Can 4 Guys Beat A Professional Golf Champion?

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- [Alison] All right, no pressure. - Golf. Or as the French say, golf. - Oh my God, watch out! Watch out. (cheering) How hard can it be? You hit a ball around with a stick. Anybody can do it. - I can sense the (beep) talk already happening. I like it. Oh wow. - Can four average dingdongs beat one professional at their game? - Welcome to another episode of Four versus One. - Fore! - Oh my God. - Keith, what the (beep). - [Zack] You could have killed us. - [Ned] Can four regular guys beat a master in their own craft? - [Keith] All it takes is for one of us to win. - [Zack] Oh wow. - [Eugene] This is Try Guys, Four versus One. - By now, you may have heard that the Try Guys made a movie and it is called Behind the Try, a Try Guys documentary. - You can be the very first person to see it by getting tickets now to our live world premier. - [Keith] There's going to be a red carpet, special guests, tons of surprises, and even live performances. - You betcha. For more information, go to try - See you on December 18th. It's golf day, baby, and not the miniature kind. It's the megature kind. It's six AM, we're at the beautiful lakes here in Los Feliz, California. - I know that in golf, there's something called a birdie. I'm excited to meet it. Little cute little guy flutter into my heart. - Look, it's Four versus One. And if we win, I'm sure it will not be the fair way. - Today, we're going up against a professional golfer. Our professional's name is Alison Lee. I'm assuming this is a Korean American woman who's gonna (beep) kick our ass. Korean, has to be Korean, Lee. - Hi, my name is Alison Lee and I am a professional golfer on the LPGA tour. - [Commentator] That is really good for Alison Lee. - [Commentator] Alison Lee for birdie. Oh, what about that? That is some sort of birdie. - Fun story, my very first tournament I played in when I was six was actually at this golf course. - So you won this course as a six year old. - Yeah. - Wow. (laughing) - They have no chance. (chuckles) - The four of us are going to work together to try and take you down today. How do you think we're going to do? - You guys do have a little bit of an advantage. It's a scramble format. You guys are each you're going to tee off. Then you guys pick the best shot and then you all play from there and you do that so on and so on until you make it into the hole. Yeah, you want to be able to get the ball to the hole in the least amount of shots. Need the lowest score to win, not like other sports with the most points. (laughing) Make sure you know that before you play today. - Weird. - Does everybody go off the same or would you say there's different strokes for different folks? (laughing) - [Alison] There's definitely different strokes for different folks. (guys laughing) - I love golf. I played golf with my grandfather all growing up. Haven't played it in years. Never golfed with the other Try Guys. I think one time I mentioned it and I was slightly ostracized for liking golf so that's cool. Super cool. - Bend your knees a little bit, feet shoulder width apart and basically the club right in the middle of your feet. - Do you pop your butt out? - [Alison] Yes, pop your butt out real good. - Now this may come as a surprise to some of our viewers, but this is a sport that I think I might be the worst at. I remember that from Happy Gilmore, it's all in the hips. - Yes. It's all in the hips. Great, that's a good line. - I went to a driving range, I think like twice. It's a lot about the mechanics, and I don't have those. - I'm not really moving my arms too much. It's just literally my body moving my club for me. I use my lower body to come down and then push off the ground for power at impact. Good. That was great! - Wow that's, did you hear that? I'm really good at miniature golf. I play a lot of miniature golf with Lou Berger. If we can get to the putting green, I can get us home. - Oh yeah, that looks good too. - My father loves golf. He took me to the golf course every day as a kid, but I didn't want to do it. This is the one video my dad might actually watch and show his friends, so I do feel pressure that I