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[MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to FridgeCam. We are SORTEDfood. And today, ugh, this happens. Wait a minute. It worked. Oh. That's quite-- As does this. I assume that this is Jamie's way of saying finish the burgers, which I think is pretty depressing for a food channel. Now we love trying new stuff. We love taking inspiration from all over the world, for you guys' comments. And we try and create something new every so often. Doesn't always work. Oh, no. Definitely not. This [LAUGHS] is the result. Welcome to Pass It On, and the rules of the game are very simple. Today, we will all be cooking one dish together. We are going to be given a theme to base that dish on. We will only cook one at a time. And for 10 minutes each. And whilst that one person is cooking, the rest of us are going to be over the other side of the studio, facing in the opposite direction, with noise canceling headphones on, so we've got no idea what's being cooked. Mm. OK, Janice. What's the theme? Today's theme is, mm, naughty treats. OK. OK. Naughty treats. The thing that we have to do now is decide which order we want to cook in. Yep. I say a chef goes fast and last. What, to get started, and to clear up any mistakes? Or just to clear up. [INAUDIBLE] I reckon Ebers should go first. OK. Because he has all the recipes in his head ready to go. Barry's going second. I'm going first. [INAUDIBLE] I'll go fourth. Great. Three normals could completely screw this up. What? Should we leave you to it? Yep. Good luck. [HORN BEEPS] The horn says it all, which means my 10 minutes start. I'm thinking tropical flavors. I'm thinking the kind of things we got on the table. Lots of tropical fruit. That will come later. But I want to do a dish they know how to make, because later on, they're going to have to carry on. So it's no point in doing anything crazy. I want to do an amazing white chocolate ginger bread and butter pudding. [MUSIC PLAYING] While we wait for the white chocolate, I'm going to leave some clues over on this [? board ?] because I think it would be nice to serve this with kind of a tropical saucery thing, and maybe even a little bit of spun sugar, or something for a crunch. So if I leave these here, they'll get the idea, right? [MUSIC PLAYING] OK. Now for a game of Sherlock. That, surely they can work out that needs to go into the oven. Especially if I leave it with an oven cloth equivalent. Let's think caramel. So we'll get the caramel on the go. And if I leave it bubbling, by the time they step in and work out what it is, they'll be able to save it. [MUSIC PLAYING] I've done my bit. I've set up an amazing white chocolate and ginger bread and butter pudding. A tropical fruit salad, with some spun sugar. [HORN BEEPS] That is a naughty treat in my eyes. You're up. What have we got? We have some sort of something. Something cooking. I'll take it off the heat, just in case it needs a boiler lid top. Is that syrup? It looks like a custardy mix. Oh! That's not custard! That's white chocolate. That is cold. Isn't it? This is going to be really hard. There's bread on the front well. Why's he got bread on-- oh, it's-- ah, it's bread and butt-- it's a-- it's a bread pudding. Bread and butter pudding. OK. We'll have to jazz this up. [HORN BEEPS] I hate that. [LAUGHS] It's the worst honker ever. I am going to make a beautiful bread and butter pudding with a tropical chocolate ice cream mix on the side. I'm going to focus of my attention on this. So I've got a lot of making. Just-- just start making something, Barry. Let's get some ice cream out. Premade ice cream. [MUSIC PLAYING] What the hell is this? I think this ice cream's off. [LAUGHS] How bad could it be? [LAUGHS] What the [BLEEP] is that? All right. So my wonderful idea for ice cream isn't going to work, because the ice cream that was in the fridge isn't frozen. It's in there. That should need 20 minutes. So it's not my problem. [MUSIC PLAYING] Cut up my pineapple. [GASPS] You know it goes really well with pineapple? Cayenne pepper. Get that in there. Some passion fruit, passion fruit. [MUSIC PLAYING] Don't film me. [LAUGHS] Don't look at me. All right. There it goes. Get in. [MUSIC PLAYING] A little bit of cayenne pepper in there. [? Chop, ?] I know it's weird, but trust me. This works. I've seen it on a show. I think it was SORTEDfood. Is that definitely the non-spicy one? Shut up. [MUSIC PLAYING] Wait a minute. It worked. Oh! That's quite-- [LAUGHS] That is the really spicy one. How was I supposed to-- [LAUGHS] why is that-- did you give me the wrong cayenne pepper? There's only one up here, Barry. They're so spicy. Oh, well, that's not my problem anymore. [LAUGHS] That's the one thing I made that I screwed up. You're right. Well, a world class start. I've got a minute. I need to make-- [INAUDIBLE] making something. Try and take away from the heat by getting lots of mint in there. [INAUDIBLE] got so spicy. You've got a beautiful-- [HORN BEEPS] --salad here. And I'm done. Oh, no. That might burn. Still have no idea what that is. I've left that hot on, but I'm sure he won't mind. