The Try Guys Try Archery

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This was so damn hilarious. They were all at their best in this video (I loved the little skits). And the trainer was pretty charming too.

Ned shooting the Apple and Zach shooting with his eyes closed were the craziest parts for me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soggyhairfollicle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was one of the best episodes they’ve put out in a while, and one of my faves, felt very classic Buzzfeed Try Guys and I loved it. I hope they have more videos of them actually trying things, like the 4 vs 1 series

Edit: not hating on their other videos, I love quite a few of their newer series, but I started following them during their Buzzfeed run and so it was nice to see that style again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LOTR4eva1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a Eugene stan, I know he'll do well, but I ended up rooting for Zach. Hahaha, and he didn't disappoint with that shot while having his closed eyes. Ned not excelling at first is hilarious, and how he told us to subscribe because his family will get hungry lol also, the last bit of the video where Ned just admitted that he didn't really target the apple hahaha it's really a fun episode!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iliveformyships πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

For a moment I thought, it said β€œAnarchy”, and that would have been a very different video...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DirtyPie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Go Zach!!! ☺️

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chaikristin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fanfiction intensified when Keith kneeled in front of Ned during the parting shot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gingerjewess πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Eugene, give it your best! Are you ready? - Does this happen a lot in your archery classes? - Today the Try Guys are trying archery. - We have four different challenges set up to test various skills. - Bows and arrows and, (dramatic music) - Welcome to the archery video. (energetic pop music) - By now, you may have heard that The Try Guys have made a movie, it's called Behind the Try: A Try Guys Documentary. - You can be one of the first people to see the movie by getting tickets to our live world premiere. - There's gonna be a red carpet, special guests, lots of surprises, a great show, a great performance. - Go to to get your tickets now. - December 18th, 5:00 PM Pacific. - Back to the archery. - [All] Boing! - I'm Virginia Hankins, and I'm a archery coach with USA archery. And today I get to teach all of you how to do the sport of archery, the Olympic style, which is called recurve archery. - Can you do that thing Where you just like (twanging) - We're doing more tournament style today. But if you decide you like this, then the sky's the limit. There's even archery competitions where you actually rappel off a cliff and shoot something up a cliff. - That's crazy! - I want that. - I don't want to do that. - There are all the things in archery. - We'll do that next, if this video gets 10 million views - It's amazing. - we'll rappel off a cliff and shoot arrows. - That's a promise. (dramatic music) - I'm quivering with expectation. - [All] Wow! - That's a straight shooter, right there. - Never heard that one before. The first thing we need to figure out is what eye dominance each of you is. I would like two hands up in front of camera. There we go. Nice, Keith. (laughs) Right. Keith, you're right. Zach, can you try it one more time? - Maybe I'm both. - You're left. - Whoa, cool! (cheering) - I'm a righty, but I'm a lefty shooter? - Yeah, so that's called cross-eyed dominant. - So it's not right handed versus left handed, it's right eye versus left eye? - Exactly! - [Zach] What makes a skilled archer? - [Virginia] Honestly, with archery, it's less about how much brute strength do you have or how much coordination do you have, it's more about can you actually follow process and stay focused. Archery is all physics. When we are about ready to shoot, we want to be able to be in a fighter stance or about motorcycle width apart. - Motorcycle. - In my case, because I'm right eye dominant, I have my left hand on the bows grip. My thumb is gonna be, if this is a clock face, up to the one o'clock segment. - [Zach] Talk to me about hurting my forearm. - When people are actually hurting the inside of their arm is a lot of time, it's hyperextension. If someone's like really determined to hold it right there then they turn their elbow in, and that's actually why that happens. If I try to turn it, you see what happens to my arm? - [Keith] Oh, yeah, it's all sticking out. - It turns in. - Yeah, so a little bit of a slant on that grip and you'll be out of the way. You can also add a little bit of bend here. Go ahead and load your first arrow. Put your fingers on the bowstring, three fingers under that arrow. Sit up nice and straight, no