Try Guys & Friends Try Tennis

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(upbeat music) - Oh! Oh my god. - Yeah! Yeah! (ball bounces) You guys see where it went? (laughing) One more try! (funky, upbeat music) - Hey, we're just interrupting the video to remind you that you should go watch "Behind The Try." It's our new movie, it's super great. Go to Okay, back to the video. - [Keith] Pretty good, pretty good. - Tennis, the sport where you do this. I guess basketball is that way too. - Today, the Try Guys are being joined by some of their friends to learn the spirited, spirited game of tennis. - Hey guys, what's up? It's LaurDIY, and today we are playing tennis. I am the third or fourth Try Guy, Asians versus Keith today. Let's go! - Hey guys. My name is Michelle Khare and today I am also one of the third or fourth Try Guys playing tennis here at the Mulholland Tennis Club. - After we are trained by our pro tennis coach Valeriia, today we are going to divide into pairs to see who can win in a doubles game. - If I make any mistakes today, it's not my fault but you can take me to court. That's pretty- That's as good as we're going to get. Lets go. - Hi, I'm Valeriia, and I'm a tennis player straight from mother Russia. - Oh. - Wow! - A professional! - So, I started my journey when I was six and it's been 19 years for me. We'll do some basic spars, then we'll do some drills and we'll do some footwork and then you'll play a match. - [Lauren] How good can we get in one lesson? - I'm gonna take you to a Wimbledon level. - Oh, wow! - Lets go, baby! Lets go! - That means we get to keep our outfits? - Yep. Okay so in full transparency, I did recently take up tennis. So I have a lot of cute (beep). Like this is a- this is a tennis dress. She cute! I have my own racket, but I don't actually know the rules of tennis Like, at all. - I'm pretty okay at ping pong. And this is just like massive ping pong. I'm okay at ping pong. Is that gonna help me out today? - You know what? I don't think so. (laughing) - What is that green machine? - Well, that's a ball machine. You're gonna use it for some drills today. - Can you make it go fast and shoot lots of balls? - You can make it go so fast. (upbeat, energetic music) (cheering) - She was in the air. Oh my (beep) God. Oh my (beep) God! She nearly killed Alex All right, that was pretty impressive. So now we're all gonna take our shot against the machine. You can assess our swings and decide how good we already are. - All right, well, who's gonna go first? - I think I'm ready for this. I played a lot of ping pong and it looks like big ping pong to me. I'm tall. Does that give me any advantage? - Yes, actually. So with your height, you should be really good at serving and hitting overheads. - I'm a little scared, but also very excited. What if I'm just great at it? - You are very tall. - Oh no. (laughing) - [Eugene] You got it Keith, you got it - [Michelle] Go Keith! - Yeah! (cheering) - [Lauren] Wow, that's a lot of balls. (laughing) - [Eugene] You got it Keith. - [Lauren] Go Keith go! - I don't know what the teams are going to be yet but I'm hoping that it's either me and Eugene or me and Michelle, because she learns new things and gets way, way better at them. - [Lauren] What? That is rude! - I'm just saying, I'm just saying! - [Eugene] Let's go right into it. - Ah! Oh my God. (energetic music) - [Eugene] There we go. - I did play badminton in high school and I feel like there are some transferable skills but I still don't know the rules though. So I don't know where that lands me. - Nice! - Looks like you are not that much better than me. - [Eugene] Nice backhand! I have to yell every time, right? - [Lauren] Yeah, yell every time! - Just like martial arts. - [Lauren] Eugene's (beep) good at everything, it so annoying. - Well, I really haven't hit a ball in forever. - Sometimes he makes a mistake or two. - [Michelle] Not today! - [Keith] I said, sometimes - I've done a lot of sports in my youth that involve running, high impact, hitting things really hard, so hopefully I do