Can 4 Guys Beat A Professional Bowler?!

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(dramatic music) - [Zach] It's 4 vs. 1. One pro, four idiots, one winner. (pins clattering) - No pressure, like literally no pressure. Don't even think there's actual pressure. - [Zach] Whoa. - [Ned] Yes, Keith. (all scream) - [Ned] Maybe we could've added up all our scores. - [All] Oh. - [Keith] God, how could that happen? - Collectively we make probably about three fourths of a moderately-functioning human. Can four regular guys beat a master in their own craft? - [Keith] All it takes is for one of us to win. - [Ned] Oh wow. - [Eugene] This is Try Guys 4 vs. 1. - [Ned] Five, six, seven, eight. ♪ The color block is back ♪ ♪ and it's better than ever. ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ - We are at Oak Tree Lanes in Diamond Bar, California, the most elegant-sounding California city. - We're joined today by professional bowler, Missy Parkin. She's been on TV. - I'm a current team USA member and have been a member of team USA for 11 years. I've competed all around the world, won international gold medals, and I'm happy to be here today. - Hi Missy. - [All] Hi Missy. - Hi. (upbeat music) - For today, the four of us are going to be competing on a single team against one pro. Each time we bowl, we're going to be taking the highest score and having that represent our team, which means we have four chances to be perfect. There's really no excuse today. We're going to bowl a three hundo. - So today I'm very excited to take the recreational side of bowling and teach the Try Guys a little more about the sport of bowling and give'em a few tips, but not too many because I'm definitely going to beat them. So now that you all have your bowling shoes on, let me give you a few tips. So right now, honestly, I think you guys should just be trying to throw it straight. - Yeah, sounds good. (Zach giggles) I learned how to bowl in elementary school and we specifically learned, you have the ball here and you go one, two, three, tuck. That is the proper way to bowl, according to the Carthage Elementary School. - First of all, what we're gonna to do is, because we're right-handed, we're gonna to take four steps starting with your right foot. - [Keith] My right foot? It's not how I was taught at Carthage Elementary School. - Which is crazy 'cause Carthage gave you such a well-rounded education otherwise - That's what I thought. - [Zach] Yeah. - [Ned] Do we step big? Do we step small? - [Eugene] You're thinking too much. - [Missy] You're thinking. - [Eugene] Walk like you normally walk. - [Ned] Just walk. - [Missy] Correct. - You're thinking way too much. Just do normal steps. - No, you're right, thinking too much, thinking too much. - [Missy] Okay. - I can only assume I'm going to be bad at this. I have a feeling people are going to make fun of my form today. I've got chronic pain and a (bleep)ed up shoulder, so go (bleep) yourself. - Ready? One, two, three, four. Good, that's the easy part. The tricky part is trying to figure out what we do with our arm. - Uh huh. - So your first step looks like this. One. Yup. Yeah, do that again. - Milady. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah, good and then after that you just keep walking. - My experience with it is that I know that if you get a perfect score, it's a Turkey, maybe? Is that right? Is it a Turkey when you get a perfect score? Jonathan's shaking his head. I say, I don't (bleep) know much about bowling. - So first up one, two, three, four. Yeah, you guys, did really good. - Ooh. - Oh yeah. - No break, I can't believe I'm thinking so hard about this. - Ah. - Well, seeing as we haven't rolled a ball at all today, I think we're pretty ready to take you down. - There's one more thing that we've got to do. (Keith grunts) (upbeat music) - All right, so we're gonna go ahead and start the actual game. So I'm going to go first. - [All] Good luck. - Good luck. - You're not gonna need it. - [Zach] Whoa. - [Keith] Such a arc to it. (pins clatter) - [All] Oh. - [Zach] Oh my goodness. - Okay, all right, well we got four chances to do the same. - Yup, yup, yup, yup. - Okay. - I feel like we should have a gutter ball dance, you know? We're learning. I don't want to shame us for not doing well. I think we should embrace it. ("Symphony No. 5" by Beethoven) - [Ned] Ooh. - [Eugene] Yeah, all right, all right. - Gutter. I'm open to workshopping it. I do have a bone to pick with bowling, as an adult. I think that bumpers should be part of the game. There is an intense skill with bouncing it just the right way. I (bleep) could win that game. #bumperlife. - Oh my god. - [Missy] Okay. (Try Guys clapping) - [Eugene] Good try. - Nothing. - The last time I went bowling was actually on a date with