The Try Guys Try Rugby League • Try Australia

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Yes this is Buzzfeed.

As much as i equally dislike the org and their content, I felt that this video was very much worth sharing. Even though they continuously referred to the sport as "rugby" which triggers about 95% of this sub, they still have promoted this sport better than basically anyone else to an American audience. The biggest part of this video for mine, is the fact they picked a junior club, which does two very good things for the promotion of this sport. Firstly it allows the US to potentially get more interested kids to try the sport out, and secondly it lets parents see contact sport in another light.

If we want the sport to grow internationally, stuff like this does wonders to help.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/neiruuu 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like that they actually explained that there is a difference between league and union to the yanks for once

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Notaroboticfish 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

And as expected, union fans in the comments.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/LycraBanForHams 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nice try 🤦🏻‍♂️ Hahahaha this was great though

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Oh no. Not like this. Not like this. We're at a rugby practice for 12 year olds and we are gonna get tackled. - Try the legs, try the legs, try the legs. - It's just children, Ned! - That's it. - [Eugene] Did not know it was gonna be kids. Why do we keep putting ourselves with kids? We don't really have rugby in America. I know some Texan, where the only sport is football. - Set, set, hut one, hut two. I had a one day stint on the Yale rugby team. Rugby is a full contact sport. - Whoa! - Oh! - Yeah, sports! (adventurous music) - We are here in Melbourne, being hosted by the Northwest Wolves. A rugby league that is apparently comprised of children. Do we have to turn our language down? We should probably turn our language down. Or is it Australia, is it like anything goes back in the outback? Zack and Keith are sitting this one out, so we are being joined by our friend Rebecca Zamolo. - I'm excited, you know I've always wanted to be in a Try Guy's video. I didn't think this would be it. - Zack and Keith will guest star later in the video to do some commentary on our rugby league scrimmage. - I'm Pete Russo, the head coach for the seniors. - I'm Anthony Murrells, I'm the coach of the under 11's - So these are 10 year old? - [Anthony] Some of them are 10, some of them 11. Nines, there's a bit of a mixed batch in there. - They look big for 10 year olds. - Yeah, and they kick ass, yeah? - What are the skills that you'll be teaching us today to get the basic grasp of rugby? - [Pete] So, today, we're gonna take you through passing. Then we'll show you how we play the ball. And then we'll go on the absolute best bit, the tackling. - Sounds like we're literally getting a crash course. - A crash course, how to be collision specialists. - All right, I like the sound of that. - [Ned] As an athlete, I really love field and team sports. So I think rugby is gonna be really fun for me. - Basically what we're gonna do now is just the basics, so catch and pass. I'm gonna be passing with my left leg, facing you. - Your leg, points to where it's gonna go? - Exactly where it's gonna go. - [Rebecca] I have a sports background, I was a gymnast, I ran track and field, cross country. It can't be that hard, kids play it. - So that, underhand. - Throw it like, - Like a baby! - Throw it like a baby? - Yeah, when you, - Just like, toss it! - Rebecca, no! - Catch my baby. - No. - Yeah! See, now I understand. - Now, don't drop the baby. - Why does the ball have to be a baby? - 'Cause when you throw a baby, it's better to do it underhand not overhand. - I guess that is true. - [Eugene] I played a lot of sports growing up as a kid. I actually focused more on individual sports. I was more of a tae kwon do, swimming guy. So, team sports are still a little new to me. - Don't drop that, go, yeah! - Whoops! Sorry baby. - That's it. - Oh, no. Oh, no. - [Anthony] Now it's a circus. No, it's awful. This baby's unconscious right now. - [Eugene] All right, the baby's unconscious. - It's unconscious. Now what we're gonna do is, we're gonna play the ball. So, when you've been tackled, so you're on the floor, like that, mimicking a tackle. You gotta get up in this process: Ball on the floor, and roll it. - [Eugene] And that puts the ball back into play? - [Anthony] That brings the ball, so that'll restart play. - Gotcha. - So what would you say the main difference is between this and say like, American football? - We got to throw backwards is the big one. So, in American football, you throw forward, as the quarterback would throw her out. Whereas in rugby league, everything's got to be behind you. - Bang, big hit, big hit, big hit! So we're gonna sit up here. Perfect, all right. - I always thought rugby was something like, rich, white people played. - Yeah! Yeah! - You don't have to be rich or white to play rugby here. - [Woman] No, it's rugby league, not rugby. It's two different sports: rugby, and rugby league. - But not so different that it's like, football and swimming, right? - We started with rugby union back in the 1900's in Australia. Rugby union