The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Starfield for New Players

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what is up everyone renfa here hopefully you're all doing well we are about to dive into the ultimate beginners guide to Starfield now these are the big guides that I do around every game that I play usually after I've done around 100 hours of any of these RPGs that we play I come out and I do a big 30 to 45 minute episode that is the ultimate beginner guide for new players that covers everything you might need to know if you're going in for the first time now some of you might have played the game already and you might some of the these things but generally speaking we talk about enough things in these videos that usually most people learn a thing or two with a time they get to the end but if you are someone who has a ton of advanced knowledge about this game and you'd love to get your information added into the next Advanced guide that we do don't forget to drop that information down in the comments below and we will cover that in an upcoming video in the meantime don't forget to like subscribe hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update let's go ahead and get on in game and start talking about all of the things that you're going to need to know as a new player coming into this game and uh go from there while we're loading here I'd say the first and most important thing to understand as a new player coming into this game is that you do not need to worry about the new game plus mode that is something where you're going to hear varied opinions in the internet about how oh you you should rush through the game just do the main storyline finish New Game Plus and then only start doing the rest of the game once you get to that point that is the worst advice to give someone ever in my opinion this is a massive game and there's a lot of stuff to see and do there's a bunch of procedural elements to this game with things being different and planets and everything else and there's sort of like an I want to say almost an infinite amount of activities that you could do in this game whether it's exploration you know Planet excavation and surveying you know your Outpost ship building ship piracy like quests uh all of these these elements combined together um and crafting I mean if you really want to get into it there's a ton of stuff to do here um I'm like 200 hours in at this point um and I've no I'm nowhere even close to beating the first game I think somebody in our for I want to say it's cuaro maybe said the other day that he's up to like 450 hours on his first playthrough and he hasn't gotten a new game plus yet you don't have to rush to it take your time it's a massive it's it's literally a universe of things to see and do if we want to go in here to the map Rel quick you know it's it's all of these planets that you can go to um and you can just keep exploring Beyond like all of these are systems that you can go to and all of these systems have different planets so it's like you got a lot of time to go see and do stuff everybody you do not need you know there's a thousand places to see and do you don't need to rush um so that's my first piece of advice to new players is don't don't don't worry about rushing to get to the end just let it happen naturally however there's a caveat to that which I want to talk about in the next section all right so here's the caveat now before we talk about it though really quickly this is spoiler alert it's somewhat spoiler territory moving me on this point because I'm going to talk about the name of a quest and some of the stuff about that quest which pertains to the main quest um I'll try to keep it spoiler free but just to be warned there may be some spoiler elements so if you really don't want things spoil check the chapter uh section below and skip the segment and go to the next one but I'm assuming you're okay with that um let's go ahead and go over here and talk about one of the things you'll want to do so the main quest which is everything has to do with the constallation remember how I talked about not rushing um through the game because you want to take your time you shouldn't worry about rushing to get to New Game Plus however I can give a main recommendation here and that is doing the main quest line up to um this section right here which is um into the unknown en the unknown is a quest that's part of the main storyline but it's not too deep in and one of the reasons you kind of want to get to that point is because this unlocks all of the companions that you're going to get from the constellation group essentially at least the main ones that are like romance options and things of that nature and it gets you deep enough into the game that you and I'm trying to avoid spoiler territory here that you find something out about the major part of the story which um is part of the character progression so there are again trying to spoil anything abilities that you get from leveling up just like you would in any other RPG and some of those are tied to the main storyline but it's also an important turning event in the main story line into the unknown because that's kind of when you have the aha moment and once once you have the aha moment um the whole everything makes sense like the whole universe makes sense at this point the entire galaxy that you're going to be exploring now I didn't do it that way I actually played for about 150 hours before I started really worrying about constellation quests and when I got to that and other people had told me that I went oh yeah that makes total