for five minutes then stir it then leave it for five minutes then stir it then leave it for five minutes I'll bury know when you're going to be done with it oh now go now yelling okay cool hey it's getting out into a walk and we're going to cook out these spices don't worry I couldn't wait it I rushed ahead I missed a step by the minute I met upon oil in that before this goes in its way the fans knees up like it's like [Applause] right I need to make my satay sauce which is unbelievable is such with shalat garlic lemongrass and ginger blitz up into this processor then I'm going to drizzle in peanut oil as I blinked out some more come back once I've done that and I'll tell you I'm doing it it's a Singapore sling get it are you going to make the cocktail no for the point of the poison lapin are you going to eat an antelope you've come dressed as a cocktail and you're not even providing a cocktail all you're doing it's a bit that's not the tail so here's what you missed after crisping up my beef of 15 minutes I then added my vegetables back in the tablespoon of curry powder let it fry out season it well with salt I'm going to put that into a bowl let that cool for five minutes and then we can move on to the next stage this gives me a good time to talk to you about what a roti John is think of a sandwich and how great it is okay think of the sandwich you know how about sandwiches BLT yummy yes roti John a step up so it's like an omelette sandwich and you want to know why it's called a roti John right well roti means great number one and John because this was served first of all until the 1940s 1950s and somebody a Caucasian man came up to a shoe seller consumer pore and said make me a hamburger and the guy didn't know what a hamburger was so he made him something like this and when they go and the guy walks away happy and John is what people's employees call cook all Caucasian right so I'm gonna paste in a wok with some sesame oil the flavour the surintendant making me cry I'm making my makeup run and nobody wants that same time that goes in we always want to get our ticket in two very hot cast-iron pan peanut oil is really important in this cause it tastes nothing and it's that's a right and now my spices have cooked through we've got some chicken stock here so I want four hundred mils they were 100 mil going into here and you want to reduce that down I know it does reduce our down so the comes again spit like a pain while that's doing is intensifying the flavours are already in there bring them all together hey everyone then you sort of forget about what we do what you bring you just look up hey go with thirty thirty I've got a child I'm pretending to wear a sling that I badly painted a flag on - it's almost desperate yeah yeah I'm out of the rest of my chicken stock and my coconut milk and now I'm going with my chicken dice up really nice and stick together in my broth and leave it to bubble for about ten minutes into my blitzed mixture goes lemongrass sambal tamarind palm sugar peanuts coconut milk water fish sauce and shrimp take that I'm going to simmer that for 20 minutes stirring occasionally tough stuff it's sticking next up I need to crack four eggs into a large mixing bowl and then whisk them up so they're all together then I'm going to pile in three quarters of my beef and veggie mix into the eggs they're all up so it's all combined then I'm going to get two baguettes slice them in half and this is where the fun begins now this is the bit where it'd be really helpful to have two fully functioning arms because I'm going to have to move quite quickly I'm gonna have to spread my egg and beef mix onto my sandwich and then flip it upside down to get it on onto the pan number ten no I was going to do the rattle later number two no this is the price for the Jacob's Creek 2016 okay going going going going going going going going going from that could have been Monsieur Lionel Leslie ha ha good when it comes to making a laksa the face is fairly traditional with those spices in there but when it comes to adding other ingredients like chicken or falls or eggs we kind of do what you want I ask I'll go for it so now I'm going to fold a been 10 minutes bubbling away now in with my prawns and gives that about 5 and then get your beads in there give them five minutes and well we've got to get some line in there earlier when I put the stock in the token I'm milking in the minute put line that simmers away for 20 minutes and in the meantime I'm now going to skewer my marinated chicken on bamboo skewers that have been soaked in water so this is called in Singapore as a hawker stand so they fail the satay ticket they actually count the amount of bamboo skewers you have left over after you've eaten the food in order to calculate your bill with my baguettes cooks the finishing touches just going to be some sriracha some Mayo some spring onion and some coriander sprinkled over the top with a remainder of the beef in the veg finally I'm going to take my sauce and I'm going to blitz up and a food vendor it's going to go really lovely and smooth and bring out all the natural fats to make it really really creamy chop up some chili and some coriander and garnish that brown the stewards off in the grill take them out and serve them once they're nice and charlie [Music] now I'll tell you what this is my kind of food I love love Oh No so no sword against me and I changed it right row to John Street food son well it's a sandwich well she wanted to say it's great it's another dish I didn't know much about until we started this week I like the simplicity the fact you've just gone ketchup mayo that's how it's said that's how we're doing it it's a nice crunchy to get the B from the peppers the onions are seasoned well you've thought about the costume it takes me back to my very first cocktail this is the kind of food you want to eat after a few drinks it's delicious what's the number self now we've done a couple of Laxus before what's good about yours first I throw in my way the base the base is traditional and Singapore flavors which are that is where all the flavor come from so what execution as well because you're absolutely right but there's a phrase we use when we describe flavors here I hate and that's all it's deep because that means nothing like it means nothing except it means that bowl the soft-boiled egg the chicken is charred it's delicious two types of prom that's a pretty ultimate bowl of laksa and now for this this is chicken satay chicken has been marinated in an amazing as authentic as I could get sauce that I made and then the ticket is really basic but delicious nice and simple child world and in that satay sauce is literally taking some fantastic ingredients and blending them up the fragrance and the lemongrass and the kaffir lime is phenomenal and that has got a cream in it and then you get a bit of a kick and a bit of a Tang from line but you get the sweetness of Honshu it's all there here we go salted food is all about listening to community when you ask them what you should dress this for a Singapore battle and they all say Merline and you do that regardless of your own dignity that's got to be worth a brownie point as for the food though it's like she gets it that is an all-round fish right yeah so long going on I'm confused you get a brownie points brownie points but I beat oh well I'm a high five and didn't feel like you finish your sentences anyway to all the recipes but all of these you can get them downstairs right sorry but I think we just went for Ben to finish no he was going to say one for Mike for the costume one for you for the laxer and if I had a couple more beers I'd have gone back for a second one there so I finished out my brownie points but you guys get a say - which was your favorite of these three dishes comment down below go get the full recipe and the links downstairs and please have a vote on the poll ups in that corner I'm sure that one when you need for that if you write down your top ten you yeah we'll move it slowly just be careful okay time giving the game food thank you don't give the treasures - I'm looking a brownie balls hey honey Brooks you're going to you through the lean on I want my heaven what a fantastic week we have had and then we start again tomorrow with another rainy week and probably not oh no oh yeah then I'm done you're done as always saying tomorrow we start a brand new theme if you want to see that video now before everyone else then you should those 43 documents that link this downstairs we're going to take that and while you're there you can find out what they got to with this thing from the mystery huh yeah what I'm scared till next time hopefully next week if you going to be this way still see you soon oh you're by [Music] click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorite [Music] Oh
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,054,170
Rating: 4.9363232 out of 5
Keywords: singapore, singpore battle, singapore challenge, ultimate battle, food battle, singapore recipes, roti john, roti john recipe, laksa, laksa recipe, curry laksa, chicken satay, peanut satay sauce, chicken satay recipe, best singapore recipes, epic singapore battle, cook off, sortedfood singapore
Id: kLhg1vl5RF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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