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My skin prickles with almost-cringe when they say "paella". Eeeek

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sabine_strohem_moss 📅︎︎ May 04 2017 🗫︎ replies
yes it is right week and we're going to learn about the cultures that use right and then at the end of the week you guys are going to be in a burrito basket or something you're make one that weighs the same amount of snow child brownie points of sake so make it taste good as well yeah to end our right week we're going for a burrito battle all the three have to do is come up with something tasty and creative because inside of these there are brownie points up for grabs and as ever they've dressed to impress to have a dress-up in anything that's not foil Lady Gaga lets us go dressed in foil put how and that's Jamie's outfit coming from the guy who dressed up in the t-shirt I did look what I mean you put the word right in the back of him very rightly Jarrett he's a former American football wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers now who looks stupid it's your previous point about now who looks stupid the turn burrito translate to little donkey faster day out the steelers would fit right though my recipe is a sweet rice rice pudding deep fried tropical burrito with kiwi ice cream it starts off with making the kiwi ice cream so i've got to blend up Kiwis with some sugar and then add it to some mascarpone and freeze it for two hours actually why you're here what i know introduce you to a friend of mine he's a rapper it's rice cube oh I've got hundreds of these holes you go bearing in it this donkey ain't no ass which is why I'm making a traditional burrito with the most sophisticated vice I think it's mega spicy and super fresh I'm packing all the flavors I think this might be my first winter this is it starts your beautiful chicken thighs you want to trim off the senior chicken side and then we get that in a bowl with some cumin oregano garlic powder and creeper this week I'm kicking it Spanish doll with a pie Yaya burrito is going to have a simple traditional paella base then we're going to top that off with the flavors of chicken and chorizo soaks in red wine there's a tomato sauce left and then we're going to top it all off with the best garlic aioli you have ever seen it starts while making my paella base by dicing up some onion garlic and tomato if you realize this is a burrito bustled yeah yeah I'm the only one here technically making a burrito this is ridiculous what's going on here already because this is a guy who like always makes the thing that's not even in the brief yeah another one and now I suddenly he's like oh I'm going to make it actual retail because my imagination he doesn't work my imagination ran out I'm going to have to make a burrito my pants heated now emits an olive oil and the aim here is to get my chicken in and cook it until it starts to blacken so that's the technical term could burn it a little bit next up I'm making a rice pudding coconut milk coconut milk Oh water sugar and here we have a pudding rice it's short grain it plumps up which is wearing so much liquid I learned that off of our Friday recipe and some chef table this goes on the boil bring it up to a boil then down to simmer for 20 minutes oh and while you're there why don't I introduce you to another one of my friends this is right with the spoon it's annoying I'll tell you what annoying because as soon as we started giving out brownie points they're selling at state yes he starts winning where is every single other battle is won about two of them any clue you mentioned state goes crazy yeah exactly something that's fake what stake right these are pad 10 minutes the sweat shop I now need to add in my rice turn the heat up add in the wine and table doing the smoked paprika and I'm going to let that just boil down sweat about half going to take five minutes or so [Music] oh no I'm so glad I wore clothes I'm asleep some saffron in some hot water now earlier in the week Ben and I made a biryani and because we were making it super simple and accessible we negated to add any saffron and replaced it with turmeric but this is an ultimate battle saffron baby YouTube money it's not probably up with my mixture simmer down to about half I can add in my veg stock some steeped saffron and then I can leave it to cook on a medium heat for about 10 minutes so not stirring okay whilst he's farting around over there and he's blackening chicken over there should we do see chorizo and some chicken I think we should come on over I need to slice the chorizo don't I need to add it into a sauce pan that is dry I'm going to let some of the oils come out of the trees oh then we're going to go in with a load of red wine Spanish sure and whole chicken breasts going to let that cook for 20 minutes and we're going to take the chicken out pull it reduce the wine a little bit add the chicken back in banging put your beans you want to firstly smell down some lard in the pan this is very important cast it all will flavor comes from anywhere dice up the onion add some garlic and square that off and semi-soft juice and this is where the spice comes from these are beautiful jalapenos but all they do is throw them in a dry pan until they start to flatten it's your recipe basically take some ingredients only put them in a rack yep away there let me introduce you to another one of my friends The Dark Knight Rises you'll notice that I've left all of my empty vessels yeah every single one of those is my inside my tropical burrito is not only going to be a salsa but also some macaroons that's essentially condensed milk and coconut mixed together and then blobs on a baking tray in an oven ten minutes throw me another one of my friends this is vanilla rice now battles previously have been quite broad things like cheese or USA plenty of places to go this is very narrow burrito it's something wrapped in tortilla and thence Berrien era they can have to create this and they have to the rice on it as well obviously is right to me so that means creativity what I think that Jamie is the fact that he's going all out with flavors he loves he felt a bit deprived the fact that he hasn't had try a all week despite the fact the driver