The ULTIMATE Anime Quiz Challenge | The Anime Man vs. @gigguk

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yes so I might not know the Japanese oh what the hell hey how's going everyone this is the anime man and I'm with the honeycomb oh man it's been a while man it's been a while been a while since we did a collab and I am here to not just provide you with a collab gone but with a challenge I'm throwing down the glove I'm here to duel you to figure out once and for all who is the real anime man wait wait wait are you making anime contents again is this straight is this happening is he coming back to take his crown damn straight I am oh look I wasn't gonna have it lying down all right I was here to give you a challenge and thankfully the challenge today is sponsored by the good folks over at Ichiban kuji so thank you very much for that so what we're going to do is what I do best on this channel an anime quiz you know what I thought anime YouTube was getting a bit too easy nowadays I needed a challenge you know I'm glad you invited me Joey look at this coffee bar I'll show you so what we'll be doing is as the name suggests this is the ultimate anime quiz the anime Man versus the anime Zone hopefully you like this really crappy poster I made last night graphic design is my passion thank you this is this is amazing Joey so as the name suggests we have a bunch of questions because today is sponsored by Ichiban kuji specifically we're going to be doing the Naruto Ichiban kuji as you can see over here look at all these prizes that are up for grabs if you answer the questions correctly so essentially for every question you get right you get to pull an Ichiban cookie which is basically kind of like a gotcha right so we have all of these Naruto prizes right here by the way this is the Naruto ichibankishi that'll be out in the US very soon so keep an eye on on that but essentially for every question that we get right you go over and you pull a ticket right on that ticket is the name of the prize it can go anywhere between a to I believe F A is the rarest f is the most common essentially for every prize that you get depending on the prize a different point will be allocated to you wait so I don't only need to be good at anime knowledge for this quiz I need to be good with the gacha gods as well you need to opt those lock points my boy but gotcha gods have not been on my side recently hopefully no smile down on me for this one video and just uh for full transparency I also don't know these quizzes I got my assistant to make these questions for me so don't say it's read Because I legitimately don't know the questions we're going to get uh Master to read out these questions for us and I bought this Swanky new uh machine that lets us answer questions so without further Ado are you ready I'm ready all right feel free to play along at home as well let's begin question number one it's from Akira [ __ ] what was the capital city called oh [ __ ] New Tokyo I got I know I know it I know it Neo Tokyo all right come on gotcha Gods give me an a give me an a it's e all right well you get two points we have a bunch of e prizes right here so these are the rubber coasters oh there's a there's an extra gotcha element this is one of six designs oh my God you pull the gacha to get another gotcha I got the Sasuke Uchiha oh wow perfect for the anime Zone he did have the Sasuke haircut look at me look I've grown up now I've grown up not the same here anymore from Naruto what is the name of Naruto's favorite Ramen Shop [Music] is it ichirani oh it runs the real I know I know wait wait hold on hold on I have a chance I have a chance I thought it was ancient runs away yeah this is like ichimaru or something oh oh damn not itchy in the name is favorite food [Music] um marble tofu about Lauren's food news from anime it's my second one is it gonna be an a it is e again oh my God he's getting the points we take those we take those we take those this is from Naruto who is the third Hokage I know the fourth I know I know the fourth and fifth it's a little giraya is it it's not jariah original old guy I can see his face I know what he looks like okay I just don't know his name what is the true identity of celty a door Hong oh God damn it yes of course you'd get back oh I got a D a d all right all right that's not all right that's an extra point that's an extra point it's already caught up the D is a sakoshu which is like a small little bag look it's got a little handle right here put your kunai in there and get immediately arrested also from Naruto what is the name of Naruto and Hinata's daughter actually [ __ ] I don't actually no not borator is that your answer wait it's not salaries no that's that's scary the answer is oh yeah this is from Psychopaths what is the name of the system that quantifies everything civil system what is the name of the technique Naruto learned from jiraya rosengan yeah oh okay I'll take myself a satchel as well yeah okay I got this Oscar is from which country Germany but if it's the rebuild she's actually from Japan because they renamed her to ask her shekinami so you know you get the F the F prize is is this a towel yeah oh we got a Sakura towel right here it's to wipe off all of your uh weave sweat I am getting pretty sweaty this is the wrong day to wear a turtleneck can I actually wipe myself with this yeah please all right this is another question from Naruto what is the name of Hinata's eye power oh no that's good [Music] biakugan I was like I was like a gun no that doesn't sound right this is an e again he's about to collect all the coasters dude next question from Naruto what is the name of the organization that Uchiha Itachi joined oh oh no yeah it's God feels good okay you know what I needed a rubber coaster before going to talk all of them let me visualize the D's for a second all right how many seconds can deals three what is it not free it says 90. well I didn't know I was gonna say five actually another JoJo question in Sex Pistols Mister stand there are six stands from [Music] the fourth one is missing oh what is the question because there was a ticket on the ground you know what I'm gonna go for the ticket on the ground let's see yeah all right all right fine give me a give me a Sakura towel I'll take a soccer towel okay another Naruto question what kanji character is engraved on the forehead protector of jiraya one of the Legendary Sonic uh three times