should be good at this. This is the video where it's Eugene's turn to be Daddy's favorite. - [Ned] Wow, that's right. (cheering) - Yeah. (fanfare music) - [Try Guys] Putt putt putt putt, putt putt putt putt. (Alison laughs) - Wow. You guys look very uh-- - Historically accurate, thank you, yes yes. - Like the people you see on the PGA tour, yes. - Yes, PGA tour about 50 years ago. - What are the stakes at the end of this video? If we win you make up a song about how great we are. - [Alison] Okay, I'll download this on Spotify. - And if you win, we'll make up a song about how great you are, yeah. - Really? That's so cute. I can't wait for you guys to make me a song. - Now don't be intimidated, but the game's about to begin. (dramatic music) - [Alison] All right, no pressure. - [Keith] Little practice swing. Knees bent, booty out. - Now there's a chance that he totally chips it right into my face. I'm gonna back up. I'm a little nervous. (Alison laughs) - I haven't golfed since I was eight years old, but it's probably in there, right? The muscle memory. It's like riding a bike. - Don't leave us with blue balls. (laughs) Deliver. - See, he's gonna go way right. - Fore! - Oh my God. - Keith, what the (beep). - [Zack] Holy (beep). Are you kidding me? - Did you do that on purpose? - [Keith] Not at all. My hands are very sweaty, I'm very nervous. - I'm not standing over here. - [Zack] (laughs) You could have killed us. - [Ned] I don't care what this shot looks like. - [Eugene] Wait, that was a joke, right? - [Keith] No, I did not mean to let go of it at all. - [Ned] What the hell bro? - [Zack] Are you (beep) kidding me? - It was an accident! It was obviously an accident. - [Ned] No no, we saw. - [Keith] My bad. - At this point, there's nowhere I feel safe standing. - Fore! - So now, now you need to tap into the mental aspect of golf, right? Because the first one, you let go of the club on accident, and now you're probably nervous to make contact with the ball. - Yeah. - I mean, a lot of people only see the physical side of sports, but it is a huge mental game. You know, if you stand up to a tee or a putt and you're nervous or a little shaky and you don't believe in yourself, and if you don't believe that that putt or that shot, it's going to go into the hole, then you're already doomed. So you need to forget that even happened. - [Keith] Didn't happen. - And believe in yourself, right? - Yes. See the ball going into the hole, all right. - You know, I would say mental aspect of golf is like probably 70/30. - 70% mental?! - Do you know who says sports are more mental than physical? - Who? - Professional sports players? (everyone laughs) - [Ned] All right! - [Keith] I'll take it, I'll take it. - [Alison] All right! I'll take, I'll take it. - [Alison] That's close, that's a lot closer! - [Keith] I'll take it. - This is for my father. - [Ned] Wow, that sounded good. - [Zach] Where did it go? - [Alison] I don't even see it. - All the way right up to the tree. - I could not see that ball. - See that same spot, but a different trajectory. It went very high. - [Alison] Yeah. - Okay. - The biggest mistake I see is just trying to hit it too hard. - To try and hit it too hard. - I'm gonna try and hit it too soft. (everyone laughing) - Yes, booty, booty, booty, booty. (laughs) - [Alison] I just, I did say it was gonna go right. - [Zack] So what can I do better? (laughing) - Keep your eye on the ball. - [Zack] Okay, cool. - This is my golf bag, it used to be my grandfather's. It's an antique. They're probably not even something I should be hitting with 'cause they're such antiques, but it's just a nice memory of my grandfather. This is for my grandfather who we called Nanu. - All right now, you actually know how to play this game. So let's do it. - Let's try. Look, I've played golf before, I'm not like a good golfer. - That looks Scotch. - [Keith] Yeah, he looks good. (everyone cheering) - [Zack] Excellent, Ned! - So on the first tee, a lot of the time we would announce who's going, we'd be like "From Los Angeles, California, "next to tee off is Alison Lee." - Oh, we'll do it for you. - [Try Guys] We can do that. - You'll do it for me? Okay. - [Keith] From Los Angeles, California, next