How to LEVEL UP a Ham Sandwich (Food & Video Games!)

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Well, howdy. How are you? We are Sorted Food. This is fridge cam. Today, we are going to level up this bad boy. Daw! Yeah. That pathetic little sandwich you used to get in your lunch box. And the best thing is we've got the whole of London to explore and find the single best ingredients that we can. We thought the best way to level up a ham sandwich was to break it down into all its possible components. We then looked at the flavor profiles of each of these components and put together a hypothetical combination of ingredients that provided a balance of sweet, salty, fatty, creamy, and where we could best add texture. And we were really happy with what we came up with. That's a good sandwich. It's going to be a great sandwich. But, like I said, it was also hypothetical. Stage one was to actually buy some ingredients. We decided to divide, command, and conquer. I was in charge of bread and all the hams, and Baz in charge of fresh stuff. Change of plan. Our ham sandwich is now going to have cheese in it, because I found a cheesemonger's. I thought I'd better give Baz a call to give him a heads up. [PHONE RINGING] Hey, mate. Hey, how's it going? Just thought I'd let you know. Yeah. I bought some cheese. Um, it's a ham sandwich we're making. Yeah, but what if I told you it was really good manchego cheese? It's beside the point. It's literally just a ham sandwich. Right. Look. I'm going to go get the ham. I'll get the bread. What are you on? Does rosemary go with aioli? Uh, yeah? Obviously, I got a banging sourdough loaf and all the ham. Let me tell you about my ham. I got prosciutto cotto. It's smooth. It's fatty. I got coppa, which is a cured, salty-- it's a bit smoky. I got mortadella, which is spicy, and it has pistachios in it, and some people might actually call it a sausage, but never mind. It's great ham. Between us, we seem to have now got everything on our list. Now we just had to make it, and it actually had to be good. [MUSIC PLAYING] What are we doing again? We have all of our ingredients now. So next up-- Make a sandwich? Yeah. Make a sandwich. Yeah. Yeah. What are you going to be in charge of? Oh. I'm going to make the aioli. You make the aioli. I'll cut the bread. Keep it thick. Yeah. Thick bread. For the aioli-- aioli-- I never learned to say it properly-- I'm going for egg yolks, garlic, rosemary, a squeeze of lemon juice, lemon zest, and a little hint of Dijon mustard, bare black pepper. Now, slowly add in your olive oil. Have you added mustard yet? Not yet. All right. Go for it. How much? Just a dollop. Not too much, because it's hot stuff. Jay, what are you doing, mate? I found a griddle pan so that we can toast the outside of our bread. I managed to get a knife. Well done. Congratulations. The hardest thing in the world. How big do you want your sandwich? I mean, do we want this way, or-- What about that? Ah, diagonal. I've cut all the bread. How many sandwiches you making? Two or three. The way to never have a ham sandwich is make six ham sandwiches. I'm toasting the outside of our bread so we get amazing grill lines, and it looks incredible. But the inside stays soft and fluffy. So I've made an aioli. You've made toast. I'm making half toast, to be precise, because you only want the outside toasted. Pow! Mate! That's it. That's it. [INAUDIBLE] Right construction. Salted butter, garlic and rosemary aioli, fresh tomatoes, prosciutto, mortadella, coppa, manchego cheese, which, also, we melted, and it made it a really nutty. Crisp little gem lettuce, lid. We were happy, but that wasn't enough. Would it impress our chefs, Bowser and Dr. Egg Man? What do you think? It looks good. Epic. We had a tough job, but I think we nailed it. Now it's up to you to work out whether or not this is a level up or game over. The bread. It's not overfilled. I thought it might be overfilled, but-- Nah. Enough ham? Right. We could have got more. Could have got more. You are so right the cheese choice, as well, because that is-- Nutty. Funky. The char, though, on that bread. I can see that you spent at least 20 minutes doing that. I honestly did. All in all, some people say sammies are boring. That is the kind of sandwich you want and you look forward to and you enjoy. I'm impressed. The success of this is down to well-selected, quality ingredients, and they're not trying to do too much with it. I would we've kind of gone to the extreme in terms of leveling up a ham sandwich, but to be honest, you could take any one of those elements and apply it to any sandwich-- the charring or the homemade mayo, something like that-- and take your sandwich to that level, which I suppose does leave us with the big question. Have we taken the ham sandwich a level up, or is it game over? It's not game over. That is delicious. This is definitely a level up. So we've made it to the next level. You need to tell us what the next level is going to be and see if we can go a level up from that. And who the boss should be who we have to beat. That's obvious. We're the bosses. In what game? Video, real life. Video, real life. Comment below and let us know what you think we should be leveling up next. We need some really naff ideas that we can bring up into the 21st century. Now, talking about naff ideas, you want a dad joke, don't you? Can't get any more naff than that. How does Lady Gaga like her vegetables prepared? I don't know, Jamie. How does Lady Gaga like her vegetables prepared? Raw, raw, raw, raw, raw. Raw, raw-- Nice job, nice job.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 286,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham sandwich, ham, bread, butter, ultimate ham sandwich, improved ham sandwich, how to make a ham sandwich, quick delicious ham sandwich, leveled up ham sandwich, the best grilled ham and cheese sandwich ever, how to make the best ham sandwich, how to make a ham and cheese sandwich, toasted cheese and ham sandwich, grilled cheese, sandwich (food), easy recipes, how to make a ham sandwich for kids, how to make a ham sandwich step by step, easy recipes for lunch
Id: KLNVa72ZIlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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