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welcome to another ultimate battle where these three compete against each other for brownie points and this is what the brownie point board is looking like given that this week's theme is sources we're going for one of the mother sauces bechamel what can each of them do to this basic sauce to beat the others I'm taking an official sauce and turning it into dessert did you know that many souffles style of a bechamel sauce I'm going to sweep in mine look or what with orange zest and some rose water and service and pistachio ice cream what are you doing so I've used my bechamel to start the intro again not a big fan of white sauces or cheese sauces so I'm going to use my bechamel inspiration to make bhushaiah Lorraine which is a classic French dish so it's got lots of techniques lots of depth of flavors lots of pans on at once and lots of potential to go badly wrong for you thank you I must have left these here for you and your what's one of the best dishes ever steak what's another one of the best dishes ever pizza what happens if you put steak on a pizza it's amazing chimichurri steak pizza bechamel sauce let's make a pizza break down this is the star of the show at the bechamel sauce which is really really simple all you need is three ingredients butter flour and milk you want to melt your butter in a pan get the flour in there cook out the flour and it add a bit of milk at a time and then you have a basic bechamel sauce my bread dough is gonna knead for about 10 minutes then it's gonna need a couple of hours to proof in which time I can get on making my bechamel sauce that's mashed potato no is a vegetable source a lot thicker than you'd expect I'm now about to pimp it with some rose water rose water and some orange zest that's really nice I'm dicing an onion and jalapeno to go into my additional sauce should we get off of it let's do it I've got a lot of stuff going on I've got two pans on the go one is infusing milk with thyme and porcini mushrooms the other is reducing a chicken stock down to a delicious syrupy consistency meanwhile I need to cut pastry into little fluted circles like this and then get them into the oven to create my volitans whilst keeping an eye on that and making sure it doesn't bubble over I love that smell you much J well smell is it the smell of burnt milk in the morning so pretty much failed straight away but now my milk is infused so I'm leaving that for 30 minutes these are my bases now I've got a cut out the exact same again but I'm gonna use a smaller circle to go in the middle to create a ring which then goes on top once this has been egg washed and into the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes don't mind fish mill into a souffle faster I've separated two eggs so I've got one bowl full of egg whites of one of egg yolks and sugar to my egg yolks and whisk that up I've also whisked up my egg whites which I'm gonna be adding in a third at a time into the mix to keep it light up there forgot that I wasn't just frying onions and chili in a frying pan I was having to make a bechamel in it so I transferred my saucepan which is more bechamel that's good so while pastries are in the oven it's time to actually make my mushroom sauce now I have a selection of wild mushrooms here here I have another pan believe it or not in it is foamy butter into that goes my chopped wild mushrooms and a diced onion and fry that off at high heat until everything goes nice and mushy into that goes wine and time and I reduce that down time doesn't go in is parsley here is my veg no chicken stock and that's reduced down to form Mizzou my pastries are out of the oven I've got one worldy and five weirdos and now it's time for bechamel I think now I'll make a bechamel sauce now I've got to make my chimichurri sauce it's basically putting a load of ingredients into a blender blitzing out job done Bob's your uncle if you don't know what those ingredients are it's one bunch of fresh coriander two cloves of garlic a tablespoon of red wine vinegar half a teaspoon of dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon of dried chili flakes one lime and two tablespoons of olive oil he just absolutely now fits all these things really I've busted my ramekins shook of them and have children with soufflé mix and they're going into the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes you should butter and sugar some sugared it's okay wait for the berry bubble translator on the bottom screen said what I was saying bechamel thyme butter flour cook out the flour and then I'm gonna add my mushroom and thyme infused milk in bit-by-bit to create my creamy sauce so you don't don't no no Scott don't don't don't open your village I'm pleased and open the door I'm gonna go set up the background for the photo okay but I come back I go I have a fully written oh here we go so when it when he knows it up and it goes wrong we haven't touched it he's gonna say oh you must have a friendly offer but mostly the cookies have another victim I think it's only fair that we do have an infinite yeah for safety's sake but turns out it does sink you're kidding me don't sing you've got some others so keep on me though you haven't done that very it's not it she's a cyber war back down you haven't done [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] now that's a béchamel into that goes all of my mushroom mix and 2 tablespoons of meizu I'm going to run a knife around the middle back into the album Mikey didn't open the album did you did you happen I didn't realize that I didn't realize it was in there so we do that so come off I'm just gonna heat this back to require finish with some cream and that is an absolutely banging mushroom sauce okay I'm gonna open the door can the set can sound effect the souffle is that is that just admit I'm making my best mates about now this bit is Chris if I now need getting sis is the most critical part my dog the best funny devour vests Mel sauce for my my sleep is early [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please puck in to give a super chance I'm gonna start over here so when tamasic thinking quickly not what you'd expect for fesh mail which is normally nutmegs maybe clove studied onion Bailey very savory you come sweet okay that's a lovely lovely citrus souffle life is delicate or the rose is subtle romantic almost missing but otherwise try to drop us off well chop it orange best combo I love that for me could do a bit more Road but otherwise that has it now follow Vaughn takes me back to the 70s buffet table however when Tim what we have you seen what you're talking about they still eat that in France it's oscillating another nation watch what that is is stronger mushroom clever use of infusing the milk before you made the best meal and there's not much of it but the flavor of that jus is incredible and because it's so strong and glad there's not too much of it now this one we know that pizza does well on the internet however is chimichurri on pizza our fusion too far if meaty its Stacy the spice of the chimichurri works really nice with the creaminess of the bechamel I think if that was with the tomato base it would all be too much but with the bechamel that is delicious I wish I could eat it Janice won't left me I've got very tough call because I think there's two ways to go here what's the best dish on table because they all use bechamel versus what is the tastiest bechamel the tastiest fish mail in the bechamel sauce battle is by far that one the infusing of the marsh racking at that time is delicious it's a very obvious use of bechamel but it is gonna get a brownie point for its flavor well there's this one it's gonna get one for its uniqueness because I would never repaired bechamel with chimichurri that's weird wait a minute okay complains of brownie points not wait I'm happy I'm happy to omit that on reflection that's not a pesto sauce anymore but I'm not letting it I'm not only alive by saying you calling it a draw there's no winner there get decide a winner for me is if you're gonna do rose and orange you need to get the Rose should've just called own orange souffle mode then it might have won right well controversial do you agree with the draw structure comment down below we're putting a one of those things what's called a pole I'm gonna put one of those up and then you can vote for yourself a big shiny one big shiny pole keep it slide all the way up and down or you could just give the recipes ago by getting them down below well after that shock result let's have a look at what it's done to the branding leader point all we need a point leader point you can see the we did you like sauce as a theme comment down below let us know also we'd love to hear your suggestions for more themes because we are running out if you're new around here and you haven't already subscribe subscribe if you haven't Clayton a little bell to notify you that you are subscribed when we post new video and if you haven't already like the video like the video our so many you liked you've done a poll you've subscribed you've commented down below is there any other form of YouTube style engagement we can get people to do was there on the YouTube platform video response they've deleted those two years I think we've covered it all all that's left to do is have a great we have you tomorrow bye bye click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,291,816
Rating: 4.9391289 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate battle, ultimate battle sortedfood, cooking battle, cook off, ultimate rap battle, kitchen war, epic cooking battle, cooking challenge, ultimate cooking challenge, chef challenge, bechamel sauce, sauce battle, funny cooking battle
Id: K2YUmiobLdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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