well. One thing I really love about tennis is a lot of them yell when they're really impassioned. (tennis player grunts) Developing a strong tennis shriek is on the top of my list today. Huh! Huh! - [Keith] Whoa, Oh Jesus. Okay, okay, right, okay. (Eugene grunts) Yes, that was beautiful. - [Lauren] Holy shit. - That was exhausting. - [Keith] You look exhausted. - That was exhausting. - So I don't have the best past with tennis. The last time that I played tennis, I was nine years old. My mom sent me to tennis camp. My instructor said, "Why don't you go play with the kindergartners?" Because you're at the same level as them. Then I cried. And then I called my mom and I went home. - [Keith] Yeah, good, good, good, good. Hey, you called it. It wasn't in. - [Eugene] You got it. (Michelle shrieks) - [Keith] Don't return them if they're not in. There you go. Okay. Okay. Sorry! Okay, okay, yes Michelle, yes! - I think people think of me as like an athletically able person. But the truth is, after that tennis camp experience I promptly avoided every sport involving balls. I'm not good with ball, sports. - [Lauren] That was contact! That counts. (laughing) - [Eugene] You got, you got hit. - [Lauren] Oh my god. - [Keith] Sorry, sorry! That was a, wow Michelle that was amazing! - [Valeriia] Yes! - [Keith] What an effort - I think we killed the suburban mom! I am facing a childhood fear today and I'm going to conquer it. And even if I fail at least I'll look kind of cute in the skirt. - [Valeriia] All right guys, So we're gonna start with foreheads. So you're gonna take your racket back, you're gonna point at the ball with your left hand. Just like that back, forward, shoulder. Nice, back, forward, shoulder. - I don't hit it over but I hit it! - Nice, if you wanna play just for fun, you can play a few times a week. You can play once a week. If you're trying to become a professional, you should train twice a day, maybe for a couple hours. - Wow, for a couple hours. That's your whole life. - My whole life. - [Lauren] Your whole life? - [Valeriia] All day, 19 years. Nice, nice. - [Keith] Oh my Jesus Christ. Home run. Home run, Michelle. Yeah! It's consistent. - So on the backhand side, you're gonna hold your racket with two hands. - My hand's huge, so I got to grab some of the racket. - [Lauren] The racket looks so small in your hand! - I cannot grab a little racket. - [Valeriia] He's holding that. Racket back, forward, shoulder. So when you hit the ball, you're gonna extend your arm, shoulder, perfect. - [Lauren] Oh that's a good one! - [Eugene] Good one, Keith. - Forehand is the one you hit on your right side, backhand is the one you hit on the left side. Everybody's so quiet - I know! Where's the hype guy? Shit - Well, when you're really good it's not fun. When you're really good you can't laugh. Yeah, (beep) yeah, Michelle, yeah. - [Lauren] Hit it out of the park! (laughing) (grunting) - [Keith] Wow, that was beautiful. Footwork is really important in tennis. It's everything that's connected here. It's not just you hitting the ball, it all comes from your feet. So you have to constantly move your feet. You have to be fast on the course. When you see the ball, you have to react fast. - [Keith] Is it faster to run like this? (laughs) - [Valeriia] Yes! Sidesteps quick, quick, quick, awesome. - [Eugene] Look at that ass jiggle. - It's a lot lower than I thought - [Valeriia] Go, go, go, go. Nice. Good job. - (beep) champion right here. - [Valeriia] Nice - Go Lauren - Awesome, here we go. Come on. Come on, come on, come on. Wow, so good. - [Keith] That was pretty good. - [Valeriia] So there's game score, set score, and match score. You start with game score. So it goes Love, 15, 30, 40 - [Eugene] You start at love. - [Lauren] Love is zero. - [Valeriia] Love is zero. - [Eugene] Oh. - Love means nothing - [Eugene] Oh. - [Keith] Sad. - Love does mean nothing. - That's so sad! - [Valeriia] I know, it's sad. (grunting) (cheering) - [Keith] He's really approaching it with like a, like a street fighter. (laughs) - [Lauren] Street