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I thought all of the ideas were pretty nifty. I'm going to have to vote for Mike though, as I don't really like Oreos (sorry, World) and I thought Jamie's "chips" had a few too many toppings.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/toriaray 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2016 🗫︎ replies
welcome to sorted ultimate battles three lifelong mates go head to head to head to cook up the ultimate dish around a thing their friend and chef Ben will judge them on taste but ultimately you decide who is victorious let's do this doughnuts if my recipes as good as its intro then we're in for a treat I'm making crispy with a C cream with a C ringed glazed cereal donuts and it starts with a dough this is a fantastic doughnut dough if you want the full weight and measurements get them on sorted food calm but basically is enriched so it's got vanilla extract it's going to air gets got milk in it it's delicious so I'm going to start by flowering my surface I'm rolling this out I'm making dirty donut fries is going to be maple there's gonna be bacon there's going to be chocolate and there's going to be caramel and there's going to be fries to the taste of donuts and it starts with his dough rolled out and cut into fried shape why is exactly the same as well part of the fact I've taken a bit of flour out and I put some cocoa in because I'm making Oreo donuts so I'm going to divide my dough into 40 gram balls 3040 Oh bang on alright this is all lovely and rolled out now so I'm going to take a cutter you may notice that there is a huge gap in my ring that's because these expand out because we're going to give them a second proof I was just warming my balls here and my friend Jane came along I said I'm rolling my balls off so you just let the you let the ball kind of go around your hands as you cut it yes means you get really smooth my tip is the longer knife you use the longer donut prize you can come is that yeah that that is a tip great thing about this dough is that you can roll it out again and again well sorry James's face when you said that it was like you had just told the biggest like is that like I can roll this out again can I please need to prove with a soft tea towel loosely placed over the top of them for 30 minutes make sure you use fabric softener when you washed it so we're just going to wait here for half an hour if you play Jenga Oh barry schatz be funny but for a flower wasn't being fun yeah sad isn't it now what it's now time for my Finny Michael I'm making a creamy Oreo filling would you believe it I'm gonna make a lovely Oreo crumbs we have never been done I thought wow really is like Scootaloo you washing sugar yep Oh sugar clip some mascarpone cheese mix it up and that makes your PIN will you guys do anyway what are you waiting for our dough to rise proving a point I'm not gonna face my right fine I think we're done I'm gonna put it in a piping bag squeeze it me toenails actually that reminds me I need my patio done Jaime's top tip as you're walking past your proving Donuts don't lean on the tea towel it is likely to affect the outcome of the battle in the meantime we can get on with grilling off our bacon and we can also start to melt our butter we're going to want to go really nutty brown you know nothing by Brown like you know like butter those nutty brown are you talking that we want the butter to go nutty brown so looks like mine are the first to be proven ready to go project point progesterone these are going into a 165 probelm Oh three or four minutes look big already yeah you did what you did not want them to go wrong be a half bathroom now gonna flip these over that looks good to me that looks like a doughnut he's put Oreos in it he's gonna win no he's put Oreos in it because he thinks he wants the great thing is that I have trust in our community and I know that they're not swayed by just putting bacon on top of stuff just bring Oreos into on top of stuff they're interested in the recipe itself yes let's this your savory taste comes above everything else cereal yeah lutely that's a reality I'm just going to check these are cooks no they should go back in over 30 seconds whilst you're cooking those bears I'm going to crumble up some of my bacon might be your donuts proving difficult headers I'm gonna lose d the straw now it's time to fry my donut fries I would tell you how I'm going to do it that's exactly the same as Barry just explain into the fryer 165 degrees 2 to 3 minutes on each side did tell you again skinny doughnuts a much healthier for people and therefore these are delicious and can be part of any healthy diet so it's a donut challenge not an onion ring challenge they looked like disappointment you're playing Milan like onion rings is like rubbish chipolatas they look shrivel up frankfurters yeah I I was disappointed a moment like this because they weren't supposed to look like that they were supposed to look like that and he's happy with them before I fill these doughnuts and he'll scoop chocolate because they look surprised the end I'm gonna wait for my butter to go nutty brown and then I'm going to put the fry dough not doughnut fries in here all stacked up looking lovely or the butter over and then we're going to throw on the bacon from earlier chocolate chips maple syrup caramel sauce and some chocolate sauce now to make the glaze powdered sugar here some milk gonna mix that together then add some glucose oh yeah winning recipe donuts they all look great careful there's a whole Oreo no Joey Jen you have to take every single layer all in one bite yes a slider it's not going on did him until his head CT what it glazes the mouth on it and the chin that takes me back to Portland yeah the voodoo doughnut that had just about everything going on it they're rich and they stick to the top of your mouth Wow that bit already bidding but some of they came out this one I think is novelty up again maple and chocolate and caramel and bacon that's really really good the only thing I might say a little overcooked you definitely spinach you want some a french fry is that what you want from a donor this great recovery ultimately that is a ring doughnut by definition good texture inside not what you set out to do OOP but a very very good joke well I mean I've said a lot but you guys actually get to choose me win so comment down below with who you think should win and or give it a vote by hitting sort of food and giving it a like almost be available you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,134,520
Rating: 4.9709649 out of 5
Keywords: doughnut, how to make doughnuts, doughnut battle, ultimate battle, sortedfood, sortedfood ultimate battle, cereal doughnuts, donut, make donuts, donut recipe, doughnut recipe, how to make donuts, american doughnuts, american donuts, oreo doughnuts, bacon doughnuts, recipe, cooking, cooking battle, sortedfood battle
Id: wg0UDTX9Vsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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