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gone meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and welcome back to another episode your favorite crap internet show before we get started in this episode let me address the elephant in the room and by elephant i mean a puppy you won't flip around so this right here is baby ada you've probably seen from my social media a little bit that yes i do now have a puppy we think she's a lab mixed with the german shepherd maybe and she's the cutest thing ever right daddy's done using you as a prop you can go away now but yes now that i do have a puppy of my own i've really got to make sure i stay in the atf's good graces or use her as an offering haven't decided which i'm obviously just playing atf please don't shoot my new dog we will come back around and talk about the atf a little bit later we got plenty of memes for you guys this time around first of all relating to uh well a bit of a news mishap so as you guys probably know there's a new trend at sports arenas across the country whenever there's a lull in the action start chanting [ __ ] joe biden [Applause] now for the record for youtube i'm not endorsing this at all i'm just saying that people across the country are saying [ __ ] joe biden [ __ ] you as i would never get political on this channel uh you know this is not necessarily my sentiment but uh you know across the nation at sporting events people are chanting loudly [ __ ] joe biden but anyhow to the surprise of nobody one of the places that this was happening was a nascar race nascar being something i was kind of unaware until this happened was still kind of a relevant thing but this member of the media was interviewing a race car driver apparently named brandon while the crowd erupted in shouts of [ __ ] joe biden this is such an unbelievable moment brandon you awesome what followed next was probably one of the worst cover-ups in modern media brandon you also told me as you can hear the chance from the the crowd let's go brandon brandon you told me i don't know if she was hoping that the audio would be a little less clear than it was but they were clearly not shouting let's go brandon so this clip obviously went viral recently political pages have been sharing it left and right people are now starting to print flags and t-shirts saying let's go brandon obviously a dog whistle for uh [ __ ] joe biden now as my name is also brandon this took all of about 12 seconds for me to start hearing ak-50 jokes nbc reporter sounds like the crowd wants the ak guy to finish the ak-50 at least it's a little bit more positive you know let's go brandon instead of wear ak-50 which i hear even though i [ __ ] show that gun off every three weeks on this goddamn channel didn't take long before i saw this all over in my comments on instagram and people just leaving comments let's go brandon paddle [ __ ] actual they love me well regulated even went as far as making a post uh suggesting that we should do a t-shirt run with the ak-50 saying let's go brandon and you know what i say to that i say two of the pillars that this channel has been built on is memes and the ak-50 and i love giving people what they want except a couple of you you're weird but with that in mind wardrobe change that is right we now have let's go brandon t-shirts possibly limited edition available at bunker branding right now leave the link in the description a hundred percent of the proceeds from this shirt will go toward funding the next ak-50 prototype and i promise i won't use it for hookers and blow yeah i think it's pretty cool shirt little silhouette action of the v2 going on there so if you want to get one of these you have two options one you can buy one right now from bunker branding two you can make sure that you're subscribed and make sure that youtube hasn't unsubscribed to as well because that does occasionally happen but beyond that clicking that notification icon so that you can comment in the first hour of a video upload that we do and you can enter to win cool merch like this from bunker branding from me because i love you it's kind of cool being able to use cool [ __ ] like this to be able to fund gun design so moving on last gun meme review we talked about undercover feds at that really sus dc rally if you don't remember it was referencing uh these inconspicuous totally not feds who may or may not have been reno may if they aren't reno may they were 100 part of his fraternity usually i don't go back on the topics from last gun meme review but i got one that was just too good when all of the feds show up to the same rally and try to arrest each other this is such a [ __ ] high effort photoshop i just had to include it this is [ __ ] perfect down to the sunglasses watches t-shirts shorts whole nine yards when the capitol police cia fbi dea and atf all show up at the same rally and attempt to arrest the others you know atf aft whatever of course everybody knows the joe biden atf aft meme of course at this point to serve as the director of the aft i'm afraid it's no longer a meme this was pointed out today to me by my boy zach google atf 5300-4 on the atf.gov website they have uploaded a pdf calling themselves the aft is this a mistake probably could it be that the higher-ups at the atf are so on board with the president's agenda that they