week and he's putting integrator but he's making them mainly he's picking up skills and those cookies poaching chicken keeping it super such as the in love wine right well great ideas if you could I love the flavor right now we're worried sick spending more time on punya when he lives on his recipe fat but he has taken a leaf out Friday's sweet rice recipe it's very different he'd alter deep frying is he's kind of taking burrito to another no I fell off sorry classic and you know what how do you define ultimate battle ultimately can absolutely be unbeatable I like being on traffic sometimes a classic doesn't need changing but there's nowhere to hide I can Chili's blushing chicken a little over surely make anionic oh sorry the answers yes [Music] blah blah blah friends rice pea chilies blackened we'll leave these to cool so I can chop them in a minute and now in with your pinto beans in with your onions and garlic mix and lard give us a few minutes that in for some chicken stock and let that bother the life about 20 minutes the final element for my paella burrito is going to be a south of that she's dicing up some tomatoes and parsley never that lemon juice it with so all mingled together i pinto bean to be kissed about 20 minutes off the heat and you only get about a quarter into another bowl mash that up and shove it back in the hell it takes up what's happening every burrito needs a salsa and a guac both very very simple myself a tomato coriander red onion squeeze a lime is salt pepper the guacamole avocados red onion and coriander lime and salt pepper again two very very very simple dissipation now on to the star the show the rice I've gone for plain white rice under the cooking for about eight to ten minutes in boiling water now that ain't just any normal plain boiling rice don't worry I'm going to tuck in some coriander salt you know to give it a bit more of a push flavor to it pick up a little bit and of course it once it comes out I've drained it in with some lime zest as well south of time so I have cold and diced some strawberries be stoned mango and I'm tipping that into a bowl with speaker lime juice brown sugar and finely chopped mint and you stir that around and mix the flavors mingle every element of my burrito is good to go I've got my paia I've got my chicken and chorizo and red wine a seltzer and I've got my Mayo I ollie all is left to do is wrap it up I float over to that this bit [Music] I'll tell you what they screams delicious can't wait to taste them oh bloody vain nutty B that's why you are laughing it's just something for heat suburi so without any beans in it ah so now that they're deep-fried they come out get drained on kitchen paper I take the sticks out and then toss them into cinnamon sugar which is sugar and cinnamon surprise [Music] these are also but I think the challenge today is which one is best together because I've eaten all the step of components at every component from the rice pudding to the charred chicken to the pyre all amazing this one's quite well this is we just work it together I'm gonna start over here I'm going to cut it only so we can always it gotta hear how it works a pretty trip yeah but it's got a smokiness the garlicky the fresh kind of tomato going on and what I like is the skills you put into making the early burritos the brief the cooking of rice week and you shoehorned in another rice dish by air I like it out of food chicks rice week yeah we got to judge the right yeah fundamentally the little tips of lemon zest and coriander lime take landing like is going to give you a brand new point of you just absolutely hooked it it is very very well balanced what I like is the fact that your name's Barry and therefore there is loads of avocado in this now this I would expect it to come from here because it's a bit out in the box the Kiwi ice cream is the most unique thing I haven't actually tried that yet this patch so I'm not sure if it's good or not no it's amazing how good I think it would divide people because it's such a unique flavor I like it this warm it's rich it's sweet I think on concept and skill that is amazing I think that is the bravest because I think it's the most classic to bring turnover for battle and therefore you have to do it perfectly and I think that is the most wacky the one that gets my brownie point this week is over here yeah if I could give point to the costume very good take that but it's not up to me yeah very good Jensen say that it's not in China out to me you guys get a vote too so go to youtube have a look at the poll give it a vote if you want to get any of these recipes ago all available from source of food calm the link downstairs Thanks amazing I'll have you all three of them work very home oh good yeah what I'm calling a burrito battle the chimichanga boy what some people are gracious and defeat you are my best friend you are also my best friend you are both of mine oMG Mike can ask the favor you can can we do right week again I feel it with barely scratch the surface absolutely it was an itch worth scratching but we didn't completely scratch that variety itch but if you do want to give any variety dishes a go from this week all the details available downstairs please go check them out to different cook yes do also if you'd like to know what we're doing tomorrow you can find out now by going to sorted food calm because you can watch tomorrow's episode early but if you don't tomorrow we're starting everything all over again with a brand new team brownie mrs. box brownie points up for grabs as usual I am back in the game yes you got you got one yeah I've got I got one so you can get another one next week yes click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music] you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,776,007
Rating: 4.9220037 out of 5
Keywords: burrito recipe, burrito challenge, burrito battle, burrito bowl, breakfast burrito, chipotle burrito, best burrito, insane burrito battle, burrito competition, ultimate burrito recipe, epic burrito recipes, burrito three ways, paella burrito, sweet burrito, how to roll a burrito, ultimate battle, sortedfood, how to burrito
Id: B2t0T3x7Zc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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