sense that they said that I should have follow that advice um but I didn't and I really if I could go back and do it all over again I totally would because that was a piece of advice that I wish I would have listened to because it does make a lot more sense and everything that you're doing whether it's side quest or everything else it has a much bigger impact in terms of story once you get to into the unknown now this is I want to say I it's hard to tell you know maybe 10 15 hours into the main storyline it kind of depends on how you play so it's not too deep into the main storyline it's you know but it's focusing on the main quest up until around the point you get to into the unknown everything will make a lot more sense after that but again this is an optional thing I didn't do it this way and again I wish I would have that's is why I'm adding it here in this recommendation so remember that whole aspect about how you should just take your time and there's procedural elements at play here that means that everyone's going to have a slightly different experience when they're playing through the game um obviously there's the whole story stuff where you know your choices have consequences uh but it's a little bit more pronounced here in the sense that you have all your settled planets and major cities which are predefined and set in stone because they're part of the major storyline here and that doesn't really change between players or playthroughs but small some of the smaller things on planets especially when you start getting into the procedural stuff caves outposts and things of that nature those will actually change so a lot of quests in the game will if especially if they're part of the procedural generation part they'll tell you to go here one time and there the next time and it might tell a different player a different completely place to go so there's an element of Randomness to this game and also with the fact that there's a thousand planets out there you might be getting sent to different planets for some of these activities and side quests so that's something to bear in mind is that you won't necessarily be able to look everything up with a Wiki because it's going to change player to player it also means that it's your experience um and that means you visiting different systems moons planets and so on and so forth you're going to find things that are unique to your playthrough once you get off into these side quests and you know outside of the main story lines because when you when you're talking the factions um those are all set in stone and those story lines and locations and everything else are going to be there but once you get out beyond the main main stuff there's a lot of variants here and that's something that helps um if you're going to understand that before you get into this so that you don't you know you're not freaking out that you're you missing something because it's it's going to be different for everybody now at character creation you're going to be asked to choose a variety of skills or backgrounds essentially which give you three different uh starting abilities uh and and I would urge you to not stress out about that um I put a little too much emphasis on it when I first started the game not really understanding how this works but essentially you've got these five trees you got the tech tree the science tree the combat tree the social tree and and the physical tree now each one of these trees has a a variety of ability let's just pick this one you've got five abilities across the top five abilities in the middle four abilities at the third tier and three abilities at that final tier when you start the game and you choose your background you get to choose three skills from all of these different skill trees um and those are the ones that you have a starting Proficiency in but if we look at one of these as an example Commerce even if you start the game with three of these you're only going to have rank one in all of these things so in order to get to the next tier you have to level up and everything in this game requires you to level if you want to Pilot ships that are of a better quality than the starter ship you've got you're going to need to go in here and take uh piloting as an example you want to be able to do Target locking you're going to be able to need to do targeting control systems and all this other stuff you can literally learn every single skill in the game all you need are the the points that you earn every time you level so don't get too stressed about the three points that you're choosing at the beginning of the game the background is mostly there for fluff it does add some unique conversation options to the game it's pure roleplay it's pure flavor it doesn't really impact your stories in any significant ific way so don't get too caught up in the character creation process above and beyond making your character look really cool because honestly guys like I'm going to like look at my look at my look at my armor set man like we you know it's it's it's it's really cool guys like I'm I'm very happy with uh with my my space suit I don't really like the uh the jetpack too much um but you know we'll get into that later um yeah don't forget to spend lots of time on your actual character but don't get too caught up in the skill part of it because it doesn't matter in the long run because you can earn every single skill in the game at your leisure all right let's talk missions and quests there are a lot of different types uh basically they're broken down into main quests which are the constellation missions um then there's