is more for the upperclass. - Boo. - Boo exactly. And rugby league started with rugby union rules, and then morphed her own. In rugby league it's a pure collision sport. - [Ned] So rugby league is the real deal? - [Pete] It absolutely is. - Gotcha! - [Anthony] Hands ready, hands ready! Go, score, score! Go, go, go, go, go, go! - [Ned] Touchdown! - That'd be declared no try. - What? What, why? - All you got to do, is just put it down on the ground. That's a try. - And that's a what? - A try. - [All] A try. - 'Cause you've tried really hard up the pitch. - [Pete] Through here, quick run under it! - Score that try. - Score that try. - [All] Yeah! - Nice try! - This is the first time in Try Guys history, the word try actually meant win. - Okay, so when we throw in some defenders, what are some considerations that we're gonna have? - Well, they're out to stop you and hurt you. - Okay. - Just want you to show, at a really slow pace for them, how we would tackle. - [Anthony] Go. - Upper right leg! - Nice, hold them legs. - Nice, roll him over. - Put him on his back. - That's it. One low, let's go! - [Eugene And Rebecca] Go Ned! No, no! - How was that, Ned? - Get the legs, grab the legs, grab the legs, grab the legs! - [Eugene] It's just children, Ned! - [Anthony] That's it. - Go, Ned, go! Keep going, run, go! Go, Ned! - [Rebecca] Put it down! - [Eugene] Put it down Ned! Ned, they're not behind you anymore. - [Pete] He's running to the airport. Where's he going? - [Eugene] Put on the try, Ned! Put on the try! Where's he going? - [Eugene] Come on, Rebecca, you got it! (laughing) - Oh, she good! - [Ned] She's slippery. - [Eugene] Get them down! Rebecca you get (laughing) - [All] Yeah! - That was easy! - [Eugene] One more time, Rebecca. - [All] Oh! - [Anthony] Talking a bit of trash now. That's it. - [All] Legs, legs, legs! - [Eugene] Leg, get the legs! - I told you I would get that (mumbles) - [Pete] Grab the legs, grab the legs! Legs! - I'm fighting with children for the internet! Where's the try line? Someone tell me where the goal is. - He's gonna be coming at me. And I'm just basically gonna get underneath him like that, and put him on his back, like that. So, you run at me. (yelling) - Oh! - [Anthony] Is he alive? How do you feel? - That was a very different experience. - [Rebecca] Yeah, he's alive! - All right, ready? (grunting) - Perfect. That's it, owned him. - Try! - Yeah! - Mortal Combat! - That's it, that's it. - Oh my God, how strong is this man? - I don't know, I lost him! - Yes, we did it! - Wait, get him on his back. Oh, we had some help. - I was trying to tackle your thighs, but they were too big. It didn't work until I went for your ankles. I think we're ready for a scrimmage. - I think we're ready. - Yeah. Now they're ready, they're definitely ready. - Welcome to the International Rugby Championship. I am your host, Keith Habersberger, and as always, I'm joined by, Zach Kornfeld. We have a very exciting matchup today. We've got the Wolves. - [Zach] And today they're gonna be taking on the Try Wolves. - That's right. Well, it looks like the game is about to start, let's get down on the field, where I assume the referee is about to put the ball on the ground? We don't know how the game is played, so we're gonna do our best to commentate. I'm hoping for some lower thirds on screen to really help us out, and you the viewers out as well. And there's the whistle, the smallest one kicks the ball straight into another small one's hands. - And we are off! - They are grabbed by a large man. The tackle is happening, that's the first tackle. - I'll tell you, I like what I see. The kids run around, right into the hug of their opponents. There goes Ned through the field, bowling over a child! - And he is tackled, brought to the ground. - Ned just got brought down by a kid, that's embarrassing! - That is absolutely embarrassing. Let's talk a little about both teams, we have the Wolves versus the Try Wolves. - Now the Wolves are clearly dressed in red and black. - Whereas the Try Wolves are dressed in black and red. You might think they look the same, but trust me it is very easy to tell the difference between the two teams. - [Rebecca] Go! - [Zach] The Try Wolves take the first blood, as points are on the board. - And a very awkward hug from Ned, a weird pat on the back to Eugene, and we are back to the kick to the other team. (Rebecca screaming) - He's fast! He's fast! - And it looks like it took two Try Guys to take that one child down. Including Rebecca, so all three of the adults tackled one child. - [Zach] Rebecca's still a little not one to tackle kids. - Now of course, she started this day with a lot of aggression towards the children, but it looks like she's taking it very easy on them now that we're in the actual game. Now the adult is being hugged by Eugene and he is gonna be brought down. Wow, look at him go. - [Zach] Look at him, go, go, go! Fucking it up, get them! - [Keith] That is just incredible. - Got it, got it. - [Keith] We are losing light fast in this game. It has gone from day to dusk, in mere minutes. - [Zach] Oh, that kid got decked! - [Keith] Oh, and he's on his butt. - [Zach] He's on his butt! Now what I love to see, is that they are competitors, but they're all having a good time, because they know that no matter what happens, they're more talented than the adults on the field. - [Keith] I tell you, instead of doing this that day, I went and got some dumplings in the Chinatown district