will actually retcon their own name of their organization so he doesn't sound like he's misspeaking in his speeches is this actually happening is this the 1984 memory hole next are they gonna say it was never the atf and it was always the aft is this backwards world because i feel like i'm losing my [ __ ] mind you know what would cheer me up from this right now a marty robins meme i present you the latest meme in the marty robbins gunfighter ballads album cover art meme threat run he big this is made for me by the tiny details [ __ ] die ah that's so stupid but i do feel better oh memes opiates of the masses so my last video was called the weirdest gun i've ever bought referring to the really funky calico m100 it's a 22 caliber uh kind of experimental weapon from like the 70s and 80s really kind of neat but definitely pretty [ __ ] weird kel-tec no what did i do sorry force of habit see i think the calico actually came before the kel-tec kel tech just took the reins of the cocaine choo choo train gun design tactic where calico failed kel-tec succeeded i don't know they make a lot of stuff if nothing else i appreciate the fact that they pushed the boundaries of gun design with weird [ __ ] and i know a lot of you guys out there are interested in the gun design stuff because i covered a lot on the channel so if you are go ahead and check out sdi.edu it'll leave a link down in the description and in the pin comment good starting point for a lot of you guys that are interested in doing this as a career so if you're interested i'd check them out fun fact no state in the nation requires a dog to have a carry permit ada no i'm just kidding i already have my north carolina carry permit also i'm living in texas now which currently no longer requires you to have a carry permit freedom's awesome speaking of freedom me and donut recently went to a place that doesn't have any los angeles well they do have legal pot so i guess that is a point in the freedom category but i care about guns a lot more than that but we were down in the city of angels for a couple of days uh going to vidsummit conference itself was cool met a couple of cool people however it did require us to be in la we were clearly very enthusiastic about this when your mom says you can't have a sleepover this fits way better than it should brandon and donut visit australia maybe i should go to australia one day visit some cool people like slash papi and whatnot okay i won't go right now they're uh going through some things much love by the way to my aussie viewers i don't forget about you although i do find it extraordinarily weird that your toilets flush backwards 11 personality traits of a sigma male gun owner you have no friends to go to the range with you spend too much money on guns and gear you call every woman who shoots a gun bunny your favorite movie is heat or red dawn you dream of running away in the woods your survival gear has guns and ammo but no toilet paper you get upset when your favorite handgun is insulted you listen to podcasts with former spec ops guys you have [ __ ] in the dark with your nods on you follow awful gun meme pages on social media and you never clean your guns i'm not trying to brag about my uh sigma male personality or anything like that but i at least fall into at least five maybe six of these categories it's real sigma hours boys when some kid starts telling me which gun is best for edc based on his war zone loadout first of all go outside and touch the grass i have no [ __ ] run into this in real life i love the fact that video games and movies and tv shows are bringing people into the gun community i think that's [ __ ] awesome i've always thought guns are cool but i'm not gonna lie early on in my teenage years a lot of that was fueled by what i saw in movies and video games that i wanted in fact i think outreach to the video game community is one of the most important [ __ ] things we could be doing in this country right now to bring more people into the gun community and teach them how to operate firearms safely and preserve the second amendment if you argue with me about technical details of a firearm and use your video game experience as your authority to do so i'm going to choke you out in my imagination at least argue from your tarkov experience i still won't respect you but at least then i'll understand the boys and i looking at ammo prices oh especially since that [ __ ] russian ammo ban russian ammo prices in this country are too damn high hey remember that village you told us not to shoot at no matter what hypothetically what would happen if it doesn't exist anymore no no i'm just curious well that got [ __ ] dark so i tell you what that's probably a good place to wrap this episode of gunman review before you click off be sure to like the video i do appreciate it and i appreciate you guys staying all the way to the end and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] [Music] if you argue with me about the technical [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 735,118
Rating: 4.9512367 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, gun meme review, let’s go Brandon, meme, ak50, Ak-50, nascar, donut operator, ATF, cursed gun images
Id: 8wqrMHNur8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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