the faction quests which are the various factions such as Crimson Fleet Freestar Rangers ryugan Industries United Colonies Vanguard so on and so forth forth now the main quest is the primary story of the game the faction quests are very um linear experiences that can range from a you know let's say five to I would say 5 to 10 hours maybe a little bit longer depending on you know how much time you're spending like doing completionist versions and like if it sends you to an outpost on a planet you then take an hour and a half to fully explore that Outpost even though the the mission might have only take you 15 minutes right um so how long those take you is just depending on your play style but each one of the faction quests is its own thing and we can look through here CU I've finished the um uh as an example I have finished the freest star Rangers quests which are these ones um and I've also done the Crimson uh Crimson Fleet ones so there's you know half a dozen or so you know 68 just depends on which one you're doing but there's all these different faction quests um and the important thing to understand too is that you can do all of the faction quests in a single playthrough joining one faction doesn't necessarily um ruin another faction except in the case of like if you get caught by the UC Vanguard um what are they called the cyf not the Vanguard the Cy guys because they made me do some sketchy with the Crimson Fleet and and that was very fun that was a really fun storyline but you could do all of the um you can do all of the faction quests so don't think that you have to worry about that too much um beyond that you've got miscellaneous quests and then you get into activities which um we might as well talk about this right now too um activities can be found on pretty much any Planet anywhere that there's people and you're you're walking through the streets if you hear somebody having a conversation or somebody talking to you stop and listen because it will eventually pop up an activity above and beyond that talking to NPCs will also unlock additional activities and here's the thing there's no you know glowing exclamation point over the tops of the heads of a lot of the people who offer activities they're just could be shop owners you know could be Street vendors could be uh a street performer it could be some random Joe that you meet off in the middle of the Wilderness and activities are super cool because you get to go off and do all of these different um they all lead to their own conclusions and you get XP and money and the points that you use to level up your character and they just keep going on and on and on and it's like you'll get an activity that takes you to a place you go to that place and while you're there you'll pick up another three or four activities which lead to other different things that you could do and these can range from quick little things that you can finish in 15 minutes to things that take a couple of hours to complete it's really random um and above and beyond that um which gets into like the missions stuff um Mission boards which you'll find every faction has a mission board then there are like Mission boards on the main planets and the main cities and they lead you to all sorts of crazy stuff like um you want to be a space trucker you can do lots of delivery quests you want to shoot down Pirates you can go do space dog fighting you want to do like go explore this planet and find a hidden Outpost there's that survey a planet find a rare resource there's tons of different missions that you can get from the mission boards and again it's faction XP loot um coin and the things you need to level up your character and get all of those skill points so don't skimp on the quests because there's lots of different quests and missions that you can do there's like a NeverEnding array of activities which is why I spent like 150 hours playing before I ever really started working on the constellation story CU I was just off doing like random stuff just like having fun being a space trer one day yet next day I'm shooting down Pirates and there's just there's a lot of stuff to do here so don't be afraid to just go crazy and do lots of things you don't have to necessarily focus on focus on the main quest if you don't want to and just remember that the factions are their own little thing and very linear whereas everything else gets into that procedural stuff which can be random locations and things of of that nature all right going back to skills this this one's fun I've done a couple of episodes on Crafting which is a terrifying and overwhelming subject in this game but if you're going to be doing outposts and weapon modifications and space shoot modifications and everything else space shoot space suit uh you're going to need to get into crafting and this is the perfect opportunity to talk about not necessarily crafting per se but how skill progression um and things of that nature are locked behind locked I can't talk today my pronunciation is a weird skill progression is locked behind progressing other things and especially when you get into crafting it'll be something like this okay I want to put a suppressor on my pistol well in order to do that I need weapon mod one well in order to do um weapon mod one I need this plus crafting components right so we do that well now I want to do this well that requires weapon mod to well what do I need to do to get weapon mod 2 well you need to not only be able to do the research but you also have to have weapon engineering at rank three or something and so then it's like oh so now I've got to level up my