of Melbourne. They were quite good, you know I'm a sucker for xiao long bao. Another child with a great haircut has taken the ball. A strong tackle hug from the coach. - I want to see a real hit. Passes it back, and oh, is brought down quite immediately. - And look at the ass on that coach, my God. You know watching this reminds me of when I was a child and I played American soccer, which is global football. I enjoyed the sport. - And Eugene has the ball. He breaks away, but he throws the ball to nobody. What a fool! - [Pete] Loose ball, loose ball! - [Zach] Let's talk about the X-factor on the Try Wolves. Rebecca Zamolo, the newest member of the squad. What have you been seeing from Rebecca so far, Keith? - Well Rebecca is blonde, she is tall, and she is strong. She seems to be mostly chasing behind the action, and the game is continuing. Gosh, I tell you what Zach, I have never been more confused watching a section of footage and trying to describe it. Props to our editor for even assembling what even looks like something comprehensible. It is incredibly confusing. I cannot tell the difference, between anyone on this field. - [Zach] The Wolves score! They strike back. - He scored on me. - Rounding out Try Wolves is young Edward Fulmer. Now he's really been looking for his shot, hoping that his soccer skills will translate to this sport. But, do you think he has what it takes, Keith? - Oh, I don't know. - [Zach] Rebecca has the ball, she screams, passes it. Ned, oh Ned with furious speed, he's running fast. He shakes off the defender but no! - But he's caught by the giant boy. The giant boy is the all-star player of this Melbourne team. - Go Eugene! (Eugene yells) - Nice save, nice save! - Seems unfair, because that coach is all muscle. - [Zach] And there goes Eugene, a break away and he scores! Wow, there he goes. - And a little bit of celebration from the adults there, and the children are also encouraging them. And now it is time for Rebecca, to lead the charge. (Rebecca screams) Rushes the ball, and they've given it to the giant boy. And this kid is huge. - Is big. - He is crushing the team. - That kid has been eating his Wheaties for sure. - That kid is all muscle. Where is this kid from? Eugene with an untraditional lift tackle. - [Zach] Eugene's holding a child. - Eugene is carrying a child off the field. I was taken by Eugene's smile, I've never seen him smile for more than a few seconds at a time. (teams screaming) And it looks like Ned, oh, almost got a break away, but is brought down by the adult refusing to pass it to his compatriots, but rather slowly, slowly being tackled. - So we're gonna change over the play, we're gonna pack a scrum. - [Keith] Oh, hell yeah, it's the scrum. - Oh, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. (intense music) - [Zach] That battle was so fierce, it was delicious. Why, you might call it scrumptious. - Eugene is thrilled to be picking up children left and right. Look at the smile. You've never seen him smile, like that. Crushing Ned in his path! - Bowled over. - Let's get a replay of that. - Oh yeah, on his butt! Oh, he got wrecked. - Get his legs! - [Pete] Two, tackle two! - [Rebecca] Yeah - [Keith] Now the coach has decided he is going to fully regain their lead by himself. Tackled in the throat by Ned. - [Zach] A strong throat tackle. - [Keith] And now the strongest boy is charging up the field. Let's see how this pans out. - Get his legs! - [Keith] Everyone's talking about legs. - Yeah, go kid! Oh, he's untouched, he's going for the goal! Howl at the moon, 'cause the Wolves are back on the board. - That was excellent Zach. - Thank you. - [Keith] And the score is tied up, two to two. - Try Guys need a conversion to win, so I need one of them to step forward as a kicker. Ned? - Ned! - What about Ned, he's a soccer player. - He's got this, Ned you got this. - Now Ned, this entire game, has been upset about the idea that the ball is a baby, but he is now envisioning it as a magpie. And let's see if that makes it all work out. - Come on, Ned! (kids cheering) (Ned breathing) - [Keith] And here's the kick. And it's good! - And it's perfect! Fulmer with the perfect kick to win the game! - And our co-owners have beaten a group of children. Congratulations to these 30 year old adults. - [All] One, two, three, Wolfpack! - [Anthony] Your basic skills, your passing was on point. Your tackling was pretty good. - [Pete] It's all about your mates, you need your mates there in the tackle. - Friendship through collision. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's a good hashtag. - That's the motto. - Absolutely. - [All] Click to subscribe. Join the Wolfpack. (howls) - [Zach] Thanks for watching this video. We're gonna be doing a fundraiser - What will we try next? - Yeah! Nice. - Can I photobomb someone? - Sure.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,864,384
Rating: 4.9629745 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, try, rugby league, australia, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, rugby, sports, sport, football, competition, competitions, challenge, game, versus, national sports, international sports, league, winner, loser, best, worst, match, world cup, championship, champion, champions league, american football, futbol, rugby union, highlights, tackle, best tackles, sports highlights
Id: HiPtuK5-mAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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