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- [Jamie] Hey how's it going, we're Sorted. We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that will make a difference to you, or just make you laugh. Some of us are chefs, the rest of us, we're normals. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you. (energetic techno music) - Hello, I'm Jamie and this is Mike. - And today, Ultimate Battle, more brownie points up for grabs. - Not the only thing up for grabs. - [Narrator] Welcome to all new Sorted Ultimate Cooking Battles. Three normals fight it out against each other to impress two chefs and to win brownie points. There's a league table, a horrific end of season forfeit for the loser, and in every new episode, a curve ball. - Today we are recreating our first ever battle from five years ago. It's an Ultimate Pancake Battle. And we've teamed up with Homepride, who have sent us some top quality flour. - Surely they have no excuses to mess this up. - We're gonna give the boys 90 minutes, and their time starts in 3,2,1 go! - Right, straight out of the bat, I'm knocking it out of the park by making a stack of pancetta pancakes, topped with a chili butter, and a secret cheesy middle. - Can you get anymore baseball references into the intro? - I didn't even try! Are we gonna, this is gonna be - That's rugby! - Touchdown! - Idiot. - Right, I need to get started by making my pancake batter and to do that I need to fry up some pancetta. - Do you wanna know what I'm making? I'm making malpua. I'm not sure if that's pronounced correctly. (laughter) - I can't do it! We'll go with that. - Indian pancake, they're sweet, they're chewy, they're crispy, they are delicious. And I have no idea how to make them. So here it goes! First up I'm toasting off my desiccated coconut and my fennel seeds. That goes into the bowl with my flour, my milk powder, sugar, baking powder, and cardamom powder. That's cardamom powder, it's not very strong. Once the dry stuff in and combined, in with my milk. - The pancake recipe I am recreating, are Japanese souffle pancakes. They are about two inches tall, they're the fluffiest, lightest, most delicious pancakes I've ever tried. And I'm gonna put an amazing lemon, yuzu, and blueberry syrup on drizzled over the top. The first thing I've got to do is separate some eggs. What I'm gonna do is create a meringue type mixture with the egg whites, and I'm gonna create a lovely floury flavored batter mixture with my yolks. - I know my recipe sounds quite simple, and it's well because it probably is a little bit. - That's a relief! - But, I've gone for the best quality ingredients I can get my hands on. So we've got, organic milk, free-range eggs, premium flour, butcher-source pancetta. To make my batter, I'm gonna pour flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into my mixing bowl, along with my eggs. And whisk in my milk and butter very slowly. Finally I need to add in half of my pancetta, stir it up, and leave it to rest. I'll add in the other half of my pancetta whilst the pancakes are cooking, you'll see why a little bit later. - So, focusing on my yolky batter. Two egg yolks, buttermilk, vanilla extract, melted butter, whisked together. Once that's combined, in goes flour, and baking powder that gets stirred through to make a lovely, smooth batter. And then I'm going to zest in a lemon. It's imperative, that the batter is really smooth, and the air is kept in. I'm using pre-sieved flour, which will help with that. And it also help because I'm lazy. - Now, as you know my pancake's a little bit different, but it's gonna get even more different because I'm making it in a saucepan, and that saucepan is gonna be full of oil. And I'm gonna be serving my pancakes with a delicious syrup. Sugar, water, saffron. Bubble until it thickens, then add some lemon zest and a little bit of lemon juice, then it's ready to pour over my pancakes. You'll come back when I put in my pancake batter into oil. - Next up is my cheese sauce, and to get going with that I need to bring a pan of milk, half an onion, and a bay leaf up to a gentle simmer. Thanks, Ben. That one. No, that's my butter pan! You stole my pan. - Whoa, Oh God. - Next up, lets make a roux. Butter, flour, slowly dribble in my infused milk. (upbeat jazzy music) - My batter's done so, I've left it where it is at the moment because I'm now gonna make a sugar syrup with blueberries and yuzu, the greatest lemony flavor in existence. Caster sugar, cover it with water, in with the yuzu, then I'm gonna wait for that to thicken, and add some bloobs, take it off the heat so the bloobs don't completely fall apart. And that is my sauce, and that's gonna go on top of my delightfully fluffy pancakes. - [ Barry] I'm terrified for this curve ball Are they standing in unison now? - Oh no, they're standing in the curve-ball space. - It's curve-ball time. You have forty-five minutes remaining, today's curve-ball is a time crunch. - We lowered you into a false sense of security and we are stripping twenty minutes off of your time. You have twenty-five minutes remaining, to serve up your pancakes. - This really helps Barry, cause he's not got anything to do. - My biggest concern is my pancakes might be cold. - I think that's okay. Have you guys already used your flour? Both of you? - Yep. - Oh, so me hiding the scales under the tajine was completely pointless, wasn't it? - Let's make chili butter. That's gonna be butter melted in a pan, along with some chili powder, some paprika, and a clove of garlic, kept whole, which we will fish out later, just to infuse flavor, and then we won't need it again. - Yeah, how has this happened? I've just been shooed out of my syrup making. - I think this curve-ball might affect only one person. The same guy who is still watching his syrup. - Mike