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hello we're sorted food and this is which today this I've really hurt myself last time I did this just so you know it's all about the preparation drawing me as always if you're enjoying the battle then give it a like don't forget you guys get a vote in the poll at the end right let's go head to head to head over battle box it's 2018 and these guys are still normal today they're battling for king of the bow bond by coming up with their own recipe each they're all starting with a needed and proven dough and I'll judge them at the end let's do this for me a bad one has to have certain things texture there has to have a creaminess it's gonna be delicious and also it's got to make you go and therefore I'm making a sweet bow bud inspired by a Korean fried chicken but it's not fried chicken it's fried pineapple and it's got sour cherry it's got creme anglaise and it's absolutely phenomenal and it starts by showering the cherries with lemon limoncello some cinnamon and some honey for me Bao buns are all about balance you need something a little bit sweet candied pork you need something with a little bit of a tang sweet corn salsa and you also need something with a little bit of peat Tabasco my own series you know really there's a flavor confirmation because but the bun itself has got packed full of flavor it's like a whack in the face it also prepares me for a man I'm you're sorry well-balanced you are very well balanced exactly yeah if you seemed to a car wheel I want to see him do a cartwheel it is phenomenal draw me [Applause] let's get some pork on the go my aim with the Bao buns was firstly to shop with some charcoal Bao buns they're two counts racks that really dark and rich fun I'm going to fresh vibrant flavors really her be just a beautiful to see through that top now I'm gonna start on my Bao buns pretty quickly but before I do that this focuses a pickled cucumber simply do you see this topic finally and then soak that there's soft about half an hour while start on I think it most Vinick on we go at the same time eat it eat it go on eat it so we've got pale ale honey soy sauce barbecue sauce star anis and orange juice going into a pan with pork belly and it's going to cook a really low temperature for two to three hours [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] I've take the creme anglaise that I've made add some cherry brandy and some star anis and then simmer that bring it up to a boil bring it back down leave it for 10 minutes now it's important to point out at this charcoal isn't straight from the chimney it has been activated what's that mean Barrack our charcoal powder has no flavour odor or aftertaste so this is purely for aesthetic that's Barry Taylor isn't it this is so Barry okay I don't see how black this makes a dope oh wow that is appetizing it's a tar in it it's important to point out that before I potentially ruined his throat it was Pratt it was perfect the way it was which is a lovely dress which be the same one we're all using we could get the recipe down below onto our sweet corn salsa which starts with burning some sweet corn have you come up with a recipe name for this how about irritable bowel syndrome anymore no that's it mister kidding okay cool this sweet corn is taking so long to char I am going to dice up some chili and make some radish patterns my corn on the cob is blackened and charred but it's not cooked all the way through it's gonna give us a nice crunch now just need to cut it off the cob put it into the mixing bowl a little bit of olive oil it's a pineapple time got a cut this into little thumb sized squares I've got some coconut because those types of things also you know go together well and I'm gonna toast it now and then dip it in panda to make it go green right times a parade pineapple chunks flour eggs panko breadcrumbs you get points for imagination you get points for concept execution in the kitchen and then overall satisfaction I guess let's talk Bao buns I've got the same Bao dough as Barry except I've not ruined it by adding charcoal I'm gonna split down into 75 grand portions rolled out so it's nice and flat into an oval add a little bit of ground nut oil fold it in half and then let it proof for a little while second proof and then we're going to steam it for about 20 minutes put it in your mouth eats it win a battle go home sleep for my filling is a delicate balance of some coriander some mint some diced daikon and an avocado paste all be combined with a little bit seasoning and some lime juice and lime zest hopefully this is well-balanced it got better balance than Jamie Romano's backwards how can you be better balanced and this happened absolutely nothing happened Wow yeah you definitely said diced daikon that's definitely not diced exactly what I wanted just making observations now let's talk about bugs this is what James showed me is he wizzy let's get busy now this better be good no misdirection that's a different bolt less different ball wedge if we have a ball where is it where to put them evolved I've only got one down there it's a good point to mention in this now that this has been enriched with coconut milk also as milk for extra coconut flavor after two and a half to three hours the pork has come out Otto needs to now take the pork out we're going to chop out roughly we're gonna put the saucepan on the hob to reduce the sauce then I'm going to fry off the pork get it all nice and crispy and then glaze it with the producer source this bit is a major Beth my recipe I need my tuna to be perfectly pink inside beautifully said on me out now to do that I'm going a fridge cold tuna a searingly hot pan I like seconds on both sides you got flat crepes made up if they give us to look like stunts they look anymore tiny they like and those hot stones that you cook steak on wow they have not proved their mind [Music] thought I'd finished but I've forgotten the thing rust is the pickled cucumber it's all about balance [Music] as every with these battles three phenomenal efforts I think you should all take a bow good soft bowel minced a good way it's chewy pork and yet you get the kind of pop and sweetness of the charred corn well I like about that is that the barbecue sticky juice go into the baobab base so nice Matt is a damn good barber remember we're judging a bowel battle it is the softest fluffiest of the three I know I know that I'm glad you've got the cucumber there because you need that kind of sweet pickle vinegar well executed it looks inviting if I sit on the menu I'd want to try it and now I tried it I would want to try it again and then when it comes to dessert Bell I like it when we push the brief providing it delivers and it's not just sweet for the sake of being different so we'll see this one has more texture here you've got the crisp fried pineapple that is great with a very soft bun I'm not tasting pain that mr. shame I like it but it can't taste it but it is there to keep it back of color okay I need to pick a winner it's really difficult I would say third second first but I only get one say you guys get to vote on the poll on YouTube twos to go and give it a vote and then we'll get percentages and then we can actually look exactly I love numbers salty it was a very tasty Bao bun it was a very close third I just thought the charcoals really interesting and James flavor condoms absolutely nailed it today first time it has got to thinking though about all of the wonderful things all over the world that we would still love to try things that are on our bucket list and we will be there in the comments a lot more excited might reading them all so do please comment down below join us next week for more turns out tomorrow net space
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 918,448
Rating: 4.9546943 out of 5
Keywords: bao buns with chinese sticky pork belly, steamed bao buns recipe with fried chicken, chinese steamed buns, gua bao, easy delicious chinese pork bun recipe, asian halloumi and chicken bao buns, pork bun recipe, taiwan pork belly buns, bao buns recipe, easy bao buns, how to make bao buns, three ways to do bao buns, sweet bao buns, pineapple bao buns, pork belly bao buns, tuna bao buns, fluffy steamed bao buns, chinese pork buns, bao bun dough, steamed bao buns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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