The Helldivers 2 Community is INSANE (Live Service Done Right)

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hell divers 2 came out exactly 2 weeks ago the first game was well loved by its fans but it didn't receive much attention Beyond a core group of Gamers the second one though has skyrocketed in popularity and continues to grow bigger and bigger as more people realize the sheer fun involved in spreading managed democracy across the Galaxy within an incredibly short space of time the game has a dedicated community and I love to see it it's burst into life and today there are thousands of Hell divers sharing Clips requesting Aid and generally having a phenomenal time together in this video we're going to look at everything that's helped to create the beautiful Community which is racing to fight the universe's greatest War there is so much to talk about whether it's the deeply satisfying gameplay the refreshing take on live service and microtransactions the immersive way in which the galactic War works at the center of it all though everything comes together to make for a community that is really something special of course we are going to discuss the amazing development behind the game as well as the CEO of Arrowhead whose Twitter account alone has brought the fellow hell divers together in a United quest to protect super Earth's way of life this is why the hell divers Community has become so good already in 2024 I'm making a big push in variety and that means other games than just destiny which a lot of you guys follow me for so if you like this kind of content make sure you subscribe cuz there will be plenty of Hell divers on this channel also in my Discord I do have a massive channel for hell divers so if you guys are ever looking for a group you can always join that there's a link in the description and if you're watching this I'm probably live right now playing hell divers on Twitch so come by and fight for democracy first and foremost I got to say hell divers 2 is simply a really fun game to play it's got an engaging addictive gameplay loot and even though its missions have you doing essentially similar objectives each one feels unique enough to be entertaining each time what's more is that the gun play is really satisfying each weapon you acquire feels incredible as you shoot it and each of them has their own variable of mastering the weapon the same goes for the strategems that you call down to either Aid you and your team or annihilate your enemies now realistically some of the weapons are okay and then there's the shotgun some of the strategems are okay and then there's the ones where you kill your teammates with the mortars having to use the d-pad on PlayStation or the WD keys on PC is really interesting and an effective Choice by the developers it's weirdly immersive and relatively easy to call down strategems when nothing's happening but when you're getting overwhelmed by hordes of bugs or Bots calling in strategems turns into a nerve-wracking task which seems to make it all the more satisfying when you master it unfortunately for my Xbox box fans out there this game it it hasn't found its way to you yet but it will as the name suggests using your strategems effectively means that hell divers 2 walks the line between intense tactical combat and FPS spray and prey fun of course at the higher difficulties there is currently a meta that is all but necessary for any respective diver but the beauty of live service is that this is sure to change over time speaking of live service Arrowhead has taken the live service for format that we all know and uh mostly dislike and they put it into a new Direction I'll discuss it more later in the video but the way in which hell divers 2 breaks the mold is undoubtedly attractive for many in addition to this the way in which the game handles microtransactions is simply phenomenal the premium currency can be earned in game and it's easy to collect enough to unlock the premium version of the battle pass compared to other games this is a breath of fresh air it keeps getting better as well because Arrowhead have confirm that PVP will never come to Hell divers 2 which makes complete sense given the format of the game I get it PVP is fun but you cannot deny that adding PVP to most games especially when they're dedicated for PVE creates a balancing Nightmare and this exact reason has played games like Destiny 2 for years and years although some of these games big cell is PVP if the game was never made for PVP in mind why force it all of these decisions and features have ensured that at its heart hell divers 2 is just a really fun game to play however one there are two other integral aspects of Hell divers experience which have allowed for its meteoric rise the first is the unintentional comedy that arises from playing the game and the second is the pure genius in which the galactic War Works within the hell divers Universe the galactic war is the most important undertaking Humanity has ever experienced and the hell divers themselves are elite soldiers dedicated to spreading in and maintaining managed democracy it's clear that the writing is deliberately lampooning Ultra nationalistic dystopias just look at the tutorial I won't let you down there's a hell diver you remind me of a younger me but nonetheless the conflict that you engage in is presented as being incredibly serious this means that when things go wrong and uh they will the byproduct is hilarious comedy in almost every single mission because it's just funny to see your character ragd dolling through the air because you got demolished by one of your teammates orbital barrages or that godamn mortar on top of that the voice acting in Hell divers 2 is perfect just listen to what happens when your character gets injured firearm there are so many games that try to be funny deliberately and end up being too over the top or cringeworthy Hell divers 2 doesn't intentionally try to make you laugh but you end up laughing all the same because of the contrast between its tone and the events that you go through the slapstick humor makes the game incredibly immersive to the point where you'll have people acting out as soldiers but it also has the effect of allowing players to bond over the stupid things that have happened to them in the game I think it definitely helps that all the currency you pick up within the missions is shared so accidentally or deliberately killing your friends and randoms doesn't really affect your chances of success that much even though you will have to pick up their samples I've had so many memorable moments with my teammates that stuck with me not necessarily because they were badass or cool but because well just have a look what a little bit what what was that what the I died to it there's dude railing my of course this is only the part of the reason that hell divers 2 has become so popular it's safe to say that another part is the incredibly clever mechanics of the galactic war for those of you who aren't aware every single mission that hell divers completes contributes to a larger goal the defense or liberation of planets across the Galaxy this is a really smart way of using live service to make your game more popular being able to directly contribute towards an active warfront and seeing your contributions flash up on screen at the end of each Mission makes players feel like they are part of something larger than themselves it makes them feel United it's unironically to the Future I'm doing my part I'm doing my part I'm doing my part I'm doing my part too when everyone contributes towards the success of the entire player base everyone is part of the larger Community I think it helps people feel really included no matter what difficulty