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(egg tapping) (egg cracking) (egg sizzling) - Today is going to be carnage. - We have a new cookbook and it's called, The Ultimate Cooking Battles: Normals Edition - [Mike] It's themed like a classic comic book and features some of the standout recipes from our best battle videos of all time. - And what better way to test our normal's progression than to get them to recreate and improve on some of their past catastrophes. - And today's battle is... - Ultimate burritos. - It's Jamie versus Mike. Now last time, Jamie enraged an entire nation. - Plus Mike didn't actually make a burrito at all. - So let's see if anything's changed. (dramatic music) Now in true past battle style and with a nod to our new cookbook we've decided to include a little bit of cosplay. - So we asked you guys for some fantastic villain ideas in the comic book world and outside of it. And these were your two favourite. - I am Maleficent off of Sleeping Beauty. I actually feel pretty good. (friends laughing) - And Jay, who have you come as? (friends chuckling) - I am Ursula from The Little Mermaid and I also feel fantastic. Look at this. (lively music) - Don't be tapping me with your tentacles. - I'll give you ten tickles if you ask nicely. - Oh. - Well, now you're dressed appropriately, should we get on with the burrito battle? - One hour begins in three, two, one, burrito! - Step one, put glasses on otherwise I can't cook. - So the burrito that I'm making today is a sweet take on the burrito. It's got sweet rice pudding, it's got a fruit salsa, kiwi ice cream, wrapped in a tortilla, deep-fried. Up until that point it's a burrito then it becomes a chimichanga but it was a burrito along the process which is why I'm able to crowbar it into this challenge. - As with all of our cooking challenges this year, there are skills badges up for grabs. Let's take a look at the leaderboard as it stands. (bouncy music) Jay, which badge are you aiming for? - Well Ebbers, I'm making essentially three separate dishes so there's a lot of multitasking going on. So I'm going for the multitasking badge. - You look like Ursula's friendly grandmother. (friends chuckling) It's like Mrs. Doubtfire, but with a purple face. (Jamie laughing) - Mike you're on creativity, turning something sweetened into savoury and vice versa. - Are you feeling confident? - I'm feeling pretty confident. I won the battle last time but I also know that you judged us on where we were at as human beings last time. And I imagine the stakes are a lot higher and our attention to detail has got to be a lot, lot better this time around. So the kiwi ice cream is essentially peeled kiwis and sugar, zhooshed up in a blender, then added to mascarpone, stirred together, put in the freezer for a couple of hours to freeze up. Easy peasy, cheats, but delicious. - This is an odd ice cream in the sense, you've got long really creamy mascarpone, and you've got the really acidic, tangy kiwi. And when you combine the two, there's a risk that it becomes a bit vomity. - [Barry] Oh, lovely. - [Ben] But actually it's delicious. And one of my favourite ice creams we've done for a long time. - I'm gonna take these off 'cause these are a bloody nightmare. - Now the last time I did this, it led to lots of things that weren't so good. When we first did that battle I had no idea how the ownership that the Valencians have over paella and the protection that they wrap around it. And I didn't set out to offend anybody. I wanted to create a delicious, beautiful tasting dish and I did, but was it efficiently a paella? - I think the problem started because you described the paella before like this. - It's gonna have a simple traditional paella base. - A simple traditional paella. (friends laughing) They were your words. - That was the equivalent of Jamie just tap dancing into the way of an oncoming train. - However, today, we're just gonna frame it up differently because, is the recipe changing? No, but am I making a paella or I'm using a paellera pan? I'm cooking a Spanish-inspired rice dish within there. Then very, very separately, I'm going to make poached chicken and chorizo in red wine. And then at some point maybe towards the end of the battle there might be a tortilla that I might put a line of my Spanish-inspired rice down the middle of and I might put some of my chicken and if some of the chorizo accidentally falls into that then, oh, so be it, with some salsa, wrap it all up. It's a beautiful burrito. How's that for caveated? - So basically what he's saying is I'll do the exact same thing again, it's gonna annoy just as many people, but I know that I'm doing it. (Barry laughing) - To start, I'm gonna peel and finally dice an onion. Peel and mince a clove of garlic, roughly chop a tomato. Then add that into a paella pan, a paellera with olive oil over a high heat. Get that cooking down, turn it down to medium, leave that for 10 minutes, stirring. In the meantime, I can steep some saffron and I can chop my chorizo. - Given all of your comments from before, we have completely acknowledged that if these guys demonstrate the badge they're trying to go for, then they should be awarded the badge regardless of whether they win the battle. So James is judging the dish. I'm awarding the badges. - [Mike] Last time this thing didn't go straight in. Yes. Okay. - Always learning - Growth, every burrito has rice in it. I'm going for sweetened rice. So I'm using a pudding rice. It's going into sugar and coconut milk along with 400 mils of water. I'm gonna bring that up to a boil and then let it simmer for about 20 minutes before chilling it so that it's nice and spreadable when I come to actually construct the burrito before it turns into a chimichanga. - With my