up on the white tee on the green square, Alison Lee! (audience cheering) (explosives boom) Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee. Going crazy! Alison Lee! (audience cheering) - Okay okay, now it's time to. - [Keith] Maybe too far. Let's go! We love under Armour. - Taking the Happy Gilmore approach. She will now run to the ball. (Alison laughs) - [Zack] Oh wow, that was so good. Wow, oh my God. (Try Guys clapping) - You know what? This has been a great video. - So this is called-- - Chipping. - Chipping. - Yes, chipping or pitching. - Cool. I'm going to watch him. I don't, I haven't ever shot like this. - [Zack] Oh yeah. Ned. Oh my God, oh, wow. - [Alison] That was actually pretty good. - Do you like chop it or still follow through? - So you want to set up similar to like you are putting, but then you do chop at the ground a little bit. - [Ned] Oh, a little hard, huh? Beautiful shot. Beautiful shot. - That was actually really good contact, you made really good contact there. - [Zack] Too hard, way too hard, wow. - [Ned] Eugene! Whoo! (everyone cheering) - [Alison] That was so good. - Nice shot! - That was actually really good. - That's for you, Dad. - I want a high five too, that was pretty good. - Hi Dad. All you have to do is whiff this putt and we're tied. - Putting is slightly different than hitting a full swing. Your whole lower body stays still. And it's just your shoulders that move back and forth. - Like a little clock. - Yes. - Alison Lee lines up putt for birdie. - Trying to make me nervous? - No, I just, I was letting the audience know. - [Zack] She addresses the ball. - What are we doing when we're doing this? - You try and look at your putt from as many angles as you can. So you want to look at the pot from here to read the green. You want to see what slopes there are? Is it downhill? Is it uphill? Are there any other slopes that were there that I didn't see from back there? Every golf course, depending on what part of the country you're in, there's different types of grass and depending on the type of grass there is, there's different speeds. The way it breaks will be different as well. - This is only the first putt, but if Allison can stick this, she'll have a huge advantage over the guys. 'Cause if she misses, oh, watch out. (suspenseful music) And the putt. (The Try Guys gasp) - What?! - Egad, drama on the green! - [Ned] She's clearly very frustrated about that one. - (laughing) Yeah, I thought it would break, but it went straight. - First experience-- - From here you could probably just tip it in with this angle, right? - [Alison] Yes. - Now we got four shots from Eugene's ball to tie. - Whoa. (tense music) - Oh, you guys are you guys nervous? You guys got so quiet. - A little nervous. - Yeah, we're really nervous. (everyone cheering and groaning) - [Alison] Oh a little short. (speaking in foreign language) - I'm just used to try to put it down a clown's throat. - Oh no! Today. (laughing) - Oh my God. - [All] No! - I can't believe I have to golf. - Keith, this is your strength. You've been talking mad game about your mini putt. - I've trained for this all my life it looks like it's totally flat. It might be slightly uphill. - It's just straight, okay. How are we failing? - [Ned] But it's still hard. It's not a shoe-in it's still a putt. I've seen pros missing this link. - [Alison] Oh yeah. - [Zack] I think we just did. People miss a lot. - Yes Keith! (everyone cheers) - Whoo, okay, that's the one thing I can do. - Wow, that was pretty good, high five. Under pressure too. - The game is tied. - Bowling didn't go so well for us, but I think golf, I think golf is going to be our sport. - This course it's a par three. A par basically means how many shots it should take for you to get into the hole and being even par. - Oh shit, par for the course is a golf reference. - Hm? So your goal is to try and get a three on every hole or less. - Now entering the field, Keith! - No, we don't, no introductions in every single hole. - Oh God. - [Keith] What did I say? - [Zack] All right, nice. - Now I'm doing it for you Dad. (speaking in foreign language) - Every hole. (Alison laughs) - Wow, it went high. - Oh wow, did you see that? It kind of hit the