leaning back. Bring your hands up towards the target. Line it up with gold. And then literally aim lower. It's called sighting off. (cheering) - Even lower than you thought. I can't believe that, you'd think you always aim a little high 'cause it's gonna go down, gravity. - An arrow launches up in a parabola. So if you're short in the parabola distance, you're going to incline. - That's (bleeps) nuts! - So when we're up here, we're really gonna need to aim low so that way you don't overshoot. Pull your string hand towards your face, - [Eugene] Oh, this is harder than I thought. - Look down the arrow. When you're to here the next point, that again, most people don't teach you, is a lot of people think you just do that. You don't want to do that. Because all of a sudden, if I'm making two points in a line, I'm suddenly going left. So you stay on your face, and it's almost like you're wiping your cheek, maybe if you ate like soup, pasta, chocolate. - You got a little schmutz right there. - And that's all you need. You relax your fingers, as you just move your elbow back in alignment. Good! Yeah! - All right. - We're off to a great start guys. All right, let's do it again. Low down the arrow. - [Ned] What's your favorite fantasy adventure movie? - I love Robin Hood Men In Tights. My master coach actually was one of the stunt coordinators on that. So I found that out like years after. And I was like, what? - Well, I think you gonna be in for a little bit of a surprise. (dramatic music) - You're also serving some real Merida vibes right now and I'm digging it. - Well, I don't know what you mean. - [All] Wow! (cheering) - Presenting our first archer, Lord Eugene of the seven isles. Men fear him, and ladies fear him. - Eugene, give it your best. Are you ready? - Does this happen a lot in your archery classes? - You'd be surprised. - May the Lord's be ever in your favor. - Now I'm nervous. I have probably shot a bow and arrow once. However, I've often been cast to be holding a bow and arrow. You always give the like overtly sexy one the bow and arrow and a fantasy movie. You know, when you watch Lord of the rings, you all, everyone wanted to (bleeps) the elves? Whenever we do fantasy dream casts we're always like Eugene's the elf. Bow and arrow was probably the second most (bleeps) weapon. - What's number one? - A whip! - Oh. - Duh! - Keith, can I get some Swan Lake music? (opera imitation music) - Wasn't actually Swan like because I didn't want to pay for that. (laughing) - Right? - Next stop, Lord Kornfeld. - No, we're doing me next 'cause of the cameras. - More sorry. Sorry. I was looking at Zach and I was saying the wrong thing. Next up, Lord Fulmer. - Thank you. - Father of Wesley, husband of El. - Soon to be father of to be determined baby name. - TBD baby. (laughs) - TBD baby! I don't have much experience with archery but I have done a lot of horseback archery. - What? - In the Legend of Zelda. - Oh, dude. Yeah. That's our goal. - Human's main archery knowledge from video games and movies. I just wanna be in a fairy tale today. - Arch! Arch! Oi! I've been hit! Retreat, retreat, retreat! - No, careful now. - No wait. Psych. (laughing) - Now entering the field, Lord KornFeld. (playful music) No corn piece required. - Or so the legend goes. - It's 'cause he can't fit in that core piece. - I know he can't fit in that core piece. - It's more of a whale piece if you know what I mean. - Guys. I'm very excited. 'Cause I feel like this is a sport that I can actually excel at. Call it the Hungry Games because today I'm going to be a regular Katniss Evergreen. - Everdeen. - The hungry? I love that. - Corrects the DVD knockoff. - Who's hungry? - The name is Catnip Evergreen. And this is the Hunger Games. Don't you forget it, bitch. (laughing) - [All] Yeah! - May the odds be forever in your flavor. - Present Lord Habersberger from the Habsburg clan. Not incestuously created. Though historically, perhaps. - But perhaps. Perhaps if you look long enough in the genealogy you'll find serious inbreeding from the Habsburg dynasty. But you know what, still royalty. I'm so excited. I've done archery a few times in my life. And every time I've enjoyed the hell out of it. Today is not a competition. We're all working together. But the commenters are going to pick a favorite, and I'm gunning for that. It's not about being strong. It's not about being the toughest guy out there. It's about really finding your peace and just breathing through the shot. It's kind of like yoga. So maybe even Zach is going to crush this today. - Maybe even Zach. Maybe even Zach. - Sharon, I don't want to do this. You left me no choice. You raised our daughter to be evil. This is all you deserve, Sharon. This hurts me more than it hurts you. (sad music) Oh, God. Who have I become? - Jonathan, where's Sharon? Jonathan, where is Sharon? Sharon! - No! You can't see her. - Sharon! - The part of my evil daughter was played by Eugene. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. - And I want to obviously thank everybody for constantly donating and supporting the theater especially in these rough times. - It's really tuned the local theater back. - Warm up looked incredible. Are you ready to actually test your archery prowess? - [All] We are. - I love it. So we're here for challenge. - What's that voice? - Number one of the three. - Sorry, what was that voice? - Of that? - I mean, what was the voice? - We are. - You sound like Legolands or like? - Well, I think we were trying to think if there was an archery pun there, and there wasn't. So we just went with "we are". (upbeat music) So we're here for challenge. Number one of three. You mastered your basic skills over on the short range. Now, we've actually added some distance. What we have down range is going to be the same kind of target you were using before, but only certain parts, AKA balloons, are actually going to be what you're aiming for. - [All] Yeah. - We have a gold balloon, which is obviously going to be the best option. But we have a couple extras. You each have three arrows to try to take out three of those balloons. Any questions? - We are ready! - Okay. Hands are sweaty, arms spaghetti. - What is farther away? (laughs) (playful music) (suspenseful music) (inhales) (cheering) - Wow, nice job. - Thank you. - The bar is now set. (cheering) - Yeah! - All right! - (indistinct) for? - Nope! (laughing) - Excellent work! - Fear that counts. (upbeat music) (buzzing) - [All] Oh. - Oh, my God. Come on. - It bumped it. You see it like bumped it to the side. - All things considered. I can't believe that happened. - I'd say it's harder to get in between those two. - That's the new goal. The new thing is to not hit the balloons but still get it close to the balloon. - Thread that neo man. - Wow. (laughing) I'm going to try to go for the left top one. (upbeat rock music) You know, sometimes you think you're a top and then you're just a bottom. It depends on the day. - Oh, so close! (buzzing) (buzzing) (bleeps) - [All] Yes! - Yeah! - I will bring the ring to Modo, though I do not know the way. - You have my sword. - And my ax. - And my bow. - Like I've been waiting for. - Oh! (clapping) - Close. Good try, Eugene. - Good try. - [All] Yes! (victorious music) (buzzing) - [All] Ah! - So close! - And with that, Eugene is the winner. But of course, it's not a competition. Wink, wink, wink. (laughing) Well, I feel bad that I didn't take down any of the blue balloons though. You know. - Do now. (laughing) - Well, I'm not doing any more of that. - [All] Yeah! - Still counts. - Can you hit me with a history lesson? How far back does archery go? - Archery is one of the first weapons and honestly, some like random person meet for museums like, "That's not right." (laughing) Archery also has evolved for thousands of years. Although we still have the same techniques. We're going to be doing what's called Parthian shot. It's from history. And it's really where partying shot comes from. - Is that where you bend over backwards like? - Sadly, no. What we're going to be replicating is if you were a Calvary officer and you were in warfare and say, you just engage in battle and then all of a sudden you had a queue and then everyone ran away and it looked like you were retreating. What you really were doing was setting them up to chase you. So you had a perfect target behind you. So we set our feet in this one, over your mark. You're gonna load your bow. - Whoa, that bow is intense. - And this is a different type of bow. - Yeah. - Yes, this is a compound bow. If you're ready, I'll show you kind of what this looks like. - [All] Yeah. (tense music) Yeah! - No biggie! (playful music) - [All] Whoa! - So good! So close! - Little high. - Will it help him if I was on all fours being a horse under his legs? (laughing) - That would help me actually. - That would, might get your comments up. - Thank you. Horse sounds. - Yeah, go. - [All] Yeah! - See, you need a horse. You need a... - Whoa, the horse is talking. - Good boy. - So your next challenge is going to be something that I don't think anyone here has ever tried before. Traditionally, archery wasn't just an Olympic sport. It was actually a way that people could actually get food to feed their families. Today, we've got a simulation course set up for you that moves. You're going to be going after different plates of different fictional animal characters, such as pheasant or rabbits to see if game was actually moving, if you could track it and shoot it to feed your family. - My family is gonna starve. Hit subscribe. (laughing) I, now for my family, will hunt. And I have nominated Eugene as my challenger to also hunt. - Ha ha! - Ha ha! - Yes, I have come from the East. - And I the West - And now Zach and I shall be hunting for dinner. - I Ned Adad, representing the North. - And I'm presenting juice. Let's do this. - Oh, the wind. Oh, no. It's so different. - [All] Oh, close. - Dang. - Whoop. Whips! - Okay. - [All] Whoa! - You (bleeps) that up, bro. - It's gone. - Got to do it for Wesley. - Papa, I'm so hungry. - No, no. Don't say that. Don't say it. I'm trying. - Papa, I haven't eaten. - Daddy's got to go to work. - All right. Now, let me try. Daddy's gotta go to work. Oh, that would've been cool. - All right. Rabbits are bouncing. (upbeat