weapon engineering to rank three to be able to make the next level of mod that I want to put on my weapon and then eventually you get to things where it's like oh well I'm also going to need to take surveying and geology and stuff if I want to do like you know Outpost building and I haven't even gotten into that yet because there's also something called special projects so big guns are great but in the settled system Sometimes the best weapon is simply an old added knowledge is power so as an example I'm working on weapon crafting and the next I think it's the it's one of the mods I need one of the mods I want to research I can't research it yet until I get to special projects so I actually have to actively start working on working my way down this skill tree to get the special projects unlocked so that I can go back to the research station to unlock the level of mods that I want to then make the mod for the weapon that I want to do and it's the same thing with space suit mods with Outpost building and everything else many of the features and skills of the game are locked behind that skill progression um and there's also things like um theft uh which is within the pickpocketing um scheme so if we go back over here and check out um physical oopss it's is which is it this one yeah theft unlocks the ability to pick pack pick poock targets and then you can once you get to the rank two of social you can then unlock negotiation which allows you to access bribery during speech challenges so there's lots of little stuff like that um there's also the ability to see you know um to use a boost pack um that's over here which we're going to talk about in the next one as well um which you're going to want to be able to get at least the the base rank to be able to even utilize boost packs in the first place so just understand that a lot of features of the game and a lot of the abilities that you want to use are locked behind skill progression which means you got to get out there and level up to be able to unlock these things in the first place so this is actually the perfect segue to talk about what skills should you take right away as a new player now for my money um I know a lot of people rep um um recognize no a lot of people recommend the first level of boost pack so that you can get that for traveling around planets and stuff and I would say that uh I initially disagreed with that when I first played the game and and I'm going to give you a caveat to this I was not worried about exploration of planets right away when I first started playing this game I am more of a Commerce person and a conversation person I like the roleplaying elements of these games the RPG aspects which means I want to talk to people and I want to be able to influence them in their decisions so for me it was far more important to go over here to this the social one and work on maxing out persuasion um as quickly as possible I I thought getting some ranks and persuasion was very very important also theft to get pickpocketing uh is highly important I think stealth can be very useful if you're going to do a stealth build but if you're not planning doing a stealth build it's completely pointless but I would absolutely say get a rank in Persuasion get a rank in Theft to unlock the ability to do pick in in the first place um and then from there um you're going to definitely want boost pack rank one and I would also argue that you're going to want security rank one to be able to um get into lock boxes and things of it nature those would be the ones that I would say right away now if you want to get better at space combat and you want to fly better ships you're going to want to put a point into piloting and immediately also put a point into targeting Control Systems because targeting Control Systems is what allows you to specifically Target components of the enemy ships like their Shields or their turrets or here's the kicker targeting their engines to be able to make them stop in space and they be able to board them and steal their ship and then take it back to port and sell it but also if you want to fly better ships you need your piloting ranked up and these These are kind of all tied together so I would say think about what you want to play if you're going to be a stealth Point stealth type you know take that right away but I would say that the persuasion is the most important thing you can get right out of the gate I don't think that you need to worry about the Boost pack right away unless you're planning on immediately starting to explore planets otherwise you can wait until you're ready to start exploring planets and surveying then you can get the Boost pack because it does help speed up traversing the Landscapes and also helps you with the verticality of different things especially when you're in caves and stuff so food for thought all right so we're here on a space station right and if we were to go out from here we could go and board our ship somewhere hang on where's the he's I'm conversing with him it might be all the way back I forget is this the air lock to my ship yeah let's go to my cockpit so once you're on your ship this is the view that you're presented with um and you can go into third person from here we're currently docked at a space station here that you can see but you can also go into first person there's a few things you need to know is that there are a lot of ways to get around okay you see some people say oh there's all these loading screens and there's all this fast travel required and all this other stuff well it's kind of like they've given you a lot of options and it's kind