literally watched his syrup up to the point where he had to watch it and then left. - Awe, see, I knew that would freaking happen. (laughter) Well actually that looks thick enough, so in with bloobs, then off the heat, and they will stew nicely. - I need to make a salsa, finely diced tomato, the other half of the onion that I didn't use from earlier, pepper, jalapeno, and then a little bit of lime juice. It's battle winning food. - I'm gonna do a test one, and if it works it's my first one Pour it into the middle of the oil, let it hit the base, turn it into a pancake and then it'll just lift. It'll just lift, just lift, rise to the top. Rise to the top, rise. James its done rising. That's not what I expected. - Are you making hedgehog pancakes? - I said my first one was a test go, didn't work. - This gets folded into the batter in three stages, so as not to lose all that air. Come on, I've got to do this quickly because it takes ten minutes a pancake to make and there's no time left. - Just fifteen minutes remaining. - Batter into pan, wait for them to cook on one side, flip them over, oh, add in pancetta around the edges just in case it's not there. Look's like a pancake! - They rose, they're working, they're actually working. Still don't look anything like pancakes, but they're working. - Where's Mike? - The only way I'm gonna make three pancakes is to use three different pans, so I've come to the development kitchen, I've got three on the grill at once. I'm using a ring, and I've greased it so they don't stick. - [Jamie] Mike? - Yeah - [Jamie] How you getting on? (screams) (laughter) - [Ben] Last few minutes sixty seconds. - [Barry] Pancakes into the syrup, one dip. Ah yes, Ah yes. - [Mike] No, how come one's cooked and the other one hasn't? - [Ben] 5, 4, 3, 2, step away from your, pancakes? (intense techno music) - That hurt. - That was stressful. It was a pancake battle, how could it be that stressful? - Start savory. - Lot's of your classic flavors J, I wonder if we get them all. - Your classic flavors. - Smoked paprika, garlic, bacon, cheese, and chili. - Jamie, go on in one, you've done well there. So you know when you have a stack of pancakes with syrup or butter, cheese is a nice touch but it's all mushy, it's all one texture. That little salsa on top, nice bite of freshness, as well. - I would have enjoyed more salsa. - More salsa, mhm. - A little pile on top. - Strong start. - In front of you now, my malpua... Indian pancakes. - Are we observing a slightly crystallized syrup. And the problem is we can compare it to Mike's because it is the same recipe. - Ready to cheers - Cheers - Cheers - [Ben] Instant kick of saffron - Very almondy, but like nothing. - And I reckon in a donut battle, you'd probably stand a chance with this. - I like the fact that it is something we've never tried or tasted before, and that's bold to go and do something just completely different. - Good work. - Number three. - Oh no - [Ben] Okay I'm gonna go straight through the middle so we can see, and everyone can see, is it cooked - It looks crumpet like - It does look crumpet like. - [Ben] That hit of yuzu, is amazing. It's cooked through, its holding its shape its got a nice, its got that pancake crisp like style on top And so have these, on their outside. - If you've had an American pancake before, its like that but times ten, and really make a fluffy middle. - And not far off, almost Japanese cheesecake. - Yeah. - This is gonna be tough. - This is gonna be tough, I think were gonna disagree. - So, um, eaten anything good recently? - Nothing. - It's another tough one, because we didn't entirely agree. - Again. - Again. But we came to one conclusion. And that was, what was served up, is what we have to judge even though all three recipes are excellent. So, in third place This one. Flavors were great, but quite heavy on saffron and a crystallized syrup. Today James and I agree that our winner is the souffle pancakes, with yuzu and berries. - Thank you, thank you. - And that was delicious Jamie, but in this instance, middle of the three. - Like we keep saying, not winning is better than losing. (laughter) - Hundred percent agree with the judges, absolutely correct. If you agree, just comment below with Mike should have won. Yes, that was correct - Massive thank you to Homepride for partnering with us on this video, if you haven't already subscribed to the channel yet, what are you waiting for? Subscribe. We launch videos every Wednesday, every Sunday. If you click the bell, you'll get a notification every time we do. - Because it's Sunday, yes it is the dad joke of the week. - Man walks into a bar, says uh, can I have some helicopter crisps please? Barman says sorry, we only serve plane. It's a double meaning there. - [Mike] It wasn't funny. - [Jamie] Airplane, but also plain crisps. - [ Mike] I'm walking away, I have already walked away. - As we mentioned Sorted is just run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us, and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and see you in a few days. - Yup. - Oh wow - Oh no Barry's more of a dad, Barry's more of a dad than Jamie.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 973,054
Rating: 4.9588246 out of 5
Keywords: pancakes, pancake day, how to make pancakes, japanese pancakes, jiggly pancakes, pancake batter, indian pancakes, savoury pancakes, bacon pancakes, pancake recipe, malpua, malpua pancake, japanese souffle pancake, yuzu, blueberry pancakes, blueberry syrup, blueberry jam, home made pancakes, yuzu blueberry, quick pancakes, international pancakes, homepride, homepride flour, ultimate battle, cooking challenge, cooking battle, pancake challenge, easy pancakes
Id: Xvr-yp9_QE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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