THE ULTIMATE 70’s BATTLE #Unlearn #Ad | Sorted Food

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this is sorted food ultimate battles this is a Ford Fiesta this year is his 40th birthday so of the challenging us to unlearn food on the go for the now challenging us to unlearn food from the 1970s to celebrate 40 years of their Ford Fiesta boring right wrong as if that wasn't enough the recipes will be served at a Ford canopy party and the Goodwood Revival event their decision along with yours will decide the winner of the battle let's do this [Music] my aim is to reinvent the angel delight it's fluffy it's light and it's delicious but I'm going to reinvent it for the modern day we are making butterscotch mousse and it starts with butterscotch sauce brown sugar butter and cream in Japan after simmer young ma'am I am taking the classic 70 fish form cocktail and making it colossal scampi and chips also a very popular 70 dish so I'm going to combine the two and make a deep-fried scampi prawn cocktail with spiralized potatoes why I hear you art because I'm going to win it first thing we're going to spiralize these potatoes my butterscotch sauce is now done so I'm going to let it chill oh now most people think of spam is that thing that you had of the 1970s in a sandwich midweek well I'm going to show you how you can have it on a Saturday night and it can give you a fever but in a good you know like than in the Nina Simone reign not in like the ill with the doctor type of way anyway we're going to make our own spam we're going to make some pineapple we're going to char it we're going to pop them onto a stick because all food in 1970 seems to be on a stick and it's going to start by making our own spam with these spices this jug of water the juice of this orange and this ham going in here and boiling away for 40 minutes so let me get this right that it's going in there yes let me figure this one out now the lovely long spiralized potato I'm going to separate these and break them off in small little bits then they're going to be deep-fried in a deep fat fryer at 150 degrees to dry them out and then eventually fry them off obviously we had to learn the 70s in order to unlearn it by deep diving into the deck or and the dress of the time I'm now in the process of creating two peaks one from two egg whites and the other from cream which I will stabilize with some cream of tartar are you talking like that I've expanded passing it in like old fashioned now if you've not heard of spam before it's very simple spam spiced ham so all we're doing is making our own spiced ham spam man the oil in this deep back row is at 150 degrees and bat-winged it's okay to drop in the cocoa 1 the starches hole in it this massage has pulled me into the deep really ah my least I don't have to wear anymore you know how early eyes have stabilized your cream with cream without our that would be silly you're better stabilize the egg whites which I completely forgot and I think if you lazy that's just never happened never happened but I'm sorry but Mike's mustache which John Travolta John Brooke have you heard of the film called Saturday Night Fever the John Travolta was in now that our spam has been simmering for 40 minutes and cooled down we can start chopping it into the two centimeter squared perfect cubes a la Barry Taylor that we need to put on a stick now my butterscotch sauce is good can add in a bit of salt in there and a splash of vanilla see I reckon it's this sauce that will win me off the battle because I don't need a sweet and salty kind of paper then all of your cream goes in Summa deep-fried spiralized potatoes are done now on to the scampi part of the scampi prawn cocktail so what I'm doing is getting two fresh prawns interlocking them like that then getting a cocktail stick going all the way through then these get can aid in flour egg and then panko bread crumbs and feet fried 180 degrees to crisp up and it's creativity like that that is going to blow the minds of the people at this dinner party [Music] with my hand cubed it's now time to pan a the ham we're going to take a tablespoon of my leftover spice mix from earlier into some eggs mix that all together and then we've got flour eggs bread crumbs and then fry them I've complied my quick cream with my butterscotch sauce and now I'm gonna be adding my egg whites one half at a time trying too much air in there as possible it's a slotted spoon why using a slotted spoon it doesn't matter so fine I'll just wipe around the rim do you think these are quite heavy portions for kennedy-carter it's a puzzle I hope the pen can do you with his eyes closed in five seconds once I give easy clean thank you and chill which means I don't make my french snaps [Music] hey you know what else is big in the 70s flavors from Hawaii which is why we're going to have a ham with pineapple and we're also going to mix up a Hawaiian style mayonnaise with mayonnaise chives cayenne pepper and the juice from a grapefruit we're going to quickly whip up a mary rose sauce which is double mayonnaise the ketchup then we're going to put in a splash of Tabasco and some brandy now we fried up our spam we have a template to cut our pineapple - lets cut spine apple [Music] naylet okay three canapes some large and others but perfect for our kind of a party it's not what kind of frame how to camp that's the beginnings of a kind of like I'm gonna start over here yep go for it single mouthful like a telephone that spiced ham is delicious on to this one mouthful so one thinking is for the actual party and will condense this but I just wanted to go be in a consult another now it's very good that sauce is great thanks mate you guys ready to lose yes all very Taylor in our name as light bum super sweet what that's it I've considered bomb battery that is fantastic man good guys annoyingly good that also all of the flavors and with the gingersnap texture to three very different ideas 1970s that have been unlearned but I've told you I think now let's put them to test at a proper 1970s cocktail canopy party at the Goodwood provide you [Music] so through there we've got a room for the people we're going to start bringing out the canapes introduce them all and see what they have to say okay third for me was the spam purely because it still spam spiced ham dressed up still spam I think the scampi one was excellent I really enjoyed it the one with the pineapple no yeah it's a 70s child I love the angel delight hoodie I choose the mascot are we enjoying oh I just got oh my god it is incredible so I think it's pretty clear we've got a winner in this room ultimately you guys get the final say so comment down below with your favorite either jamieferry or Mike and have every sort of food is wonderful recipes details together huh yeah fingers fair I've done a great job there you go good effort anyway and but thank you so much the fortress like this down and play a good word I think we did the 70s justice I reckon officially unlearnt food for nineteen seventies I can subscribe our Channel [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,060,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, ford, unlearn, 70s, 70s food, angel delight, prawn cocktail, canapes, how to make canapes, sortedfood ford, ford unlearn, #unlearn, mustang, goodwood revival, sortedfood goodwood, recipe, recipes, cooking, cooks, food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2016
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