The Try Guys Try Boxing

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this is what you've been waiting for the try guys are finally going to punch each other in the face the try guys are trying boxing kick kick punch look how much I'm sweating crudest standing because the material doesn't breathe you've seen Logan Paul you've seen Jake Paul you've seen their opponents it's a thing that youtubers do now we're not gonna do it like that we're gonna do it like us which means we're gonna fight each other [Music] today the try guys are boxing each other if I've learned anything over the past year is that boxing on YouTube is the number one way to stay relevant hashtag Cornfeld verse hammers burger oh no one's gonna be able to spell that we are at box and burn in Santa Monica California we are gonna be trained and taught by Tony who is an Olympic boxer and at the end of the video you will see us pair off and spar boom boom boom Keith and Zach are going to hug probably now you may be wondering Keith where are your glasses but don't you know this is a contact sport and Ned and I are gonna punch the [ __ ] out of each other it's the bout that people have been afraid of yeah Ned's ready to go he thinks he's dressed like rocky but he looks more like he's an eight-mile the try guys have historically not done many fight videos we've only fought each other in the UFC video and in the ancient Olympics video you watch the ancient Olympics video that is not having fun he rubbed [ __ ] on his face he was that into it mmm Eugene you know we both kind of get pretty intense about things and I think there's something about taking a punch that just you just everything goes out the window and all you can think about is just like hurting the other person we're gonna have a lot of fun today my name's Tony Jefferies were here in box and burn Santa Monica and I'm a boxing coach and a hundred and six fights in my career being pushed in the fist thousands of times so I guess that makes his expert right you have a very nice space it's hard to believe you've been punched in the face a lot well I just turned 35 and I look 45 yeah yeah that's true I did Taekwondo when I was young and I do a lot of boxing classes so I really enjoy it as an exercise but I've never done it as a sport so I am thrilled today to learn the actual rules and techniques you have a beautiful accent by the way oh thank you it was very well in America in the UK it doesn't do so well all right let's get your hands right so open your hands wide not a fighter I am a little bit terrified today I don't like getting hit I honestly think that me hitting someone incorrectly will damage me Oh y-yeah that I've always been interested in boxing I mean it's kind of like a classic American sport this feels really comfortable honestly is is that nice and soft boxing is very cool it's gotten to be like a cool workout thing it seems like something I would be into I do think net and I are going to do a little bit better today but that's just because we have experience in the ring you know for beginners like us what is the training going to look like today to prep us for the match so we're gonna go over the basics we've got Kerry Christie one of the best female box and trainers in USEA here to help as well so we're gonna go over the footwork the basic punches and the basic defense as well first thing you want to work on his footwork move them forwards and backwards when you step forward you step with your forceful first like this when you step back you step with your back for first like this you ready let's try it step forward step back I'm exhausted boxing is is by far the best exercise you do because you're not just working out your arms you were open up your core your legs everything you working out your full body first punch be on the through is your straight left hand we call that the job or the number one the way through that comes from your fear comes all the way out all over your back slight turn of the hip yeah let's try a job good job it's great for your for your brain because you've got to think about a lot of things at once there's no he's not getting punched in the face boxing is amazing job good you make a little sound and being a little sound like a genie you punch faster yes yes just my air coming out of my mouth how can you punch people in the dick or what yeah if you want to get disqualified that's the thing you do well you do wear a dick protector if you want to call it and you're lucky well one of them a dear so if you are feeling a little bit behind on points you know exactly what to do hit them straight in the balls next punch this is number two it's your straight right hands we throw comes from the fist comes all the way out all the way back turning your hip yeah that's fine too good - what are the basic roles of the boxing manager you call hip behind the ears behind the back of the back area there and below the belt can't hit with this port that's a slap of the elbows needs you can't kick you can't take them down yeah there's these are basic rules of boxing so it's really all about the punches yeah all about the punches in the defense right now what you're gonna do we're gonna