I hey I think I think a guest man all right let me take an educated guess the wind damn it what was it yeah question which country is Naruto from um country of the Wind [Music] uh Japan the answer is land of fire the question from Fate In which Holy Grail War does the story of Fate Zero take place the fourth oh I was going to say Fifth Fifth is where feast day night takes place soon see I knew that thank God I did in the entire video on the Fate timeline guys all right f for fate f for fate f for fate yes got a B oh my God B is uh the Sasuke figure all right let's I'll take a Sasuke feed oh look at that look at that sexy boy another from Naruto what do you call a ninja who leaves their Village missing Lin that's [ __ ] all right come on come on please don't D okay all right question from Cowboy people who is the composer of the themes he actually like topped that first I'm gonna be a pro and be like yeah yeah yeah oh uh okay well that's very nice of you God thank you now watch me pulling a that's the last one that's the last one he gets uh we should probably test these next time as well because I gotta see no no no actually I'm gonna take that back uh it's clearly the light was on mine too bad so sad I got myself a Kakashi figure baby let's go Sword Art Online what is the name of the artificial intelligence [Music] Yuri let's go all the time I got a D again another soccer shoe which eye does Kakashi's sharing [Music] yeah one and two that's cheap now that's clearly cheating what the hell uh his right what wait what oh it's it's left it's because I looked at it this way and I'm like oh that's on the left Kakashi all right I'll happily take this it is let's go on to a knee then again from Narco what is Sakura's last name oh hooker's last name I don't know I was like it's got something to do with flowers luckily there's no uh Sakura figure here otherwise Jerry could just look over it doesn't have it on the towel either I think it might oh it does it right here it says it right here in English let's see what I got make a contract with oh [ __ ] ah I know this one I know this one grenade [ __ ] wasn't it is it a hand devil oh what was it again it's the ghost devil that's it she's my favorite character Ximena didn't deserve this sorry another one from what chainsaw man okay okay what is the name of the cat that lives with cow oh um um um it's very just pressing but he doesn't even know the answer it's not younger is it [Music] oh it's not nyanko I thought it was okay I was like that's a name that power would give [Music] nanka the answer is oh so the next couple of collections is now using the board so we've got to write our answers on the board just let trust yourself after dark subscribe by the way all right Masa hit it easy question from Naruto what creature does Tsunade have a contract with for her summoning Jutsu foreign [Music] [Laughter] all right what is umaru's favorite drink that she often consists oh Coke sure what the [ __ ] is that I tried throwing a coke bottle that's a bong that's straight up a bomb ing are you serious B baby give me that Sasuke delicious what is the name of the first lightning Release Technique that Sasuke used okay uh to Dory oh yeah the gotcha guns are on my side today what is the best go of the ending theme song of the anime oh I'm gonna go like five head here and put on a blank page [Music] which generation Hokage does Naruto become in the end sixth [Music] sixth can I change my answer I mean yeah you haven't pressed the buttons okay uh why am I helping you it is the seventh [Music] that's okay another question from Naruto who is the original creator of the Naruto models ah no no no I said misashi I would have got that wrong anyway you've got a D we left the question is from One Piece what is the name of the island where Nico Robin is from oh O'Hara reviews thank you thank you so much I became friends with you for this exact moment man are you okay okay okay okay next question is from Naruto what is the name of the technique that can revive and manipulate the dead um ah clearly it's the Reviving Jutsu Miss clearly it's zombino [Laughter] that wasn't the answer is I know the name going on too I need to give myself an a now what is the name of the special sword used to defeat demons I'm close so I might not know the Japanese I might not know the Japanese name but it is it the Demon Slayer [Laughter] I mean that makes the most sense oh Antarctica he's taking all the towels dude question from Death Note what is the cause of death if a cause of death is not written heart attack yeah anything but a towel I don't I don't need any more towels all right rubber coaster you know what I'll take it I'll take it all right we still have a ton of prizes left so to speed up the process and to make the steaks even higher for every question you get right from here on out you get two tickets God damn it I shouldn't I shouldn't have peaked early man this is where I go downhill a question from Naruto who is the third legendary Sunny besides giraya and orochima Tsunade you didn't even second guess that okay I have an e okay okay and I have an F preferably Joey let's go to a motorcycle 100 question who is the author one God damn it F and the second one from Madoka Magica it's magika sorry I only know the Japanese name it's magical Japanese as well what is the name of the most powerful Queen thank you the most powerful witch QB [Music] it's been so long since I've seen it the answer is like that's it I mean I I've heard of that but I couldn't pull that out of my ass to be honest starting off with a question from Full Metal Alchemist oh your favorite anime wait wait I can do this I can do I can do this through the power of memes and the internet I swear to God at what age did Ed become a state Alchemist 13. 