We Became Japan's WORST Kendo Masters | Trash Taste Special

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are you naked right now yeah yeah all right well no kids for him oh you were busy having sex I learned the way of the [Music] play ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of a trash taste special what are we doing today G we are going to be doing Kendo and beating the crap out of each other arguably few things more Japanese than Kendo and it's exactly why we need to learn it now Joey has an advantage obviously being Japanese in touch with his cultural Roots however is that a racist or no it's not it's not racist let's see how it goes take it away before we start these videos are supported by our lovely patrons and if you're over on patreon right now you get to see the behind the scenes footage for this shoot that we did so go over to patreon.com trashtaste if you want to see more Kendo a beautiful Japanese martial art descended from kenjutsu one of the oldest Japanese martial arts that practices swordsmanship when practicing in Kendo Swordsmen use bamboo swords and protective armor today we're learning from some of the best in Japan to see if we have what it takes to become Japanese swordsman spoiler we're not going to be oh wow damn look at this like I'm in K as we entered the dojo we were greeted by our senses as well as a cornicopia of Kendo armor swords and displays God they didn't describe the ver own kenin did they this is what I imagine like your school to look like Joey my school I didn't even go to school in Japan I know but this is what you could have had Joe you could we when they come to Japan for the first time is this what the schools look like but now it was time to meet the senses who would be teaching us today so we have a we we have two very legitimate K teachers here who are going to be teaching us the ropes and then hopefully by the end of today we're going to be one 100th close to being actually good at kand was one of you guys not enough to beat us up did you need to get two three four oh my God three of you not enough oh my God okay before we could begin any training we had to get suited up for battle unfortunately for us we can barely clothe ourselves under normal circumstances dances so hopefully we don't embarrass ourselves here okay first at please take off a shirt okay take off shirt okay it's not a trash day special without taking your shirt off I feel like I'm in a prison right now okay thank you for doing my pants up Dad his dad right Dad can you help me with my pants please Japanese s is all naked inside really all naked all naked are you naked right now that's why it has to be tight you don't want to expose the nuts in a sword fight you know and this one called do do made from the bamboo and paint L I think using the 40 years 40 years wow the more Joey puts on the more he looks like a video game character now which're is we're just making different armor now yeah this is my second skin okay at first borro ceremony and how to sitting how to Bor okay f for the left foot fo oh this for is really hard I'm not young enough for this is it bad that my knees already hookt just like my monk days you're not even 30 yet Joey you don't have anything to worry about is this part of the training yeah oh okay okay how to bowing make triangle make triangle grounding bowing okay I B ceremony shin and director Gods direct to Gods l and understand to teachers okay okay pleas knees spray my foot I feel like the Michelin Man trying to move in all this trying to bow it hurts and how to stand in Watch My Hood from here make L that's an L dog and twist and you left he lift up it's a basic P when step step front light to left Hood okay right left back same left right left right oh so right foot's always in front right foot first right Joey Cha Slide Cha Slide okay higher practice front front back back light oh God it's like rhythm game oh God again front back oh back God light light okay it's a basic Swit Sensei godamn at first hitting head it's called Man From Here lift up step front man under okay hitting and shouting man yeah this you you to be God okay oh God bro you kidding me hit the man go God please oh god oh no oh God this all the time man man say man louder CH well I just saw my oh oh God scary isn't God man man sh it it so now you hit the man okay and the C and the door but in the kendle matches uh in order to get in point you should hitting shouting go through okay so we uh literally have to shout shout attack names okay yes G yes it's like anime G okay yeah hey no get away from this understand yeah we understand yeah we get it do you ever get noise complaints from other buildings who wants to go first not me um Joey as the Japanese representative [ __ ] sake all right I got to get in the spirit yeah oh nice Joy's freaking dancing there did you did you see that you look way too into that I was like Yay he look like a kid on a school playground he was like man I'm scared about hitting his arm oh no no my a is bad not his arms are strong after that you I hitting you okay okay okay anything you hit now gets paid back 10 times Corner okay okay come on shout get in the SP you're good at shouting man cut s Sweet there you are I don't want to shout that's a I don't want to shout I feel what do you mean you're good at shouting I just met the guy I don't want to shout at him he's nice just pretend it's a mirror and it's the morning and uh come show him outst show them just just think that it's a bad GLE man come on you got it oh that wasn't that wasn't that that was that was all right that was right oh that was that was a nice stress relief there oh God me when my credit card gets declined in genin