put them two punches together the left right the one 200 that's what it's from yeah your one change I want to history lesson so Hans opus week will be a left then a right switch will be one - there's a stereotype of a character in boxing movies where it's the boxers wife a girlfriend she's always really upset that he's going into another match the fight don't do it Tony is that true yes it really is true and next point we're gonna work on is the hook the hook is the most awkward punch of them also who feels awkward don't worry about it you're gonna do it after the one - so you want to pull out one - as the tools come back to your face your left hand is going to come out round on a 90 degree angle with your thumb up top one to hold the way I'm getting power in a bit is by turning the hips so one two hook let's try it keep trying good I feel good are there any big misconceptions about boxing or boxers people think boxes are big and not very nice people but you know boxes are some of the kindest people you meet what I was on time while was nice the people were very polite the majority of boxes are where people might think you're a fool cause you're a boxer where you're not really I'd be a great boxer good now what we're going to do we're going to work on the first defensive move which is going to be a rule the Auto ll I put a spell across my ox and the row so we're gonna do the one two asset which come up we're gonna go down round a row if you think of the letter U you're gonna pen in your mouth when you draw on the letting you go down round no ice-fishing forward yeah that's it again this is fun yeah there's our art of boxing as a science to boxing the sweet science has hit them and not be hit yourself so you cut her work on offense and defense and you ever hit them with like a one too bad no yet maybe you can teach me out there as quick as you're torn out is it as quick as you're coming back in the minute you throw it there they're gonna throw back at you excellent yes everyone thinks about landing and that's it but like things landing get back out again so you're gonna snap those shots nice yes I'm coming for you Eugene you might be good at everything and you're probably good at boxing too but you know what I'm good at get nasty that's why they call me nasty Ned boom I feel good yeah this exciting coach you tired it's exhausted dance I have been in one fight in my life I asked for my football back and a man punched me in the face and by man I mean child and i--i was also a child Hey yeah dude you're gonna demolish sack I'm afraid I'll kill it you're gonna ride it big it definitely made me think I don't want to fight keys I won't find hit buddy so he's taller than you yeah he's like I'm falling here so what he's gonna do he's gonna move back right somebody's hardship you gonna have your feet in clothes I like watching your ass pickles what's it look at his ass jiggle you see is ass so if you try a point from then I'm here you're gonna miss fighting yes here we go breathe breathe breathe breathe is really no more goofs Go Go nice now a sneaky tip yeah do that again and as I step in I know I have to step in now to read you catch me on the way in without to step back y'all just let them walk I'm gonna for some points up yo you see what see what you're doing okay right want to that's it no with this that was good you keep your eyes Pierce and fall all the time the worst position you can be in a boxing is it so if you're taking a shot right so you're just gonna guess get small breathe out as you take the mic and then breathe out as you throw them one two punch it one two good then you're nice and relaxed breathing breathe when would you throw an uppercut atactic I like is I would throw like a one two and then come on therefore like horrible you don't be like this you want to be like tucked in I'm quick with a chin hook then you know again yes that's it we're boxers I did a lot of dances not a lot of hitting you tired I'm tired man now I'm tired till you're exhausted I'm gonna be tired all over you bro I'm gonna tell you what from over here you guys look tough I'm intimidated I'm tired surprised do you think we looked up because I've made a lot of mistakes already my water bottles over there and I want let's link up with you the guys and able to go do some backward backward back work yes Rock Paper Scissors shoot Oh Rock Paper Scissors shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot heavy box beating the boxing gym forever there's so many benefits to them and for you boys we just want to get used to punching you should keep practice on the light bag yeah just because of yeah yeah yeah you might like your practice a you fight that one I'll fight that way boys who is nice to me not good [Music] beep breathing school this is so tiring practicing the hug about hugs there's always a moment where they like are like kind of punching but then also hugging each other and the rep is like break it uh no hugging on my watch Hogan inside its school for a few reasons like if you were fighting your big meal over here you know it would be good for you to try and Hogan they get inside then you can work the punches for as well if you're