orchestral music) - Oh, yeah. (grumbling) (upbeat orchestral music) - Oh! Hell yeah! I feel good! - Oh, that was terrible. - Looks like we're eating rabbits stew. - Close. Very close. - Look like we're not eating rabbit stew. - Oh, very close. Close. - Feel I need to have like more of like a, like a squat stand. - [All] Yeah. - There we go, Zach. - Nice. - [All] Yeah! Woo! - Yeah! - Nice, you got it? - Whoa! Yeah! - Nice! - Nice! Eugene, you're like whipping them off. - Oh, you got squirrel. Woo! You're on a roll now! Woo! - Oh! - Got that squirrel in the pud! - Yeah! Look, I could close my eyes and still get it. - Are you kidding me? Did that actually happen? - Good job. You did that. (laughing) That actually (bleeps) happened, guys. That's the coolest I'll ever feel. I retire. - Wow. - Thank you. - Good hunting. - Yeah. - We're eating tonight. - Meats back on the menu, boys. - All right. So all day long, you've been learning how to shoot, you've been working with your gear. You have mastered the art of tights. (laughs) But I have a final challenge for you. And that is to see who really will be able to shoot the fruits of their labor. - Goodness. - Today, we've got a cornucopia set up. You've got grapes. You have squash, you have sugar pumpkins. Here's the catch though. Those big pumpkins, they disqualify you. - So we're aiming for all the small things. - All of the small things. - True care, truth brings. (imitating guitar riffs) Oh, look, she left us roses by the stairs. - Surprises let me know she cares. - Yeah. - Yeah. I want to make a little fruit salad today. Couple apples, some grapes, you know, something nice and refreshing for this hot hot day. - [All] Wow! - I hit an Apple. - [All] Whoa! - Where'd it go? What did I hit? - [All] Oh! - Oh, shit. - What's your going for first, Zach? - I'm going right for the center. I want those juicy red apples. - [All] Oh! - Yes, I can. - And so he's, he's disqualified? - Yeah. - Everyone loves a good fruit salad. - Ooh. - Oh. - I hit a grape. - [All] Oh! β™ͺ You can do it, Eugene β™ͺ β™ͺ Eugene, yeah. You can do it, Eugene β™ͺ - You got it! (humming) (tense music) - [All] Oh! - One more time. β™ͺ You can do it, Eugene β™ͺ - Everybody now! β™ͺ You can do it, Eugene β™ͺ β™ͺ Woo! β™ͺ (tense music) - I missed it! (tense music) - [All] Oh! - So close! - So close. β™ͺ You can do it, Eugene β™ͺ - [All] Oh! - Oh, my God. That's a perfect bullseye. Are you kidding me? - He was too good. - Oh, man. - Good run, guys. β™ͺ You tried your best, Eugene β™ͺ β™ͺ You tried your best, Eugene β™ͺ I think we should do another round. Just so we can explode some fruits. - We gotta! - That is right! - Fruit montage! - [All] Oh. Oh! - Virginia, thank you so much. This was such a blast. - I had so much fun doing this. I am surprised at how relaxing it is. - [All] Oh! - Did I do it? Did I get it? - Yeah. You got it. Did you? Or did just next to? - No, it went through it. And I heard it. - I heard the squish. - Oh, that dude's broken! - [All] Yeah! - It's a very sexy weapon. Might be the number one sexy weapon now for me. - [All] Oh! - We got some grape! - We got some grapes! - [All] We got some grapes! - It's very addicting, it's super fun. - [All] Oh! - You got some grapes! - We're gonna get it, guys. - Yeah. Getting a bad shot makes you want to do it again. Getting a good shot makes you want to do it even more. I see there's an apple on one of the big pumpkins. That's the real like shooting an apple off someone's head. - It does actually look like that! - If you get disqualified, that's... - If you hit the big pumpkin... - Now, on my final shot. I shall attempt to hit the apple off of Zachary Kornfeld's head. - Oh, boy. (exhales) (tense music) (tense music) - [All] Yeah! (cheering) - Whoa! - Well, that was amazing! - Do this with friends, do it on a date. This is just a fun activity. - Wow. That's amazing. - Wow. - Good job, Ned. - Look at that! - That's incredible! β™ͺ You did it, Ned β™ͺ β™ͺ You did it, Ned β™ͺ β™ͺ You did it, Ned β™ͺ β™ͺ You did it, Ned β™ͺ - Now you can bite them off. - Well, you know, that's we gave it a try! - Are you changing the slogan? - Yeah. That's how we gave it a try. - So we gave it a try. - So that's how we gave it a try? - So that's how we gave it, well said. - So let's say that together. Thanks for watching. Hit subscribe. Until next time, that's how we gave it a try. - Oh, my God. (laughing) (energetic pop music) - Mango? - Ned, you're a hero. - Yeah. - Were you aiming for that one? - What were you aiming for just (indistinct) - I'm so proud of Ned that I'm gonna also do great. - What were you aiming at? - I don't know. (laughing)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,233,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, The Try guys try archery, archery, archery competition, bow and arrow, hunger games, jennifer lawrence, link, zelda, zelda game, larping, fishing, 3d archery, competitive archery, winner, loser, best, worst, try new things, something new, hobby, hobbies, new hobby
Id: BXNQRcuW83o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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