14. what was it 12 Attack on Titan what is the profession of Aaron's father is it doctor No Doctor by day psychopath By Night a d okay okay we take those we take those second prize is a d okay okay can I get the triple D [Music] the triple Z no way no way belong to another Naruto who was ranked first in the worldwide popularity Poll for the 20th anniversary of the anime [Music] Sasuke is it Kakashi it's me NATO oh right he ain't even in the life this one's a bit hard like me another proof that we uh the same brain cell please give the names of all the known sons of Dio jorna it's not just Jordan uh oh jotaro technically no yeah gerono weather report I I remember this subplot I I don't know Giorno recoil versus what club does kagoya shinomiya belong to archery oh yes I mean he's covered in the ease right now so maybe be all A's a d okay d a d [ __ ] [Music] oh my God what is the name of the ability that nullifies any ability that does I touches directly oh oh I like this one [Applause] good start D okay okay this one's an a this one's an a please no please don't it's enough God damn it let's go on to a Naruto question who gave Kakashi his showing God Obito F okay good start C oh c my mind Kakashi I got the last Kakashi a question from fully cool what is the bike that the best one ah God damn it oh my God I knew that one time to pull the A's no oh okay okay e another D all right all right I'll take it okay okay okay okay no a no a [Applause] h no words are you coming home with me baby let's go dude now it's time I'm on a good ride right now boys what is saber's true name I mean if I have to say the true name it's uh King Arthur or artoria if you're a researcher so I'm going to say King Arthur right okay okay come on e another E another e okay this is from Tokyo Ghoul what is the full name of the woman who became the trigger for kaneki to become a gold oh oh oh uh I know the first name I know the first name as well yeah reason [Music] s No Game No Life what was the first game that Sora and Shiro played against chess poker next question is from centimeters per second what speed is the title five centimeters the speed that the cherry blossom Falls I do not you know that D hell yeah adding to my collection D my name is my collection what the hell what are Japanese people called under the roof elevens yes yes all right I got a D all right I got I'm not sorry I've called this wrong way I got another D okay and I've got an E from Steins Gate what is okabe Rin pero's favorite American carbonated drink ginger ale it's been so long since I watched science good Dr Pepper [Applause] got an F okay get you can get all the F's if you want another app yeah yeah you're gonna have the last step it's all yours it's all yours bro take the F and then e okay okay now that I have uh basically taken all the big prizes I'm willing to do a fun little game with you guys there's a couple of prizes left some E's uh a couple of D's and the duster one sure which is the price that you get when all of the tickets are gone so I'll tell you what just to spice things up we do one final question whoever gets it right gets the rest what that means all of this is for not Joey you never know you never know okay you never know okay also by the way uh the last launch or the Minato is worth 10 points why making life just ten points why not just make it 100 points you know sure yeah sure whatever the question from Naruto what is the name of the location Village oh no I arrested composure composure I missed it please reread the question what is the name of the location where Naruto and Sasuke have their final battle I know this one I actually know this one uh isn't that bad I didn't read this part of the market I got uh uh I should have waited I should have waited Hokage mountain is it value of the end yes I should have waited oh all right I survived could have been the winner right now I don't believe it how do you guys feel about cows Moving Castle what is the name of the fire demon that made oh I don't [ __ ] yeah thank you thank you thank you councilman I don't like Jim I haven't seen Mal's Moving Castle what the hell man what the hell look at this beautiful look at this beautiful Me Not So Gone look at it look at look at look how delicious it is I don't I don't want to the most popular character from Naruto according to the poles apparently and you know what I agree no I'm happy he's dead I'm happy he's dead because that's how I feel right now and with that ladies and gentlemen that is the end of the ultimate anime quiz I don't believe this I'm so tilted right now just Solo Carry for like 90 of the quiz and then just throw in the last question you should you should have watched Jubilee bro you should have watched you I can't believe it's a jubilee question they got me all right but Masa has the final scores what do you got guy got 79 points okay that's a lot of points and Joey you got 106. it wasn't even close baby really I'm calling it right now anime man channel absolutely rich as you can see ladies and gentlemen the winner of the ultimate anime quiz the anime Man versus the anime zone is the anime man thank you very much uh to Ichiban kuji for sponsoring this video by the way guys uh they're doing a special campaign where they're giving away a bunch of things some from us and some directly from ichibankuji so we have a couple of squishies actually that we'll be giving away to four of you guys watching this video These are signed by me and God specifically for this video there are only four of these that exist in the world and you can go enter the giveaway by going down to the link in the description below so make sure to check it out if you're interested plus Ichiban kuji is doing a giveaway of themselves involving all of this beautiful Naruto Ichiban kuji stuff that you can see right here all you have to do is follow them over on their Instagram account which again I will leave down in the description below check out the detail over there but gone unfortunately you've been demoted back down to the anime Zone you know what you can go back to making non-anime content just for today I'm still the anime man baby and this is solid evidence I don't believe this I'm I'm so salty I'm so salty right now but as always big thank you to my bro of course man thank you for coming out of course thank you guys for watching this video hopefully you guys enjoyed how did you guys do in the quiz by the way let us know down in the comments also if you'd like to check out the full version of this because we have to cut this down obviously because there was a lot of questions we really screwed up on then you can check out the full version over on my patreon the anime man link is in the description below it'll help support the channel as well but anyways guys thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,031,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, The, ULTIMATE, Anime, Quiz, Challenge, vs, Gigguk, The Anime Zone, Naruto, prize
Id: V41hx4mYJbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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