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welcome to sorted ultimate battles three lifelong mates go head to head to head to cook up the ultimate dish around a theme their friend and chef Ben will judge them on taste but ultimately you decide who is victorious let's do this 15 million meals 15 is in court of an hour at these three each have 15 minutes to create a savory dish in real time you boys ready three two well chicken right what are you doing um I've got a Thai red chicken and I've got some chicken marinating in buttermilk which is here it's been butterflies and now I'm just going to quickly chop it up into lovely smooth strips but this is probably your critical point isn't it yes it is if it isn't cooked you're going to have to eat it yeah because we're doing this in real time there's 30 seconds go on fast what you're doing on this side I am making a spicy prawn noodles soup I want to get a ket long ago he's sharing in my prawns right now yeah and I'm gonna chuck some hot water on top of that and bass confuse the water so you make her stop my stop yeah horny stuff is our food why are they please a big brawl okay I got it in so you're making prawn stock start off with that's pretty easy yeah conch I roll over this side love to chopping already for umj I am making spicy chorizo nachos so taking the Mexican classic importing some Spanish classicism and making a mix of fish met tech it is very you it's very and what I like is it sounds achievable in 15 minutes it is I'm making myself so I'm going to blitz that up and then I'm going to cook it off in a pan whilst I'm also cooking off some chorizo and then basically everything goes into a bowl with the nachos and then we sprinkle on some Manchego cheese we've got some coriander I've got chitti that's going to go in some smoked paprika I can trim all that last one is a barbecue it might just be human yet Frankie does nachos count as a 15-minute meal we like to snack now Cosette is slow what nothing is a milk I feel like if it's abstention up it's just gonna get rid of your raw chicken my thank you mate what have you got in the other kitchen boiling away some jasmine rice perfect I actually make this all the time at home and I would say I would plain so this is my speciality oh and how long should you take this Mike last time I timed it 27 minutes so where's your dish originated from - that's high in flu so you're also doing Thai so you like it both doing Taiwan prawn yes if you right there's a hot water you're going in Brawl careful days really hot so still that if I'm going to take off a finger I'm chopping so quick sauce on the go see my thinking is that the thing that it here is 15 minutes because it takes that long to make that sound simple but it shouldn't be stressful decisions you look very in control oh yeah you've all had four and a half minutes good excellent new so Jamie honey Chile shall I go in my um mi so good isn't she nice I've got Birds Eye chilies in mine which are notoriously well birt'day ping hot let's have two eyes and two legs okay so four chilies so this is three I chickened out three threes good three goes right you know what the store all this coffee and up you go for the classic you look or in a store Birds Eye chili ginger lemongrass yep shallot garlic and what they they are women it lime leaves always remember to put the spices in spices go in time check is six minutes twenty seconds down to what isn't your pens like for you your chicken which peanut butter milk yeah I put some garlic I'll put some ginger I've got some birth of a god I knew it yeah I've got some Thai red curry paste I've got that's it for now what are you frying in that's that's putting papers yeah coconut oil which is amazing and I love that so I'm doing that and share it our tubes unusual cherry tomatoes I think is the the secret because they go mushy and then if you get one you're like well what's this there you know really well else next its get a bruise myeloma grafts double stick a lemon girls fragrant so if you had more time it would be great basically all those shells and little pawns the cheap ones are giving loads of flavor to that stock just chilli garlic shallot lemongrass kaffir lime and ginger right now over here make it smelly miss this alright come on so we got some chaat and actually that Charles Poynton for doesn't play with them again exactly Nick's dumped going in is all of ourselves sir that's just gonna cook down for a few minutes ah yes and while you wait with the juice I'm going to carry on drinking my beer Spanish beer Spanish beer this is gonna be spectacular fantastic time check nine and a half minutes gone you got five minutes before you really need to be putting on a plate well I'll put to the sim rings would you know what I'm already happy that chicken can be cooked and now it's about balancing out flavors yeah now I just got worried about what it tastes like and does anybody else want a beer yes I may have your main raw spice cooking I could probably just okay so I don't like fish sauce so I actually use a dash of soy sauce to go in to get that salty flavor then I don't find I need to season it much she's not see sounds like a no one do damn I got my ginger layering up she got America hands boy chorizo salsa and then take a cheese layering up bad I mean make this dishes holes you want your do like a like a melon you are gonna love it it's sweating already who ate all of my type crisps because now I've got two for garnish two minutes she's going to freshen lo up this is looking good genuinely I'm quite impressed because this is in real time you've still got one minute left look at this last 30 seconds okay three two one put your hands in the pockets okay I'm gonna start with this one so I thought this is least likely to blow my head off there's missing shoe box I'm a righty probably right oh I feel like with the beer we made you a pina colada that would be awesome Mena's awesome for sure it is spicy oh yeah but that sauce is really quite fresh than the veg in it smokey chorizo great food anyone have a chat with that get some chicken it's creamy and the peppers still got a crunch the whole thing spicy salty creamy displayed wait for the waterworks cake um so yeah that is high food should be any gain hot sour it's warm no is it good talk about that just post nicely size really good that sauce I'm not sure Tom young would normally have noodles in it but to make it into a meal that is know so who is at home and why is he got such a strong opinion that is so spice got a heat from the chorizo and really that's got a heat as well but a creaminess and it's fragrant and that is fresh Thai food I need to cool off and you guys need to decide which is your favorite so comment down below and I'll hit salted food for the full recipes and let's see who wins
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,326,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom yum soup, thai prawn soup, hot and sour soup, thai noodle soup, nachos, nachos recipe, chorizo nachos, cheesy nachos recipe, thai red curry, thai red curry recipe, chicken thai curry, thai chicken curry, speedy meal, quick meal, 15 minute meal, 15 minute meals, ultimate battle, sortedfood, fast food
Id: 9i6I7id9h3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2016
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