I Asked 100 British Anime Fans To make A Main Character Tier List

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Luffy and deu they're on the same level I would say Luffy and deu really is the one piece fans are not going to agree with you there man they're not going to agree with you there I tell you that today we are at Manchester Anime Con and we have a taist board and we're going to be doing main character talist so let's go you get to pick a character uh okay you got Naruto right off the bat where we putting Naruto uh uh I'm going to put him in at at okay yeah he's he's a decent character but I mean he's not as good as others in my opinion so he's not s then no not fair enough fair enough all right who you got there you got Thorin from villain Saga yeah she's saying a she's saying a I can respect that I I can respect that another okay um no it's just one it's just one for now hey guys we're doing it T list main characters you can pick out a random character let's see who you got you got there she got takamichi from Tokyo Revengers are you placing him oo okay it not a good character fair enough fair enough he he isn't the most well-liked character I'll say that I will say that another oh dear oh dear byy there we go it I can respect that not better than toin though than fair enough fair enough oh okay okay all right come that t that who have you got there so you got tangero right where's Tano going are you allowed to move on yeah yes yeah yeah thoring I like that good a man of culture a man of culture guys want to take anime list I mean sure you can choose to pick out a random one or you can choose to move one that you're not happy with I'll pick a random one right I can't say on this one watched it mean I hear he a decent quite a decent one okay all right you're not far off who you got there um you have Edward El okay yeah right where's Edward going to go he's B he's be he's all right but like really you want to put him higher than that no he's all right all right fair enough fair enough H I have one I want to move actually okay who we going for oh okay okay okay any reason for this just don't like it you're not fan of tangero then no you fan a Demon Slayer as a whole fair enough okay then that makes a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense who you got there okay KiKi where we go straight to straight to S yeah it's an s s class ghol so it fits very enough okay you got a gun from Hunter Hunter I've not seen hunter hunter really I think just goated H H is goated to be safe to be safe I'm going to go with B just to be safe it's right in the middle not going to offend anyone it might offend someone all right yeah we're going to go with B tier okay gun's B tier okay we can respect that you going to move one or you going to move one I am Edward to S just an amazing character my friend and me both love it so it had to go there foral Alchemist is top tier top tier it is top tier right thank you I don't even know why someone I don't understand anime main character tier list you want to take a part you can either move one or you could pick a random one out of the bag okay who have you got there Goku Goku okay okay you know what to do where we putting Goku 0 nice not any higher no all right you can have a goal as well this A lot's happened since you guys did it need CH A lot happened A lot's happened I can't give you guys another goal all right who we got there right guts right I wouldn't expect you to have to have watched or read that I'm going to put I'm not really a big fan of him though get him down there he do not what are you not a f of kaneki no ruin Tundra who Tundra you got mob from Mob psycle where's he going to go mob in s I'm not exactly I'm okay with that now moving one my man Goku where's Goku going that's what I want to see that's what I like to see Obito are you going to move one or are you going to I'm moving it I'm moving it hold hold this fan for him I move this one oh oh okay okay he going right there Ed ni and he is going all was just one just one just one just one just one just Naruto go Naro I'm going to move one okay got backing ass backy yeah ultimate GL yeah trust trust okay Conan I don't I don't know who this is so this is a completely random decision my a classic he's a classic he's a classic if he's a classic I'm going to give him a big one of the longest running anime of all time for that I'll give it an a for that just cuz it's R for so long I'm not taking the disres forgot yeah okay put some respect on my man's name you're swapping guts out for kaneki I'm happy to see guts in EST though I am very happy to see that someone's Mist oh my god oh okay okay any particular reason for that uh I don't like is it we pick a random one yeah uh move on I'll move on all right we're moving Ed up to us makes sense Ed has moved around the most so far I will say he's moved around the most yeah what way you classify them just in terms of writing and how good they are as a main character oh sorry so do I use the mic first he go down straight away I'm sorry really yes he's a selfish BR I need to explain to me why you've just put gone in Ft it a be strong but it's a selfish and childish he doesn't have much growth he just always stay playing he's a child though he childish cuz he's a child there's no growth for we got all children there that show better growth than him I might move this right yeah I'll get a new one why not why not go for that then hopefully I know this guy oh