of up to you how you choose to Traverse the world around you and the giant Galaxy that we have so if I wanted to immediately just go somewhere um there's a great feature uh in the map system called the set course button so if we go into like as long as we're on our ship or on a planet or somewhere we can go into the star map we can just pick a destination I'm just going to randomly pick a place here say over in this quadrant we're going to go down in here and see on the bottom right there's that button that says set course I'm just going to click that and it'll generally set a course for here and then we could just uh it says here you cannot fast travel where ship is docked I would so there are some caveats make sure you're undocked first so let's exit out of the menu and undock before we do this but the the uh route thing is a is a big deal especially if you want to just quickly get somewhere you can go in here and say let's let's pick a mission um and say let's go to a faction Mission and let's say back to the grind and if I have this Mission selected on the bottom right it says set course I can hit that button and it's immediately going to pull up the place and the planet and everything I need to go with a big land button and I could just click it and it's going to immediately just fast travel me to that destination without me having to do all the manual stuff in between how however if you want to do the manual stuff in between you absolutely can and we're going to talk about a couple of different ways that you can do that once it finishes loading here so it actually put us on the planet here so I want to go back to my ship and we want to actually look at it from a different perspective but you do this in a variety ways we're going to open up the star map here and we're going to say okay one of the ways that you can do this is you can come to this star map from your ship or from the planet you can open this up at variety of ways once you're here you can go to any of the systems like we're in a system or we're in a uh a planetary we're on a planet view right now but let's go back out to the system now all I have to do to plot a course to any of these plans is just click it and it'll zoom in and I could say set a course and go from here right now but what about if it's not you know what if it's what if it's a little bit more remote what if it's not within the system so we're going to back out of the system we're going to go to the Galaxy map we're going to click on you know a certain another star right keep in mind that some of these you'll have to travel to um you can get there in one go other ones you can't get there in one go you might have to depending on your gra on your grav drive so this one see this one right here is telling me that I can't get to it it's in red because I haven't um I I I don't have a big enough grab drive but I could go here so I could click that um or click another one let's just click C on Pina right here and and I can just tell it that I want to set a course for here or I can pick an individual planet um you know over here or something and once I've got that place selected like maybe even go around here and pick the moon as an example we'll set a course there and we can jump and now I'm going from the planet directly to orbit oh and we're getting attacked which this is perfect here we go everybody you made a I love my auto turrets all right so we have emerged into orbit around this planet now there is another way to travel as well and this works brilliantly if you like to explore from the cockpit of your ship so if you hit the scan button which for me is the left bumper um it's going to bring up the scan from inside the ship now if you're on a planet it's a different but it brings up the scan menu for on the ground but if you're on a ship you can bring this up and now we can scroll around we notice that we have pois like they're not here if we're just in normal cockpit mode but if we're in scan mode I now have pois and I can click on those directly and hit the x button to land I could bring up up the planet map if I click on the planet I can open up the planet map like that but I can also follow the arrows and like what's over here okay well there's you know bits and pieces of the ships I just blew up there's some other ships that are here and then I have this um blue Waypoint well that's to my active Quest so what I could do by the way here are the other the other planets in this system and all you have to do to go to one is click on it and click the x button to travel and it's going to take you there directly from your ship and you get these animation sequences in between which is just it's another great way to travel um that's beyond the Fast Travel screens this ISRO suama head of parad secur I apologize for coming over this emergency Channel but we are in need of assistance concerning the large ship in orbit and we value discretion in this matter if you are willing and a please see me as soon as possible at the main Security office in Paradiso that's going to be an activity or some type of you know so he yep there it is there's the activity that just popped so that goes back to what I was talking about earlier um but perfect way to talk about that to show that in action remember I was talking about how activities can be just found by listening to conversations they don't just happen on planets they also happen in space so this is one of the benefits of just taking your time don't always use the fast travel stuff because if you're always fast traveling you're going to miss stuff like those activities you can do either or but