very very tired to rest as well once people will hit it twice with one hunts twice into the hunt you want to start school got rhythm one two three one two three one two three the rhythm like my way is how do you not get your head against it yeah it's too round like likes themself at work and just remember breathe and stay tight dead your name is Edward and you pick going by Ned who wouldn't do that if you spoiled your bath like you were doing down that way you don't get tired in a minute breathing receive relax I've watched videos of the ultimate war you know prepare for this moment and Eugene I see you flying that plane and I want you to take the rudder and take that plane into a nosedive he's probably gonna come at you with a lot of shots kind of head down like a ball [Music] so he'll come in and he'll be swinging you just kind of take them and just throw break it like yeah it's smile body language is huge so I want this both walking around before the fight like this shoes black hand pie yeah sure but you're completely sure Keith is taller than me which means he's gonna have a mighty your fall and enough that punk gets pitched of a crowd you'll gameplan so you're just gonna shoot at him just do this I'm strong I'm big he's going down he's not even married okay he's not even engaged he lives with Maggie but what's that even means [ __ ] yeah when you both get points for the first time this will be a shocker oh wait we're not touching each other my face all right wait talk about that you guys playing uh punch it in the face we didn't talk about that Yeah right I wasn't prepared to her face hat yeah we're gonna stick to the torso Eugene you can punch me in the face if you can okay well there you go Oh so we can punch no buts make me proud have fun out there Rock Paper Scissors shoot one day will not tie three rounds of three minutes with a one-minute break in between to be honest I just don't kill Zach every time we do these fights we all go into it being like we're gonna be fine everyone's gonna be really careful and then somebody lands a punch you know I'm not strong I'm the weakest I'm the smallest but I've got technique I've got the brains and I've got corn buddy nation behind my back we're not gonna let you down lights are the rules your head hits right shoulders down to the west these shots were a little bit high so you can punch here it would not be long with butter all right we ready all right three two one work time come on Keith come on Mountain take triva man wild never each I've got my game plan I've got my strategy he's got the reach he's got the weight but I've got the spirit if you got it come on I don't know how I'm not gonna punch that in the face I think his face is right it's right where my arms want to extend nice nice cape got it you got it come on Kate oh nice [Music] good feel really good really really really Landon's nice body shots of you when you're inside cool more punches we need a lot little flurry become awfully tired you want to keep this enter the ring and let him tire himself out in the outside you can win this fight I'm coming at you come work time do it for Rebecca keeper goes that come on Keith you got this nice footwork [Music] follow the punches up that's it for the points just for you inside now yes they're hugging okay what's up it was so suspenseful and now they're disregarding rounds like watching fruit and rocket record by its Phoenicians you guys to talk follow that up follow it up then all right key tie feel oh I following that to up with the one yeah it's one one one only needed win this round we might need to just enjoy your five six if it's a mutual punch boys right good time let's go Zack yeah keep it away with that jab keep keep mouthing don't let it keep you got the extension guitar oh look don't add them in keep your range keep the jab out don't jump push off foot see I suck yeah there we go there we go he put you five seconds keep cool groovy boogies I you got chins up who's that yeah it really is a whole body workout my I'm bout short of breath my abs are tired my arms are tired faster the entire time but I just was like don't let it show any time that I saw that Keith was exhausted I'm like alright now I got to attack even though I want to vomit I got to just go for it at some point I realized that his punches didn't hurt so like well I guess we just let him punch you then oh wait we're scoring on punches I'm glad we didn't punch each other in the face because nobody wants to get hurt in the face today but I do think I was a little disadvantage that I couldn't punch him in the face because I think my punches are a little stronger than Zac's you watch boxing and any sword fighting on TV and you're like wow just barbarians going at each other but this is as mental and intelligent as a sport can get and the winner two rounds to one in the green corner I gotta give the Zac he was great he came he never ran out of energy it felt like I was so out of energy so quick it's exhilarating to have a win but I know that I think if we did this 10 times Keith and I would split them for sure [Music] so I've just discovered that I'm super attracted to boxing outfits with the gloves and