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm sorry. Grab myself a little snack on the way around. Well, there's some already here. OK. There's two very distinct work stations already going on. Barry's been here, because that hot's still on. I'm going to turn that off. [LAUGHS] That's warm. Warm. [MUSIC PLAYING] That's a custard. That looks like bread and butter pudding. Ha. Ben made a bread and butter pudding, and Barry's made a fruit salad. And now I'm going to make something that compliments or brings both of these together. Juicy Lucy sliders. [MUSIC PLAYING] [HORN BEEPS] [LAUGHS] Right. I've got mints. I've got sea salt. A bit of pepper. [MUSIC PLAYING] Right. I'm going to make some like, bread crumbs. But I might need a machine to do that. I don't know. Right. In the meantime, shall we see if there's something I can adds to Barry's dessert? Well, I'm guessing it's Barry's dessert, because he just cut up some fruit and put it in the bowl, whereas it looks like Ben's made an actual bread and butter pudding. I think one of the best things to add to fruit salad is crushed up biscuits. So get a bit of texture in there. That's going to be fantastic. Spoon it into here. Drizzle the chocolate. I don't mind telling you that that's a naughty treat. [MUSIC PLAYING] A bit of a kick to them. I'm going to cut some cheese. Cutting the cheese. Just fine. Now problem is, I've got a slider, but I don't necessarily have slider buns. Just wiping down, because I put some raw meat on there. This bread's not big enough to do this. [MUSIC PLAYING] Right. They'll understand that. [HORN BEEPS] Ha! Enough savory and sweet naughty treats. Also made a little bit of a mess. [MUSIC PLAYING] You're up. [MUSIC PLAYING] What is going on? There's only one person boring enough to make bread pudding, and that would be Ben. So I'm going to say that he put that in right at the beginning, and it probably needs to come out, because bread pudding definitely doesn't take 50 minutes. What has that got to do with anything? I thought we were doing one dish. I assume that this is Jaime's way of saying finish the burgers, which I think is pretty depressing for a food channel. So what I'm going to do, I think, is firstly clear it down. Then I think I'm going to make a raspberry and mango separate [? coolie, ?] to go with that, and whip up some sweet cream. That's probably all I've good time for. But I think it's more important to add to what we've already got, than just start something new. [HORN BEEPS] I want to chop these up nice and small, because they are going to break down with the sugar that I add. Do the same with mango, mango, mango, mango, mango, mango, mango, mango, mango, mango. Oh, I should have peeled that first, shouldn't I? [MUSIC PLAYING] [INAUDIBLE] fatten right up. Ah, to my eye. [MUSIC PLAYING] There's mango. You probably want about one tablespoon every 200, 250 grams of fruit. Now what I'm doing. The mango's just not happening. No, I don't. [HORN BEEPS] All right. That's me. Done. I don't know what I've done. We'll see what they can do with that. [MUSIC PLAYING] It is time. OK. Oh, my god. What-- what is this? Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Mm. Wow, that's spicy. Wow. OK, so I came in here thinking I've got 10 minutes to plate up. What I've got is 10 minutes to rescue this. So I'm going to use the bread and butter pudding. And then I've seen some bananas over there. I might do something like caramel bananas, with some chocolate, and put the chocolate through the whipped cream. The fruit salad, I think that might be inedible. So we might not use that. [HORN BEEPS] OK. Wow. [MUSIC PLAYING] That's pre-made sugar. So I'll see if I can-- I don't know if that's going to work in 10 minutes. I don't know. OK. Bananas. [MUSIC PLAYING] Caramel's not going to be ready. [MUSIC PLAYING] So the bananas are going on. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ah, it's so close. It's so close. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yep. I'm done. I'm done. [HORN BEEPS] I-- ugh. I hope it's OK. [LAUGHS] Get to try it? [LAUGHS] I tried. [LAUGHS] Oh, no. It smells good. Oh. Oh, fascinating. Oh. So I thought a nice little dainty white chocolate and coconut milk bread and butter pudding with a hint of ginger-- Yeah, lovely. --in there, so that it would have nice sort of gooey custard, some nice crispy bits on top. And then that could be served with a super fresh, is my thinking, tropical pineapple-y, passion fruity, mango kind of-- We are the-- we are the same. I walked to that kitchen, saw what you were doing, thought that needs to go in the oven. Straight in the oven. Perfect. 25 minutes, yeah? And I went on the idea, of going, you know what? I'm going to create a lovely spiced-- a little bit of cajun spice in there. Cajun? Or cajun? Cajun? Cayenne. Cayenne. Cayenne. Cajun? That's a bit weird. And a bit spicier than I thought it was going to be. But it went in there with some strawberries, some raspberries, some mint, passion fruit, and mango, and pineapple. All of those fresh flavors to combat the-- Perfectly. Yeah. --white chocolate bread and butter pudding. I can't see it on the plate. Well, no. See, that's amazing. Because I got into the kitchen, and I found a fantastic fruit salad that had been made, and I found separately from that in the oven what I thought was a bread and butter pudding. And I thought, mm, there's a bread and butter pudding that has been made, and it's just cooking. That's finished. There is a fruit salad that has been made, but hasn't been served up. So I put that into a little ramekin, and there was some melted chocolate there as well. Was that from-- from you? I left some in case somebody wanted to do something with melted chocolate. Perfect. So