there we go that's actually pretty good one you got Lu you know what to do yeah yeah I think he's an honestly yeah otherwise otherwise the one piece fans are going to come for you oh they will they will they will come for you they will you what we doing here who you swapping out Edward again Edward's gone again all right you putting Naruto in s he's got nine tail beast that fair no one else no one else has one I got to move my boy Yus up I will say the St has found itself pretty pretty pretty decent I might hate myself for this um I've got to move him down okay and swap him with yusuke all right I've got to do it I can respect that he's going right down there and you put Naruto in he's going there he's ymy he's fit he's [Laughter] not okay who have we got there all right we got J um oh okay who oh okay I'm not a big fan of Luffy you're not a fan of Luffy no what hi he's he's he's what's there not to like just don't like him he's not he's very basic in my opinion okay you're going to get a lot of flack for that people are not going to like this people are not going to like this that's all right don't worry right there's a one piece fan right behind you Becky doesn't deserve to be that low all right do you want to move him oh definitely eight eight minimum whoever moved in there just I don't think they were a fan of uh muscles [Music] you want to move it I'll come back I really need a wait I will come back no worries no worries we got to do it what are we doing here all right tangero where's he going I was my there's no room left you can swap you can swap after have put in a I won't I won't move the work all right what are we doing here sorry but I just don't agree okay okay okay just overpowered too overpowered yeah you're GNA get Flack but I'll take that who put Luffy in B someone just did that like a few minutes ago s yes right Luffy's gone back up to S the balance has been restored to the [Music] force Goku a yeah you did the right thing you did the right thing there too many choices to put F I'm doing it okay okay all right joto in detail why is that mostly because of his design he's meant to be 15 he does not look 15 he looks older than most adults I know he does look he he does look in his mid-30s and I just don't like Jojo you don't like Jojo no the art sty is weird and everyone's just weird like really weird fair fair fair thank you no problem no problem you too okay oh oh the goat it go it go what we doing you can swap if you want you can swap yeah so that's the goat that's the goat sorry sorry Forin that is the goat right there all right all right fair enough as long as you didn't move him too far down he's thinking he's thinking okay the Joto's gone back up yeah good ah got the goat's Ash catch him he's definitely yes here only because I didn't like it as much it was to cool for me I do believe you made a decent Choice there yeah like i' I've grown up with a Pokemon and Digimon as like and honestly watching as through the whole of it and at the very end honestly I actually was just over finally finally did it finally did it like tooking so long and I'm old as [ __ ] now but you know Goku into EST you want to move Goku into EST yeah you can swap someone out if you want thorin's gone down Goku's gone back up I did not make this I did not make this come on I did not do this I've got to move I've got move where we putting keki then I've got to put him at least a to you I'm going I'm going to I'm going to piss people off I think back is mid I'm not mive I'm switching them around and kik's gone back up so gone back up so saw someone's mov he was there he was in es for a little bit yeah yeah yeah he's good I mean I don't want to I don't want to say he's you know Goku or Ash level but you know I don't know why lff is there I don't don't let them hear you say that do not let the one piece fans hear you say that Yugi Moto okay what we do with this I want to put him what really yeah I just don't really like the anime watched it and it's not it's mid kind of it has moments where it gets absurd I will say there are times where it gets absurd you think what the hell is actually going on okay Natsu fairy tale I'm G to go for Tandra it's a bit annoying sure I like demons say would get some my nerves I know exactly what you mean yeah I know exactly what you mean are we just talking like ranking of characters yeah so how good of a main character there oh how good of a main character they are yeah basically this guy you can do a swap if you want yeah yeah no this thing he's moving down like way further down good lord all right yeah no no that's better he's the only ft for now yeah all right I stays up there Nat Who's down there I like when you put gun yeah I'm happy with that I'm with that going to swap yeah I don't know who I don't know who it is you know what this is a surprisingly decent the Tail list if I'm being honest with you you can go for one swap get her off to um they're cheering in the background they're cheering over there all right okay rest in peace okay here sorry am awesome awesome I'd really think that J would be at the top somewhere okay so you can move him there if you want I'm really thinking here he takes these things very serious thank you think I'll switch out Ash for it okay where's Ash going oo okay I like but but I like thr AKA JoJo's Adventure o I didn't see the Wolverine claws fantastic yeah that's awesome man that's awesome what's going on here man what is going on here it's just not