my wife. We drank margaritas for most of the time and bowled for about-- - [Eugene] Hey, baby. - [Ned] 20 minutes. - [Keith] Yes, Ned. - [Eugene] All right. - [Keith] All right, that was good. - Did you say something while I was doing my walk up? - Hey baby. I don't remember. - I don't think he did. (Ned grunts) - Oh, that's Ned's in serious mode now. - Yeah. - [Zach] Yeah. (Try Guys clapping) Pretty good. - All right, eight is the score to beat. - Well, if you add'em together, Keith, we actually have an eight. (Eugene laughs) - I don't know which one of these mediums I liked. I always have trouble finding a ball that's light enough for my weak arms, but big enough for my giant hands. That's a struggle. I typically pull a muscle in my wrist, hand or forearm at some point, every time I bowl. - [Zach] Oh, there we go. - [Ned] Yes Keith, yes Keith. - [Eugene and Ned] Oh. - [Zach] Keith. (clapping) (Keith exhales sharply) - You got it, you got it. - Yes Keith. - [Zach] Yes. - [Eugene] Yes Keith. - [Ned] Ahh. - That was good, dude. - Yeah, I don't actually, I don't know how many times I've gone bowling sober as an adult. So I'm excited to see what I can actually do. Maybe I'll be worse, which will be sad. - [Ned] Ooh. - Yes, hot. - [Ned] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah. - [Keith] Bowling. - Go throw a straight, right? (Missy laughs) I don't think people really appreciate the grace of bowling. I always find it quite elegant the way in which bowlers bowl the ball. (Zach laughs) - [Keith] Okay, nine points. - [Zach] Consistent though. - [Keith] Almost all 10. - It is about accuracy, but there is some luck involved as well, because you can throw a perfect shot in bowling and only knock down nine pins. - [Zach] My God. - [Eugene] I know right? - [Keith] How does she do it? (pins clatter) - [Ned] Oh. - [Zach] Thank you. - [Ned] So you're telling me there's a chance. (all laugh) - [Zach] She didn't even look, she turned around. (Missy laughs) I'm all over the place. Like you don't know what you're going to get with me. I'm a real wild card, but not in a positive. I'd say net negative wild card. Chaotic negative. (bowling ball thumps) - [Ned] Yes Zach. - [Keith] Yeah Zach. - [Ned] There it is. (all cheering) - Woohoo. (celebratory music) That's what I'm talking about. - [Ned] We don't need to go. - [Keith] What meaning do the dots and arrows have at a bowling alley? - So the dots, first of all, they help you to figure out where you're gonna stand. Now the arrows out there help you target. So that's actually what you should be aiming at. The arrows are only 15 feet away from the foul line. The pins are 60. - But they don't look that far. That's 10 Keiths away. (Missy chuckles) - [Zach] Wow, Keiths. - [Ned] Oh. (all laugh) - [Keith] That was beautiful, Ned. - [Zach] Oh, wow. - [Keith] Laid it like a little baby. - What was bad about that? - Honestly, fundamentally you did everything correct. - [Zach] Yes Ned. - [Keith] Yes Ned. - [Zach] Yes Ned. (all cheering) - Boom. - [Ned] Boom. - [Missy] Okay, no more tips. (Missy laughs) (bowling ball thumps) - [Zach] Keith. - Yes, Keith, yes. (Try Guys cheer) (celebratory music) - [Missy] Very nice. - [Zach] So for those keeping score, which is us, we now have two strikes in a row - [Announcer] Missy is up by one pin. - [Zach] One? - [Eugene] Missy is up by one pin. - [Ned] One pin. - [Keith] Wow. (upbeat classical music) (bowling ball thumps) (pins clatter) - Oh no. - So I really like what I saw there. - Yes, give me some tips. - Next time I would just suggest, try hitting all of them. (all laugh) - He dick. - My approach to picking this up, which it is make-able is I'm gonna use my strike ball, try to curve it over to the left and slide the pins over to the 10 pin, the one on the right. (all groan) - That would have been so cool. - [Keith] Okay, this is our chance, boys. - This our chance. - [Keith] This is one of our only chances I think we're gonna get. (tense music) - No. - Ah shit. (bleep) - No, I did it different. I was really overthinking that. (pins clatter) - Oh! - Dang, how could that happen? - Oh no. - [Missy] That was a good shot. - Was it okay? Okay. - [Missy] Yeah. - [Zach] That was good, man. - [Ned] That was a really good try And also that was our best score of the frame with nine. - [Keith] And we'll take it. - Great job, Eugene. (clapping) - [Missy] That was really good. - [Eugene] I feel like Missy is like silently mad about the last one. - [Ned] She's very upset, yeah. - [Eugene] She's gonna destroy it. - [Ned] She's gonna double-strike. (pins clatter) - [Ned] Okay, wow. - [Keith] There it is, there it is. - [Missy] And yes, whoever said that, yes, you're a hundred percent correct. - I could feel your energy. - I am very mad about the last one. - The