you're doing no matter how experienced you are no matter how many accidentals you've got in a single Mission you are a part of the community all of the things we have discussed have the potential to set up a massive dedicated Community but we also got to talk about the ways in which Arrowhead themselves have contributed towards the success how many of you have heard of a diabolical TV show called The Boys even if you haven't you might have seen the VA social media accounts online essentially VA is the superhero company that represents the main antagonist in the universe of the boys in the real world Amazon is being pretty good with social media what's amazing is the fans of the show reply as if they're in the universe too this ironic roleplay is perfect for the hell divers 2 universe and Arrowhead has completely embraced it look at the ways in which the automaton assault campaign update was announced Freedom's greetings I'm your host ketta Kelly with breaking news the automatons have just launched surprise invasions of multiple developed worlds in response the hell divers have been part partially redirected from operation Valiant enclosure to defend against the bot incursion that's Liberty's latest I'm ketta Kelly in the same vein as the boys fans of Hell divers 2 engage in an ironic roleplay in the comments too of course people really don't believe in the supremacy of managed democracy and the need to defend super Earth but it is kind of fun to pretend to Noe nope this statement isn't treasonous there's no need to report me to your nearest democracy officer I promise in all seriousness though it's pretty genius marketing and it's happening on the hell diver subreddit too it's perfect for everyone involved because it's good publicity for Arrowhead but it also brings players together as it's basically just one big inside joke this relates to the memes that have spawned since the hell divers launch I swear to God if I see another meme about Malon Creek I'm going to lose it these are just great again this makes for a much stronger Community because fans of the games can relate to their fellow players and feel connected to the game itself it also helps that Arrowhead retweets these memes as well as fan art of the game I really think the success of Hell divers 2 and the growth of the wonderful Community has to be partly credited to the ways in which the devs have effectively used social media to generate hype and interest to the game they've been doing the best possible job we also need to discuss the role that the CEO of Arrowhead has played and I hope I say his name correctly Johan pilad I hope I said that right he has played an incredible role in the popularity of the game and has caused even more growth within the hell divers 2 Community pillis dead on Twitter has been incredibly open and candid about news related to Hell divers 2 as well as the challenge of dealing with a live service that is suddenly more popular than originally anticipated for instance in this tweet he discussed the Studio's approach on monetization in Live service games in this one he explains that the game game will not introduce PVP it's important to note that this was the first announcement of this news so it came directly from the CEO himself this kind of communication from the very upper echelons of a studio is incredibly refreshing but that's not the only reason why he has been winning fans over from almost day one of Hell divers 2 launch he shared a really important piece of news about the hiring practices of Arrowhead given the immense success of the game in this tweet he condemns the act of over hiring in than doing layoffs describing it as a horrible practice given the waves of layoffs in the gaming industry we have seen over the course of the past year this was received as further evidence that the people behind hell divers 2 not only care about their game and their Community but care about the developers who work tirelessly to ensure its success after all if the CEO himself believes in this kind of rhetoric it's reasonable to assume that the executives of Arrowhead follow suit something that was almost unbelievable was when he told a fan of the game that despite being the CEO he thinks that it wouldn't be a good idea to purchase the game until the server issues had been sorted out this massively contrasts with a lot of other popular games which almost treat their fans as a wallet it makes me really happy to see a higher up being so transparent and honest with their customers and undoubtedly this kind of interaction only makes Arrowhead and Hell divers 2 more popular on top of all this the CEO interacts with the community in numerous ways sharing fan art on Twitter asking for people's funniest clips from the game even discussing the possibility of getting a hell divers tattoo almost every single cool thing that the hell divers Community shares online is Amplified and appreciated by the people who work behind the scenes on the game The Good Vibes aren't limited to the CEO 2 apparently the person who handles community support for hell divers 2 got locked out of her account because she was sending too many DMS to accommodate players asking for help honestly when developers help communities grow like this there's no limit to how much the game can achieve Arrowhead have made a great game and they continue to act in ways which cement them as a genuinely good Studio hell divers 2 is a really well-made game entertaining with phenomenal social media strategy an ever expanding Community full of passion for squashing terid and crushing automatons the same Community continues to grow more and more as the game begins to roll out new content and devel velop its genius live service aspect of the galactic War it's safe to say that hell divers 2 will become more and more popular so what does the future look like for this brilliant game there are already large amounts of people who are suggesting that the game should be on Xbox and as some Xbox games are being released on Playstation a multi console hell divers 2 could be possible it's safe to say that there will be more and more content added as the game progresses the original hell divers features all sorts of enemy races vehicles in mechs which I'm sure will show up at some point and the devs have already teased the upcoming Mech which I think will cause even more Mayhem than they can even conceive with a loyal Community a caring and well-run development team and at a base level a really enjoyable game playay experience I think hell divers 2 is going to keep smashing records for years to come thank you so much for watching I appreciate it a lot I'll see you guys next time oh my all to dive reload um guys um I I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry nice and [ __ ] easy chat are you impressed or what aim for the bushes where you going then then what the it's not shooting yet oh I'm the only one alive jeez hey what button is that all4 man who told me all F4 bro D did you press alt f4 no way you pressed that bro BR why what the [ __ ] no guys I shot the hell bomb advis
Channel: evanf1997
Views: 149,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 review, evanf1997, evanf1997 helldivers 2, evanf1997 editor, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers community, helldivers 2 community, the helldivers 2 community is insane, live service done right, helldivers 2 boss, helldivers 2 end game, helldivers 2 raid, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 community moment, malevelon creek, helldivers, helldivers 2 xbox, helldivers 2 destiny killer, destiny killer, evanf1997 helldivers community
Id: 3_VD12cmYhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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