fighter, one hundred percent - [Keith] Michelle, yes. - [Lauren] Fancy foot work. - [Valeriia] So to win a set, you have to win six games with a difference of two games. - [Keith] And then how many sets are in a match? - [Valeriia] So you have to win two sets out of three. When it's six, six, you play a tie breaker. - [Keith] Some of these niche sports have a lot of interesting math choices. Hell yeah, nice (beep) get rid of them. - [Lauren] (laughing) What? - [Keith] Lose them forever, (beep) yeah - [Lauren] We don't need them! - Yes, girl, yes, girl. (laughing) - [Valeriia] So we're gonna do volley, volley forehand. You're gonna hit the ball in the air at your shoulder height. You were high five, high five, high five. Good job. Let's do backhand side, perfect. Again. Perfect. Come up. Come up - I can't see. I can't see. - [Valeriia] Nice. Come up. Volley, high-five, high-five. - [Eugene] That was the perfect height. Yeah. (cheering) (grunting) - [Keith] Slam it down, yeah! - [Lauren] A volley, a volley! - [Keith] Just a little high five, just a little high five. - [Lauren] Smack it! - [Keith] (beep) them up! - [Valeriia] That was good. - Oh (beep). Ah. (laughing) - [Valeriia] Try again, try again! - Okay. (laughing) (slow-motion yelling) (laughing) - [Michelle] Are you all right? - [Keith] Lauren, you okay? Lauren, are you okay? Lauren, are you okay? (laughing) - [Valeriia] All right, so we're gonna learn serves. It's a little bit advanced, but I believe in you guys. You're gonna put your left foot in front of the line. So you're gonna put your rackets behind, like that. Throw the ball right in front of you. Just to get a catch. Keep your left arms straight. (ball bouncing) - You guys see where it went? One more try, one more try. - [Valeriia] So when you serve, if the ball touches the net and then bounces on your side, you get to serve again. If you didn't make it over, then you lose the point. - [Keith] But what if it's not a serve? What if- - [Valeriia] Okay, if it's not a serve, same thing. If it touches the net and bounce on the other side, you win the point, but you just have to be like sorry. - Oh. - So it's still legal though. - Yeah. - Legal but rude. - But you just have to apologize. - I can't wait to say sorry. - Just apologize! - I love that, that's fun. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I got a point. - Okay, so now that you have trained us and we are professionals, we are gonna go into a doubles match. - Yes, I feel like I trained you well. I think I'm gonna pair up Michelle and Eugene. - Yay! - I think the level of fitness and power go swell together. You guys, great form and tactics. - I may have said at the top of this video that I didn't want Lauren but after this day I definitely want Lauren. Strike what I said earlier in the video. I've changed my mind. If nothing else my character growth and being more accepting of Lauren. (laughing) - Yeah. - Rackets in. - What are we saying? - I love you, let's do this. On three, one, two, three. I love you, lets do this! (cheering) (energetic music) - So you can choose if you wanna serve- - We're gonna serve first. - Jesus Christ. - Which side? - We're gonna take this side. - All right, so we're gonna be in the sun. - Yeah. - Serving in the sun. Just like I do on a Saturday at the bars. (cheering) - There are no bars anymore but you get it! Our team name going forward is Laurberger and the Racketeers. - Our team name is Angry Asian Action Sexy Squad. Otherwise known as AAASS, AAASS They're gonna see us in court and we're about to lay down the prosecution. (drum solo music) So how many chances do you get for a serve? Two? - You get two tries. - Oh God. Ready Michelle? - Oh my God. - [Eugene] I'm ready to try an overhand serve - [Lauren] Ah! Oh my Jesus Christ. - [Valeriia] Second serve. - Little softer. (beep), damn it. - [Keith] So now what? Do we get a point? - All right, so now you guys switch sides. You have the points now. So it's love, 15 - So, I'm gonna do underhand now. - [Valeriia] Yeah - just because I had messed that up. I