I melted-- I poured some melted chocolate over the top of the fruit salad and served it up. Perfect. But then I had like quite a lot of time to spare, and I thought, well, that's the sweet part to our naughty treat. And I thought what about if I make the savory part to it and I make some Juicy Lucy sliders. So I arrive [LAUGHS] and there is something in the opera that looks like it should come out, because a bread and butter pudding should normally come out, I thought, between 20 and 30 minutes. I left [INAUDIBLE]. I saw some pink burgers in the pan. Yeah. I also saw some perfectly spherical pieces of bread with one bit of tomato on the top. What? Which I sort of thought, right. Well, so that's obviously for the burgers. So what I did then was ignore that. Right. And left it alone. And I thought, well, there's a mango salad. There's a bread and butter pudding. I'll whip up some cream and try and make a raspberry strawberry coolie. But it took me that long to work out what was going on, that again, neither of them-- neither of them made it onto the dish. Yeah, well, that is-- I didn't ignore the tomato and buns. I put them straight in the bin. [LAUGHTER] And I then tried one of the bread and butter puddings. Which is why I made two, so you could always test to see it one was working. Gingery, and it worked, and it was cooked. And I tested the fruit salad and almost choked. So I didn't put that on. It was quite spicy. It-- You know what I mean? It may be a small like-- It was quite chunky, as well. That's fine, though. Mm. Just a touch too spicy, as well. [INAUDIBLE] I used some of it. I chopped up the pineapple a little bit more. So it's got a tiny bit of spice-- There is a spot in there. --to the dish. Like enough-- This is rubbish. This is-- So that's the amount of-- --20 minutes of chef's work, right here. And then you went for something toffy like banana to go with the-- So then I-- I was clearing up, and I found a pan on the sink that was full of sugar syrup. So I-- That's what it was! I started a sugar syrup so we could get a little bit of texture-- That's what it was. --on the plate. So I made a caramel from the syrup. It was too hot to taste. So I couldn't work out what it was. [LAUGHS] So I made a caramel from the sugar syrup and poured it over some pistachios. It wasn't quite set when I put it on the plate. But I tried. I found some whipped cream. So I whipped the cream, and then put the white chocolate through the cream. So that's white chocolate cream. I don't who did the white chocolate. You didn't find any whipped cream, mate. I poured double cream into a bowl and put a whisk in it. [LAUGHTER] That's my contribution to this. And I left you some melted white chocolate. So just to summarize, Ben cooked a whole dish. The three of us mucked around for a half an hour between us. James came along made a garnish for it, and it's been served up. Yeah. Shall I-- shall I get your fruit salad? So we can have it alongside. Barry's-- Barry's annoyed about his salad. He's so upset. He's so upset. It wasn't that spicy. Oh, the banana's nice. That is delicious. Ben, if you made an entire bread and butter pudding, and got it ready to put completely in the oven, what did you expect four other people to do for 40 minutes? That is a good question. My thing was if you've got a chocolate fruit salad and a bread and butter pudding, then you'll definitely want to crunch on the plate. So it leaves an opportunity for someone to do something, that's why no sugar syrup on it, or some cookies, or some [? twills, ?] or some nuts, or something to give texture. One thing I know is, we don't work well as a team. You take anything away from this kids, don't try. Let someone who knows what they're doing do it. Don't bother. Don't even try. I thought a burger was a really nice, naughty treat. [LAUGHTER] Now, in theory, this could still work. I think it started strong. Yeah. And then it went a little bit off wood, as is supposed to. Jeopardy. Yes. And then it went a bit-- Too far. We just kept spinning it, and spinning it, and spinning it, until we got dizzy. We're going to keep practicing this, and try and work out what we can do to make this perfect. And then one day, we'll bring back Pass It On. And it's-- it's going to be brilliant. Just trust me. It's going to be brilliant. We might need their help and they should probably comment down below. Please, yeah. If you like the fact that sometimes we share all our mistakes, then please do like the video. And stay with us for our next one. So we have brought back Make Personal with a twist-- Yes. --this year. Yeah. We're also going to bring back Big Night In with a massive twist. We're actually going out. That's coming to you next-- next episode. Oh, no. Bye!
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,710,098
Rating: 4.9734955 out of 5
Keywords: bread and butter pudding, fruit salad, tropical fruit salad, caramelised bananas, bread and butter pudding gordon ramsay, simplest bread and butter pudding, how to make bread and butter pudding, ginger bread and butter pudding, fruity bread and butter pudding, bread and butter pudding recipe, easy bread and butter pudding, tropical fruit salad recipe, pineapple, hot cross bun and butter pudding recipe, best bread and butter pudding, bread pudding, fail, funny videos, cooking fail
Id: 4x-47pn6K0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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