that good you look like you want to do something about this good for you I I like that I like that awesome costume awesome taste I like that o Lou oo okay okay you look a bit conflicted yeah okay Louch a TI H let's see do I disagree with any of these who put the Tokyo Revengers guy on D should be should be F but I'll leave it that I'll pick a new one all right go no one likes takamichi though okay Emma Emma ah from the promise Neverland it's it's a shame there's only one season of it though well one proper season they messed the rest of it up so we're only going to count the first one anyways though we're only going to count the first one we're only going to count the first one n well just put we'll put Emma and B I uh Goku go for it go for it right guns going back down gone Paul gone indeed and Goku Goku deserve respect respect respect right tangero going where you said yeah s okay okay okay yuk is gone oh my God oh my God what wait why I don't like him T gives out therapy while hunting demons so you g what is up with people Jesus Christ this is where he belongs you know what he's not moved for a while you know he he got put in D quite a long time ago and D or wherever it was he was that is just a mortal sh I'm going to move one okay um I'm going to move going up to a yes yes yes excellent excent he deserves V excellent right quick to it you are not even hesitating there never have watched it so why I've never watched it before all fair enough fair enough fair but that's very controversial I'll tell you that but I do like this I think this one's not right honestly I think he should be um more on a a tier Goku's eser though all the way no question awesome awesome guys want to take part yeah right well you know moral enemy and all so oh mate boogie down there what's going on what's going on you can Rectify this Luffy I say I I go I think I go back up go right back up yeah I'm going to move you respectable I like that I like I like that who who whoa what is a lot has happened this is not me guys it's not me what's going on here no no no here there's an injustice on the board that needs to get corrected wait wait wait wait characters wait wait wait wait wait characters wait wait wait this is not okay yeah I don't even I don't even care who I'm going yeah what you can go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you can go down there come on now let's not disrespect the goat now controversy yeah it's not place right here it's necessary how's nut t f let people put back in this guy Kani can Kan kan's a guy kan's a guy Kan is a guyy with Asma a guy K's a guy I'm not with this guy I'm not with him first of all get get just one me guy yo list get him out of here how dare you how dare you because this is just this is all brains I can give you that but come on this is all brains I'll give you the fact that that's all brains but get him out you gety I'm not happy about this what tell me through that tell me through that bad character Arc more development this is kind of basic in my opinion I can respect that yeah I can respect that on ash 100% 100% no I'm moving one from here this you is better than it is about to do something crazy he's about to do something crazy you go is is a good old character but we'll move it like that cuz Pokemon is all up there right I'll let you off this time but only one swap yeah ah see the issue is I don't know anyone I don't know who natu is this one there we go I don't know him I don't know deed guys mob's been demoted I'm going to swap that's what I think you're here for war aren you you're here for War I can tell Justice respect the classics I'm looking for high okay Yugi we got you what what do we think um I won say say Ave as I don't like him really how are we going Tango over someone help there Katy they're not happy man someone help them this is not okay okabe okabe's gone down I love the way that nobody's trying you know what let me go against I don't know man so this is how good of a main Carri they are good main car easy first of all off I have to put him in B I put him in a but that big free for a reason yes sorry kanaki but Naruto you brought the Justice back someone moves him again let me know let me know have you got the m s Obito and his team are contemplating it they're having a little having a little thought process over there hey yo Bro Team over bro fix this BR it's the worst season it's the worst season objective it's just it gets the entire season allow to do a swap or is it that you can Rectify it as a swap so if you're going to put J down there you're going to have to so go back what J where was then fair [Laughter] enough I'd say see it see see see it not even a swap this is this is this is swap got to be a direct swap I would let to swap him with Ichigo that definitely at least go personally I don't think K can be that you can do a swap if need re I'll pull a fresh one out though right go on oo light yam me light is he S2 though is he S2 the green fell there's a lot of Correspondence going on here do what you feel bro do what you feel [Music] there's no J on there yet is that the you put J in F there Ain no way all all all right is going down oh my it's a worthy sacrifice some just have to happen why Louch though of all people why sacrifice L I had to pick one I had to pick one right got to Joo Mano the Joo is the go what is going on here I'm must have found the two biggest JoJo fans I've ever seen because go one of them sacrificing a loose to fer