called you to guys in mid one more time Joey I dare you I double dare you next combination from here okay man okay oh okay oh [Laughter] yeah all right give it a try give it a try Jay here we go yeah it's all right it's all right it's all right okay yeah you got this Jerry you got this come on that's hard bro that's really hard to do you need Aimbot for this one bro I feel like we need more like armor I double the amount of armor you got to Hype it up it's like Dragon Ball all right C oh [ __ ] wrong side oh God right side C man all right C man that's the FPS player right there he's got that aim just watch me miss this right show good man all right come on you got it good man shoulders gone good man nice nice I did not aim correctly yeah well his shoulders his shoulders are gone visualize uh visualizing training uh did not pay off damn next combination C okay okay okay yeah why is this Aim so good I mean it's a Sensei obviously yeah [ __ ] all right well no kids for him I think I'm trying too hard to like get it in the exact spot Jerry's trying to end the bloodline here man all right yeah it looks hard to do that and then immediately yeah cuz you got to like really swing around man's not going to have children anymore Joey all right okay all right Conor all right he's got that aim bro he has con's got that gamer aim man he's actually hitting the marks can you turn aimb off please what can I say what can I say ah C there we go that first one was more like C rib cage but hey man kill was a kill right all right okay all right it's like a heartbreak shot the last all right counter counter counter teer hitting you man you should defense oh oh it's parrying br oh my God can you can you do that slow go oh oh all right slow slow is the key slow is the key Joey slow is not the key to killing y you're already dead Joey you're already dead flow is the key to saving this this guy's spoon that [Music] was go go my that was like a dou so fast [Music] okay louder louder damn it there you go like a true Elden ring player he [ __ ] up the first time yeah I I I need like 13 Health pots before we attempt this next time oh all right G G's got that natural gift empowering it seems oh that's hard I I I knew it was happening and I couldn't do it at a slow speed so there's no way I think we going be able to pull that off one of you guys that was telegraphed as much as we're going to get a telegraphed attack yeah that was the literally a tutorial like in defense and then you never use it for the rest of the game you're like I figured out a different way how to kill the boss I don't want I don't want to do this I'll just use ey frames it's fine yeah yeah i' like I I feel like it's a lot harder to roll around in this armor than it is than the Dark Souls players make it out to be like fat rolling all right well we've learned all the combos I guess there's only one thing left beat the [ __ ] out of each other God to ensure we don't hurt ourselves we had to equip some protective armor first no it doesn't feel oh it's tight away is it is it that bad I'm scared now oh my god let's put on this bad boy let's see let's see how bad it really is I I okay put like oh my y oh my god oh Christ you guys are right oh okay well death now so you know I feel like if you guys Hit me hard enough in the face uh my chin is going to shatter can you can you test it out okay is this going to feel weird how hard do you want me to go just just go what you how's that feel inside it just sounds like Joe's losing IQ as I uh as I speak come on try it on me try it on me right oh oh all right I'm tired of these boys always ganging up on me so this time I want to get them both back for their terrible opinion specifically G cuz he's not a real gamer he has no gamer reactions in his body so I'm going to crush him very easily well I I'm GL glad you heard it g I'm going to kick your ass okay what do you [Music] want as we prepare to take each other on in battle we thankfully have a point system each of us has a balloon attached to our heads and one on our wrist when two balloons are popped the round is over go oh you were busy having sex I learned the way of the play Go boys go stop what oh my God he got me already dude the stealth he was just stunning he was just standing there I thought we had to Bow second Point second Point go go go go go go okay stop stop W it's gone it's like watching children fighting come on boys go go go go go go go go [ __ ] yesu oh [ __ ] go go go go okay oh my God hey got with the w let's go bro that was that was easy well yeah I couldn't hit you you're too big I'm trying to hit the top of your head I'm like jumping up like a kid on the candy shell what do you mean his hit box is bigger bro it's high bro you'll see when you go against him bro he's 9 foot all right me versus gone me go go not yet come on Joy get him not yet go go go go go agressive agressive agressive niceo let go oh nice Dodge agressive agressive agressive Joey knows exactly what he's doing agressive moving moving that not yet not yet not the yet go go go go go wow that was very decisive Joey's really good at this he's moving and dodging much better than than I was Joey still does have the power of God and Anime on his side my turn now now Joey's tired I'm exhausted after that last fight but seeing how childish of Sword skills Connor has this should be a walk in the park for your boy I am knackered after doing two matches in a row um so my strategy going into this was just to Parry and uh luckily Connor just stood still every time he got parried first game was [ __ ] I didn't know we were going Joey actually moved and dodged and that was a level ahead and I wasn't EXP in that so uh good luck boys what