Bethesda has provided you with lots of different options now this next one is kind of fun because if you ever find yourself getting lost there's a quick and easy way to get yourself out but you have to remember that you need some type of quest targeted um to help you for this to work so there is an active Waypoint system that can show you where to go when you bring up your scanner now traditionally your scanner is used for scanning the environment for uh resources so like that right there see how it's popping up and telling me to scan it boom we just scan it for resources and then we would know to run in that direction and harvest that resource but it also shows you a waypoint to either the exit of an area or the destination that you need to go so when you trigger it notice that white line of arrows those are showing you the route to go now it eventually Fades away and you'll need to refresh it from time to time but here's the key I use this a lot when I'm down in the depths of Minds when I've gone exploring and I get down there and I'm too far down and I can't figure out head get out well whatever quests I have once I finished up the quest down there are going to take me back to my ship because it's telling me that I need to leave well often times it'll be so deep in the dungeon that I don't remember how to get out and it's not as simple as necessarily going up because sometimes there's multiple ways to get up and they don't always have you know some of them are dead ends so when in doubt you can hit your scanner and bring this up and it'll show you a movable Waypoint you know and if we back up you notice the arrows changed you know it's showing me the direction I need to travel to get to my destination now sometimes it's not going to be visible and all you're going to see is going to be that blue dot somewhere up on your map somewhere up on your HUD I should say and sometimes you'll need to kind of maybe travel a little bit until you can get the way point to pop up but nine times out of 10 as soon as you pop your scanner you're going to see these white lines these white arrows that are leading to your your destination don't be afraid to use those it's totally helpful if you get lost or if you just like you're in a dark place you're like where's the stinking exit that's how you find the exit quick commercial break everyone to give a shout out to our first official Guild officer bubonia as well as all of the guild Champions and of course all of the members who help keep me on the air full-time to join as a member simply click that join button below and pick your tier but you can also support with super Chats on any live stream or Premiere or super thanks on any upload or YouTube short don't forget the Discord let's get back to the video all right one of the big complaints from people who like firstperson shooter games is there's no like easy way to do weapon swapping like you can't just like hit Y and have it cycle through your active weapons it would be great if it did it that way but it doesn't do it that way in Starfield however you can still sort of quick slot weapons um and what that is is essentially you have this menu here which is the d-pad so if I hit up on the d-pad as an example the the thumbpad d-pad what want to call it um it'll bring this menu up now not now currently I don't have a lot of stuff slotted because I'm constantly overburdened and I may have actually stuff stuff stuff stashed stuff in a um um bunker somewhere but let's go into weapons real quick oh I know why I know why this is the perfect opportunity actually to show you how to make this work so you notice that I didn't have anything in those slots really other than a couple of things let's let's let's show this really quick um I have the cutter and an ability and my heal currently so what I would do is is you know if I wanted to heal myself I would hit down on the thumb pad and it's going to automatically have that selected if I hit up it's going to select that one if I hit right it's going to select that one if I hit left it's going to select that one left twice goes there left three times goes there you know right right down down down up up up up up you can go through it accordingly you can also use um well it's just fine so um what you can do now I don't like to carry a lot of weapons because I have horrible strength um so but what how do you get an item here how do you slot an item into this hot bar because it's not as as uh up it's not as easy as it is in other games so you got to go into your inventory here and you would go into your weapons or your items or whatever and do you see how the cutter has a heart next to it above my head that's cuz I favored it so what I would want to do is go to like this gun right here and say let's favorite that and now once I do it's going to tell me to put it somewhere and I'm going to click up once and go I want to put it there but I also want to put let's put this gun so let's favorite this one and put it oh I don't know up here like that so now what we have is if I if I were to go up you know we would be able to select that weapon and boom now we have that weapon selected now if I wanted to go to my cutter I go up twice that switches to my cutter up three times switches to my automatic rifle if I want to go back to my pistol we go up one so there is a weapon swapping system it's just not necessarily as fluid as it is in other games I'm not going to say it's better or worse they just chose to do it a different way um but that is essentially how you quick slot weapons and cycle through them uh also items uh Med packs your abilities things