chorizo sliced it's going into a separate pan because remember, it's a separate dish. I will then let that fry for a few minutes to release some oils from the chorizo, we'll then add in red wine and our chicken breasts, which we'll gently poach. In the meantime, I'll add in the rice to my onion, garlic and tomato mix, that will then be followed by smoked paprika and white wine. Let that bubble away for a few minutes, reduce by half, we'll come back to it then. Oh, what rice am I using? I'm glad you asked, I'm using Calasparra rice from Mercia, which is about a two and a half hour drive from Valencia. - So these are cheats' macaroons, they're essentially a ratio of one-to-one condensed milk and desiccated coconut. They're gonna go into the oven, crisp up for about 15 minutes and then go inside my burrito to give a little bit of texture because it's a bit mushy at the moment. Excuse me, buddy boy. (rock music) - I've added my saffron and my stock in my paella. I've given it one mix just to make sure it's all coated and then I'm gonna stand back and leave it for 20 minutes. What I want is for all the liquid to be absorbed and on the bottom, I want a socarrat. Okay I want the crispy, slightly burned bottom bit- - Comment below. - That adds so much flavour and texture to a proper paella. I really wanna try and make this as good as it can be. And then once it's there we can eat it or- - Why don't you make a paella then? - We can do whatever we want to do with it. You know, maybe put it into a tortilla with some chicken and chorizo. - I don't know, I don't speak Spanish. But doesn't it have an "O" in it rather than an "A"? (Jamie shrieking) - What I really want from this is a, wait for it, socarrat. Okay, I've put a lid on my chorizo and red wine mixture. Gonna wait for that to come up to a temperature where I can start to poach my chicken breasts. I don't want it to boil, I want it to poach. My wine went a little bit past simmering point into boiling point. So I'm gonna wait for that to cool down slightly. And then we'll crack on. In the meantime, I'll just hold this raw chicken breast here. - Boys, you're coming up to half your time. - Oh, gee. (rock music) I am happy with that texture, has a slight bite. - [Ben] You both have 20 minutes remaining. - So my garlic mayo is two egg yolks, two cloves of garlic and Dijon mustard into a bowl. And then whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk as I slowly pour in some oil. I don't actually think my dice was small enough and I can see bits of garlic in there. So I'm gonna carry on getting it to a semi-right point. And then I'm gonna mini chopper it just to... - Emulsify it further. - You're doing that face because you don't want to go and get a mini chopper. - It's 'cause I don't wanna do all your washing up! - Can I check my macaroons, please? And they are crisped, they are crisp. - They are crisp. - Wow, they did crisp. One side of our oven is hotter than the other side of our oven. Now, in the spirit of self-improvement, I already knew that before I put these in. So I should've seen that coming. - Would you say it's the oven or the size of his balls? - I'm glad you spotted that 'cause the ones that are burned at the smaller ones. - No. Not having that. - Paella is done. It has to come off the heat and rest. I really wanna check to see if it's cooked. (Jamie chuckling) There's still a bit too much liquid there. So I'm gonna leave it for a few more minutes whilst keeping a close eye on it. - It sounds like multitasking to me. And I think this is the difference 'cause several years ago they would've just followed a recipe verbatim. Now, as is natural, different temperatures of hobs, different sizes of pans, things will vary. That hasn't varied, that always clicks in the same way. (rock music) - Time to taste my garlic mayo. I know it's gonna need lemon. I know he's gonna need salt and pepper as well. But how much? Let's find out. - Okay, so this sweetened salsa consists of perfectly diced to half a centimetre mango and strawberry, I've chucked some mint in there, brown sugar. And now I'm going to season to taste with lime juice. - 12 minutes remaining. - Let's get on with the salsa, it's very, very simple. I'm gonna dice some tomatoes, dice some parsley, do you dice parsley? I think you probably finely chop it. And that's gonna go into a small bowl. - I just went to have a little cheeky peek 'cause I had a funny feeling that while Jay was distracted by canoeing the wet bits out of tomatoes that his chicken might be a bit beyond poaching, it was rapidly boiling. (Mike gasping) - Rapidly is a strong term, Ebbers. I'm not sure you've ever done anything rapidly. - Some things I'm very quick at. - He rapidly dishes out sexual innuendos. (friends laughing) Burrito time, gonna construct, got a flour tortilla, adding my rice. I need lots of it because last time it wasn't full enough to be a burrito before it became a chimichanga. So I'm gonna pack this full of rice, salsa on the top, crumble over my macaroons. Then flip the sides in, stab it loads of times with cocktail sticks, deep fry it for a couple of minutes. Flip it, out it comes, serve it with the ice cream, win another battle, collect my badge. - Eight minutes remaining. - Oh, this mate, this is so important. I can't watch, I'm not gonna look. - I can't take me eyes off him. (Barry laughing) I didn't think Mike had time to do a practice one. Given what time is left on the clock but I'm glad he's gone for that. - This is my practice one. Oh. - Six minutes remaining. (intense music) - Right, it's just going in. It's gonna have to go in. (oil sizzling) Oh no, it's opened! (Jamie laughing) I've gotta do another one. - Four and a half minutes remaining. - Stop spitting at me! - Chicken's come out, I'm gonna