Chef Reviews Kitchen Gadgets | S2 E3 | Sorted Food

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(egg cracking) (pan sizzling) (upbeat music) - Hello, welcome to sortedfood. - It's gadget time again, and we have some weird and wonderful gadgets for our friend, and chef, Ben, to test, trial and debate to his heart's content. - First up, I have the perfect way to get you out of bed, Ebbers. (Jamie laughing) - Interesting. - Why would you do that? Why would you lead him down that path? (upbeat music) - We have had so many excellent gadgets recently. - Exactly. - I feel like we're getting so much better at filtering out the rubbish. - You think so? Lift the cloche. - [Jamie] What could it be? - Is it carbon fiber? - It's got an ergonomic- (Jamie laughs) - [Mike] It's like an F1 car, Ebbers. - Yeah. - (laughs) Yeah. - That would look great on your worktop. - Oh God, it's one of these. Right, well obviously I spotted the toaster bit, and I presumed that this was for a few extra accessories, but it says on the side, "bean warmer". Is this a beans on toast machine? - Oh Ebbers. This is the Tefal Toast N' Bean, also does egg, machine. Revolutionize mealtimes with the Toast N' Bean, a unique toaster, which cooks half a tin of baked beans at the same time as it makes tasty toast. - Half a whole tin? - Half a whole tin. - Wow. - Well, first off does it do what it says on the half a tin? (laughing) - I almost imagine it does. I just still question why. - You've got toast, you have beans. The rest is for later. - I've got a measuring cup, and I'm gonna fill it to the bake bean line. - I don't understand. Steaming beans? - I'm interested in that, quite a popular brand, that makes, you know, non-stick pans, have branched out into this. There must be a need for it, surely. - Yeah. - Otherwise they wouldn't waste their time would they? - How chef-y is that? Essentially, what we're doing here, is we're cooking beans over a bain-marie and steaming them. - Absolutely correct, Barry! - With a very precise amount of water, which presumably is gonna be just the right amount to heat a half tin of beans. - Look at this, a chef reading a manual for a toaster. (Jamie laughing) - [Ben] Exactly my point. Warming baked beans, excellent, yes. Fill in, adjust. (upbeat music) Three out of five on the toast level. - So it is literally pour, slot, slot, button. - Depending on what you are heating up in the bean or egg element - Compartment. - Depends on where the line is, whether it's poached eggs, bien-cuit or juste cuit, hard, soft boiled eggs. Wonderful. So I've put in the bean one and when there is no water left, they will be heated because of the line. - Use the sliding toast lift facility. - Most toasters already do that for you, but I now have to lift that up. - There you go, see. - There you go, look at that. - Most toasters just pop up. - They don't pop up that high though. - Oh the lights gone off. (upbeat music) Mm. No - No? - I mean some people like eating cold baked beans out of a tin, they are weird. Should we go again? (upbeat music) Oh, there we go. - [Barry] Careful. - [Ben] Steaming. (upbeat music) Okay. - [Ben] That's now hot. Twice the recommended amount of time. Eight minutes to heat up beans. So what is this doing that people can't do at home? - What if people don't have a hob? This is two things in one, three things in one. Ooh! We got him. - Still got the same amount of stuff to wash up, so it's not easier in that extent. I've got that instead of a pan, or a bowl for the microwave. So it's literally just doing one plug socket, to do two things. Does it do poached egg? - Poached eggs, poached egg. - So it does also come with a little egg holder, so you could pop your eggs in there and steam them for a boiled egg. (upbeat music) Which is not just cooked, it's, isn't that a shame that it under cooks the beans and overcooks the egg? In a machine that literally only does three things - I think our work here is done. (Barry laughing) Okay Ebbers, let's talk price. How much do you think this sells for? - You'd look at that and you'd say I want something that cooks toasts, cooks eggs, and cooks beans in one device. It says what it does on the tin, not particularly well, 40 quid. - You're in luck, 'cause this is 28.95. - You can still keep it. - I think we're all fascinated to hear which side of the fence you're sitting on here. Is this the breakfast of kings or does it not pull your strings? - This does not pull my strings. - Well done boys, well done. - [Barry] Strong start. - Number two, lift the cloche. - FoodSaver. - Oh does it say? - It says it right here in front of me. - Right, okay, cool, cool. (Ben reading) - Let me translate what Ebbers was saying just there. This is the FoodSaver. Help your food last for longer and reduce waste. Saving money on your shopping bills, with the FoodSaver FSS 010, fresh food preservation system. (laughing) It uses vacuum technology- - Seriously? Who works on their marketing team? (laughs) - It- (laughing) It uses vacuum technology to remove air from your leftovers, preserving flavor and freshness, so you can batch cook and take advantage of multi-buy offers. Now, reading that, there were so many keywords that you love. Reduce waste, save money, vacuum technology, leftovers, preserve flavor, freshness. That