of that nature so weight is a huge huge huge concern for me and I'm constantly dealing with being overweight because I have low strength in my character and and I am not going to take strength because I'm more of a stealth-based character um so a few things to understand one is that everything in the item everything in the game that is an item as a general rule weighs something and how much you could carry depends on uh how many points you have into carrying things which is part of the strength tree I forget what it's called um but I feel like me and you haven't put any points into it it it's it's pretty low um so one of the first things to understand is that your house on the lodge your your your apartment at the lodge has um an unlimited Space storage locker similarly the um space in the crafting area of the lodge in the basement has a resource chest so the way I use these and we're not standing right now cuz there's another part of this that I want to talk about um when I go to the lodge what I do is I will fast travel to the lodge um and I will take all my resources that I've got on my companions or on my um my character and take them from the ship and everything else and it'll I'll be overburden but I'll make my way down to the basement and I will deposit all of my resources into the box then I put all of my extra clothing and things I want for cosmetics in my storage space up in the constellation bedroom that I have but here's the kick ammo doesn't weigh anything in this game I didn't know that when I first started playing so I was constantly stressing about all this ammo that I was carrying so everything else weighs you know and takes up space so you can go here and look at you know like my my pack weighs over on the right hand side you'll see Mass 10.8 that's 10 kilos um my space helmet two kilos um my clothing one kilo all the weapons I'm carrying you know this one weighs three it's Etc but if you go down to um like where's it at um ammo the ammo doesn't weigh anything so please please please please pick up all the ammo that you possibly can but if you find yourself getting overburdened let's go show you really quick what I'm talking about um with the uh constellation thing we might be able to go there straight from here let me um just go to the star map we're going to go back out to the system uh we'll show this in the real time so I can show you what I guys what I'm talking about um we're going to go over to the alpha centuri here and we're going to go to jamama jamama jam Jamon and we're going to go straight to the lodge so remember you can go straight to the lodge front door okay now before you do this make sure that you've got everything you want to carry cuz once you get here if if you're overburdened you do not want to have to hoof it back to your ship because you can't fast travel when you're overburdened so make sure you take everything out of the ship everything off your companions before you do this then fast travel here and it's going to drop you outside of the front door once you're outside of the front door I'm going show you I'm going show you how to do this this is the trick then you're going to come down in here we're going to go straight into the basement I don't know why I drew my weapon I clicked the wrong button hang a right go down to the basement down in here this Locker right here is the one that I use for all my crafting stuff so you go in here You' open up your inventory I would go down to resources I would click that and I just hit RB store all resources boom everything I have is stored in that Locker then I can go upstairs to my room and put all my clothing and everything else that I want to up there and I do this probably once every two or three three sessions just to keep myself from getting overburdened uh but remember there's infinite storage space and ammo doesn't weigh anything so don't let yourself get overburdened um like I did in the beginning of the game while we're standing here this is the perfect time to talk about a crafting tip that I've got so every time you craft something and every time you research something whether it's here at the research station or at one of these crafting station everything requires resources and the resources need to be on your character now that can be kind of a pain in the ass to like click here and go okay let's open this up I want to go down in here to this I want to mod I want to do this what's this I need those resources up to the top right or I need those three resources right um well I don't have those on me right now right and and if I go over to search the chest I'm going to have to search through all these items so what we're going to do and this is the quick tip for this is anytime we come down here to craft or research something we go to this box we click on it and we just take or you can go to transfer and you can go down to um in this case we can go to all if we wanted to well all we don't want all but we just go to uh resources um actually hang on I did this in Reverse it's the uh it's the storage box version go to resources and see where it says take all resources take every thing however when you do this I am now let's go out of here and look at my actual um inventory I am now was it 279 or 2000 yeah 2079 out of 140 kilos I am exceptionally overweight which means if I start if my character starts moving around I'm immediately going to be you know running out of oxygen and having all these other issues but thankfully you don't have to move very far here you're literally just going to walk walk over here craft the things you want to craft or run right around here