and the other one has put go is it's put head of Goku so you know what you know what back your anime bro back your anime I can respect that I can respect that you got okay okay now we're getting serious thing I haven't se I'm not familiar with uh Attack on Titan never watched it bro I know BR you need to watch Attack on Titan someday put see not to piss someone off there we go you are going to piss someone off you are going to piss someone off you got boruto okay uh okay honestly for me it's going to be honestly they just kind of ruined it at the start honestly it's just unneeded fill it in my opinion I can't watch it I mean at least it isn't fairy tale though it's better than fairy tale I give that point now you got a good point there um oh one punch man you got Sait yeah I got to do one dirty right here sorry demon slay you're bad in my buts you know F of demon slay yep I'm not like demons you like demons you're not the first and you won't be the last no all right you want to give me the reasoning behind that just better was better who'd win the fight definitely okay okay awesome awesome I'm just going to take s i me down you you get up there right just one move that is yeah I'll leave that L more needs to change you Des s right Yuk's gone to S okay spikes beagle Cowboy b I even don't know who is it very good d m but I I won't I won't like I like Ellen that's why right who we taking out I'm going have to change it can't wait now the question is where you oh my God no I'll put that back there oh my God all right you there's a lot going on here guys this isn't me this is the con this is what the convention has chosen this isn't me all right so Hunter Hunter a bit overrated not going to lie controversial I'm not without I'm going to stay impartial I'm going to keep my M I'm going to stay impartial overated it is the it is the main characters and not the not the anime itself oh senu yeah I think he belong I'm going to be biased and I'm going to swap this that's a big swap that's a big swap I'm happy with that you're going to please a lot of people with that Naruto was at F at one point at one point was an Futo should be F Luffy I put him in s I'm going to get rid of Yugi for luy okay okay that a that is a very respectable move in my opinion okayo down there that's a bit harsh Tano he did a lot for his sister yeah he did a I think he needs to be moved up right you can swap him with someone else if you want okay do what you feel cause some controversy I'm down for it I'm here for the controversy I think we should swwa him with him what do you think what do you think guts is going down guys I can see tandro did a lot for his family and for his community what say t he's a true hero okay AA Tano has moved so many times whole yeah that whole list SED right just got to put the greatest anime that's ever existed in s okay it's so good it's so good all right so I can see what part of the big three that you yeah big the big three you're leaning towards yeah going to go with mob going save by mob right there yeah down there there we go I he Applause I hear Applause man I'm not I mean I'm not too stressed over this exactly that's how it should Beed how it should be that's what I'm saying this is the last one the last one a this is I do prefer him over he's going be no way where was saama by the way there f f f sa F okay Thorin you know what to do I like that I like that Kai CH to me chop to me he's got come off it I'm sorry where's he going oh he can drop into it he's a good anime I love it don't get me wrong in it but he's got to be up there man I'm sorry I'm sorry but that's got to be done I don't know what he's I don't know what he's doing I'm taking I'm taking I like it I'm taking him down there still I just think he's got a way better I have watched it yeah I've watched it yes I'd put him there I'd put yes I have watched him of course I've watched you he's better than him 100% what is what's his name again EML EML n n n that's a definite f f what what why second have you seen the second season I didn't do that far exactly you did after season one has been for 20 years let him be there I swap with k [Music] mainly because Bary knows what he Wass Ki he's just all over the place particularly in the anime I don't know any definitely some influential baby going you know two people on there so just choose one of them two people yesy oh my God I will be want to what ask way the he's still there he's still there he's still there man slap that on to there there you go a man of culture and baki's dropped to F insane insane insane why is see here that is insane this but I've never seen JoJo so I can't agree um that's fair take just one swap one swap by the way one swap oh one swap we need to move from here he needs to be gone he does not there any anywhere near a TI so much yelling far too much yelling oh I am going to absolutely make a lot of people angry here oh my T fans have been here this [ __ ] I mean I love yu-i Yugi is great and I don't like Goku at all I'm not going to make a drastic change but just one [Music] switch hro should definitely rep place the hood I'm sorry Ed that's fair that's fair that's fair don't let don't let me say that cuz I said that before Oh my God [Music] hey hey I mean I mean I don't agree with him but he's a fantastic character like really well written respect one I need to make a change just one that's it that's it no explanation needed a little bit harsh on eron though right a little bit