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welcome to sorted food ultimate battles where three lifelong mates go to turn a turn head to cook up the ultimate dish around a theme in this special Stand Up to Cancer episode it's the dish to end all dishes steak but there's a twist the winner will be decided by your tech donations and the person with the most donations wins but wait we haven't finished twisting it unknowingly to the boys and the secretly chosen a trigger word each time one of the voices they will have to donate to stand up to cancer out of their own money it's going down I'm going for the biggest run that you've ever seen just like Mike carries around with him every day and I'm going to serve it with the best potato gratin that you've ever seen as well and it's going to start by peeling some potatoes infusing some cream with some parsley chives rosemary and garlic and that's how it starts my dish comprises of a whopper of a porterhouse steak with truffle and bone marrow mac and cheese first thing I've got to do is roast off this bone marrow with salt pepper and Holly can I be honest and I don't think I've won this ultimate battle mainly because I'm not using beef fine I'm using fish I'm making a swordfish steak and it starts of a tomato salsa sanity saucy sort of thing by taking my cherry Tom's and blistering them in a pan that noise that you just heard was two people being so unfretted so in order to make the delicious cheese for my mac and cheese I've got to make a roux so I'm going to melt some butter in this pan and then scrape out the jelly ish bit of the bone marrow and then add my flour and the milk honestly why am i spent the last 29 years of my life slicing potatoes by hand watch this open it open it for some I think I've seen that's right hot yay I think they get weird tomorrow that sets the alarm off fight of all the pigs you're gonna be charged winning your steak later on you as well yeah sorry my bad swordfish steak yeah no that's like bringing a whoopee cushion to a gunfight my brew is starting to look so good once I've listed my tomatoes I then threw in some olive oil and some balsamic on a very hot pan makes the pan isn't too hot otherwise the alarm will go off then some capers and now just puts aside let it cool down and I'll toss in some battle later on now I've got to UM prep mistake I'm doing there ah that's easy lemon juice some pepper I think I can then just sit down or wait until you guys catch up I mean bears actually if there's any been if it if there's any Bryn ever if there's ever been a battle with more riding on it it's when the steak man has to make a steak I know I know this should be the dream steak I can't wait to eat it and you guys I bet you can't wait to see the winning steak [Music] did you make that steak originally or can you have in the restaurant in our new camera again James made it for me James made if James made a try you're trying to make this recipe as good as well so you're just copying change his recipe Wow Oh is this exactly the same as James of steak it isn't it's been simplified total gratin into an oven look at this banging root lovely so now in order to turn it into the cheese part of a mac and cheese gonna have to grate some cheese into it this is where it becomes ultimate little splash of truffle oil and the grating of actual proper truffle is the thing that's going to elevate this Jamie green he should win this you can't spend your life claiming to be the steak guy without actually delivering there's one chance to take the moment and feel it I've have it in on my side whilst little boys have their fun over there shall we talk about some real steak this is a little bit represent moment always amazing okay what I did hours an hour ago I was marinate this in red wine rosemary garlic honey and salt and pepper and if you have a look at this it's really got right in there and that is going to add so much flavor what we need to do now is take the steak out onto the plate we're going to cook that on a grill a very high heat make sure that all of the sides are done and then it's going to go into an oven to cook all the way through and this is going to reduce down into a beautiful sauce that is going to win an ultimate steak battle very important steak tip make sure that it comes up to room temperature before cooking it so it's not something good a pig is half-eaten that is so true I don't think you're ready for this jelly but I'm gonna give it to you anyway [Music] macaroni is now cooked I'm going to drain that off this goes back into the pan and then I cover it in all that cheese and now it's steak time what I would normally do is have a really really really hot pan oil this season it and chuck in however I think because it's so thick I'm gonna have to cook it a medium heat and put a little bit of oil or butter in this instant in the pan first so foamy butter equals type of steak but you won't even fit in get plenty of seasoning in there I reckon about five minutes on each side I want it medium now this is a little extra bit but you don't have to do but just adds to the flavor we're going to put some of that sauce that's reducing back over the top of the steak thanks back in the other are there the grill lines you want mate that's it look at that and I'm back time to actually quill my swordfish steak what you want it's a searingly hot pan ah I've not cooked swordfish before or the griddle so I don't know how long journey before so let's just see what works right get it everything's cooked everything has rested so what we did was use a temperature probe until it got to about 50 degrees and now is probably time for a big reveal and nobody knows how this is going to go so let's just crack on with it shall we oh hello steak emic sting kisses here I assume that if you were to eat this now you'd have steak in this hand aurilla and steak in that hand yeah so how do you eat the great pan how long only way to do it panko breadcrumbs on the top of that with some parmesan [Music] [Music] I am so looking forward to this tasting session I don't think I've looked forward to any other tasting session as ya understand why is your middle name I thought was Paul Romani I tell you what it cuts like a steak the good thing about swordfish firm fish that is an ultimate steak or fish this one I'm intrigued by I think I had a lot of elements to ruin here the bone marrow it's really just almost like that mommy your steak is cooked beautifully and now the slab of meat on this side hello hello that's good golden on top good charring almost burning on the outside that's what you want inside it's beautifully rare three very different yet three cracking steak stroke fish recipes but whilst we've been battling steak here today they've been people around the country and across the world who are battling much more important things like cancer if you want to donate please please please vote for one of us and Ben is going to tell you how to cast your vote in the poll and to donate five pounds of stand up to cancer take Sperry Mike or Jamie two seven zero four zero four the poll closes at 10 a.m. on the 7th of October and remember 100% of your donation from translational research yep definitely definitely vote if you liked all three of them this is the right time to vote for someone someone and someone twice for example and you've been doing a really good thing and helping a really good cause and remember to save it in this video where we would be able to trigger word and find out how much these guys donate to themselves gosh forgotten about that bit you're going to match the highest right though yes Stefan the deal and now for the reveal of the box it was straight well done Eva's creative as always so Jamie said stake a total of eight times which means he'll be done eighteen forty pounds to stand up to cancer next is Barry with a score of mine so that's 45 pounds and finally over to Mike who said state a meeting 11 times so that plus the one from the intro and the three times he's just said stake in this outro which is now four times means he'll be donating 80 pounds what at least is for a great cause and Ben has to match it long please please do donate to your health make such a difference [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,746,950
Rating: 4.9383235 out of 5
Keywords: steak, steak recipe, steaks, rump steak, swordfish steak, cooking, cook, cooks, cooking show, recipe, recipes, how to cook, cooking battle, battle, ultimate battle, cook off, sortedfood, sorted, sorted battle, sortedfood battle, jamie spafford, mike huttlestone, steak battle, stand up to cancer, youtube, stand up to cancer uk, barry taylor, porterhouse steak
Id: dpb_XsSfl2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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