and research the things you want to research and when you're done I'm I just ran out of breath when you're done you're going to click back over here on the transfer thing you're going to go to your inventory you're going to go back down to the resources Tab and you're going to click that and then you're going to store all resources boom now we're back down to an acceptable weight we're no longer overburdened we're done crafting we could Boogie on out of here it's that simple and here's probably the most important tip I can give any new player out there because a lot of people stress about I'm running out of ammo I'm running out of Med packs I'm running out of resources if you're running out of resources or you're trying to buy them off of merchants and you're running low on coin it's because you're not actually slowing down and exploring the game there are an infinite amount of especially with the procedural components here um like abandoned outposts and pirate missions and dog fight missions and all of these things that take you to planets where you can explore so if I were to go into my mission um my mission log right here and go into to say the uh let's see here missions it says uh kill the Earth the vun Zealot on Ursa Minor one generally what these missions are if you really want to do it this way this is how I do it because it's free ammo crafting um stuff you'll find so many resources generally what they'll do is they'll send you to some type of base on a planet and in that base you're going to find 20 30 mobs it might be an abandoned mine it might be an abandoned Outpost it might be um some type of um place that you can go to but it's usually been abandoned but it's got Pirates there take the time to fully explore all of the buildings every nook and cranny because you're going to find not just lots of ammo and lots of crafting resources and lots of things you're also going to find gear and here's the kicker you're going to find these books and these comic books which are permanent stat bonuses to your character and they they're random like you'll get one that gives you you know plus 2% crit plus one strength plus two hit points like it's little stuff but you'll continually find these books but only if you're taking the time to go off the beaten path and really explore but this is also the easiest way to get ammo and crafting resources apart from like just raw materials which is what you harvest and mine I'm talking things like the components themselves that you use like solvents and and Plastics and connectors and magnets and all this stuff it's all lootable stuff that you can find you can obviously buy that off of merchants but why when you can get it for free just by taking the time to explore so never be afraid to take the time to fully dive into one of those outposts that you go to whether it's for a mission or whether you stumble across one that seems to be abandoned in the middle of nowhere CU even if there's nothing there there will be stuff for you to to find which is also one of the reasons that when you're down on a planet and you're using your scanner tool and you're scanning all of the available and you're just looking around you and you're seeing things in the distance anything that you see as a waypoint go to it because those are places where you can find things to pick up and and use for your character gear components um XP if there's monsters there that you can kill it's it's a great way to find all the things that you need to keep your character continually moving forward all right folks there's obviously a million things I could add to an ultimate list because it's huge and big and that's what it it's there for but I think we've got enough now to give you guys a pretty good base uh Foundation level for those of you who are new players so the most important thing I can say at the end of all of this if you've gotten to the end um is just take your time the game is massive there are procedural elements at play which means there's sort of an infinite sandbox to explore um it's a great game that you can easily put hundreds of hours into without ever beating the primary storyline so if you like science fiction and you like the idea of being a space Explorer and just going out there and finding weird things along with you know doing faction quests a little bit of space fight and Mining and Pirates and everything else you're going to have fun in this game uh let me know in the comments below if you got anything you want to add to this or if you just want to say thanks you can always just let me know also don't forget if you want to join our Discord the links are down there and of course check out the member videos if you're here as a member of the channel daily streams happen at 11:00 a.m. and as always if you just want to do a oneoff donation to say thanks for this just drop a super thanks on the video buttons right down there till next time everybody stay safe happy gaming in the Stars
Channel: Renfail
Views: 3,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, bethesda, xbox series x, starfield gameplay, starfield game, bethesda softworks, bethesda game studios, starfield guide, starfield beginner's guide, starfield story, starfield bethesda, starfield full game, starfield tip, starfield tips, starfield tips & tricks, lets play, let's play, renfail, renfail plays, ultimate beginner's guide to Starfield, beginner's guide to starfield, new player guide for starfield, starfield new player guide, starfield tips and tricks
Id: ffZ8KuNLlFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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