harsh I [Music] think right I'm gonna I'm gonna change that decision because I think demon slay is mid so I'm gonna put I'm gonna put it in F because demon slay is mid a lot of love and a lot of hate for tangero here Luffy andu they they're on the same level I would say Luffy and deu really luy and are on the same level I would sayon ball demer the one piece fans are not going to agree with you there man they're not going to agree with you there I'll tell you that oh no someone's going to be mad it's all right man that's what it's all about I'm getting wor you know what just go upset everyone I really do not care he won majority of his games he won one he does not deserve any credit Yu-Gi-Oh's a better one meu smoking also he's a great cheater just say slide of hand we're about to see a war Crime Guys yes well the thing is we're about to see a war crime mob's underrated and M has a Str obsession with little girls so I'm going to put him down here I don't appreciate offers that draw little girls in a weird way I'm probably going to move [ __ ] that's it that's I'm going to put him here though cuz I respect like I never watch Bleach but yeah he's been down there for so long I'm I'm glad someone's finally moved him up I think this is a disgrace Ash ketchup needs to be up in this Ro here what you got to do bro no he's a bad trainer he's iconic Pikachu is horrible yeah but he's iconic he to Stronger kids these days Man kids these days I'm no no he's going in s as well he's going up here there we go I don't know who this guy is so not no disrespect the I have to do it if you if you read the Manga you understand that one from him is better than every single character here I'm sorry I have to do this sorry he just had to go back up to us you have to you have to he has definite plot armor so he's definitely where's he going what you doing what what's going on depends on your Generation all you know what you got to do you know what you got to do I'm moving light and eron around [Music] I had to move in what what oh my you only allowed one swap yeah why is down bro he shouldn't be he cries too much he's I can very much respect yeah do one switch right or or one demotion where you one promotion the violations no violation just P facts we need to call the police for this one my turn wait want swap yeah who made this bro hey the convention me why my M why foring is it what why why why are you there why are you there that's hey this is a crime that is a crime I agree you know what I agree with you random white man that is true man can I get rid of this one or F cuz anime failed put it go man e go away and c and like it going that there we go I'm switching lch with with Edward El I full m Alchemist Brotherhood but I feel like he does not carry it Al Fons carries exactly this is nothing on Goku but I have to put four off an ass suffer too much vuto vuto and S boruto's above his own father from what I can see it this is this is crazy this is crazy well Emma has to go up but here that's yeah not sleep straight down is that it trash trash trash yeah yeah I'll change Goku to S tier why you you moving down someone's got a go yeah Naruto no no that's boruto by the way oh that's boruto that's boruto oh that's D tier can I do like this yes you can you can there we go he's moving [Music] thoring okay where's he going respectable respectable you did what you got to do he backed his boy man he backed his boy guys here we go again here we go again not even a switch the straight hatred the hatred for [Music] yes um I don't like him why I need just not that cute the W do you want to go the wook is choosing guys I don't think he can speak so he's going to have to go off his body language right you can switch someone right right where do you want him does someone want to help him I'll help him help him that did is that it is that it gone for five minutes what happened to oh my God oh my God you're going to have to fight him if you can guys what are you thinking Spike cuz if you hate someone you can always demot whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who wait wait wa that was a mistake I don't know what can't moov me then Jesus Christ you got possessed for a second I'm going to promote Mador to S I'm going to start fights with this I'm going to put him at the end of s but I'm putting him on S by all means Luffy an ass I think Goods needs to be higher I mean he killed a child but that's reasonable chaos chaos I'm I'm moving this Edge Lord down the bottom F tier I love Tokyo ghou he is my least favorite character though I'm not against that I am not against that I'm going to move Aaron up to you can swap by the way you can do a I'm fine is that good enough yeah and they trying to hint towards moving him a little bit little bit higher yeah yeah yeah yeah bit higher I'm moving Goku right spikes I'm going to change Tundra from here move down to see I don't think he's been in s for like two hours he's been down there he's been in the trenches he's been in the trenches for a long time do a switch if you want oh my God oh my God y yeah Aron is back yeah Aon is back okay is this like main characters yes okay one move guys one move one move each one move each I don't know that guy all I thought is my hero merch but I can't stand so he goes in in in F tier see that though light as well light yamagami should be on the S tier he's a legend the way he went though was sad uh I think he deserved it n he did right though he did it right he