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welcome to sorted ultimate battles three lifelong mates go head to head to head to cook up the ultimate dish around a thing their friend and chef Ben will judge them on taste but ultimately you decide who is victorious let's do this sweet pastry and I think we're all a little bit nervous about this one this might be the battle to end all battles if there is one dish out the three that makes it through this it will be climate evening will be very much as long as none of us here making choux pastry I think we're safe with fine and I will start I'm making cannoli the Italian classic The Godfather of sweetie pastry dish it what can no way learn only or if you're just having one Finola but I'm going to mix it up a little bit we're going to put espresso cannoli is the perfect is herion sweet treat and it starts with making the pastry if I retire I think I'd be this time in fact yeah I'm making a very top named after me pull the pastry I'm rowing my butter into the flour then I think sugar and an egg lemon eclairs I know what you're thinking Mike choux pastry sounds like a disaster well you could be right but you could also be wrong here's what I've done so far I've got 250 mils of water into this pan with some butter and a pinch of salt and now I'm bringing the water up to a boil you know has some pastries you can overwork just by touching it yeah I don't know if I've got one of those now that's come to the boil the flower goes in gonna be doing a lot beating in this video the cows smooth and glossy that is now I'm going to crack in when I get time and it's off the heat so that the egg doesn't scramble pastries done I'm going to put it in the fridge and chill it for now so for the filling for our cannoli all we're going to do is to take some icing sugar some ricotta and we're going to stir that together with some espresso are you making oatmeal what's happened gay this is that request really nicely Mikasa and that has curdled tastes quite a crimp at take my milk and my vanilla and warm that up in a pan whilst these guys carry on panicking I'm going to pretend that I'm confident and keep going I'm going it now know a lot of toppers again I've done all this fist cold but I'm going to separate eggs put your yolks into here the white under here then sugar mix it up then in goes your paw flour and your numbers out you've all gone wrong well don't top and I preferred it when we did things like savages I think you can do that a lot of eggs to crack I think you can do it I can't do this what happened this is rather hard to do because he is so running well I just ran I did exactly the same I'm now going to be adding my milky pillory mixture into the eggs whisk up a bit at a time put that all in there once that's for going back into the pan and bringing the heat back up again right I started again I've addressed James I've addressed Ben and the only thing that we think could have gone wrong is I think took out my flour enough so I've really cooked out this flour and now I'm going to crack in one egg at a time when you crimp us really get it in a bowl as soon as possible six and clink a little bit and make sure it's tough touching the top of that very hot mixture otherwise it will form the skin can get an afraid now that is a choux pastry let's get this in a piping bag my pastries nicely chilled I've flattened it and I passed it and that's just going to make it easier to roll out because we want this as thin as a human hair what you need is a cutter that is exactly the same size as a camera lens it fits just perfectly like that then we're going to cut out the circles from our pastry and now comes the fun part of wrapping it round our cannoli tubes finally success that is so much thicker amazing what you can do with the damp finger please now go into a hot oven until they cooked with me feeling calm now we're going to pimp it up with some raspberries oh yeah I'm gonna make it pink what you want to do is take your finger oh I prefer the index finger personally dip that in the beaten egg brush it on one end of your pastry and then fold it round and seal it up the egg is really important here because that will really seal it in the fryer now if there was something like this lots of panic in the air but me as cool as a cucumber because I'm going now this the shortcrust pastry you get one shot or it just falls apart and you overwork it it tastes like rubber so now it's time to make my filling I'm going to pour some wool that's quite hot so hop ham I'm going to pour some milk in there I'm going to slowly heat that up while the milk is heating up now I'm going to separate these eggs yolks are going in there with sugar corn flour and flour and vanilla extract I'm gonna beat those together grip yep yep yep yep s'alright what this is a Hudson storm in process now sugar in did you did you choose a team and we go with Swiss power once is becoming pale cornflower plus flower let's banana extract look at that pale looks like this time for my flower how how how I didn't realize mothers make the same thing that I made and wait a good point to attending that I've got loads left over you can borrow don't tell me now because it might me off two to three minutes in the fryer and they're pretty much done what we need to do is separate the cannoli from the cannoli tubes we're going to put the cannoli back in for another minute or so in the fryer just to finish off so far so good I think to need to let Matar into shaving off the edges you know we're looking for on pastry crisp golden bottom did you mow the grass yesterday bury the fruit middle filling yeah amazing to try mushroom the pastry is munch punch victory is buttery and golden is good it's crumbling as a lot of herb if you got hay fever steer clear now it's Jamie's can only imagine what these plays oh so we got the Italian caffeine kick yep if it was possible to have a breakfast sweet pastry mmm I think the espresso in that is exactly what you need eclairs you don't have a chocolate player and it's sweet and it's vanilla ree well i feel like that surpasses that i'm very happy it's fresh it's citrusy it's like a mixture between an iced bun and and of macclare so there we go three awesome places I've told you what they taste like and their textures you guys have to choose on creativity and which one you think you'll prefer so comment down below and or head structure foods with full recipes give them a vote Mary we're talking to you why was Luke Skywalker still hungry I don't know because there was only one cologne Li he should have chewed better
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,030,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate, Battle, Ultimate battle, SORTED, SORTEDfood, pastry, sweet pastry, tart, fruit tart, dessert, creme patissiere, custard, easy pastry, berry tart, choux dough, Choux, choux pastry, how to, how to make, profiterole, Cannolo, Italian pastry dessert, Sicilian cuisine, Sicilian food, cannoli recipe, espresso cannoli, espresso, Homemade pastry, homemade, cannoli shell
Id: cyksro4MCFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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