is just Ebbers, yeah. - Yeah, this is an Ebbers gadget. - Literally my profile. (Mike laughing) - Okay Ebbers, let's put this to the test. We got a selection of foods in front of you. We want you to suck the air out of them. - Should we do some salad first? (upbeat music) (mechanical buzzing) Number one, it sucked the air out of it, so just regular stuff would last longer. So it is food saver. I also liked that it is space saver. - Are the bags reusable? - So let's say, a couple of days have passed, I would've used it. - You can reuse the bag? - Presumably, you can wash that out. And lets see, (mechanical buzzing) Boom! Still resealable. - You can also get bags that are freezer safe. If you wanna get (indistinct) - Test a Tupperware. - Imagine we've cooked something. - Oh, like half a tin of baked beans. - Half a tin of baked beans. (upbeat music) (mechanical buzzing) - I mean, the only problem with this, Jamie, sitting here, there's no way to tell if that is actually going to keep food in that fresher for longer. - Oh Ebbers, look to your right. (throwing ball) (hitting ball) - I'll set them up for you J. - Okay Ebbers, what we've done is a little experiment for you. We know how much you love science. So, in the regular Tupperware are some berries that have been stored in the fridge in a normal Tupperware box for a few days. And then, in the FFS 010, we have some berries that have been vacuum sealed and then stored in the fridge for a few days. - This one, some of the very small berries, come with their own fur coat now. - Oh! - Strawberries, they're start to lose their own hair. They kind of lose their color, they're a bit more mushy. Raspberries, not nice. (air hissing) - Oh! - Blackberries are good. Strawberries are good. - [Mike] Oh! - [Jamie] Wow. - Are you saying that this food has been saved? - Mm. Absolutely, that is so much better than that. - J, I've got a question. In my kitchen, I have no appliances which is why I make the most good use out of my Toast N' Bean machine, - Right. - That's too big for my work surface. Does that mean I can't use the FoodSaver? - In days prior to this, it would mean that. - Damn. - But today is not that day because I have a mini FFS- - [Mike] FFS! - [Jamie] Just for you. - Suck it. - Obviously, smaller takes a bit longer but, I think that's even smart than that. - How much do you think it is? - This or this, fine I'm cool with that. That's a one off purchase. I feel these are gonna be great. I fear that these are gonna be quite expensive and you're gonna need lots of them if you're actually going to food save across your week. - So it does come with five of the vacuum bags and one 700ml container. - Not this. - [Jamie] Not that. - 36 pounds? - 64 pounds, 99. - Okay. I still think you could make that work if you build it into your life, that becomes a thing you do. - So you can get the small handheld one with some bags for 50 pounds. It's steeper than I thought it was gonna be. But, that and that with extra bags, I'm sold on. - So Ebbers, does the FFS 010 seal the deal or do you not see the appeal? - Deal sealed. Oh, I've unstitched that one, that's embarrassing, isn't it? - Wow - is it just, your boob's too big? - I'll put it in that one. (laughing) (upbeat music) (playful music) - You know when you watch like, chimpanzees in the zoo? (laughing) - Yeah. - Either I'm just be really- Oh. Stupid, there we go. - [Barry] I'm intrigued how you haven't worked this out yet. (mechanical whirring) - So, what I presumed it was, was an electric or battery operated tin opener, but there's no blade. - Ben, you're close. This is the electric jar opener by Basilico. So all those times that you and I have struggled opening jars. I've got little arms, you've got tiny little hands, that's why we can open jars. (laughing) - Valid, valid. - So, the Basilico, means you can effortlessly open jars of any size by pressing a single button. - I found a jar or two. - Right, what we like you to do Ben, is to start creating your own antipasti. We have a lot of jars that need opening and we'd like to test the machine. (mechanical whirring) Good. So, when rotating is complete, depress the button immediately to release the bottle body. - Clamps? (lid pops open) (indistinct) - It opened. - Wow - Yeah, it just puts the the pressure and then it just goes- Dooh! - Try the baby food 'cause those things are fiddly. - This might a test too far because it's got such a thin lid. Oh the pressure. - Come on, screaming baby. - Come on Basilico. (mechanical whirring) (lid pops) - Yes! - Oh that is satisfying. - Never in any doubt. - Final test, if it is dexterity issues that is the reason this is gonna help you, then getting that plastic film off first before you unscrew the lid, I don't know, we could try it. - [Barry] That's bold. (mechanical whirring) (lid pops) (applauding) - So even with a little plastic film on it, it's doing that job. - [Barry] What do you think the Basilico jar opener's worth? - 12 quid? - 14.99 - And again, much the same. I think in this case, it's more likely to be for people who can't get the grip to open a jar. In which case, as it has proven, effortless, mesmerizing and fun to watch. (playful music) - So the question Ben, does it help you get a grip or should we let it slip? - Absolutely, helps