tree and came back. That was good. - That was one golf. - Dad, Dad, (speaking in foreign language). - [Alison] re you watching this? - [Zack] Oh yes, that is so good, Ned. - [Keith] That's a golfy, golf, golf. - Whoa. - Holy (beep). - [Alison] What? Freak. - [Try Guys] Oh! Oh! - Battle golf! - It's like bocce. - Yeah! - All right Eugene. - Keith's just bumped mine further. - I need to find a four-leaf clover, that's what's wrong. - [Ned] All right Eugene. - You got it, for Dad. (speaking in foreign language) (Alison cheering) - [Keith] Yes Eugene, yes Eugene! - I might be a pitcher. Not a catcher though. - [Keith] Oh, it's the sex thing. I get it. - [Eugene] Yeah yeah, this was being gay sex stuff. (suspenseful music) - [Try Guys] Wow. - [Alison] Ugh, so slow. Let's say you're on a par four and you get a five. That's a bogey because you're one over par. - [Try Guys] All right. - [Alison] A bogey. - A bogey! - And a birdie is one under par. So-- - So birdies are good, bogeys are bad. - Bogeys are bad. All right, so this is to win the hole. - [Try Guys] Oh! - Oh my goodness, oh no! - This grass is so bumpy. - This grass is weird. - Yeah, it's a little bumpy, but Jesus. - We were quarantined, look, this grass hasn't been loved for a long time. - All right. We're all squared through two. - [Try Guys] Wow. - You've been very nice and polite so far. And we've been talking about recreational golf. (Zach laughs) (Alison laughs) - You gotta care a little. - How much skill and training do you need to go from recreational to pro? - It takes a lot of time and dedication for sure. - Okay, okay, huh. Harder than it looks boys. - I played my first professional tournament when I was 14. This is my full-time job, you know, I wake up every morning, go practice, play a few holes. It's like any other sport, you have to train mentally and physically. - Dang, even the way you practice your swing's perfect. - If you go to the gym every day and you work out, you'll get stronger every day. But golf isn't necessarily the same. You can't go to the golf course every day, practice every day and expect positive results. - Wow. - Jesus, it's so straight. It doesn't go straight into a tree or nothing. - [Ned] Wow. (Try Guys groaning) - Keith, Oh my god. - (beep) - Wow. - (beep) Jesus. - That's in space. - Yeah. - Getting closer. Getting closer, dude. - Yes dude, that was excellent. Oh my jeez. - That was beautiful. - Oh my god, watch out, watch out, watch out. It was so bad! - Sorry (speaking in foreign language). - You are so (beep) good. - That was really good. - [Try Guys] Oh no! - Okay so five up through seven I believe. I don't need to give any updates, it's too late now for that. - You won that last hole. - So a lot of people think of golf as an old man sport. I think some people say like grandpa sport. - I think I said that exactly, verbatim. - Yeah. I honestly used to be embarrassed to tell people I play golf when I was a little girl. - How come? - Just 'cause you know, it's golf and it wasn't as big of a sport. It wasn't as cool as my friends saying like, "Oh, I play soccer" or like "I play basketball" or anything like that so. But now like I'm proud to say I play golf and it brought me to you guys. - [Zack] Oh wow. - [Ned] She's still good at it. - Beautiful. - She's still good at it. - Wow, that is so close. - Did that go in? - No, it was so close though. - I feel like in the last few years, golf has changed so much and a lot more people are playing golf. - Yeah! That's my best shot yet. Is it on the right course? No. Do I feel like a golden god? You bet your sweet buns I do. - You can come out and have a good time with your friends and it's a good few hours on the golf course. - You look great. You look at the statue. You look like the PGA logo. - Hi Dad. - [Alison] Ooh, that was good. - Get there baby! - Yes Zach, yes! That was so good. - Yes! - That's all we needed, baby. - The side door there, side door. - Par! - [Alison] Nice. - It's the final hole, our final chance for glory. - I believe I am five up through eight. So that means you guys have to make a hole in one and I have to get a six for us to tie. - We need to get a hole in one and you need to get a triple bogey. - [Alison] Yeah, basically, yes. