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previously I'm 24 in third place it is quite close because it has its own individual merit for me and I think the tank type is delivering on this one but it's great this one I think comes in second because it is so out there that I've never seen from like before it's just a shame that pancake doesn't deliver over this one it's not perfect for me but it is the best of the three and it is a very fluffy pancake you join us again for another ultimate head-to-head battle last time Jamie was crowned champion with his epic pancake stack this time the topics change you guys have chosen it eats sandwiches let's see what they got well obviously the ultimate meal is the roasted so therefore the ultimate sandwich is the roast dinner sandwich what makes the best sandwich in the world I hear you ask well it's got your beef your onions you carries your parsnips some some Yorkshire puddings or Spanish and gonna top it off with some more press first up I've got some shopping to do so let's get out of the way once you chuck some olive oil and season generously and sticking in lovin for a half an hour at 205 big hearted mini garlic in it oh well now for the Yorkshire puddings this has to be the best bit and I'm gonna be honest of you I have never made them myself now back in 2005 no idea how long this is a skirt beef and it needs to be tenderized before we cook it and I don't think we have a tenderizer so what else can we use right we're going to use the screwdriver you can use a Phillips or flathead because you can use the handle pound pound blaming the truth Oh yeah open up the auction put in yes don't think I could be any happier with that check that out figure out genuine white now some people say size doesn't matter now if you ask me I think they've just got confidence issues oh you want me to talk about sandwiches now I'm going to be making a torta banner or is it a Cubano torta I am making a cabana torta it's got three different types of meat it's got mozzarella it's got avocados there is no way this can lose first up I need to make some pork Milanese which is probably how you pronounce it I need to tenderize this meat now we don't seem to have any meat tenderizers around so I'm going to use the traditional screwdriver method I like a good flathead screwdriver because I feel you get really good purchase on it I'm going to add a pinch of garlic powder salt and pepper to some milk then I'm going to dip my pork in the milk before putting it in some breadcrumbs sorry do you want me to talk about sandwiches again let me let my talk rest for a minute whilst I concentrate on my sausages might be for my onions Paul's going to need a few minutes on each side so in the meantime I can get going with all the other ingredients Oh let's talk about bumps now I've actually baked my own buns yeah I know what you're thinking it's got the extra mile probably worth a bit of a vote already but basically a torta uses a certain type of bun so I try to read grate it because I couldn't find it in a supermarket here obviously if you down were against the effort just use a white crusty roll you get a similar effect but you know me I'm all about going the extra mile Oh obviously I run the extra mile that construction is obviously a personal choice but I've gone for bum I ollie steak onions beef sausages mozzarella pork Milanese rubbish American cheese tomato avocado had a Pinos ayane bun this is my take on a cabana tauter feedback for me sandwich needs to be really quick to put together and really delicious so I've gone for something I ate on a street food stool it was a duck confit sandwich duck confit is slow-cooked so yesterday I took these duck legs I rubbed them in salt pepper garlic and thyme and then I covered them put them in the fridge that acted as a marinate so the meat sort of cured after three hours took it out of the fridge then I rubbed goose fat all over the top put it in a baking tray covered it with tinfoil then put it in the oven but for three hours on a really slow cook so why I'm left with today is cooled but beautifully cooked duck that now needs to be reheated in the oven for about 10 minutes they're going to take it it's going to fall away from the bone and be lovely and tender just going to fry it off a little bit in some cheese and some butter look at the lamb look at it and I've left the perfect bun sized space in the pan to toast off these but I'm pretty sick of going out and not being able to have duck at a restaurant without it being ruined of orange I know that it's a classic combination as TV's better but we'll call it but I don't see whether to have got to go together all the time ducks great orange is also great good source of vitamin C but why'd they always got to go together that is good duck now for the construction it may not look as impressive as the other two however I'm really proud of that I think it's going to taste amazing and I'm pretty sure I'm going to win Jamie bars beat this although the two of you are expecting from this a weird first and second place let's bring in Louie through how much Jeff come on briefcase there is no Louie through the register with me should we start with this one foot is this we go of this that is a roast sandwich pop I love did you notice the beat for these doses is fried okay everyone below that is roasted I think it actually has the force of it does look awesome boiling is the head package awesome beautiful beef nicely seasoned sweet roasted vegetables peppery watercress yep and horseradish chunky bread a little bit too chunky but yeah that's an epic sample I mean I wouldn't have signed up to an ultimate so much battle with leftovers no it was fresh leftovers is a good leftover has gone out my way to Chris is exactly possibly confit a duck bake your own bread what's number two this is a Cubana torta or totally banner I can remember in my round it goes basically there's homemade bread which I think instantly puts it a level above anything that's just got leftovers in it yes well the first half the papers are good mmm oh oh no way is building up for me and it's all personal but the fact you've gone the effort making your own bread epic the torture is amazing Milanese pork breaded upper class maybe not all the meats and all the cheese but together that is one hell of a sandwich it's personal preference I've have been making you in for really use them up anymore brownie points because you see my spam just me bread points let's look Braille is it so what we were here we have a duck confit sandwich and it is mouth gasm inducing so well already it has caught my eye it's a sandwich you can hold you can eat without a mere treat food inspired and it's very very good for these your master that's got quite a kick yeah but the sweetness of the chutney the rich duck you've got the Pippin ish from the rocket as well a nice soft bun that kind of all hold together that is a very good sandwich I feel like there's only one thing missing what with duck a tomato it needs a little bit of orange no no seriously that is a very very well-balanced language so it's either the all traditional English roast wedge between two slices of bread or the epic Mexican stack with just about everything forced into it or over here slow confit duck well-rounded flavors and not quite as intimidating all the rest order desperate I can't decide you guys gonna have to to comment down below and cuz which one is your favorite or if you want to give them a vote head over to where their recipes are on sorted food you guys better just dig in make on this nope nope what's the best about this you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,498,808
Rating: 4.953033 out of 5
Keywords: sandwich recipe, roast beef sandwich, roast beef sandwich recipe, Sandwich (Food), sortedfood, battle, ultimate battle, torta, mexican sandwich, cofit duck sandwich, duck sandwich, milanese pork, torta recipe, yorkshire pudding recipe
Id: vkMt7dFuu0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2015
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