pull that in the meantime, I'm going to whack the heat right up on my wine, try and reduce that. I don't have long enough left to reduce it as much as I would like to, but get that going, add the chicken back in, turn it back down. Let all of that lovely winey sauce coat the chicken on the inside. I'm also seasoning my chicken 'cause I haven't done that yet. (oil sizzling) (friends laughing) - It's a bit brown, innit? - Two and a half minutes. - [Mike] Sugar and cinnamon. - No time to get a frying pan so when in doubt, clean the hob and put the tortilla wrap on there. (intense music) What you'll notice is layer of rice, layer of chicken and then nowhere near the rice, I'm putting the chorizo. Whoa, not touching! - [Mike] Sticks out so we don't murder James Currie. - Oh, he's gotta wrap this first time. - Will it roll? (intense music) - 40 seconds! - And now he's wrapping it in bread. (friends laughing) Last 10 seconds. - [Barry] Five, four, three, two, one! Step away from your burritos. - Right, whilst they're nice and fresh, James and I will dig in. (bass thumping music) (audience cheering) First, let's start savoury with Jamie's paella burrito. (lively music) - Are you gonna? (cutlery clinking) Looks deece. - Cheers. - Cheers. As a burrito, I know there's been a lot of controversy but it's a tasty piece of food. The chorizo and chicken are kind of lacking a little bit of punch. All I get is rice and mayo, even though the rice and mayo is delicious. - Some very crispy bits of rice, some not quite so crispy. The challenge is that on that hob, it is very difficult. - It's a little bit black in places. I think that's taking it a little bit too far but it tastes great. And it's great base to the burrito and I'm getting a hit of garlic. - Next up the sweet version with the tropical fruit fried burrito. - I'm sure there was lots of chat about this not being a burrito, but it's a burrito at some point and then you fry it. - Look, a burrito I think has to be a savoury filling. But given that Mike is doing the creative badge of turning something savoury sweet, this exactly delivers to the brief. The question is, whether as you eat it, it meets what you're expecting. He was definitely very careful, tasting as he went along this time and adjusting lime, adjusting sweetness and making sure that he was happy with each. - Do you know what? I would've liked a bit more macaroon. The best mouthful I've had so far is that chew of the macaroon, it's really nice and that kiwi ice cream is actually really good. It's surprisingly good. - Have you got a winner for today? - I think I've got a winner. Have you decided on badges? - Think so. Okay, Jamie multitasking badge in isolation, you had a handicap of a costume and you were working with the restrictions of a hob that didn't quite fit your pan but to get all that done in an hour with a lot of overlapping and juggling, I think you did pretty well. Yes, you lost sight of some poaching chicken but that was about it. So all in all... You can have the badge. - Yes! - [Ben] And deservedly so. - Get in! - A proper juggling. Mike, thank goodness we weren't looking at multitasking badge for you, but with creativity of turning something that's typically savoury into sweet. You were tasting as you were going along a lot better than before, and you were balancing things out. And I think you had much better ratios in the final product. And you also take the badge. - Yes! - Transfer of powers. - Sisters are doing it for themselves. - [Jamie] We are. - So through my eyes, good job all around. But then James, you got to actually taste the dishes. - Oh don't say, "but then" 'cause. (friends laughing) - Well, now you have to pick a winner. - I'm a nice guy too. - And a loser. - I thought they both had a few issues. (intense music) - Which I think is fair. - Yeah, that's fair. - Ben said some things. - Oh, of course he did. - Mr. Dobber over there. (Jamie chuckling) But surely the important thing is whether you could taste those problems. - That's an excellent segue into a few problems with chorizo and chicken. Maybe not being as punchy as they could have been. Maybe you could have reduced the sauce a bit more, maybe a little bit more seasoning. So I'm giving the win to Mike. - [Mike] Yes! - [James] Mike is our battle winner. - Oh my goodness! I did not see that coming. (Mike laughing loudly) (Jamie sobbing loudly) Well, that was certainly eventful and villainous. - And this is just the first of our mini series of Ultimate Battles. So tune in every Sunday and find out who the Ultimate Battle champion will be. (Mike chuckling) - The book is available to buy right now. Sorted members get a discount. Remember if you're not, you can become a member for free or you can get our Superhero Bundle which includes membership for a whole year plus the new book, plus our Hero Veg cookbook, all for a lovely discount, links are all below. (energetic music) (footsteps tapping) Oh, what the hell are these? (woman giggling) They might be a little on the small side, but...
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 857,789
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Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, sorted, sortedfood ultimate battle, sortedfood battle, sorted food burrito, sortedfood burrito battle, sortedfood normals, sortedfood normals battle, normals battle, sortedfood badges, sortedfood chef skills, chef skills, sortedfood ultimate battle playlist, sortedfood ultimate battle burrito, chef skills test, basic chef skills, sweeto burrito, sweeto burrito recipe, kiwi ice cream, paella, paella recipe, paella de pollo, paella valenciana tradicional
Id: lvmxcisyMOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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