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gone meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers if it looks like i'm a little tired this episode it's because i am had some trouble flying back from indiana of all places and uh my flight got moved up to a 4am wake-up call so here we are but gun meme review must go on even if it's two days late but speaking of not wanting to be here that leads us to this video's topic david chipman a fellow that we've talked about a little bit on gun meme review before this man definitely looks like he records people [ __ ] his wife david chipman of course being president pudding cups nominated for the head of the atf i'm proud to nominate david chipman to serve as the director of the aft massive massive anti-gun [ __ ] that's c-u-c-k subtitles knock that off and a few episodes ago we had talked about doing an entire gunmen review just tearing this guy apart because frankly he deserves it and what better time than in the middle of his congressional hearing which is going quite well it's not going well but now it's time to deliver some news to you folks and the only way you guys seem to understand through gun memes so in order to be confirmed as the new head of the atf or the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives david chipman has to go through a series of hearings and be approved by the u.s senate which means he has to prove that he is qualified to head up a government agency uh specifically pertaining to firearms which seems to be the controversial issue you would think he would know what an assault weapon was this this famed assault weapon we keep hearing about especially since he seems very keen on the idea of banning said weapons so uh let's hear what he thinks that they are do you believe in banning assault weapons i do sir okay define assault weapons assault weapons would be something that members of congress would define well how do you define it you're going to be running the agency senator i think this is a good question if i am um confirmed as atf director um i got 35 seconds left define it for me would you please sir um what's an assault weapon yeah senator um the bill uh to ban assault what happens is what is your thousands of pages there's no way i could define an assault weapon you don't have you're going to run an a this agency and you don't have a definition of assault weapon yikes we are not off to a great start i support an assault weapons ban to find assault weapon it's um well it's um uh it's uh that would be for congress to decide weird it's like congress did decide and that was the assault weapons ban of 94 that expired in 2004 that we don't currently have so unless they plan on passing another one we don't have an assault weapons ban interesting i have no [ __ ] idea what an assault weapon is but if i catch you with one i'm gonna shoot your dog it's kind of funny when the atf wants to ban stuff then they can define things without congress but as soon as they get called on on a senate hearing then all of a sudden it's congress's job okay i understand i see what's happening so when he was finally pressed about the actual definition or his definition of an assault weapon and the answer was less than impressive any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine um above the caliber of 22 which would include a 2-2-3 which is you know largely the ar-15 round so this is a guy who if he is confirmed as acting director of the atf is uh actively seeking to ban assault weapons so that it now includes pretty much most modern sporting rifles or ar15s aks whatever that ain't great but you know what it seems like this guy has some expertise in the in the field so you know what let's dig a little bit into mr chipman's history with the atf let's go all the way back to 1993 which is when the waco siege happened the waco siege uh putting it extremely politely is one of the biggest pr oopsies in the history of the atf and the fbi something about burning kids really didn't work well with study groups hey greg why don't you go burn some women and children to death that was like 28 years ago [ __ ] people don't forget yeah so the waco stigma has followed the atf for a good while not super hard to argue for good reason so for choosing a new director of the atf we probably shouldn't choose somebody who is directly involved with oops that photo by the way now disputed by david shipman as not actually him it's reported by some uk newspaper or something like that uh online article saying that it was david chipman he claims he didn't get there until about a month after the siege now to be perfectly honest i trust this guy about as far as i can throw him but i just figured it was worth pointing out and speaking of throwing him i stay you go ye judging by my youtube analytics a lot of you guys grew up with the iron giant too but he officially claims that he was only there as an analyst afterward kind of there is a man on the ground figure out exactly what the hell happened with that whole situation which means he should know the intricate details of everything that [ __ ] happened which is why it's really weird on a reddit ama he claimed that helicopters were shot down in the waco siege spoiler alert that didn't [ __ ] happen after claiming the branch davidians used 50 bmg rifles to shoot at helicopters during the waco siege david chipman releases never before seen photos for proof oh no oh [ __ ] i guess i'm wrong the guy's got photo evidence just like the guy whose girlfriend's totally real and just lives in canada david the waco kid chipman also known as child killer chipman dave crispy kids chipman among others present at waco plus 84 dead branch davidians including 25 children minus four atf agents plus one dr pepper plus one war trophy photo again disputed but you'd be the judge passive ability does not even view you as a human we'll send people to kill you and your entire family for putting 11 rounds in a magazine or even having a detachable magazine to begin with thinks all semi-autos over 22 are assault weapons negative 100 critical thinking negative 1 000 rights senior leadership for operation fast and furious negative 50 accountability plus 2 000 guns to cartels we'll get to that one in a minute lies openly about helicopters being shot down a waco minus 200 integrity passive ability turncoat tyrant can arbitrarily reinterpret laws to fit anti-gun agenda not even hiding it at this point on payroll of well-funded anti-gun lobbies which is actually true he was after leaving the atf an anti-gun lobbyist for the giffords group definitely not an awesome thing for somebody who's going to be potentially controlling the organization that handles gun regulation at the bottom we also do have a link to the fire