way that she walked back, she's like, "Yes, I did get a strike." - "Yes, I did get a strike, thank you very much." (Missy laughs) - You're gonna want to be aiming probably around the third arrow. Now what I mean by that is when you're counting the arrows, when you're right-handed, you count from the right. So that's actually what you should be aiming at. (bowling ball thuds) That was better. - [Ned] Oh, yes. - Zach, that was excellent. - [Ned] That was awesome, Zach. - In order to try to pick that up, what you actually should be doing, when you're shooting your spares, is you wanna have your feet move the opposite direction of where the pin is. - [Eugene] Ah. - Oh, pressure's on. (tense music) (bowling ball thuds) - [Ned] Yes, Zach. - [Keith] Oh my god, Zach. (celebratory music) Woohoo. Move your shoulders for the celebration dance. - [Eugene] Celebration dance. - Yes, yes. - Very nice, very nice. - I'm going to show you how I used to bowl back in Florida. - So afraid. - Okay. - So afraid. - [Missy] Don't hurt yourself. - Let's get it, bro. (Missy chuckles) (single pin clacks) Dang it. - That's how you bowled? - Dang it. Okay, so I don't need to bowl it that hard. - No. (pins clatter) (cheers and clapping) - [Keith] Two spares. - [Announcer] Try Guys are up by one pin. - [Try Guys] No. - [Keith] No hecking way. But there's five frames to go. How many bowling games have you played? - Hundreds of thousands. - Hundreds of thousands? - Yes, for sure. - There's only like one thing I've done more than hundreds of thousands of times. - Eugene. - No, breathe. Get your mind out the gutter. - [Try Guys] Hey. - Gutter. (pins clatter) - [Eugene] Hey. - [Try Guys] Wow. - [Missy] Big double. - Is it November? Because I smell Thanksgiving around the corner. - Oh. - [Zach] All right, Keith. - [Ned] Yes Keith. - [Zach] Oh man. - [Ned] God, that was robbery. - [Missy] And you guys need a good first ball 'cause you're out of spares. - [Ned] Oh that's true, we could use that nine. - [Zach] Yes, woohoo. (Try Guys all cheering) - [Keith] Bam, bam. - [Eugene] Time for the flare. - [Zach] We would still love a strike. - [Ned] Oh, dang. - [Zach] Still good. (one person clapping) - [Keith] Kind of like watching a spider bowl. It's very spider-like. - [Missy] That was really good form though. - [Keith] About a half-inch off, that's excellent. - [Eugene] Thank you. - [Missy] Almost perfect form. - This is, here's the thing. Bowling is something that a lot of people treat as a game. So I think everyone bowls like shit except for the athletes who actually bowl. You know what I'm saying? I've seen people make a strike. I've seen people do that. So I'm kind of excited just to watch our expert play today. - [Zach] Her arm goes so high. - [Keith] It's crazy. - Turkey. - Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. (celebratory music) (Try Guys imitating turkeys) - So that's what they meant by gobble me, swallow me. (Keith and Ned laughing) Bowling. - Wow. (dramatic upbeat music) (pins clatter) - Oh, come on it. - [Keith] Lost it a little early. (pins clatter) - [Missy] Good job. (clapping) - You look great, you look like a trophy. - All right guys, after seven frames Missy's got a 42 pin lead on you guys, so you got some work to do. - [Keith] Okay, how'd that happen? (Try Guys protest) - Was it the gobble me, swallow me? - [Announcer] Yes, it was. - How big of a jump is it to go from recreational to pro? - At an elite level there's so much more involved. When I go to a tournament, I'm not just using one bowling ball. I actually will have between 12 and 15 different bowling balls. - Are you crazy? How do you carry those? In a shopping cart, or what? - [Missy] Bowling balls are actually a lot like golf clubs. So they're designed to do different things. - [Keith] What? - [Missy] Yes. - They're all balls. - [Missy] Yeah, and so-- - I thought it was just how strong you are. - Yeah, to the novice person. They all look the same, right? They're round, you throw them down the lane. Well, at a more elite level, they're actually made out of a different material. - [Zach] Okay, well here I go guys. I'm gonna get 52 points. - [Ned] Run starts now. - No, off. - Yay, it's okay. (claps) - Gutter. - Draw from the power of the stash. - [Zach] Be the stash. - [Eugene] Be the stash. - Come on. Yes. (celebratory music) - [All] Dad, dad, dad, dad. - [Zach] Mustache, mustache. - He's the most like daddy, but he's also an actual, he made a baby. Two babies. - [Ned] Oh yeah. (all cheering) - That was awesome. Did you see it spin around like that? - [Missy] That was amazing, that was amazing. - [Keith] That was a wild old shot. You know what I did? I slowed down. (upbeat music) - Oh (bleep). Am I just not aiming right? What am I doing wrong? - My guess is that your eyes