the heck I thought I got you no Conor literally cannot last more than 0.1 seconds without getting hit go oh this is just Gan diff at this point I'll him I'll him I'll him Conor scared Conor scared aggressive agressive oh it's 1 No Way Conor brought it back I'm leveling up now boys I'm leveling up if he wins this will be the very first Trash taste draw in the history of trash taste specials me come on come on come on come on heavy J come on oh yeah no I thought I blocked it no Conor threw of course he had the chance to take it all and he threw I got the W for you I feel like this was just genetic diff uh spawn diff that was this is just spawn diff Joey was Spa time I would have got it for sure oh my God I G GG guys GG well done well done thank you oh God now that I've secured my w I want to get this thing off cuz I'm sweating my butt off oh wait actually there is one more thing you are the champion but we do need to Humble you and all of us yeah Joey you went up against the children that is me and Connor yeah but how about you go up against a real Kendo player yeah why don't we see how it looks the difference you are you telling me I have to go up against the University champion of Japan yeah you should I think that would be very fun oh my God [Music] go for it Joey I believe in you that was a millisecond wait wait wait wait I literally turned to the camera and I turned back and it was over I couldn't even react bro defense defense defense I know that the C is coming I know that the C is coming I just have to Parry oh he lived another day Joey got beat the [ __ ] up I just saw real life well boys uh I don't know if you saw that fight because I didn't well there's a reason why he's the champ I guess right I almost got a hit in to be fair you did almost you did almost almost so I I seeing that I was inspired I thought okay what if there was two meat Shields to block his hits and then you can go in and get the final block look look he can take on one but he can't take on all three of us yeah the power of friendship will prevail here Joey you've watched anime right well not recently but before we can do this with the power of friendship I can't believe about to ask you guys this but will you be my me meat shields for today of course okay 3v one let's do it I'll beat you this time if we can't win with this boys there's no [ __ ] chance we have even more of a handicap now because he has one Target and not two I'm I'm just straight up not useful by the way but I'm going to try be the meat Shield be the meat Shield all right going down [Applause] oh go oh my God get out of the way got help how do we get it wait who's out I am go boys go you're out oh [ __ ] J go Corner go Corner go corner you got it block him block him go block him he's with him he's with him hey he's playing with you bro oh my God I thought I was out oh my God he was [ __ ] playing with you what the [ __ ] oh my God even 3v one we can't see the ceiling that's what K is now I know how it feels to be in something like it man but but being on the other side of that scene where he takes on 10 people yeah I felt like a mob in a video game I was just in his way of leveling up well that was uh how Kendo experien and suffice to say I think we did the best we could but we couldn't go up against the Dark Souls boss I know how it feels now to be a side character not even the side character like level one side character first dungeon monster like the freebie like you know in every tournament Arc where the first one is f that sandbags for Goku that was that was Us times three I felt like Yamcha bro bro I wish I was Yamcha Yamcha would put up a fight he's a named character we wouldn't be a named character but uh big thank you to Samurai trip for letting us have this wonderful Kendo experience you guys can do so yourself as well by checking out the link in the description below can't be worse than me so you should try do it but yeah uh we will see you guys back at the studio when we're not sweaty and disgusting and that was it wow I guess uh cultural Advantage really is a thing what do I say what do I say here here's the thing we've filmed this special twice now because the first time we filmed it we were not happy with the final product there was not enough uh planning 3 years ago 2 years ago and and uh Joey won that one as well yeah we we didn't we didn't put that in the final video but Joey won the last one and he somehow unscripted won this one as well I I didn't think I was going to be good but then I realized you two are just [ __ ] oh no it's it's bloodline Advantage blood it's in the ancestors man come on God damn but yeah I think it was a really cool experience uh definitely one- of a Kind experience getting to go up against like a national champion a national champion as well who we got destroyed by exactly Jesus Christ also one of the sweatiest sports in existence oh my God it's you the amount of armor you're wearing is it doesn't matter how it was freezing when we were recording but it was it was so hot in that suit that by the end of it I was drenched oh we all like ass we were stinky we were stinky boys but if you're a patreon you get to see the behind thes scenes footage of what it was like behind the camera I guess yeah check it out by going to patreon.com sltr taste and by supporting us over on patreon you are also supporting us in making specials like these and some some bigger specials and everything we do over here on trash taste so if You' like to do that patreon.com trashtaste links in the description thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 590,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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