tried. (beep) - [Valeriia] Try again. That's out. - [Eugene] I'm sorry, Michelle. - [Valeriia] So it's love, 30 - [Keith] Boy, we are crushing this Lauren. Lauren we're crushing this. Woo! I hope we never have to serve. That's it, that's you. Hell yeah. - [Eugene] (beep) You got it. Yes. - [Valeriia] Yes. When you play doubles you have to communicate with each other. So when you see a ball, come in you have to let your teammate know who's taking the ball. - [Eugene] I got it. - [Keith] Hate the backhand. - [Eugene] We're tied. - [Michelle] We're tied. You play two more points. So if you win, it's an advantage. - [Keith] Good job, girl! Did you see that? Did you see that? That was what I call a racketeer! (beep) yes. (upbeat music) - [Valeriia] Nice! - [Michelle] We're going to Wimbledon! - [Valeriia] First game. Let's switch sides. (gentle music) - [Keith] There it is. Aw, dang. It's okay, another serve for you. - [Valeriia] Yeah, you got it. Get ready! (cheering) - [Eugene] Oh! - [Keith] I did it! - [Valeriia] Nice! - [Keith] Hard to see that ball - [Eugene] Nice. Let it go, let it go. - [Valeriia] And it's a game. - [Keith] Thank god. - [Valeriia] Two zero. - All right, so we're down by two games, and unfortunately, for some reason we have to stay on this side again, even though we can't see anything. - Can I go now? - [Keith] Yep, yeah. You got this. Game on. Thank God. We just need her to whiff every single serve. - [Eugene] Nice. - That's out. That's out. Thank goodness. - Guys, remember, communicate with each other. - [Eugene] Yes. Yes. - [Keith] There's a lot of emotion in tennis. Why does everybody get so mad? (beep) dicks. - [Valeriia] It's not just about how athletic you are. It's mainly in the head when you lose you get frustrated, but you have to work on it. You have to be mentally tough. - All right, so we're one down. If Laurberger gets this one, they win this game, okay. Nice. - [Lauren] Yes! - [Eugene] I got it. Oh! They won! (beep) man, they did it. - Earlier they yelled at us for yelling. - [Eugene] Keep the serving. - [Keith] That was bad, but you know, everyone had a bad first serve, so. (beep) - [Eugene] Nice. You got it. Oh, nice, that was good though. That was good. - [Keith] A lot easier to play when you can see. - [Lauren] Oh! - [Keith] Take it. (laughing) - [Lauren] Oh, are you kidding me? - [Eugene] I couldn't see at the end, sorry. (energetic music) Yeah. Nice. - [Keith] That really dropped. - [Eugene] Nice. - [Keith] You didn't see that coming, did you? - [Valeriia] It's a game! - [Eugene] It's a game. - [Valeriia] Two-two. - Laurberger and the Racketeers, it looks like it was a draw and Michelle, you started out of the gate not playing this game at all. And you were just crushing balls like crazy. - [Lauren] I think you get most improved award, for sure. - [Eugene] Yeah, MVP! I think Lauren was MVP, she got the skill. - [Keith] I think Lauren actually played the best. I think Eugene had the most power. - [Eugene] Val, thank you so much for coaching us today. It must not have been easy to teach four amateurs- - Children! - The basics, three-year-olds but were we three-year-olds and four-year-olds? - [Valeriia] Four! (cheering) - Okay, I'll take that. - Thanks for watching, follow LaurDIY, follow MKUltra. Subscribe to both of them on YouTube, subscribe to us, if somehow you haven't, if you've made it this far, I'm impressed. (laughs) I'm impressed. (energetic, funky music) - [Eugene] Nice. - I was trying to do what you said to do. I was really focusing on that.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,793,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, tennis highlights, best tennis videos, tennis videos, best tennis shots, best tennis matches, how to play tennis, learn to play tennis, tennis teacher, tennis outfit, tennis serve, new skill, competition, winner, loser, best, worst, champion, russian tennis, tennis, russia, tennis player, professional, expert
Id: ugTrjZQdLj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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