were not on the arrows at all when you released it. - All style, no substance. Let's get some substance in here. - [Ned] You can do this, bro. - [Eugene] Look at the arrows. - [Missy] Much better. That was much better. (clapping) - [Eugene] Is that what substance feels like? - [Ned] Substance darling. - [Missy] Yes, absolutely - [Eugene] Oh, I like it. - Do you think you could still get a strike if we threw all lane courtesy out the window and we're just like having-- - [Missy] I think I could. - Full on dance party right next to you? - [Missy] Totally think I could. (Try Guys singing, shouting and imitating turkeys) (pins clatter) (Try Guys wail) - Missy, you got an ostrich. - Yeah. - Five in a row. - [Keith] Jeez, Louise. - [Zach] I feel like it made her better. - [Ned] Wow, wow. - [Keith] Next time, let's all not look. - How many pro games are won with the extra frame? - Oh, quite a few, actually. - That's exciting. - Going down into that 10th frame, usually like the ninth and 10th frame. Those are crucial. (bowling ball thuds) - [Keith] Yeah. - [Ned] That's it. Yeah. - Nice. - Oh, look at that boy, look at the thumb dicks. - [Ned] Little thumb dicks. - [Keith] Bye. - [Zach] I'm going forever. I can't stop. - [Ned] He can't stop. - [Keith] Oh, he's still celebrating. - So Ned, you know what this means? - Mm? - We all have to try for a strike. - We all got to try for a strike, that's right. - [Zach] You got this, let's see a strike outa you. - [Keith] Yes, Ned. - [Missy] Oh, that looks good. (Try Guys cheer) (celebratory music) - [Keith] Yes, yes, there we go. There we go. - [Zach] It does upset me that my spare is now relevant but (laughs) - So going into the 10th frame, since I am ahead, I'm going to let you guys go first. If you get all three strikes in the 10th frame, you guys would shoot 190 and right now my score is only 182. - Fellows, huddle up real quick, okay? - Okay. - Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. - Here we go. I've learned a lot today, and your teaching has been great. No matter what happens here, I've had a lot of fun and I want to thank you for teaching me. I think I've gotten better. - You're welcome. - Which, you know, wasn't hard. (morose music) - Okay, well, nice try. - Be the mustache. - Be the mustache, be the mustache. - I mustache you to crush this. - Ride the mustache. - [Keith] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (all groan) - Ah, (bleep). God, cock and dick. Come on now. - I will say, there's a fine for that. - It's fine. (Missy laughs) - [Eugene] Keith, you can still get the spare. - [Keith] (groans) Okay. - [Zach] Nice. - [Missy] Good. (all groan) - Come on, you (bleep) the (bleep) there. (bleep) come on now. Well, it's up to you, Eugene. - I've been so bad, I've been so bad. - Gobble it, swallow it. - Gobble me, swallow me. - Gobble me, swallow me, break it down. - Roll the ball down the side of me. - Yeah. - Okay. (tense music) (pins clatter) - [All] Yeah. - [Keith] You know what this means now? We all get a chance to get strikes. - We all get another chance. (upbeat music) - [Zach] Nah, I won't do it. - That was nice. Only the strikes matter. - [Ned] Yep. (pins clatter) (all cheer) - [Eugene] But guys, we're trying to Turkey in the last frame. We can do it collectively. - [Ned] We can totally do this. - We've gotten two. - [Ned] Yes Keith, yes Keith. (all cheering) - [Keith] Oh my god, we did it. (all imitating turkeys) - That was four strikes in a row. - [Keith] So an emu? - [Eugene] We got an emu, yeah. - [Zach] Just for what it's worth, we all believe in you. So no pressure. - No pressure, like literally no pressure. Don't even think there's actual pressure. All right. We'll be respectful. Lane courtesy. (intense music) - [Zach] Come on now. (pins clatter) (pins clatter) (pins clatter) - There it is, wow, wow. Great, good game, good game, great. - Well, Missy, congratulations. You were quite the foe, but at the end of the end, you did beat us. (laughs) Missy, you're taking home a shiny new piece of hardware. - Ah, it's the 4 vs. 1 - Tryphy. You're the first official recipient. Forged from the finest plastic. - And you won that. (all cheer) - [Keith] Wow, wow, wow. (Try Guys theme song) - 'til next time, we're gonna keep trying. - Keep trying.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,756,977
Rating: 4.9681139 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, bowling, 4vs1, prow bowling, pro bowler, competition, competitive bowling, winner, loser, best, worst, how to bowl, learning to bowl, bowl, sports, trying new things, playing sports, bowling ball, games with friends, game, games, playing games, games to play
Id: qtR-twJOdUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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