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Sweet potato guy had me till the marshmallows.

Hasselbacks are a win any day.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Zerowantuthri 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

That moment your a potato

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/floodss 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
welcome to sorted ultimate battles three lifelong mates go head to head to head to cook up the ultimate dish around a theme their friend and chef Ben will judge them on taste but ultimately you decide who is victorious let's do this hello today's theme baked potatoes easy you may think but it's going to take extraordinary now some creativity to win this my recipe will be a sweet sweet potato is that sweet with a Commerce we just don't over to your bench and shut him out so starting I'm going to rub my two sweet potatoes in olive oil and I'm going to combine sugar nutmeg and cinnamon mainly knows what if you like to see potatoes not may consider them I'm making baby baked potatoes with a little surprise in the middle gonna be gooey it's gonna be sweets gonna be delicious and it starts with getting these bad boys in the oven with some olive oil and some salt one of these days you're going to click on a battle video bye sorted food and you're going to see not one not two but three recipes that all fit into the theme your title says son make potatoes know that what you think of when you think of baked potato is that what you think of when you think of baked potato or do you think when you should take your mind put it inside a box limit your creativity don't ever think outside that box just thick bacon on everything what a great point one can have a stone brien we're gonna make Hasselback potatoes they're going to have butter they're going to have cheese they're gonna have to come fresh they're gonna have bacon and it's gonna start figured out I'm cutting stone into out like that he's only playing bacon on it no Jamie can you believe it he not even like bacon does he bacon on it they don't bacon what's he like to start our actual baked potatoes we're going to cut some slices five millimeters across all the way along the potato almost down to the bottom and then we're going to stuff them with butter cheese salt pepper and paprika and then go into an oven 210 degrees Celsius for about an hour to an hour 15 minutes depending on the size of the potato battery might book you know your potatoes yeah how are you cooking those potatoes I'm I think I'm baking okay what I got here ain't good a sweet potato what was this what was the second word that you just said say okay and when I put it in the oven you're baking it I'm gonna bake it yeah just remembered that I should have put the baked potatoes in silver before doing the sugary bit so if you are crazy enough to want to follow this do it that way around or just follow the recipe please now go into an oven to bake I'm just I'm just thinking a lot of people to click on a baked potato recipe video and then find to have three of the recipes aren't baked potatoes that's what I'm thinking that's all I'm think I'm just looking after people that's exhausting so whilst my potatoes and while they're arguing my potatoes are in the oven I'm just getting ahead I've chopped some onion varices some jalapeno yeah yeah making a bargain with why don't you turn that into a jacket potato whilst my potatoes are in the oven I'm going to make a clock to do that I've taken avocado harvick scoop out the flesh chop it up mash it up tuck in some lime some red onion and some jalapenos and later guac ready to go I've got 45 minutes worth of time to kill you can make a jacket ocean hey can I borrow trade notes of the region yeah if we both we're both doing baking yeah and I usually only one of us is doing baking potatoes so right these are now come out of the oven they're piping hot so I'm going to cut them lengthwise mush it all up and listen to what I'm going to put inside but still got half of my sugar nutmeg cinnamon mix kind of chuck in some vanilla extract and butter into that mix it all together then I'm just going to stuff the sweet potato with that mush it all up throw some mushrooms in mushrooms get some luck I need he said mushrooms e'en marshmallows inside and then put them under your grill Brown them off make them more melty and delicious so what I'm doing now is I'm hollowing out my baby potatoes and they stick it all in a bowl then add some milk the egg yolk and some butter back together with some bacon and some spring onions pipe it back into teh toes and rebake them after an hour and a quarter in the oven the Hasselbeck jack potatoes are looking inmates we're going to do is sprinkle on a little bit more cheese just so we get a bit of color contrast chuck it back into the oven for a few more minutes and then we can think about serving it out sorry I know you think piggies now guys on the ground cuz they are DS distaste is tease tease tease tease tease tease tease these are really nice tasty these are really DS so an ultimate jacket potato or baked potato battle and I'm going to start at this end with the bakers operator with the hassle back with the default winner which I feel like I'm going to love because is just crammed full of all the buttery cheesy calories in the world it's hard not to like it's really hard looks like you're commenting I don't like you and that was easy what he's done is kind of edgy on the side of caution I'd say by doing something so classic and so ultimate oh the Challenger yeah 6:3 yeah the challenge is is it enough to win very safe but very tasty well-seasoned unlike in the paprika it's cooked through just but I like it when it's still cuffed it's not mushy it's well cooked and the base is right baby baby baked potatoes okay I'm taking off because I want to taste every lay it in here in the middle make it you can it is one what I like is the fact you've baked them tube them mash them filled them and top them so it's a lot going on that's an ultimate effort the jalapeno and the red onion raw give you a slight crunch that's good otherwise potatoes well roasted golden color everyone likes guac especially you that's delicious base so well-balanced and then you get open your mind so last time you did sweet potato with marshmallow thing for the French fry battle 360 you can check that out you did very well in fact 51 so let's see what happens this time but the flavors were but I think you have to be open enough to be eating a sweet potato I like the hot cold thing with the ice cream and the sweet potato the cinnamon and nutmeg that work delicate I'm looking to side whether it's a baked potato or not that is up to you guys they all taste amazing in their very own right but you guys need to choose a winner by commenting down below Jaime fairy or might a hex talk to people recipes that started off completely wrong what but about once it tasted the sweet potato goes and then you get the ice cream and everything else going on that's do you know what without the strength potion that will be fantastic they are all potatoes and they have all been baked
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,164,067
Rating: 4.9473529 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate battle, ultimate, battle, baked, potato, jacket potato, potato skins, potato fillings, bacon, guac, guacamole, chilli, lunch, quick lunches, perfect baked potato, How to, How to cook, how to make, how to bake, recipe, recipes, easy, easy recipes, Sorted, sortedfood, loaded baked potato, twice baked, blooming baked potato, stuffed, hassleback potatoes, oven baked, homemade, homecooked
Id: _GWfW6aA9JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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