did right though for trying to get rid of all the criminals fair enough fair enough I mean to be honest if I had his power i' do the same I'll probably have to go move Ken kaneki from F to S so how does theing work is that like s is s is the top yeah what you've done what you've done yeah I did what I did yeah you've done what you've done devastating moves out here man devastating friend got a you're allowed one change one change can we just get rid of her all together she don't even be allowed on the ball my God she shouldn't even be on there can we just throw her in the bin Emma hatred is insane can we just get rid of her I'm just going to bin her you belong on the board let's be honest wellu is at the bottom of f evenu does a better job Jesus Christ one minute let's move de up yeah the boy actually did some good he can go there and the girl has to go all the way down at bottom right that it's going there yes done yes fix there you go do you want to make a change yeah right okay and where's Naro going then right where's where's Luffy gone we've moved Luffy to his appropriate place the king of the Pirates where's Goku why is Goku not on there Goku is going through a lot right now oh okay he's going through a lot right now he oh what what why is he there he's going through who put him there war crimes have happened no you show me who put him there I need to have a word I don't see it we can go ask him we can go ask him what he thinks I feel like us Jing just need to be higher and white here do it thank you thank you she back to a girl man she back to her girl no that's where she belongs no I'm moving oh my God oh my God I've never seen this before sorry whoever that is but no hi so as at one point Kaki was in roundabout D was he in d d while we were waiting to ask for your verdict someone came and saved the day they've moved him back up to S would you make any change to the board [Music] here moveu down reasonable answer right right where's going to go is that the kid from Case Closed yes all right switch him withu there you go right Conan's going upu is going down but obviously kanaki is the ultimate thank you for your time I can't believe you let me do that with the kid are we is this just who's going to win no how how good they are as a character okay then yeah yeah I'll stick with it Tanger is definitely he needs to go higher I Reckoning T I'm sorry goodbye my friend I'm so sorry I think this guy's h underrated AA I think Aster is underrated okay who you going to I I would have him over him I have a over him and we'll drop him into C I'm on Tik Tok more than YouTube kind ofon so I'm doing a lot more on YouTube now subscribe to the YouTube do you want to make a change n he's not actually good to went down to F for a bit you came back what have you Tango is now at the top guys let you know spike is in s TI where he deserves to be I very much respect that I can respect that a lot you can make one change one change ah I really want to move backy to a whoever did this is a criminal there's been a lot of criminal activity here I I will tell you that yeah this is a crime this is a crime that is a crime bike what this Spike do to you crime I'm moving mob to S I'm sorry I'm moving mob to S I don't know who to move down he's to me will always be esta to me he's probably the greatest anime of all time as far as I'm concerned so Spiegel Spike Spiegel where would you put him B for Spike Spiegel who would you move up in his place D is full so right GS is an a sh swap Goodson Spike just one move so who am I taking up right damn right thank you for your input awesome costume inosi I think mob psycho should go down to a TI in my opinion awesome I'll switch that with Full Metal Alchemist right Edward all right oh is it like just just a the character yeah oh character tier list oh okay so that's just mob okay okay so one first of all yeah Tango needs to move up to at least B and then you're only allowed one move though one move yeah one switch one switch I got to swap out tangero for the second one in B right Conan's going down tangero yeah yeah yeah yeah been promoted all right do you want to make a move right let us know hold the mic what I do what are you thinking so we're putting gone from C to a and I'm moving the fourth one right mob yeah and swap him for gun swap him for gone you are the last person can I troll you can troll as much as you want you're the last person so if you troll yes n let me see let's move you know what yeah that's not that's not even that bad that's not even that bad if we're being honest this is what Manchester's Anime Con has come up with so we got Spike I agree with Spike I agree with Lou Goku thin I'm happy with that guts is too low my opinion Luffy too low way too high very harsh on Emma Emma's been getting a lot of hate Natsu is too high Dr Stone's too high I'm sorry yusuke is too low it's a bit of a mess towards the bottom it's better towards the top the bottom is a mess the bottom is an absolute mess but this is what they've come up with right like And subscribe let me know what you guys think comment below
Channel: PeaceHammerTitan
Views: 2,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, naruto, one piece, naruto shipudden, attack on titan, hxh, animecon, tierlist, bleach, code geass, demon slayer, pokemon, manchester, anime and gaming con, anime tier list
Id: K7jad6U9ujw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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