these shorts just feel really sexy it's like a new kink of mine I think who's ready to fight Eugene doesn't know what's coming I'm like a sleeping beast and you know what you better not wake daddy cuz daddy's gonna protect what it is enough will be point you from the pack on their heads alright are on the back of here or below the waist very close don't get off balance your footwork Ned and I have been holding off fighting each other in videos because we're afraid we're gonna go too hard [Music] feeling good can I get a verbal okay okay it's clear that he's done this before me I have no bad habits great I got the best coach in the world lovely coach breathe do a little bit this is when you come on him you laugh it sparks him he comes at you when you're jogging or when you're feeling the job that's why he's panicking right yeah keep jogging keeping feeling when you have the tool out you're as close to him as you can get with can take nipson that jab will keep you a little bit of weight he's open for your right hand over the top right we've got a job the job is set the right and up next for the right-hander try mix a little bit up and down but watch when you've really got to be open fool okay breathe do great boy work time row - yeah oh I was cool for the scooped him with his face okay what looks good any time take your time Oh Charlie Charlie keep your hands like Oh stay relaxed be present in exchange 30 seconds exactly all right here we go good man [ __ ] yep stay guard it's a guarded stay guarded keep your balance keep your balance you got no defense cool cool cool keep punching doing good deep breathing deep breath every time you're foolin punches your lighter do real good job when you chop into his hands come in there that's when you just keep them away when he's tired I know it it's time to put pressure on what you want don't do what you need to win this round to win the fight okay you need your own in a fight and you can win to even win if to his right to move to his left or left class well let's do boys breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe oh these look weasel for the right keep that I look nice nice oh okay nice no that's like experts at little tit for tat there that's what we call that punchy punch yeah catch your breath face and face get tight nettle punch out leave it's gone once you want they go score two points nothing I'm not going out school two points once you want plants and budgets nice come on me yes hey boy hey boy last 20 seconds let's do it last 20 seconds he's playing ten seconds go catch him on the way catch him on the way in stay low stay low hitpoints get points Sam stay tight stay tight I wasn't an expert well done boy I think the two really tough guys like not no policy and the technique obviously wasn't great but they were getting punched with hard punches honestly I was waiting for one years to give up I was honestly surprised like he's lasted around yeah like everyone that it's their first flight out punches themselves in there in the first round let alone takes punches gives punches keeps going for three minutes three times I think Ned was more strategic than we had thought I thought he was gonna come out really heart of the gate Eugene was more patient than I expected enemy I guess see we both had so much strategy of think of the other person go balls to the wall and I think actually we were pretty evenly like matched in terms of how we were regarding one another so much so that when we started doing those like scuffles I think we both mentally agreed we're just gonna drop all technique and just keep hitting each other it's like once we got a little tired I think all the evasion went out the window so off to three three-minute rounds of boxing we declare this fight a draw you know I think that youtubers make too big of a fuss over it but it certainly a pretty exciting thing to watch and it's pretty exciting to do it's almost like therapeutic it's nice to get all that aggression out I never grew up thinking I was gonna be one of those people but trying it out today made me think you know if I trained I can do this at least for the exercise because we did that for ten minutes and that's like a whole hour workout right there I'm dead if you're watching you're like oh it's so scary I could never give it a shot give it a try because I am as fragile as a human can get but I came in here today and I showed that this can be fun for anybody you know who the real winners are [Music] he's gonna be so embarrassed he's gonna go home and cry cry into his little pillow full of dildos that's a true story listen to the tripod to hear more
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,327,742
Rating: 4.953052 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, boxing, professional, professional fight, fighter, how to, professional fighter, professional fighting, box, workout, health, health and fitness, top rank boxing, boxing training, boxing match, boxing history, boxer, 1 round of boxing, best boxing fights, crazy boxing, winner, loser, competition, challenge
Id: BCCfVstfyOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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