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. - Wow. - Holy (beep). - What the (beep). - Jesus, come on now. Oh come on now. - Wow. - Wow. - Wow. That is so close to the hole. - Holy crap. - Thank you. - It's like you stuck that landing. - That's crazy. - All right guys. Last chance to throw your club in the air. - [Alison] Yeah we could just call it a day. - Let's get Keith's whips out of the way, you know what I'm saying? Dinner ball. Dinner shot. - You got this, man. - Where's the chalk? - Yeah, don't let that club fly backwards. - Yeah! - I went far, it hit a tree, bounce. I don't know where it is. - It's a limit to the right. - I have no idea where it is, but it was the best shot I've done all day for sure. - I can see your guys' forms like over the course of the round get better and better every hole. - Getting better? - Yes Zack! - Are you not entertained? - For my dad. - Oh, ground ball. - [Alison] That went straight. Ooh, he's feeling it. - Dude, that was excellent. I didn't see where it went. - Oh, just right up the grass. That was a good shot. - All right, nice! All right, to the final green. - Really wanted to get on the green. - It's getting better though. That was solid contact. - If we got a chip in birdie to end this video, wow. Wow, that would be Epic. I'll take it. (everyone groaning) (everyone cheering) - [Alison] That was pretty good. - I'll take it. (clapping) - All right, this for birdie. This is to basically end it. - Basically. - Basically. - I mean, it's been over since we started but-- - Okay, all right. We had three holes where it was close. - Ah! - A chance. - We have a chance. - You can beat me on this hole. - We could-- - Should I just finish? - Only if you miss that one. We could tie. Yes Eugene, hot hot. - Eugene Lee Yang approach the putt. - But I do not know the way. - You have my word. - And my putter. - And my flag. - Great. - You want this one. - You want a, yeah you need a putter for this. (dramatic music) - For my dad. - Gutter! - Dad, Dad! Hi Dad! Korea, Korea, Korea! - We lost. ♪ Congratulations, congratulations ♪ ♪ Well done, well done ♪ ♪ Congratulations to you ♪ ♪ We lost ♪ - That makes you Daddy's Korean favorite. - Daddy's Korean favorite! - (speaking in foreign language) - No Zach. - Well, Alison, you are a worthy adversary, but you have won the try-phy! Whoa, pass it down. We forgot it was super imposed. - Wow I can't wait, oh my god, it's oh, it's really heavy, it's really heavy. I'm just gonna give it a kiss. - Congratulations! Turns out golf is really fun. I had a great time. It was relaxing. I don't know, we were just having fun together. I would totally come and do this again. - Many of us hated what our parents wanted us to do as kids. Now I feel like I might be into golf. - That's great. - This was super fun. I can do this again. - Wait, do I have golfing friends now? - Ned, you got, only if-- - Can we go golfing together? - If we scramble every time. - You guys said that if I win, I get a song. You guys are gonna sing a song or write me a song just for me? ♪ Golf golf golf golf ♪ ♪ Golf golf golf golf ♪ ♪ Golf golf golf golf ♪ ♪ Golf golf golf golf ♪ ♪ Alison Lee, you really showed us how to golf today ♪ ♪ You made the ball go so far ♪ ♪ Everybody said hooray ♪ ♪ We will let you beat us any day of the week ♪ ♪ Under par she was under par ♪ ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ - Okay okay, all right all right. ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ - One more time! ♪ She was under par she was under par. ♪ - One more time! ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ ♪ She was under par she was under par ♪ One more time!
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,965,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, golf, golfer, professional, champion, 4 vs. 1, professional golfer, pga, pga tour, female golfer, women's golf, women's golf champion, golf champion, golf swing, how to golf, golfing, golf vlog, golf challenge, golf vlogger, golfers, golf tips, golf highlights, how to play golf, golf lessons, golf advice
Id: _4seGfFmfgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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