and policy coalition help stop this man help gun policy go to fight shipment dot com actually do like the firearm policy coalition quite a lot talked about them a little bit before and they've been memeing the hell out of this chipman confirmation thing [ __ ] david chitman what i said [ __ ] david chicken i heard you the first time i just wanted to hear it again [Music] but so far we're just hitting the things that he was involved in at the same agency as not anything about his you know career personally that's going to change here in a second we've actually got a couple things you may not have heard of yet that aren't you know little ghosts from mr chipman's past we're going to get into that after we thank this video sponsor which is 80 arms 80 arms is a fantastic company for getting your hands on some ghost scats while you still can they sell 80 they sell the jigs to complete said 80 and pretty much everything on their website will absolutely piss david chipman off which that's alright by me they're a big supporter of the firearm policy coalition and a supporter of our channel as well so if you want to check him out use the code in the description and in the pinned comment he'll piss off mr chipman anyway let's do a little bit more digging into mr chipman's career at the atf now regardless of what you think of the atf their current duties somebody who is being nominated by the president of the united states to be the director of this government entity uh you'd think they would be you know qualified and have a really distinguished career and not [ __ ] up a reasonable ask i think no you know for somebody who claims to be so paranoid about guns ending up where they don't belong he has a weird history of losing his gun we were told multiple times by his former colleagues that he had lost his service weapon now i will admit i don't have a law enforcement background but ah that sounds like a [ __ ] oopsie thankfully it wasn't one of those evil assault weapons it was just a handgun that statistically are used in the majority of uh firearm crimes awesome okay okay okay waco let's make like the feds and sweep that under the rug and maybe he wasn't the best field agent but yeah you know some people are better chiefs than indians so i'm sure everything got a lot better after he moved up to a management position well [ __ ] which branch where wow it sounds like this guy's career advancement was uh fast and furious no one should have access to assault rifles unless it's a mexican cartel yes david chipman is linked to not one but two national embarrassments for the atf fast and furious of course being the atf program to try to trace weapons being smuggled to the cartels in mexico that accidentally forgot to track the guns that they were smuggling into mexico yeah only only a few americans died it's okay it's probably a bureaucratic oversight to be honest this is just government privilege the atf doesn't even have to lose their guns in a boating accident they just you know misplaced them in a in a cartel accident so we've kind of gone through his career in chronological order more or less and talked about a lot of the [ __ ] this guy's done this is normally the part where we end this segment and go to just miscellaneous gun memes however since this episode seems to be devoted to you know roasting david chip and i figured but why not we've got plenty of memes that did not fit into that timeline and it's just fun other people sending money to the goa or fpc to fight for gun rights me paying atf interns to rip a fart in dave chipman's office when they deliver his coffee war war never changes is it just me or does david chipman look like ellen degeneres yeah except instead of starring in finding nemo he was starring in finding nemo arms although to be fair something david chipman has that alan doesn't are some destructive device registration level mommy milkers some people like bread percent have in fact gone as far as to describe him as a milf if i rip that second amendment out will you die it would be extremely painful you're a big document for you yeah i've said it once i've said it a million times if you look into why the second amendment was written not a great idea to try to take that away luckily it looks like he may not get a chance to you see we were originally going to record this video to come out on thursday but we realized that's when his confirmation hearing was going to happen so we wanted to kind of see how that was going to play out first before we did a whole video on it of course then the shocking thing happened something i would not have predicted it looks like they didn't have the votes to actually confirm him as director they needed at least a firm 50-50 tie because ties and of course in the senate are broken by the vice president who would have voted for him it looks like he's made the confirmations enough of a [ __ ] show that they don't have the confidence that they have all the votes anymore which is why they actually just postponed it the new date for the hearing is now june 24th which means guys it's actually working please keep talking to your senators and reaching out and telling them to vote against this [ __ ] if just a couple of democratic senators turn against this guy which it looks like they might this guy might not ever get to hold office i personally was fine with just delaying it just mitigate the damage as much as possible make sure there's a small enough window that he doesn't get in as director but it actually looks like there's a chance we could beat this because if you don't like the atf right now you better believe it's going to be a [ __ ] nightmare if somebody like this gets in because it's going to be the night of the long knives on the inside he is going to purge everybody in the atf that does not ideologically line up with the idea that they are there to take your guns but anyway keep making those memes about this dude because frankly i find them hilarious i hope you guys enjoyed this video uh it's kind of a new style for gun meme review doing a little bit more of an in-depth roast mixing in some real life factoids with of course some irrelevant gun memes if you like this video and you have ideas of who else should be on the chopping block please let me know we might do one of these again uh who knows but uh we appreciate you guys staying to the end of the video and as always i will see you sexy youtube mundo lovers [Music]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 967,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, Gun meme review, roast, David Chipman, atf, aft, confirmation, cursed gun images, fpc, Waco, biden
Id: pOYIrVI8v0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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