you get a grip - Cheers - Cheers - To our 3, isn't it? A baby little toast, isn't it? (laughing) (upbeat music) - Number four Ebbers. Let's see if we can make it a full house of great gadgets. Lift the cloche. - [Mike, Jamie, And Barrie] Whoa! - Do you feel like a giant? (laughing) - Is this a pizza oven for kids? - Ebbers, this is the Artesa Mini Pizza Oven. Give your visitors an eating experience to recollect. Cook and serve small scale pizzas and individual cuts of garlic bread genuinely and straightforwardly at the table with the Artesa terracotta mini tabletop pizza oven by Masterclass. - I don't hate it on the basis that my mind is beginning to explore where it could take me. - Napoli. - Hmm. - No, see I think that's where things get let down. I can't imagine, I could be wrong, - Good - that'd you'll get a very "pizza" experience out of this. - So this cooks two pizzas or two cuts of garlic bread in only 15 minutes. The customizable burners means visitors can, without much of a stretch, cook food as they would prefer. - Sorry, did you just say only 15 minutes? - Only 15 minutes for authentic pizza. - A pizza delivery takes so much longer that that. - I know! - Whoa, nice - Now it's a party. - Start by preheating your oven for two to three minutes. - Doublé - Doublé, two burners for maximum heat. - [Barry] Can I ask what temperature it gets up to? - You can. (record scratching) Then roll out your dough. - [Ben] Yep. (playful music) - What do you ensure you do to this pizza to give it the best chance? - Obviously, the wood fire and the smoke and the stone, gives you pizza qualities everyone loves. Here, we've got these paste gel things that smell a bit funky. (upbeat music) - Well, it's been a couples of minutes. Do you wanna get 'em in? - Yup. (upbeat music) - [Mike] How we looking? What's up? - [Mike, Jamie, And Barrie] Ooh! - So the waffer-thin crust, - [Mike] A taco. - Is like a taco. - [Mike] There you go there's that lovely- - There's the char, I as looking for. (laughing) Just in one spot. - [Mike] It's gonna give you that lovely- - [Barry] Mm. - [Mike] Charcoal, you know? - Charcoal? (laughs) - [Mike] Oh Wow! - [Jamie] Look at the steam coming off it. - [Ben] Cheese is bubbling, the fats from the meat looking good. (upbeat music) - [Barry] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Yeah! - Pizza, we have stuffed crust. - And I think, with a bit of getting used to it, you absolutely could do ten centimeter pizzas in 10, 12, 13 minutes. - It's a good fun activity. It's not a mill. - It's a snack. - It's a snack. - It's a snacking pizza oven - Yeah - It's a snacking pizza oven (laughs) - Have their own desk, next to my laptop when I'm working. (laughing) - Every 12, 13 minutes - Yeah - New pizza. Do you know what? Like any kind of tabletop fondue set and stuff, there's flames, it's gonna be hot, you need to be sensible. So, it's not designed for kids and I feel like it underwhelms for adults. That's my issue with it. It's so tiny, it does work. - How much do you think we paid for this? - 36 pounds. - We paid 40 pounds. - Good guessing - So there about. Okay then Ebbers, is it worth the fuss or does another bite the crust? - In this instant, another one bites the crust. (crust crunching) - So you guys, do any of these gadgets excite you? If so, let us know in the comments. - You can also join in the conversation over on Twitter with the hashtag, #SORTEDGADGETS - And exciting news, if you head over to our Instagram, we're running a competition to win one of today's exciting gadgets that Ebbers absolutely loved. - Is it one of these you have to opt-out of, or opt-in to? - No, no, no, no. - Barry, you're- - Sorry! - You need to be over there with grump-osaurus - Get another hat. - Have you ever got the end of a long day with no ideas, ingredients, or energy to cook? Take away? Hmm, it'd be the fourth this week. Well, that's why we built our revolutionary Meal Packs app. Thousands of people are using it to shop, cook and eat a whole better and easier while saving money as a result. You can go and use it in its entirety for free for a whole month and see if it's for you. The link is in the description box below. (upbeat music) And now for the blooper. - Oh no, now I literally, I can't get into that. (laughs) - It's 'cause you're doing it the wrong way. - Lefty loosey - Left loosey (laughing) - You're twisting it to the right? You're twisting it to the right. That is 100 percent- (lid pops) Yeah, there you go. - All these years. - That's why! (laughing) - I was doing it with hand, it's easier with that hand! Boom! - Do you find it difficult to get into doors? (laughing)
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,137,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, gadget review, useful kitchen gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets review, best kitchen gadgets on amazon, gadget reviews, meal prep review, testing kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, Sortedfood, sortedfood gadgets, the fridgecam show, kitchen gadgets test, Tefal, Tefal Toast n’ Bean, The Food Saver, Artesa Mini Pizza Oven, pizza, pizza oven, sortedfood pizza, mini food
Id: QxP5xGK11_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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